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DANIEL F. PEASE T: 305-695-0852 dp1377e32@westpost.

net M: 786-303-0130 Miami, FL 33139 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT | VICE PRESIDENT | DIRECTOR Financial Services - Business Development - Education - Marketing Dynamic leadership career in marketing and business development with domestic an d international experience. Creative, forward thinking Executive who solves comp lex business challenges with thoughtful, clearly defined strategies that consist ently produce positive results. Introduced world's first non-rectangular credit card that generated $5M in worldwide sales over 2 years. Eager for new challenge s in a vibrant business environment. Bi-Lingual Spanish and English. Core Competencies International Business * Account Management * Product Marketing * Branding Strategic Planning * Territory Management * Business Development * Team Leadersh ip Executive Performance Discover Financial Services, Chicago, IL 2009-2011 Credit card, direct banking, and PCI-compliant payment services company with one of the most recognized brands in U.S. financial services that issues the Discov er card, offers financial investments, loans, online savings products, CDs, and Money Market accounts through its Discover Bank subsidiary and multiple service networks. Senior Executive Consultant, Miami, FL (Virtual Office) Play key role in driving Latin American business and expanding reach by engaging major financial institutions to accept Discover card, Diners Club International , and Pulse brands by their merchants and proprietary ATMs. * Added more than 80K ATMs over 2 years by developing partnerships with financia l institutions and acceptance networks across 20 Latin America countries. * Negotiated reciprocal network alliances with major financial institutions in L atin America & the Caribbean while expanding Discover's Financial Services footp rint for ATM's and Merchants. Edinburgh Business School, Miami, FL 2005-2009 Graduate school of business of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland offer ing MBA, MSc, and DBA programs on campus and via distance learning to more than 7,000 students worldwide. Chief Marketing Officer / New Business Development Provide vision and leadership for 14-member team with offices across the America s developing and implementing strategic plan to open new markets and expand stud ent enrollment in the U. S. * Eliminated reluctance to purchase big-ticket items online by partnering with t he 2 largest banks in Mexico and Columbia and offering reduced enrollment fees i f paid with one of the bank's credit cards. * Created new product for existing and future Mexican students by negotiating ag reement with The Escuela Bancaria Y Comercial (EBC) in Mexico to offer blended p rogram with distance learning component and classroom support. * Established new offices in Miami, Mexico, and Colombia 90 days ahead of schedu le. * Grew YOY student sales more than 50%. * Achieved 20%+ year-over-year enrollment growth since 2007. * Added 500 new MBA students with Latin America University by providing marketin g direction to regional offices in Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republ ic, and an alliance in Argentina. Holistic Unlimited, Miami, FL 2003-2004 Entrepreneurial startup providing Bank Card consulting services for the U.S. and Latin America. Founding Partner Collaborated with 3 Latin American banks on multiple projects related to their c ard portfolios, from analyzing activation and usage of their brands, to assessin

g loyalty programs, and implementing predictive models to enhance customer relat ionships. * Enabled Dominican Republic bank to increase sales volume 25%+ by replicating M erchant Solution created for Mexican market that identified key merchants to par ticipate in joint promotional campaigns. DANIEL F. PEASE Page 2 of 2 MasterCard International, Miami, FL 1994-2003 Multinational corporation based in Purchase, NY, that develops and markets payme nt and processing solutions between banks of merchants and banks of purchasers w orldwide. SVP, Business Development / Marketing & Strategic Planning (2000-2003) Multiple roles as senior advisor to the president, Co-General Manager of Mexican market, and CMO for Latin America and Caribbean regions driving business growth through innovative marketing, strategic planning, and product development with 45+ member team and $40M annual budget. * Produced $5M in worldwide sales over 2 years by spearheading ideation, marketi ng, presentation, and implementation of world's first non-rectangular credit car d. * Increased market share for consumers using MasterCard in Mexican market from 3 8% to 67% over 3 years by using performance-based incentives to close agreements with 4 key banks, working with top 15 merchants to create brand preference, and targeting marketing to consumers with assistance from banks and merchants. * Led turnaround of relationship between banks and MasterCard by re-focusing eff orts of Marketing Committee into a Business Development Advisory Council that ma de Board level recommendations on industry issues. * Received Latin America Grand Prix 2002 Award for Advertising Effectiveness for Soccer World Cup promotion by collaborating in creation of special TV spot and campaign featuring Pele that launched 1M+ cards during the Cup, generated more t han $350K in donations to UNICEF, and increased brand awareness 5% in key market s. VP Business Development, Marketing, Strategic Planning / Assistant to the Presid ent (1994-2000) Designed and deployed strong sales programs among member banks and developed str ategic business plans to optimize global market penetration. Promoted long-term agreements. Worked on key strategic projects as assistant to the President of La tin America to develop, expand, and enhance MasterCard business. * Improved debit card market share and footprint in Brazilian market quickly by purchasing local proprietary debit brand and converting 40 million debit cards i nto MasterCard debit cards. * Selected to represent Latin America on task force to develop new medium and lo ng-range global debit strategy to eliminate confusion across markets and regions . Unified multiple strategies into the MasterCard brand gradually with added fun ctionality to minimize brand dilution and make advertising more robust and effic ient. * Grew Mexican merchants' MasterCard preference and acceptance from 35% to 75% o ver 2 years by identifying high sales-volume businesses and conducting face-to-f ace meetings to explain a change to MasterCard would receive preference on incen tives and advertising. Additional Career Experience American Express, Latin America, Miami Lakes, FL Senior Quality Consultant Establishment Services Leader New Accounts Supervisor Education / Certifications / Languages / Affiliations Masters in Quality / Minor: Statistics, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, Coral Gables, FL Certificate: Total Quality Management, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL Bachelor of Economics, Marine Science, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL Certified, Continuous Process Improvement Consultant Qualified to Administer, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Spanish / English / Portuguese Senior Advisor, Latin America Board of Directors, MasterCard International Chair, Business Development Advisory Council, MasterCard International Active participant, Global Diversity Council, MasterCard International

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