Film Analysis

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5 seconds

Fast Fade In - reveals the close up of a bright glowing orb

10 seconds

Zooms out to a long shot to reveal a statue of liberty -like figure standing at the top of a stairway surrounded by clouds, holdining a torch.

15 seconds

The word columbia (institutional tag) fades in at the top of the image in embossed large writing and the words 'a SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT company' fade in at the bottom of the screen in a small font. All of this is layered on top of the woman holding the torch.

20 seconds

The columbia institutional tag fades out

25 seconds

quick fade in reveals a door slamming and the camera zooms in through the keyhole

30 seconds

The words 'GHOST HOUSE PICTURES' (institutional tag) appear either side of the keyhole and a skull is partially visible through the keyhole

35 seconds

The 'GHOST HOUSE PICTURES' institutional tag slowly fades out

40 seconds

the words 'When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage a curse is born.' Fade in

45 seconds

The words 'When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage a curse is born.' fade out but the word 'Curse' remains for 2 seconds longer and turns red. The words 'The curse gathers in that place of death.' then fade in

50 seconds

The words 'The curse gathers in that place of death.' fade out and the word 'Death' remains for 2 second longer and turns red

55 seconds

The words 'Those who encounter it will be consumed by fury' fade in

60 seconds

The words 'Those who encounter it will be consumed by fury'

65 seconds 70 seconds 75 seconds 80 seconds 85 seconds 90 seconds 95 seconds 100 seconds 105 seconds 110 seconds 115 seconds


extremely quiet low screeching (one note) (non digetic)

Music - screeching with an eerie woman's voice (non digetic)


Door slamming (digetic) + screeching with an eerie woman's voice (non digetic)

Music - screeching with an eerie woman's voice (non digetic)

Music - screeching with an eerie woman's voice (non digetic)

Music - deep string instruments (non digetic)

Music - Low pitch synth (non digetic)

Music - Low pitch synth (non digetic)

Music - Low pitch synth (non digetic)



Columbia (institutional tag) a SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT company



GHOST HOUSE PICTURES (institutional tag)


When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage a curse is born.'

The curse gathers in that place of death.'

The curse gathers in that place of death.'

Those who encounter it will be consumed by fury'

Screen Caps

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