International Islamic University Islamabad Strategic Management Managing Teams By: Madahat Zainab

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International Islamic University Islamabad Strategic Management Managing Teams By: Madahat Zainab


Q#1. Have you learned anything? I have learned many things to become successful, how to manage team etc like; Leadership:

Effective leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or societal goals. Group discussions:

To gain & share experiences it is very important that we should involve ourselves in group discussions. Sharing ideas:

I learned that how to share ideas among each other. Listen to differing views:

I have learned that we should listen different views because if we dont listen views their can be a huge risk of missing a great opportunity and idea.

Think about success:

I have learned that it is very important to think about our success by spending little time on it we can determine barriers & obstacles come in our way of success and then steps can then be taken to address or minimize the impact. Retain common sense:

In the excitement, frenzy and adrenaline rush, peoples forget about common sense so we should try best to control our senses. Self awareness:

As a manager and leader you need to have self confidence and you also need to be self aware. If you want to succeed as a manager and leader become self aware and know where you excel and where there are others stronger than you. Q#2. As a company manager what will be your strategies and what is your team name? As a project manager I have to manage the project that he is assigned to me. Hence, be becomes accountable for both, starting the project as slated, and finishing it on time so to fulfill my duties, responsibilities, Success of project , for attaining competitive advantage & to become successful project manager I will make some strategies which are to; Assess the culture: Is it supportive, what is the balance of power, what are the stakeholder attitudes Identifying the goals: Are the goals realistic, attainable, and communicated. Define the problem: I will make strategies which will help in Defining goals, risks. Develop solutions: Create action plan, determine the right solution for the right time Test and refine the solutions: New learnings must be incorporated, re plan, retool, and rethink. Fulfill project phases: I will also make strategies which is helpful in fulfilling project phases successfully Initiation Planning or development

Production or execution Monitoring and controlling Closing Manage Five Ms: I will also make strategies to manage the five M's of a business, namely men, material, machine, money and motivating factors. Lead my team: I will make strategy which provides guidance, instruction, direction, & leadership to my team for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results and monitors the quantitative and qualitative results.

Manage conflicts: As a project manager I will make strategies maintain the right balance and intensity of conflict in project management & try to establish an environment in which creativity and innovation is encouraged and project goals are accomplished e.g. by utilizing project management principles, understanding the dynamics of conflict, and learning approaches to conflict resolution. Supervise and coordinate all the activities: As a project manager I will make strategies to supervise and coordinate all the activities to ensure that the project results in accordance with the Project Document and the rules and procedures established Participate in meetings, discussions, project site visits, workshops and hearings Managing diversity: I will make strategies to manage diversity effectively. Determine the resources: As a project manager I will make strategies to determine the resources for the purpose of project completion successfully.

Communication between the employees and the higher authority: As a project manager I will make strategies which are helpful in exchanging information, sharing experiences etc. Motivate my team: As a project manager I will make strategies to motivate my team so as a result their confidence level increases and they try to work in more effective manner & take comfort in; Achievement Recognition The work itself Responsibility Advancement

Q # 2. If you are a boss how you would handle difficult employees? If I am a boss I will handle difficult employees by following ways; Don't ignore the problem. Assuming that the employee provides value to the company and possesses redeeming qualities, there are ways to deal with difficult employees and I as a boss try to resolve the situation because ignoring the situation is the wrong solution to what could likely become a progressive problem. Intervene as soon as possible. Sometimes, the difficult employee has no idea that his behavior is a problem or that others react negatively to his actions. This is because most people tend to put up with the annoying behavior and "go along to get along." At the same time, some employees just consider it a "job frustration. As a boss it is my responsibility to take the appropriate action to correct the problem before the negative behavior pattern becomes more severe. Research the problem personally. If in my organizations there is any difficult employee I will try to research the problem personally by arranging meeting to a person into a conference room or office away from others & and calmly address the issue & allow the employee an opportunity to discuss the reasoning for her actions or behaviors.

Help the problematic employee to get back on track: To help the problematic employee to get back on track with input from the employee, I as a boss will determine an action plan and positive steps that can be taken to assist the employee in correcting inappropriate actions and behaviors. For instance, providing the employee with an opportunity to attend trainings in team building skills, stress management, business etiquette, or anger management training may be useful in giving the employee tools to change his negative behaviors and actions into positive behaviors and actions. Self-deprecating humor: This is very disarming, particularly to difficult personality types. The ability to laugh at oneself is a key indicator of emotional intelligence

Dont argue with difficult employees: As a boss I will never argue with such peoples because often, this personality type is stubborn and won't be convinced of any argument so I will not try to make my point. I will Make my point, clarify if necessary, and move on which also saves my precious time. Consistent check in" with the difficult employee: As a boss I will check difficult employee consistently make sure that we understand each other? Often, misunderstandings and lack of communication are at the root of difficulties with other people. I will ask, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" & consider asking this at different intervals of the day or week, always making sure the employee understands me. Remain calm and professional: If in my organization there is any difficult employee I will try my best that not to get hyper & to remain calm and professional. Deal with the behavior, not the person: I as a boss have to develop a solution by focusing on the inappropriate behavior without attacking the person.

For example: Use "I" statements like "I need everybody on the team here on time so we can meet our goals" rather than "you" statements like "you are always late". If all else fails, termination may be necessary. If the employee continues to deny his inappropriate behavior and refuses to try to improve the situation, I as a boss at the end terminate him/her.

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