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KARL BREITER 2919 E. Kentucky Ave., Holladay, Utah 84117 kb12f45dc@westpost.

net (801) 278-5416

CHIEF ENGINEER Design & Development / Manufacturing - Engineering Liaison / Operations / Vendor Coordination Program-Project-Product Management / TQM / Cost Control / Design & Process Impro vement As an experienced engineer who uniquely combines design, fabrication, and operat ions expertise with business acumen, I have developed and implemented creative s olutions to seemingly intractable engineering problems. My experience encompasse s creation and manufacturing of large and small products from conception through build. I have developed and put in place strategies to cut costs, streamline operations , preserve lucrative contracts and enhance the bottom line. Employing next-gener ation technologies, I build and lead cross-functional teams for consistently suc cessful large government contract design and fabrication programs. Developing and implementing resourceful engineering solutions Leading programs/projects to on-target completion Creating testing procedures to ensure functionality Improving operational and manufacturing processes With a proven record of success, I have won numerous awards including 12 Team Re cognition awards, three Creating Value cost-savings awards, three Saving Achieve ment awards, and a Superior Contributor award. My BS degree in Aerospace Enginee ring is from Pennsylvania State University. SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS Slashed parts rejection rate. Problems with the forging/heat treatment process o f large steel parts was negatively impacting ATKs ability to meet performance an d safety standards. Developed and implemented testing processes that identified problem areas. Initiated cost-effective solution that saved $600K per year. Created new design for key next-generation Space Shuttle part. The ability to me et the re-use requirement for metal parts in the new shuttle was in doubt. The p arts could be easily assembled, but not disassembled. Proposed change to interna l joints allowing disassembly as needed. New design was adopted, preserving $2M contract. Redesigned shuttle booster component. ATK took over a contract for small rocket booster motors. Previous vendors case design was overly complex and prevented re pair if necessary. Evaluated problem and redesigned machining processes allowing for parts interchangeability and repair. Reduced scrap rate and saved $1.5M per . Identified and solved manufacturing problem. ATK discovered manufacturing vendor had mis-machined 18 large shuttle booster parts resulting in an inability to re -use the parts (a contract requirement). Led investigation team and identified r oot-cause of problem. Designed and implemented $450 solution that saved $1.9M. Developed tool recycle plan. ATK kept old obsolete tooling at various vendors, c osting thousand of dollars to store and maintain. Key member of team to identify

what could be reused or modified and what was junk. Developed and implemented t ool reuse plan, saving company $500K and winning major cost-saving award. Redesigned O-rings for next generation space shuttle. ATKs contract for O-rings required that they perform at low temperatures. Led team to develop test on full -scale booster demonstration to prove ability to meet reliability requirements. Product successful passed, ensuring timely shuttle launches, avoiding $1M per la unch delay loss. CAREER HISTORY ATK Launch Systems, $1B aerospace and defense manufacturer. Chief Engineer, Ares Project Engineering, 2007 to 2010. Directed metal components and sealing for next generation Space Shuttle. for design team. Built and led cross functional teams of made up nalysts, production, quality, and management. Managed budgets up engineering for Set priorities of engineers, a to $3M.

Senior Engineering/Scientist, Design Engineering, 1991 to 2007. Responsible for design and testing of new and future metal hardware for various technical progra ms. Design/fabrication and re-use engineering requirements development and imple mentation. Managed team of three engineers. Earlier: Started as Lead/Principal Engineer, R&D, Design Engineering for Hercule s Aerospace. Responsible for design, fabrication, and monitoring of graphite/met al sub-assemblies. Outside Interests: In my free time I enjoy golf, hiking, camping, skiing, music, and sports.

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