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ABDOMINAL SURGERY ABDOMINAL LAPAROTOMY- an opening made through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cavity for the purpose of exploration, diagnosis and treatment.

ABDOMINAL HERNIORRHAPHY- repair of the musculofascial defect, through which various organs of tissues may present.

Types. a. Inguinal (direct, indirect) and femoral- the musculofascial defect is in the groin, the herniated tissues presenting through the posterior inguinal wall medial to the deep inferior epigastric vessels or through the deep. b. Umbilical- within the umbilicus (or about the umbilicus , paraumbilical) most often see in the children or obese adults. c. Epigastric- defect in the abdominal wall between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus through which fat protrudes. d. Incisional (Ventral _ A defect within the scar of a surgical incision (abdominal) CHOLECYSTECTOMY- removal of the gall bladder CHOLECYSTOTOMY- the establishment of an opening into the gall bladder to allow drainage of the organ and removal of the stones. Choledochotomy- the opening of the common bile duct to remove stones. Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure) - the removal of the head of the pancreas, the entire duodenum, the very proximal portion of the jejunum, the distal third of the stomach and the distal half or the common bile duct, with the reestablishment of continuity of the biliary, pancreatic and gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatectomy- removal of the pancreas Splenectomy- removal of the spleen


GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY Vagatomy- the transaction of the vagus nerve (or peripheral divisions) perforemed at the level of the distal esophagus or at the gastric cardia, to reduce gastric secretion in the patients with peptic ulcers. Pyloroplasty- the enlargement of the gastric outlet, which will enhance emptying of the stomach. Gastrostomy- an artificial opening into the stomach exiting onto the skin of the abdominal wall. Gastrectomy- removal of the stomachy and reestablishment of the continuity of the gastrointestinal tract. a. Subtotal (partial) gastrectomy- refers to the excision of a portion of the stomach performed primarily for peptic ulcer disease or tumor of the distal stomach. b. Total gastrectomy- is often performed because of malignancy or uncontrollable bleeding. Cutaneous Ileostomy- formation of temporary or permanent opening of the ileum, which is brought out onto the abdomen as a stoma. Appendectomy- excision of the appendix, usually performed tp remove the acutely inflamed organ. Colostomy- formation of a permanent or temporary opening into the colon brought out onto the abdominal wall as a stoma. Right Hemicolectomy- resection of the right half of the colon (a portion of the transverse colon, the ascending colon and the cecum) and a segment of the terminal ileum and their mesenteries; an anstamosi is performed between the ileum and the transverse colon (ileocolostomy). Transverse Colectomy- resection of a segment of the transverse colon with an end-to-end anastomosis to reestablish continuity of the colon. Hemorrhoidectomy- excision of distended veins, anal skin, anoderm (external and musous membrane internally)


NECK SURGERY Thyroidectomy- removal of all or a portion of the thyroid gland.

Parathyroidectomy- removal of one or more of the four parathyroid glands located behind the thyroid gland. Thyroglossal Duct Cystectomy- excision of a cyst and duct in the mid line of the neck including a portion of the thyroid bone. ii. BREAST SURGERY Breast Biopsy- removal of tissue to determine the nature of breast lesion. Mastectomy- removal of the breast. Types: a. Partial mastectomy- excision of a breast tumor with appropriate tumor- free margins. b. Subcutaneous mastectomy removal of all breast tissue overlying skin and nipple are left intact. c. Simple mastectomy- removal of entire breast only. It is usually done to for patients with no lymph node involvement or for elderly or poor- risk patients who cannot tolerate a more extensive procedure. d. Modified radical mastectomy- removal of breast and axillary lymph nodes; most frequently performed radical procedures. It is performed on patients with malignant lesions in which axillary fat and lymphatic tissues and excised and pectoral muscles may be removed to more widely encompass and potential tumor:


GYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC SURGERY Dilation of the cervix and curettage of the Uterus (D & C)- the gradual enlargement of the cervical canal and removal (by scraping) pf endocervical or edndometrial tissue for histrologic study or treatment. Conization of the uterine Cervix- the excision of tissue around the cervix Marsupialization of Bartholins Duct Cyst- the incision and draon age of vulvovaginal cyst and the suturing of the cyst wall to the edges of the incisions. Vaginla Hysterectomy- removal of the uterus through the vaginal approach Anterior and/or Posterior Colporrhapy- repair and reinforcement of musculofscila support of the bladder and the urethra (anteriorly) and

distal rectum (posteriorly) preventing protrusion of the structures through the vaginal wall. Total Abdominal Hysterectomy - removal of the entire uterus through an abdominal incision. Salphingo-oophorectomy the removal of a fallopian tube and corresponding ovary. Tuboplasty of the Fallopina Tubes the reestablishment of patency of the fallopian tubes. Cesarian Section delivery of the fetus through incision in the abdominal wall and the uterus. GENITOURINE SURGERY CIRCUMCISION the excision of the foreskin of the penis Hydrocelectomy excision of a portion of the tunica vaginalis testis with evacuation of fluid contained therein. Vasectomy excision of a segment of the vas deferens with ligation of the distal and proximal ends. Vasovasostomy- anastomosis of the severed ends of the vas deferens. Spermatocelectomy- excision of a cystic swelling of the spermatic ductal system, usually at the epididymis. Orchitectomy removal of one or both testicles. Cystectomy removal of the urinary bladder. Transuretural Resection of the Prostate (TURP) and/ or Lesion of the bladder or Bladder Beck (TURB). Transurethral resection is the piecemeal removal of prostatic tissue and / or lesion of the bladder neck transcystoscopically. Open Prostatectomy excision of the prostate gland via surgical incision. Types: a. Suprapubic the bladder I exposed through a transverse or vertical suprapubic incison. The done of the bladder is incised and the bladder is aspirated and explored for additional pathology. b. Retropubic a suprapubic incision is made; the prostate and bladder neck are exposed in the prevesical space. The prostate


capsule is incised and the gland enucleated by digital dissection. Hemostatic is achieved. A foley catheter is position in the urethra and the capsule is repaired. A drain may be employed. The wound is closed. c. Perineal a tractor is placed in the bladder transurethrally to displace the prostate toward the perineum; a culvilinear incison is made in the perineum. Nephrectomy removal of a kidney Ureterolithomy removal of calculi from ureter. Pyelolothomy removal of calculi from the renal pelvis. Nephrolithomy removal of calculi from kidney. Cutaneous Ureterostomy establishment of uretral stoma on the abdominal wall. Adremalectomy excision of either or both the adrenal glands.



Pulmonary lobectomy- excision of one or more lobes of the lung Pneumnectomy removal of the lung Thymectomy removal of the thymus gland.


NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Craniotomy opening of the skull Cranioplasty repair of cranial defect. Transshenoidal Hypophysectomy excision on destruction of all or a portion of the pituitary gland. Laminectomy is the removl of one or more vertebral laminae.



CLEFT LIP REPAIR correction of a congenial deformity of the lips and face. Cleft palate repair correction of congenital defects in the palate. Reduction of nasal fracture molding and realignment of the nasal bones and septum. Reduction of mandibular fracture correction of malocclusion resulting from fracture of the lower jaw. Reduction of a zygomatic fracture correction of fracture of the cheek (zygoma or malar bone) Rhinoplasty correction of the external appearance of the nose. Blepaharoplasty excision of potrussion of intraorbital fat and resection of excessive rebundant of skin eyelids. Rhytidectomy mobilization and excision or excessive facial skin folds and subcutaneous tissue in order to inimize wrinkles and excessive fatty deposits. Dermabrassion- sanding of the skin to smooth scars and surface irregulaties. Otoplasty most commonly refers to correction of a prominent ear that protrudes unduly from the side of the head; it may also refer to the correction of microtia and other congenital deformities of the ears. Repair of syndactyly separation of webbed of fused digits. Reduction of breast tissue and mammoplasty excision of excessive breast tissue and reconstruction of the breasts. Abdominal lipectomy removal of loose, redundant abdominal skin and underlying subcutaneous fat and the repair of the recurs muscle as necessary. Liposuction removal of subcuataneous fat deposits employing a hindpressure vacuum-suctioning device.


OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIC (ENT) SURGERY Myringotomy incision into the tympanic membraneto remove fluid accumulation. Mastoidectomy removal of bony partitions froming the mastoid air cells.

Tympanoplasty refers toa variety of reconstructive procedure of the tymphanic membrane and middle ear structures. Stapedectomy removal of the stapes and the establishment of a linkage between incus and the oval window by placement of a prosthesis. Nasal Polypectomy excision of an edematous hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa resulting from chroic edematous inflammatory process. Tonsillectomy is an excision of the faucial (palatine) tonsils. Adenoidectomy is the excision of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids). Tracheostomy an opening made into trachea with the insertion of a cannula to facilitate breathing. Parotidectomy excision of all or portion of the largest salivary gland. Laryngectomy complete partial removal of the larynx.


OPTHALMIC SURGERY Excison of chalazion ioncision and curettage if a granulomatous swelling of the meibomian gland (s). Canthotomy incision of the canthus. Correction of entropion correction of an eversion and drooping upper eyelid. Lacrimal duct probing opening of the nasolacrimal duct. Dacryocystorhinostomy reestablishment of a passageway between the lacrimal duct and the nasal cavity. Correction of strabismus alignment of the visual axes of the eyes. Evisceration of the eye. Removal of the entire contents of the eye within the scleral shell. Enucleation of the Glove removal of an eye (without rupture of the globe). Orbital exenteration removal of an eye and significant portion of the orbital tissues.

Corneal transplant/ keratoplasty the grafting of corneal tissue from the eye of one person to another. Cataract extraction removal of an opaque ocular lens. Iridectomy excision of a section of an iris. Trabeculectomy drainage of the anterior chamber employing a partialthickness limbal based scleral flap. Vitrectomy removal of vitreous humor (vitreous body). Refractive keratoplasty reshaping of the cornea in order to alter its refractive power.



CAROTIC ENDARTERECTOMY- EXCISION OF INTIMAL PLAQUE FROM THE CAROTIC ARTERY Femoropopliteal Bypass- the interposition of a graft from the common femoral artery to the popliteal artery to the popliteal artery in order to bypass an occluded segment of the superficial femoral artery. Greater saphenous Vein ligation and stripping excision of the greater saphenous vein and its tributaries. Portasystemic shunt diversion of portal portal venous blood to the systemic venous blood to systemic venous system. Aortic valve replacement- involves the excision and replacement of the diseased mitral valve. Mitral valve replacement involves in the excision and replacement of the diseased mitral valve. Coronary artery bypass refers to the grafting of the internal mammary artery or segments of autologous saphenous vein to bypass coronary artery abstraction.



OPEN REDUCTION OF A CARPAL BONE FRATURE realignment and fixation of fractures (or fracture dislocation) of the bones of the wrist through an operative incision.

Excision of a ganglion- removal of a cystic dilation of the capsule of a joint or tendon sheath that contains synoval fluid.

Carpal tunnel release decompression of the median nerve on the volar surface of the wrist.

Open reduction of the humerus realignment and fixation of a fixation of a fracture of the arm employing an operative incision.

Open reduction of the radius and / or Ulna realignment and fixation of fractures of the forearm employing an operative incision.

Open reduction of an olecranon realignment and fixation of fracture of the elbow employing an operative incision.

Internal fixation of the hip stabilization of an itracapular fracture of the interochanter region.

Total hip replacement substitution of the femoral head with a prosthesis and the reconstruction of the acetabulum with the palacements of an acetabular cuip, both of which may be fixed with methylmethcrylate. Open reduction femoral shaft realignment and fixation of a fracture of the femur through the operative incision.

Arthrotomy of the knee incisionof the knee joint.

Excision of popliteal (bakers cyst) excision of a cyst located in the popliteal space.

Total knee replacement - replacement of the articular surfaces of the knee Bunionectomy excision of a soft tissue and / Or bony mass at the medoial aspect of the first metatarsal head.

Metatarsal head resection excision of the metatarsal head head. Amputation of lower extremity severance of a thigh, leg, foot, digit (s), or portion thereof.

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