Tarja Kallio-Tamminen - Dynamic Universe Andthe Conception of Reality

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Imperial College, London

12.-15. 09. 2008

Dynamic Universe and the Conception of Reality

Tarja Kallio-Tamminen
kallio.tamminen@elisanet.fi Finland

Conception of reality
Defines the background for human existence
where we live, what can be done

Conception of reality
Defines the background for human existence
where we live, what can be done
the main features of an accustomed paradigm do not change often

Three deep revolutions in Western culture

antiquity, the turn of modern era, now
metaphysical presuppositions change

the historical process is guided by natural science and philosophy

physics is important for understanding the nature of reality

The historical process to spell out a world-view

progress when new invariances and interconnections are found
wider variety of phenomena is covered by one and the same mathematical formalism stimulates philosophical thinking

characteristically focused on the examination of the interrelations between substance, space, time, and motion. DU reveals an unexpected, and extremely significant connection between these perennial concepts.

The Pre-Socratics (600-400 B.C)
The Milesian school, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Empedocles, the Atomists...
what is basic: substance (apeiron), change, mathematical harmony, logic, the invariable central problems: the relation between, being and becoming, one and many, temporal and eternal

Plato and Aristotle (423-322 B.C)

argued against Atomists
mechanical materialism cannot explain organic phenomena or the activity of humans

matter and form are connected; matter needs the form

Platos world of ideas or Aristotles potentiality

Reality is comparable to an organism

it includes a soul and is able to regulate itself

Reality is one
-micro- and macrocosm -the constitution of the whole is reflected in humans

The turn of the modern era

Copernicus, Kepler, Galilei, Newton
strict mathematical theory concerning the movement of bodies
unites the ideas of Pythagoras and the Atomists

new cosmological order and locus for earth

mechanistic-deterministic conception of reality

atomism, reductionism, determinism
matter in motion teleology, abstract essence and activity inherent in matter were considered as irrelevant.

Reality is comparable to a clockwork

mechanical, quantitative, without purpose

Reality consist of matter in motion -you cannot find a soul

Reality is comparable to a clockwork

But modern physics collapsed the common world view...

Theory of relativity connected time and space
Time intervals and spatial separations became frame-dependent
Bodys velocity, length or kinetic energy cannot be invariant, real properties.

Quantum phenomena can not be understood within the particle-mechanistic framework

wave-particle dualism, entanglement, statistical predictions, measurement problem The foundational presuppositions of classical physics are just half-truths, suitable for macroscopic world.

Open philosophical questions

Nature of objects and their attributes Relation between mass and energy Reality of fields Locality Shape and destiny of the universe

The Dynamic universe

A holistic framework covering all phenomena from micro structures to cosmology
a precise, highly structured mathematical formalism with strict, parameter-free predictions
surpasses the scope and capacity of present theories

a renewed, comprehensive conception about the composition and development of reality

unites the basic features of organism and clockwork
by disclosing a hidden motion in the 4th dimension

The universe in a nutshell:

BEING is based on mass and gravitation, which are eternal. BECOMING follows from energy excitation which gives rise to an evolving 4-sphere.
the evolution of the sphere is fuelled internally via motion in the fourth dimension. part of the primary energy converts into material structures in space.

SPACE takes shape as the surface of the expanding 4-sphere

most of the universe is outside space, i.e. the observed external reality

ONTOLOGICAL STRUCTURES, the objects in space, are composed of energised mass, and thus they have internal and external aspects. Because of GRAVITATION local structures are interconnected to, and counterbalanced by the rest of the universe.

Universe is temporal, 4-dimensional sphere

The evolving entity is composed of energised mass, and it contains internal and external aspects. It is aware of its innumerable layers and sub units through gravitation. . Humans are internally and externally related to the whole

4-dimensional sphere
Mass, energy, space and motion are inseparably linked together
hidden motion of dynamic 4-sphere is derived from mass, gravitation, and the zero-energy principle defines the size and evolution of space, as well as the energy content of mass geometrical, but unaccessible fourth dimension
material, electromagnetic etc. phenomena spring from the abstract, immaterial realm of being

Volume and internal hierarchy of natural world expands. Energy is real, locality can be maintained.

The whole defines the parts

DU is not based on bodies and their kinematic translation in space but on mass and zero-energy balance
atomistic reductionism is left behind
reality is not reducible to matter in motion, to the discrete dead particles of the Atomists

reality is dynamic, structured whole

Every individual part has certain locus, energy structure, and degrees of freedom within the whole via the system of nested energy frames
frames provide both local and universal state of rest

Access from a phenomenal world to a more fundamental reality.

The chain of nested energy frames

The primary motion of mass, balanced by gravitation, generates a chain of nested energy frames
Frames are local structures, closed energy objects, which have a strict share of the total energy
All energy frames are omnipresent. They interpenetrate being throughout in contact. The energy state of the frame reflects its relation to the whole and determines the energy states available for subobjects

Material bodies are closed energy structures in their parent frames

specific amount of mass (k, ) is united to all possible energy structures

Parts are internally related to the whole

via the system of nested energy frames
Local galaxy group frame Earth frame Milky Way frame Solar frame

Energy frames are described as real extended objects whose total energy is zero. -Each frame hosts a strict
share of the total mass of the universe

Im0 (A)

Im0 (B)

MB MA R"0(B)

Material bodies and particles are described as closed energy structures or sub frames within their parent frames

The multiplicity of the units isM" result of diversification of the whole a

New conception of mass and matter

Mass as such is abstract and formless, devoid of dimensional extension
mass is not an amount of some impenetrable solid stuff, neither is it a property of matter or fields. mass is the basic substance, the abstract, persistent core of being

Mass that manifests itself in the form of object is excited by energy

Mass resembles the formless materia prima of Aristotle. It receives a form through localised energy structures.

Revival of the form, active principle within material things.

Waves and particles

The union of mass and energy is basic for all physical structures and their interactions.
The basic form for energised mass is wave (k). In a case of a particle mass wave is captured into a closed energy structure
a particle serves as a sub-frame which is able to host specific energy states.

When a particle moves in an local frame, its internal wave structure creates an external wave front propagating parallel with the particle.
the wave front transfers the real part of particles momentum

This account of particles provides a new option to understand wave-particle dualism and quantum nonlocality.

The frame influences the behaviour of its parts

Youngs double slit experiment
the frame is different when one or two slits are open, or when the experimental set up is changed in any other way the frame hosts the propagation of the wave fronts and the particles related to them when just one slit is open the wave front does not interfere and particles end up in different locations

the pair of particles created together always belong to the same frame which determines their external behaviour (containing knowledge of the whole)

Inherent holism explains apparent non locality

Why does DU clarify conceptual difficulties within QM ?

It gives a consistent wave description of things. By stripping c from Plancks constant DU reveals a universal wave number equivalence for mass, applicable to matter, radiation and electricity.

Why does DU clarify the ambiguities

in theory of relativity ?
It takes a detached, external viewpoint by starting from the zero energy balance of the whole. The universal framework provides a consistent handling of all physical phenomena and evolution on space.

Time in DU
DU takes a Newtonian view on time

Time and distance are absolute coordinate quantities.

the time interval between any given pair of events is independent of observers simultaneity means that events happen at the same time they do, if the observation delays, and the fact that the internal frequencies of atomic clocks depend on their energy state, are taken into account

This universal (timeless) framework reveals universe to be dynamic 4-dimensional entity, which goes through all instances from past to future.

DU gives a natural direction for the flow of time

-the time development is irreversible (within a cycle) and there is a foundation for the moment now

Em = c0 p = c0 mc0

dc0 t = 3.6 1011 year c0

GmM " R"

Eg =

Irreversible flow of time

Corresponds to human observation
classical physics and relativity are reversible theories, and thus they do not distinguish past and future and have no foundation for the idea of flowing time or the concept of now

History is real
previous constructions and frames do have influence on current happenings

Dynamic Universe and the Conception of Reality

SUMMARY DU meets all the criteria for a qualified scientific theory. It is clear, consistent, and parameter-free. It is in excellent agreement with observations. Moreover, DU throws new light to perennial philosophical questions from cosmology to epistemology studying the relations between the individuals and the context, abstract and concrete, internal and external etc.

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