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75 Choices to Get Kids to Cooperate Sampling collected from parents over the years

Dressing: 1. Do you want to put on your pants or your shirt first? 2. Do you want to wear your crocs or your tennies? 3. Do you want to put on your right or left shirt first? 4. Do you want to wear your coat or carry it? 5. Do you want to wear your mittens or wait until your hands get cold? 6. Do you want to zip up your coat or have me do it? 7. Do you want your red jacket or blue coat? 8. Do you want to change your diaper over here or over there? 9. Do you want to wear your underwear forward or backward? 10. Do you want to dress in your bedroom or in the living room 11. Do you want to go to school with your clothes on your body or your clothes in a bag? Eating: 12. Do you want to wear the yellow bib or the green one? 13. Do you want your cup filled this much or that much? 14. Do you want the red cup or blue cup? 15. Do you want the napkin by the fork or by the knife? 16. Do you want apple juice or grape juice? 17. Do you want to eat what's served or carrots & yogurt? 18. Do you want to eat whats served or pay me for what you eat out of the pantry/frig? Bath time 19. Do you want mommy or daddy to give you a bath? 20. Do you want to take a bath or a shower? 21. Do you want to read a story before or after your bath? 22. Do you want to play with ducky or boat while taking your bath? 23. Do you want to have your hair washed like Cinderella or Snow White? Brushing teeth 24. Do you want to brush your teeth in your bathroom or mom & dad's bathroom? 25. Do you want to use the green or blue toothbrush? 26. Do you want to put the toothpaste on the brush or have me? 27. Do you want to brush your teeth before or after your bedtime story

Shelly Moorman


Bedtime 28. Do you want to wear puppy or kitty pj's? 29. Do you want to put on your pajama top or bottom first? 30. Do you want to read one or two stories? 31. Do you want to sleep on the bed or on the floor? 32. Do you want to sleep under or on top of the covers? 33. Do you want the light on or off? 34. Do you want me to lay down with you for 3 or 4 minutes? 35. Do you want the door open or shut? Carseat: 36. Do you want to sing ABCs or Old McDonalds while buckling your seatbelt? 37. Do you want to buckle or have me buckle you in? 38. Do you want to hold this book or that toy while Im buckling you in? Washing Hands: 39. Do you want to wash your hands in the kitchen sink or bathroom sink? 40. Do you want to turn on the water or have me turn on the water? 41. Do you want to wash your right hand or your left hand first? Going places: 42. Do you want to fly like superman or crawl like a spider-man to the (car, bedroom, Joey's house) 43. Should we leave now or after 2 more pushes on the swing? 44. Do you want to fly like a bird to the car or waddle like a duck? 45. Do you want to gather your things to go now or at the next TV commercial? Homework: 46. Do you want to do your homework before or after your snack 47. Do you want to do your homework with or without radio/TV? 48. Do you want to do your homework at kitchen or dining room table? 49. Do you want to do your math or your spelling first? 50. Do you want to use this pencil or that one? 51. Do you want to do the odd problems first or even ones? 52. Are you going to do your homework before bed or get up early and do it? Chores: 53. Do you want to clear the plates or the glasses first? 54. Do you want to set the silverware first or the plates first? 55. Do you want to load the dishwasher or empty the garbage? 56. Do you want to vacuum or clean the bathroom? 57. Do you want to do your chores or hire someone else to do them? Shelly Moorman 303-941-6278

58. Do you want to get your chores done now, with my help, or later on your own? Curfew: 59. Do you want to come home now or do you need another 30 minutes with your friends? 60. Do you think 10:00 or 10:30 would work best? 61. Do you want to leave me a list of friends and their numbers or have me call all your friends parents to get the numbers? Morning: 62. Do you want to set your alarm for 6:00 or 6:15? 63. Do you want mom to wake you up or have the alarm wake you? 64. Are you going to eat breakfast first or get dress first? 65. Are you going to pack your lunch in the morning or before you go to bed? 66. Are you going to catch the bus or pay someone to take you to school?

Toys 67. Do you want to pick up the blocks or the dolls? 68. Do you want to sing Old McDonald while picking up the toys or ABCs? 69. Do you want to pick up the toys before or after the snack? 70. Do you want to pick up your toys after 1 story or after 2 stories? Other 71. Do you want to stay close to mom like a tall soldier or jump like a kangaroo? Laundry 72. Do you want to get 2 pts or 3 pts for shooting your clothes into the hamper? 73. Do you want to put your shirts or your pants into the hamper first? 74. Do you want to fold your pants or hang up your shirts? 75. Do you want to carry your clothes to the laundry room in one bundle or two bundles?

Shelly Moorman


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