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OBJECTIVE o Seeking a leadership position to promote the Strategic and Tactical Objectives of the respective businesses by leveraging my work

experience supporting the Fi nancial Services Industry from a Technical perspective. CITIGROUP Data Strategy - Senior Technical Consultant 03/2005 to present * GDPS (Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex) Implementation. o Project Executive assigned to implement IBM's GDPS offering to reduce outages to the business in case of a catastrophic DASD Failure in the Primary Production Site. Created the High Level and Detailed Technical execution and implementatio n plans providing managerial direction and technical guidance to IBM and CITIGRO UP's Technical Infrastructure teams. * Project Rainbow o Project is a $350mm initiative to replace all of the software running in the C ITIBANK Branches in North America. The software that will be deployed is a combi nation of programs that were written by FIS (Fidelity Investment Services), CBNA (CITIBANK North America) and ITO, a CITIGROUP Subsidiary located in India and G uam. o My responsibilities were to Manage the creation and support of the test, devel opment and quality assurance systems. This encompassed collaborating with all th e infrastructure disciplines which included z\OS Operating systems, MQ Series, C ICS, Databases (DB2 and Oracle), Network Software, Change Management, Data Cente r Operations, Data Center Facilities and Senior Management. o With a project of this scope and all-encompassing nature, considerable time an d effort was expended in preparing the financial details that needed to be prese nted to both the business units Senior Management and the Technical Infrastructu re Senior Management. This was done and the $350mm Project Capital and Expenses were approved and the next steps of the project plan were put into motion. * Functional ID Remediation. o Functional IDs are IDs associated with Processes that run under the control of their respective Started Tasks and Jobs. Given my prior experience and success es in remediating this task was assigned to me unexpectedly and I was asked to g ive it the highest priority, due to the deadlines our Audit and Compliance depar t put on us. o This was one of the last things I did at CITIGROUP and I am proud to say that all remediation plans were put in place to the satisfaction of our Audit Team. N ow it is up to the implicated disciplines to execute the remediation plans I out lined for them. * The Lakes Nevada Migration o Responsible for meeting CITIGroup Board Commitment to move The Lakes, Nevada M ainframe environment to the Ohio Mid-West Data Center. o Manage the Build and Verification of the Mid-West Data Center Mainframe enviro nments to facilitate the migration of CITIBANK's CREDIT CARDS Business from The Lakes, Nevada to the Delaware, Ohio Data Center. * 390 Greenwich New York City Migration o Managed the Migration of the Smith Barney Mainframe COB Site from the 390 Gree nwich Street, N.Y. Data Center to the Roanoke, Texas Data Center. * Solana Data Center Migration

o Managerial and Oversight responsibilities for the migration of the Solana, Tex as Data Center to the Silver Spring, Maryland Data Center. * The Close and In-Sourcing of Gaithersburg, Maryland o Managed the Close and In-Sourcing of the Gaithersburg, Maryland third party su pported COB Facility to the South West Roanoke Data Center. o This included the relocation of approximately 17,000 tapes. This mitigated the complexities of managing an Out Sourced COB facility with respect to Goals, Obj ectives, Strategies and Risks. o This project realized a $ 6.4mm annual save to the corporation. * Sioux Falls, South Dakota Data Center Migration to Roanoke, Texas o Plan, coordinate and Manage the infrastructure build of the Roanoke, Texas Sou th West Data Center to support the migration of CITIBANK's Settlement and Cleari ng businesses. o The provided an environment to verify with integrity the "Out of Region" recov ery site for the application defined in the "Interagency White Paper" mandated b y the OCC (Office of the Currency Comptroller). o This mandate was initiated to mitigate the risks associated with having the Pr imary and Recovery site being located in a Geographically concentrated Data Cent ers. This satisfied the commitments CITIBANK made to the Regulatory Agencies. CITIGROUP Senior Vice President - Manager of Operating Systems and Internet Support 02/1997-02/2005 * Managed a group of approximately 25 Systems Programmers with a $3mm salary bud get. We were responsible for the Installation and Maintenance of MVS OS/390 and z/OS Systems Software, VM Systems Software, z/LINUX Systems Software, AIX System s Software and Internet Enterprise Software. * Started a new area to formally support the firms Internet presence. The major emphasis was to migrate an RS/6000 J40 based environment to an SP/2 architecture and converted an Oracle Database to IBM''s UDB that provided for growth and sca lability. o The new architecture allowed the business to grow from 400,000 to 25,000,000 I nternet hits per day. o The primary applications were Smith Barney's Internet services to our clients and managing the Stock Options that were given to employees of IBM, Microsoft, G M and Ford Motor Company are a few examples. * Responsible for managing a $50mm Systems Software budget. Worked with Vendors, our Contracting and Outsourcing Department to secure software needed to run our businesses and realize any cost savings and efficiencies. During my tenure in t his role I was able to save the company six million dollars annually due to erro rs the vendors made and were over charging us erroneously. CITIGROUP First Vice President - Manager of Online Systems 05/1989-02/1997 * Managed the Systems Programming Group responsible for the Installation, Custom ization and Maintenance CICS, DB2, MQ, IDMS and Messaging Services development. * The Audit and Compliance department discover exposures in the RACF security sy stem. I was the Project Manager assigned to remediate these exposures. This proc ess took one year to complete. The exposures were remediated with no impact to t he business. Security changes being sensitive to any change, extreme caution an

d preventative steps were taken to ensure that our remediation actions would be uneventful. * Project Management and Planning for: o The Merger between Shearson Lehman Brothers and E.F. Hutton o The Merger between Smith Barney and Shearson E.F. Hutton o The Merger between Smith Barney and Salomon Brothers, which included the migra tion of the Salomon Brothers Data Center in Rutherford, N.J. to the Smith Barney 390 Greenwich Street Data Center in New York City. o The Merger between Smith Barney and Travelers insurance. This included the "Li ft and Load" of the Travelers mainframe systems from Atlanta, Georgia to the 390 Greenwich Street N.Y.C. Data Center. o "Flipping" the 390 Greenwich Street Data Center and the Rutherford Data Center . This was in response to 9/11 to reduce our Data Center footprint in N.Y.C. Th ese two Data Centers reversed roles where Rutherford became the Primary Producti on Data Center and the 390 Greenwich Street N.Y.C. Data Center was now the recov ery site. o Migrated the Salomon Brothers LPARs from a Computer Associate's ACF/2 Data Sec urity system to IBM's RACF Security system. Dun & Bradstreet Corporation 11/1984 - 05/1989 * Senior CICS Systems Programmer. DATA PROCESSING SKILLS * IBM Mainframe Systems Programming; CICS, MVS, DB2, IDMS,MQ, z/VM, z/LINUX * Programming Languages: S370 Assembler, CICS, COBOL, C++, JAVA * Experience on Mainframe Hardware spans from the S370 Architecture to the Curre nt z196 Architecture * Proficient in PC based productivity tools which include; MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS -Outlook, MS-Project, MS-PowerPoint, Visio, Internet Explorer and others. EDUCATION * Master of Science in Information Systems; Polytechnic University of New York ( 1991) * Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; City College of New York (1981) * ITIL Foundations Training

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