How To Organise A Text

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How to organise a text A.

Presenting arguments /facts 1st paragraph In first place First of all 2nd paragraph Secondly Last paragraph Lastly Examples: Its not easy to buy a new house. First of all, you need to find one you can afford. Secondly, youll need to negotiate the price with the owner. Also, you will most probably to get a loan from a bank. Finally youll move into it. Finally In the second place To start with At first sight Firstly

B. Indicating time First of all Next/Then After that While Finally In the end Before After In the meantime When Suddenly/ All of a sudden During

Examples: Before you chop an onion, you must peel it. Some students listen to their stereo and eat snacks while they do their homework.

C. Adding ideas Apart from this/ that Moreover Examples: Hes very good at sports. Besides/Moreover, hes also good at languages. Apart from that, hes an extraordinary piano player. In addition to Whats more Besides Furthermore

In addition to being an excellent sportsman, hes also a very good piano player. D. Summarizing ideas In short Examples: In short/to sum up/in conclusion, football in the United States is improving considerably. In conclusion To sum up

E. Expressing cause / consequence Because of this/that For this/that reason Thats why Therefore Examples: He spent hours and hours studying for the exam. Consequently/ As result/therefore/For that reason/ Thats why he passed the exam with honours. a As a result of this/that As a consequence Consequently So

F. Establishing contrasts But However Nevertheless

On the one hand/ the other hand Although/ though/ even though+clause In spite of + clause / Despite + noun / ing verb

Examples: Learning languages is fascinating. However/Nevertheless, one has to study and practise a lot. Having children is a big responsibility but, on the other hand, they give parents lots of satisfactions. Although it was cold, we had lunch in the garden. In spite of / Despite the rain, we didnt take our umbrella. In spite of / Despite studying very hard, John never got good marks.

G. Giving explanations / examples

As a matter of fact In other words For example/ for instance

That is (to say) Actually (de facto)

In fact In fact

Examples: I love ice-cream. As a matter of fact of fact/ In fact/ Actually it is my favourite food. Actually , the Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Canada is a multilingual country, that is, several languages are spoken there. This politician is clearly not an honest man. For instance, when he was a minister, he lied to the public about health issues.

H. Expressing a personal opinion, a point of view In my opinion From my point of view Personally As far as Im concerned To a certain extent Basically Especially In particular Above all On the whole In general Frankly speaking To be honest/honestly speaking To be sincere, Sincerely speaking

Examples: In my opinion, we should be more critical than we are. Personally, I think learning languages is necessary. As far as I am concerned, his work is much better than mine. I like English literature, especially/ above all, the Victorian period. The teacher was right to a certain extent.

Practice: Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1. I love Britain ______________, its my favourite country.

a) in fact

b) apart from

c) despite

2. _______________ it was raining, we didnt stay at home. a) besides b) despite c) although

3. A: What do you think about reading? B: Well, I _________ think its very important. a) specially b) personally c) therefore

4. My city has very bad traffic problems. ____________ it has very cheap public transport. a) in my view b) on the other hand c) to a certain extent

5. Britain is a multicultural country, ____________, there are many ethnic groups from all over the world. a) that is b) in addition c) however

6. _____________ the rain, we had lunch in the garden. a) although b) in spite of c) nevertheless

7. I disagree with you ______________, my view is basically the same. a) actually b) moreover c) although

8. He studies very hard and _____________ he passes all his exams easily. a) thats why b) moreover c) in my opinion

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