Occupysf Labor Solidarity Newsletter 6

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January 14st, 2011 This is the OccupySF Labor Solidarity Working Group's newsletter. This working group was initiated to begin to centralize the outpouring of support that organized workers and unions are showing the Occupy movement. We have seen that labor solidarity in NYC, and now the Bay Area, has been a key component to the sustainability and growth of Occupy. We want to streamline communication between organized labor and the OccupySF movement by developing a network of sympathetic unions and rank-and-file activists. This working group will also help union members garner support within their unions and work sites for OccupySF. The hope is that OccupySF can continue to benefit from the resources and labor skills that organized labor can provide; we also hope union members find inspiration and learn from a fresh and growing movement. occupysflaborsolidarity@gmail.comservefacebook.com/occupysflaborsolidarity There are five sections to newsletter: 1. Next Meeting Info 2. Important Updates 3. Key Dates for Mobilizing Unionists 4. Overview of Working Group Activities 5. Opportunities to Get Involved in Working Group 1. Next Meeting Info Time: Regular Tuesday Meeting (Jan. 17th this week) at 6:30pm Location: One Rincon Center food court at 121 Spear Street. It is a quiet food court very close to the Justin Herman Plaza camp. From Justin Herman Plaza walk down Steuart Street to halfway between Mission and Howard. Enter the plaza directly across from the Embarcadero YMCA. You could also enter the plaza from its official entrance at 121 Spear Street. The meeting will be at the inside tables just past the entrance to the One Rincon Center food court. If lost, dont hesitate to call: 415 613-3253 Proposed Agenda: 65 Minutes a. Plan around January 20th action. Talk about proposal to lead a delegation to Ralph Lauren to expose shoppers to the unfair labor practices of its shipping partner, the Toll Group. There will be a flier being released very soon with more information around the Toll Group. Talk about working group actions leading up to the 20th. Talk about other actions going on on January 20th, such as 3pm convergence at State building, 5pm rally and march. www.occupywallstwest.org 25 mins. b. Update around the logistics for the Longview Caravan. Report back from the Committee to Defend the ILWU. Westcoastportshutdown.org 15 mins. c. Occupy Education: Statewide Week of Action March 1st-8th to Defend Public Education. How would the working group like to involve itself. Can we broaden the coalition bring together a wider array of people affected by Californias budget priorities? www.occupyed.org 15mins d. Website promotion: Delegate someone to communicate with Communications working group to keep the website updated around working groups activities. e. Announcements: Report backs from the Outreach, Communications, Direct Action working groups, and subgroups; review Action Council Meeting; update from Labor Council reps. 10 mins. EMAIL LIST TO PROPOSE AGENDA ITEMS! 2. Important Updates a. Study Group: Reviving the Strike! By Joe Burns. We will begin discussing this book at 6pm before meetings starting January 24th. Learn more at the books blog: revivingthestrike.org. All are welcome whether or not you read the book. b. OccupySF Labor Solidarity WG Discussion Forum. We now have a discussion list serve. If you are receiving this newsletter, you are on the announcement list serve. There is now another list serve for all members to share articles and links that are relevant to our work. If you are interested in joining the second list serve, please visit this address: groups.google.com/group/OSFLaborSolidarityDiscussi onForum

3. Keys Dates. a. Sunday, January 14th: Labor Solidarity Speak Out at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland at 12pm. Members of the ILWU who have been organizing the caravan to Longview, WA to support Local 21 in their fight to keep union jobs on the waterfront and break the power of the international corporations who are trying to open the Export Grain Terminal later this month.continues on page 2. MORE INFO ON BACK!!!!!!!

Other Speakers include: Workers from American Licorice in Union City where 187 workers have been on strike since December 5th demanding health care benefits and a right to keep collective bargaining. Workers from Castlewood Country Club who have been locked out since February 2010 who are fighting for affordable health care and to keep their union at a facility that caters to the 1% and charges membership fees of over $25,000 per person. Port truck drivers who are fighting to be re-classified as workers and win the right to organize as a union. b. Friday, January 20th: Occupy Wall Street West: Mass Day of Action in the Financial District. OccupySF is working hard to make this a considerable demonstration. OccupySF Labor Solidarity Working Group will be doing an action at the Ralph Lauren at Post and Kearny at 2pm. Flier coming soon!!! Keep up to date at the website: www.occupywallstwest.org c. March 1st-8th th: Week Of Action For Education: To endorse the call, or for more information, visit www.occupyed.org d. May 1st! A national network of Occupy labor outreach groups has voted to begin organizing for a mass day of action/ strike on May 1st. More info to come. Please contact working group to join the national network. *OCCUPYSF ENDORSES NO CANDIDATES. PLEASE REMEMBER NOT TO PROMOTE POLITICAL CANDIDATES AT ANY OF THESE ACTIONS. 4. Overview On Working Group Activities a. We are building a network of sympathetic unions and members that want to support OccupySF. Get on the list: occupysflaborsolidarity@gmail.com b. We are involved in a number of projects to get invigorate working class strength. We are continually looking for ways to help increase unionization and bolster union struggles. c. We are networking with a number of Occupy labor outreach groups from across the country. Contact for more info.

d. We want to help members draft resolutions and facilitate union activities at OccupySF. Participation in Labor Thursdays is encouraged. Email if you would like assistance. e. We are creating a system that cold calls all San Francisco unions to let them know about how they can support OccupySF and vice versa. f. We are creating educational material and events to show why unions matter!!! 5. Opportunities to Get Involved in Working Group a. Come to meetings. Regular meeting time is Tuesday at 6:30pm at 121 Spear Street. Enter food court at One Rincon Center. Check messages in case of changes. Call 415 613-3253 if you need help finding the location. b. Promote working group and collect contact info of union members and sympathizers at Occupy events or other political actions. Contact occupysflaborsolidarity@gmail.com if interested. c. Volunteer to cold call unions and working group contacts to push unions to participate in Occupy events. Please let us know if youre interested and well send you directions. d. Join a subgroup in the working group. Work on education, labor defense campaigns, organizing resolution writing support, etc. e. Print the newsletter and distribute it to friends and at assembly meetings. e. Write resolutions that: 1. purchase items needed for the movement. Check website or contact working group for assistance. (example: UESF passed resolution to purchase up $1,000 in supplies each month for OccupySF) 2. include language that encourages rank-and-file members to deliver items. 3 . adopt a day to bring food, entertainment, and participate in the general assembly@6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (12pm on Sat.). 4. mobilize membership to a day of action and/or a Saturday protest (see Key Dates section).

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