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CR/RC: its just PATTERN recognition. SC: Rons lecture RC: GMAT Pill

Finish 15 OG SC.
============================================== TODO Verbal SC: finish all chapter of MGMAT.SC, review error CR: finish the rest chapters. RC: Read MGMAT.RC. RC idioms verbal. Math What is the best,shortest way to study Math for Vietnamese? MGMAT Number Properties + Word Translation + Kaplan Math Workout

============================================== Sentence Correction ============Pronouns============= Adjective noun is a poor antecedent. Antecedent and pronoun are agree in number. A pronoun must have a clear antecedent. ============Modifier============= Noun and its modifiers should TOUCH each other. Modifiers lack its noun. Possessive noun is a poor noun for modifier. Which or That cannot modify people. Where(noun place) - in Which(metaphorical place : condition, arrangement) Use WHICH only to refer to the noun immediately preceding it. ============Verb Tense============= The tense after Past Perfect should be simple past. Should avoid passive voice. Will is future, Would is past. IF present THEN present(can,may; will) IF past THEN would IF had participle THEN would have,has Common Verbs that take ONLY the command subjunctive : demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest We demand that he be here Verbs that take ONLY the Infinitive: advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want We allow him to be here. Verbs that take EITHER : ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require

========Comparisons==================== Use Such As to introduce example instead of LIKE Like is a preposition. It must be followed by nouns, pronouns, or noun phrase. AS can be their preposition(appearing with a noun) or a conjunction(appearing with a clause). Not finish yet. ============================================== Frequently Split Group ======================= Ago: past tense. ALTHOUGH should generally be followed by a clause. Equal is generally used for uncountable quantities. Equivalent, equal : compare number, not people. The ing form of the verb if often awkward when used with possessive. Do not use a comma before and to separate two verbs that have the same subject. Wrong:Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch. Right:Earl walked to school AND later ate his lunch. Pronoun khng th b ngha cho danh t pha sau gii t. That - Which Whether(alternative - If(conditional) Due to(caused by) - Because of, For Less - Fewer Further - Farther Agree to Verb - Agree with noun Will is future - Would is past Between - Among Rather than - Instead This - Those One - You Has had - Had had. No sooner...than Who(I,he,she) - Whom(me,her,him) By whom = who Prefer do so rather than do it Almost always error: being, having been Almost Error: it, its, they, them ,their. IF present THEN will IF past THEN would IF future tense THEN would have Agree/Agreement. Can/Being able to Prefer Affect to Effect Aggravate(made worse)/Aggravating(annoying) Known as(named)/known to be(acknowledged as) loss of(no longer in possession of)/loss in(decline in value) LOSS Of strength(decline of a quality) - LOSS IN the euro(decline of a investment) mandate(command)/have a mandate(have authority from voters) native of(person from)/native to(species that originated in)

range of(variety of)/ranging(varying) rate of(speed or frequency of)/rates for(prices for) Rise(general increase) / raise(a bet or a salary increase) RANGING(changing over time)-RANGE(a variety) RATE FOR bus ticket(price) - RATE OF theft(frequency, speed) TRY to do(seek to accomplish) / TRY doing(experiment with) Convince/Conviction Once - At one times Economic/Economical(Efficient) Disincline/Disinclination Instead - Rather Isolate -Isolation Lie - Lay(Past) Indicate -Indicative Influence - Influential Rather Than -Instead Of( GMAT seem to avoid Instead Of) Where - In Which Whether - If ( if requires a consequence) Lack/Lacking Each/Specificially Until almost + time(Not almost until + time). =========Idioms====================== Arise with Proportion of, Mandatory of, Minority Of tend to Verb ( Not tend Ving) Always use THAN with comparative form. Ability to(Not ability of, for) Except in( Not excepting for) Apprenticeship as(Not Apprenticeship of) Wrong: capability of Ving, "capability of N in ____ing" Right: someone/something is capable OF something (noun) Right: someone/something has the capability TO do (verb) something Aid to,for smbd, Aid in doing smth. Aim at doing smth/ With the aim of doing smth. With the aim of doing smth.(NOT with the aim to do smth) Anxiety that .. may be sold( Not anxiety about ... may be sold) Appears as + Noun, Appear + Adj Consider (Not Consider as) Declare(Not declare as) So .. As To(Not Such.. As To | So Much..As To) Just as .. so(NOT Just like .. so) Attribute .. to(Not Attribute .. As) Aware/Awareness Because + clause/Because of(As o result of) + noun Wrong : because of + Ving(verb participle) Right: because of + Ving + Noun(Ving is adjective)

By shining,..(Not on account of shining,..) Began(Not was begun) Within the borders of a country(Not IN..BORDERS or INSIDE ..BORDERS) Compared to(not When compared to) Wrong: should be Contend THAT(This is Format for transitive) Continue To Verb IN contrast to/with( Not AS contrasted with..) Create .. to verb(Not create ... for Verb ing) Estimate .. to be(Not Estimate .. at) SHOW an object TO BE(Not AS) strange. Conceives Of .. As( Not conceives of .. to be) Think of x AS y(Not To Be) Use .. To Verb | AS (Not For Verb-Ing, To Be) View .. AS (Not To Be, Like) Credit with(Not credit as,for,to be) Date AT(Not to be) Demand that Command Subjunctive(Not demand that should be, to be) In danger of(Not in danger to) is Designed to Verb(Not is designed so as,so that) was Determined By(Not determined through, from) Develop Into Differ/different From(Not differ in comparison to) Difficult to Verb(Not difficult for verb) Discovery That/Discovery Of Distinguish/Distinction Between.. And No,Not DOUBT THAT(Not Whether) DOUBT Whether Due to Noun ? Elect to Verb(Not Elect Ving) Redundancy: Ensure - Must,should; then .. later Wrong: Can Potentially Wrong: Could possibly Wrong: Reason - Because Wrong: Attempt to try be Equipped to Verb(Not be Equipped for Verb-ing) EVEN RICHER THAN(Not RICHER EVEN THAN) AS MUCH .. AS EVEN(Not EVEN AS MUCH AS) EXPEND .. ON(Not EXPEND .. FOR) Extend to which(Not extend That) Prohibit .. From Verb-Ing( Not To Verb) Wrong: Prohibit That. Found That(Not found) Hold That(Not hold) Forbid to Verb(Not Forbid from Verb-ing) The GOAL is to expand(Not The goal is expanding)

Help .. to verb(Not help.. in Verb-ing) Provided That(require That) = Only If For instance(Not As an instance) Interact with one another(Not interact among one another) Invest .. In(Not Into, For) .. to Verb(Not For Verb-ing) Mandate That .. Be(Subjunctive) Made it possible to Verb(Not made possible to verb) A Mean To(Not For, Of) Mistake .. For(Not As, To) Native To(said of animal,plant) - Not Native IN Native Of(said of people) ONLY should not place before the Verb. Substitute .. For(Not In Place Of) Succeed In Verb-Ing(Not Succeed to Verb) Targeted AT(Not TO) ORDER THAT.. Subjunctive ORDER .. To Verb Wrong: order + action noun. PAY..FOR(Not IN) Persuade smbd To Verb(Not In Verb-Ing, ) Wrong: Give...the privilege to dance. Right: This situation is PROBABLY as bad as it can get. Wrong: This situation is MAYBE as bad as it can get. Right: Propose That...Be Reluctant To Verb(Not Reluctant About Verb-Ing) Restriction ON( Not FOR) Rising Prices(Not A Rising of Prices) A Rise In oil price - A Raise In oil price(RAISE = bet or pay increase) be Trained To Run(Not For Running | In Running) Variation IN(Not OF, AMONG) Right: We proposed a WAY OF REACHING the goal. Wrong: We proposed a WAY FOR REACHING the goal. Right: The best WAY TO REACH the goal IS TO FOCUS ones energy. Wrong:The best WAY TO REACH the goal IS FOCUSING ones energy. WEIGH LESS THAN (Not WEIGH LIGHTER THAN) WORRY ABOUT(Not OVER) price DANCING PRIVILEGES(not THE PRIVILEGE TO DANCE) Wrong: indicate + clause; are indicative that + clause; indicate + noun + to do ONE CHANCE IN A THOUSAND OF WINNING(not FOR WINNING) Right: It is expected that .. will do Impose tax on .. to, in order to verb(Not For Verb-ing) ============= Right: adj enough to do. Wrong: adj enough that + clause. SHORT ENOUGH TO READ or SHORT ENOUGH for ME TO READ Not : SHORT ENOUGH THAT I, SHORT ENOUGH FOR IT TO BE, SHORT ENOUGH SO THAT, SHORT ENOUGH AS TO BE =============

LIE chia qua khu LAY( reside in). LAY lai co nghia : nam, vut xuong. LIE: instransitive verb(no direct object), LAY: take direct object. ============ Require .. To Verb is require to verb require That .. subjunctive require of .. That ..subjunctive Wrong: require of + noun + to verb Wrong: require + subjunctive clause Wrong: require + noun + to have to do Wrong : REQUIRE She REQUIRES her friend DO work( Lack TO) She REQUIRES her friend DOING work She REQUIRES her friend TO HAVE TO DO work.(Redundant) She REQUIRES OF her friend TO DO work. She REQUIRES DOING work ============ Right: cause + result in + effect, effect + result from + cause Right: effect is a result of + cause. Right: effect + as a result of + cause Right: effect+ because + cause Wrong: The RESULT OF our work WAS our wealth grow.(THAT is needed) Wrong: resulting from cause, effect Wrong: cause + with the result of + effect Wrong: cause + with the resulting + effect Wrong: effect is because + cause Wrong: effect + because of + cause+ doing. ============ Right: seem to do. Right: it seems as if + clause Right: it seems that clause Wrong: seem like it does Wrong: seem as if it does Suspect: seem + adjective, seem to be ============ Comparative Form Distinguish X From Y Distinguish/Distinction Between.. And X Acts As Y As X, So Y X is good, and So Too is Y X is Thought To Be Y Declare X Y Mistake X For Y X-Develops Into Y X Differs From Y Regard X As Y ============ GMC: Grammar, Meaning, and Concision.

S-V,Parallelism, Pronouns, Modifiers,V Tense,mood&voice,Compare,Idioms Run on SC: join two main clauses by a comma. The numberS of: almost always wrong. greater than(compare number), more than(compare quantity of number). Wrong: The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now suspected to be much MORE than before. Right: The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now suspected to be much GREATERthan before. ====================================== GMC/S-V/PARALLELISM: ADVANCED STRATEGY 1: Prefer a Verb to an Action Noun 2: Prefer a That-Clause (with Verbs) to a Series of Phrases (with Nouns) 3: Prefer a Verb to an Adjective 4: Prefer an Adjective to a Noun 5: Prefer an Adverb to a Prepositional Phrase Avoid making concrete nouns and action nouns parallel. Avoid making simple gerund and complex gerund parallel. Only complex gerund can be parallel to action nouns. Always choose complex gerund phrase(ofter with article and OF) over simple gerund phrase. ======================= Manhattan Lab: Timing Principle. 1. There is generally an INVERSE relationship between accuracy on a GMAT problem and time spend on that problem. Math, SC. Can not do in 1-2 minute, extra 1-2 not help. Except for RC and CT. 2."Strategic Guessing" is the key to meeting timing "BENCHMARKS" without compromising your test performance. Strategic guessing. 1.DS. -Find the easier statement. Use this statement to eliminate choices AD or BD(or Occasionally A,B,D) -Can the question be obviously answered using both statements together? Eliminate answer choice E. -Look to see if the two statements give "parallel" pieces of information. If the do, you can generally eliminate answer choices A and B 2.PS. Estimate an answer without solving the problem; Eliminate any answer choices that are far from your estimate. ========== Problem Solving : 22 Strategic guessing: Maximum(Minimum), Paring, Estimation. Timing Strategy video is incomplete. =============== Page 211 Manhattan Lab 5 - Minute 67

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