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Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte was published in the 19

century. It comes under
the purview of classics. It has been narrated by a third person, Nelly Dean, who is a
servant of the house, Wuthering Heights. She is closely related to the two protagonists of
the novel, Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. The story has been narrated through
secondary incidents and sources such as, Mr. Lockwoods two visits, and Catherines
The novel based at Wuthering Heights is set in the isolated Yorkshire moors, Northern
England. Close by, there is another house, Thrushcross Grange, which is a sharp
contrast to Wuthering Heights. The two groups of characters residing in these two
houses are poles apart; the Earnshaws, strong willed and passionate, and the Lintons of
Thrushcross Grange are agreeable and kind people. Heathcliff is adopted by the Mr.
Earnshaw and develops a close relationship with his foster father and Catherine
Earnshaw, the daughter of the house. After the death of Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff is
neglected and mistreated; however, his deep bond with Catherine still holds. He falls in
love with her but she doesnt reciprocate and ends up marrying Edgar Linton, because
she feels Heathcliff is socially unacceptable. This sets Heathcliff on the road to
The characters are extremely powerful and driven. They are volatile, passionate, evil,
and violent. Catherine is a destructive, stubborn and strong-willed girl. She is given to
fits of temper, and she is torn between her wild passion for Heathcliff and her social
ambition. She brings misery to both of the men who love her. Heathcliff, as a boy, was a
mischievous yet innocent and misunderstood creature. However, rejection made him
into a powerful, fierce, and cruel man. Edgar Linton is well-bred but rather spoiled as a
boy. He grows into a tender, loving, but cowardly man. Nelly or Ellen Dean, the
narrator, is a very peaceful character. She is a sensible, intelligent, and compassionate
woman who grew up with the Earnshaw children.
According to Wikipedia, the adjective wuthering is used to describe the stormy weather
in some parts of Yorkshire, particularly used for winds blowing with a roaring sound.
The name of the house where they all live is Wuthering Heights. Bronte almost suggests
the effect of the house upon its inhabitants. The Gothic style houses residents seem to
be haunted by their own demons. The title Wuthering Heights is thus, indicative of the
storyline, events and characters of the novel.
The book is in Victorian English which might be cumbersome for the modern reader to
comprehend. I rather enjoyed the experience. It does take a few pages to get used to it
but after that, it is a pleasant ride. Its content and wordplay is rich, characters are
complex, and plot is unique. I rather enjoyed Nellys narrative of the novel, probably,
because I feel she was the only normal, balanced character and thus, did justice to the
story. The story is not narrated in a chronological order; it has been narrated through
events which makes it even better for the reader as it unfolds.
All the characters, except for the narrator, herself, and Mr. Lockwood, are extremes
which make the story seem a little improbable. The novel is full of heinous events and
characters so it might repel some readers; but, it is that what makes it such an intense
experience. It is full of romance, revenge, suspense, passion, love, friendship, hatred.

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