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The political Committee of Fatah Al-Islam organization

The whippersnapper has spoken
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(Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (people) from the
way of Allah; so they shall spend it, then it shall be to them an intense
regret, then they shall be overcome; and those who disbelieve shall be driven
together to hell) 36 Surah Al-Anfal
Note Before the beginning: What is happening in Bilad Al-Sham isnt a
summer cloud and it isnt as the enemies portray a dispute between one
people that will end soon but rather what is happening Syria of Al-Sham is
an uprising , thats why we were obligated to follow the situation
meticulously and that we be alerted for every small and big so our obligation
is to make the Ummah understand the reality of what is happening in Syria
of Al-Sham Irom conspiracies and changing oI Iacts, thats the reason oI the
successive statements which we publish, and may Allah bless you.
The camel has begotten a rat, this is the situation of the Arab Observers
Delegation to the Sham of Islam, they summarized their tour in one sentence
on the tongue of their chief: The situation is assuring and there is nothing
Irightening in Syria, so the Syrian people are enraged so the (Arab) League
changes the courage by playing with the text of the statement of the chief of
the delegation by saying that he didnt mean that, Mashaallah the attributed
words werent valued. No problem League we will Iollow the liar behind the
door. II the chieI oI the delegation didnt mean that or the people have
misunderstood, so whats the explanation oI the saying oI another observer
when he said: The mission isnt to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad, you will
tell us that yes the mission of the delegation is transferring the image on the
ground, Mashaallah like you are living in unexplored territories of Africa
without media or you are from another planet so that information doesnt
reach you in the age of speed, say it frankly that the delegation went to
extend the life of the regime and its return is not to overthrow him. You
remind us of the funny Arab summits which its text of statement is written
previously. You turned from a straw that the people of Syria who are
drowning in their blood hold to a heavy stone that sinks who holds it to the
deep. O Syrian people do you know that the League will send a delegation
after delegation to complete the conspiracy. A delegation like this should be
beaten by slippers, because it is a tool to execute the schemes of the close
partners, the regime and its wife the League and its Western lover. One
might ask how could they be partners with all these differences between
them? The response is simply clear that the League have divorced its four
husbands Ben Ali, Mubarak, Qaddafi and Salih quickly, even if they were
varying, but it remained with Bashar because he is the guardian of its
fornication, and with his collapse its Western lover will collapse. This lover
who used to throw it in the refrigerator of its 23 husbands to suck through it
the riches and when these riches are exposed to danger then it retrieves it
from the refrigerator and turns it a monster to eat its husbands and that is
what happened to the first four but this time is quite the contrary because her
fifth husband (Bashar) is the guardian of the riches and the faithful protector
of the den and his disappearance means a threatening to it and thus the
League remained a wife to him and a monster over others.
The Sudanese Zoal came to Syria thinking that it is the wounded Somalia
where he takes the unjust decisions for the interest of the enemies of the
religion under the pretext of the plurality of the fighting fronts there, so
when he saw that the massacres were from one party he thanked Allah for
that Iavor, and said: Thank you Lord, O League be assured that the
situation is assuring and there is nothing scary and your husband Bashar is in
good condition he is the killer dont be aIraid thank Allah that he isnt the
killed, O our Western lover wipe your sweat, Bashar is saIe and the
situation is ensuring.
O Zoal, what do you want to see to afraid? You have seen in your visit
massacres worst than the massacres of Darfur that are committed by the
government of your master in Sudan, or you want see something worst than
what you saw? Or is the fall of the regime is the frightening?!! Damn you,
you have been silent for a long time and then said a Kufr. How is it not so
when you are going with the regime of blind oppression to the end of the
way and stand against the revolutionaries of Al-Sham to the last soul, you
who deserve (to be beaten by) slippers and trampled by mules, are you
aware were you stand? You are above the soil of Sham you fools, the Sham
of the messenger peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the Sham of
pride, conceitedness and the center of the world, you denied thousands of
pictures that were broadcasted by the media and you came to look with your
blind eyes to the massacres oI the Nusayri regime, and you claim you didnt
see anything that frightens you, even the boy that was laid on the car of your
League was a doll!!!!!!
You whippersnappers take this glad tiding, your blind eyes will see a
glamorous light called revolution that emits from the land of Al-Sham to
prevail in your land and remove your masters and wipe out your
expectations and take away your reign InshaAllah. Yes Zoal Bilad Al-
Sham will be a starting point for the coming conquests, so have glad tidings
of a new conquest InshaAllah.
O proud sons oI Syria there is no diIIerence between Bashar and his
supporters and between those followers and their master the rest of the
Tawagit who humiliate their people? O people oI Syria your lives wont be
extended by the arrival oI a delegation and wont be shortened iI it didnt
come because they are in the Hands of Allah and your martyrs are only a
reason to preamble Bilad Al-Sham to what is greater like the arrival of Al-
Mahdi and the coming down of Essa peace be upon him and the liberation of
Jerusalem. As Allah have selected His creation in Sham, he Almighty will is
preparing you to wash its pure soil with your pure blood to remove this
unclean and slag that is stuck from decades which is resembled by the
regime and you the elite of creation are like gold that its slag is removed
only with fire so your blood is the fire that removes the slag and purify you
from the likes of Bashar and his lackeys and Allah wants the good for His
believing slaves and especially His elite so dont pay attention to those scum
(the delegation) because they dont possess their decision. O lions oI Syria
you wanted it to be peaceful but the regime wanted it a war, and you saw
that the sincere observers have chose to be and their masters sincere to the
regime. They overlooked and forgot your history that was written with
blood, from the Daraa of Al-Nawawi and Ibn Qayyim to Damascus of Ibn
Kathir and Homs of Ibn Al-Waleed and Hamah of Marwan Hadid and others
were one front throughout history, and a rock that the expectations of the
invaders and dreams of the tyrants break on it.
O lions oI Syria, O sons oI deIeaters oI the Tartar Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn
Qayyim and Ibn Al-Nahass, O grandsons oI who humiliated the crusaders
Saladin and Nureddin Al-Shahid, O soldiersoI the land and knights oI the
defeater of the Romans and who made them forget the whispers of the devil
Khalid ibn Al-Walid, O sons oI deIeater oI the Nusayriyah Marwan Hadid,
you who have defeated on your land Kitbugha and Hulagu the grandsons of
Genghis Khan, you who have rubbed in the dirt the nose of the crusaders and
their Lionheart Richard the coward, you who have shattered on your doors
the dreams of Napoleon the snake.
O brothers oI Aqeeda and companions oI arms, O Iamily oI Hamza Al-
Khatib and Hajar, hasnt time come yet to carry arms, and repel the cunning
of the spiteful Nusayriyah.
O lions oI Damsacus oI Al-Ghuta, O shers of Kenitra of Golan and Daraa
oI Houran, O brave ones oI Homs, Deir Al-Zour and Hamah, O heroes oI
Latakia and its sand that tinged with blood, O champion people oI Zawiya
Mountain, O proud people oI Syria, O people oI ardency and magnanimity,
know that iron is only furrowed with iron, make from your war against them
a path to break the barriers and chains, since they wanted it a war and they
will get what they want and victory comes after an hour of patience, and if
there was no victory it will paradise and we swear by the Lord of the
Kabbah, and if death of inevitable its a shame as a coward, teach the Kaffir
Baath Party how jihad is done, they rolled up their feet so roll up, and they
adhered to Kufr so you adhere to Tawhid and let us see which group is more
worthy of victory, go to what you have determined and make your slogan as
the poet said:
(Arabic poetry)
If you decide to adventure for sought-out honor,
Then do not settle for anything less than the stars.
For the taste of death in something futile,
Is the same taste of death in something great.
And let your banner be the banner of Tawhid, the banner of your prophet
Mohammed peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family, and we
your brothers in Fatah Al-Islam will fight with you alongside under this
banner, and our throats are before your throats, making your enemy taste
humiliation and experience with you the sweetness of Iman, and we had with
its regime battles that it will never forget, which made its hunting dogs
scramble and swim in their blood and wander in the darkness of day, so
attack them and dont Ilee since they are confused in fighting you and are
coming close to deIeat InshaAllah.
In the end of our message we give a forewarning to the so called resistance
organizations that bark with the regime, stop your barking and dont be
reason for driving a wedge between the Syrians and their brothers the
Palestinians and the Lebanese, dont be a reason in killing the people as
what happened to Barakish, and Barakish is a sufficient lesson you
descendants of Barakish.
Wa As-Salmu `Alaykum wa Rahmatu l-lhi wa Baraktuh
The political Committee of Fatah Al-Islam organization
19 Safar 1432 A.H.
13 / 1 / 2012

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