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STEVEN MUTNICK 511 De Carli Court Mobile 408- 836-3698 Campbell, CA 95008 Home 408-866-8509 PROFILE Sr.

Contracts and Partner Mgr. Sun Application and Learning Services Results driven Business Strategist and negotiator with 20+ years experience in p rogram management, contracting and negotiations with focus on enhancing operatio nal efficiencies, increasing revenues, cost reduction ,developing solutions and negotiating partner and customer agreements in support of mission-critical busin ess processes. Provide vision and dedicated leadership on mission critical proje cts reporting directly to Sr. Mangement . High level of business acumen with str ong ability to translate business objectives into concrete, workable, results dr iven agreements. Superb negotiations and program management skills, problem solv ing, communication skills with experience in development, mentoring, training of high quality professionals. Core competencies include: * Complex Deal Negotiations & Contracting * Cost Control and Reduction * Partner Issue identification and resolution * Business Process Outsourcing/Con sultants/Reengineering * Supplier Management * Change Management & Process Re-Engineering * Marketing agreements * Revenue/Profit Improvement * Development and Royalty Agreements. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara California SR. CONTRACTS/PARTNERSHIP MANAGER FOR SOFTWARE AND LEARNING SERVICES 2008- PRESENT RESPONSIBLE FOR PARTNER/CUSTOMER AGREEMENTS AND PARTNER MANAGEMENT FROM PROJEC T INITIATION THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION. RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSLATING PROJECT OBJECTI VES INTO CONCISE, ACTIONABLE REQUIREMENTS AND FOR CRAFTING AGREEMENTS TO OPTIMIZ E FOR SUCCESS AND CONTROL FOR RISK. STRONG CONSENSUS BUILDING CAPABILITY, ABILI TY TO LEAD CROSS-ORGANIZATIONAL TEAMS WITH COMPETING REQUIREMENTS. DEMONSTRATED ABILITY TO CONCURRENTLY MANAGE MULTIPLE PROJECTS, AND PRODUCE HIGH VALUE RESULT S IN A TIMELY FASHION. DEMONSTRATED ABILITY TO WORK UNDER PRESSURE AND RESOLVE A D HOC ISSUES ON A TIMELY BASIS. Other Key responsibilities: Lead negotiations with partners on major agreements ($5.0m+). Overall responsibility for department templates, training on contract terms and conditions, setting up negotiation teams. Recent Projects: * Lead cross-functional operations team for selection of new partner channels an d identification of new revenue opportunities. Assisted in developing new agreem ents with legal on content, coursework, and cloud computing projects . * Negotiated global publishing and co-marketing deal for use of Sun content and Sun web technologies in the education market place. Deal included IP development , royalty/revenue sharing arrangements and co marketing event planning. Drafted the hosting templates for us on this and similar initiatives. Drafted and negoti ated statement of work critical terms. * Developed and Negotiated detail SOW with payments tied to specific results d riven metrics. * Revised and renegotiated terms on Education Reseller and Education Center agre ements resulting in an average 3-4% margin improvement per contract for FY09 thr ough changes in delivery process and royalty splits between partners and Sun. GLOBAL SOURCING MANAGER 1999-2007 Global Sourcing Manager for HR, Facilities and IT. Reported to Director Global S ourcing. Lead/Worked with various departments in company's first initiative for

web based procurement tools (including adoption of dynamic bidding events). Lead first Software use of DBE's for software and manufacturing component parts. Th is resulted in cost savings increases of 15%-25% on components. Worked with grou ps to establish Service Level Agreements company wide standards for Service Leve l Agreement and quarterly customer reviews and scorecards. Negotiated lease revi sion on Sun facilities in bay area to reduce space and reduce cost. Held overall responsibility for negotiations of all in-bound technology deals. N egotiated agreements with most major technology suppliers IBM, Nextance, EDS Se rvices, AT&T, IBM, , Cisco, Apple, etc. Negotiated Sun's outsource agreements ( ADP outsourcing, Legal outsourscing) . Negotiated major consulting agreements w ith Wipro, Tata, Infosys. Negotiated and Developed Hosting agreements, Applica tion Hosting Agreements. Strong knowledge and use of Dynamic Bidding events for inbound products. Extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of partner m anagement. Drafted complex large scope/dollar Statements of Work, Service Level Agreements, RFI's RFP's etc.. Lead teams on dispute resolutions involving major supplier/partner engagements. Challenged to develop business strategies, polici es and procedures on technology procurements. Assisted on Sun's playbook on neg otiations strategies for fulfillment of supplier deliverables. Negotiations lead for Sun IT on software and outsourcing agreements. SIEMENS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, INC. Santa Clara, CA 2/98 - 9/99 Procurement Program Manager Responsible for multimillion dollar 3rd party negotiations and writing of purcha sing, distribution and development agreements for software and hardware subsyste ms. Established strategic sourcing alliances with key subcontractors. Lead team negotiations on major subcontracts which included price, delivery, quality, de velopment, warranty, Y2k, and other liability issues. Interfaced with other depa rtments personnel and Sr. Management on subcontract supplier selection,RFP, RFI, terms and conditions. Worked as a team player with the departments supported in cluding our own Procurement Program Management Team in successfully selling our added value to other in house customers. NORTHERN TELECOM INC., Santa Clara, CA Corporate Contracts Manager: 1996 to 1998 Responsible for the development, implementation and management of Corporate Supp ly Management's support to Nortel for the global acquisition of Systems Technolo gy, Licensing and Services. Coordinate and manage corporate/local contracting o f targeted special needs required to improve the quality and time to market of f uture products and platforms. * Responsible for commercial and technical Supply Management for Capital, OEM, S oftware products and services * Project planning, cost reduction, supplier performance analysis, risk assessme nt and management * Negotiation of Global Supply Agreements * Interact with technical development, peers and senior management * Provide consultation to internal customers in support of specific initiatives

NORTHERN TELECOM INC. Senior Team Leader Commodity Buyer 996:

1994 to 1

Responsible for the management of the procurement process in support of Nortel's Switching Manufacturing Operations, Information Systems, Facilities and Consult ing Services in compliance with all applicable policies and procedures. * Developed services, software consultants and contracting agreements * Managed the procurement of a complex portfolio of products * Initiated and implemented material cost reduction programs * Responsible for supplier selection, development, qualification and initiation of agreements to support Nortel's manufacturing production requirements * Ensured supplier compliance with Nortel's supply management objectives * Negotiated strategic supply agreements for Western Regional Purchasing Departm ent DIALOG INFORMATION SERVICES, Palo Alto, CA Senior Contracting Officer: 1989 to 1994 Senior Contracts Specialist/Administrator with direct responsibility for plannin g, directing, controlling and managing complex purchasing, contracting and subco ntracting activities between Dialog and its customers and vendors. Negotiated a nd administered contracts valued in excess of $10 million annually for the procurement of materials, parts, supplies, software, technology and serv ices. Provided strategic contract negotiation, administrative and management support t o personnel, activities and departments throughout the corporation. Served as R elief Department Manager with direct responsibility for personnel assignment and supervision. Personally managed sensitive, complex and large-dollar negotiatio n with customers and vendors Provided strategic input in establishing contracting policies and procedures. P repared, coordinated and reviewed complex requests for proposals, contract docum ents and content to ensure a comprehensive understanding by all parties relative to contract terms, conditions and obligations. Wrote and awarded competitive b ids, negotiated real estate leases and resolved property liability issues. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Santa Clara, CA Field Subcontracts Administrator: 1987 to 1989 Negotiated with customers and subcontractors for the procurement of a diversity of commodities, technologies and services. Reviewed bids for compliance with co ntract specifications, evaluated contractor performance, and initiated resolutio ns to meet contractual terms and obligations. Appointed direct liaison between Digital, customers and subcontractors to negotiate, administer, extend, terminat e and re-negotiate contracts as appropriate. Conducted on-site vendor inspectio ns prior to final contract award. Chaired meetings and led subcontractor negotiations/presentations. Trained user groups regarding purchasing requirements and subcontract procurement procedures . Provided senior contracts management support to less experienced personnel. EDUCATION University of Southern California- BS Finance -1979 University of Phoenix- MBA- Business Management- 1986 Professional Training: seminars, workshops and symposia on topics related to, negotiations, outsourcing, supplier management, change management, business, fin ance

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