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MALVAS BSIT - 2A Name: Address: Tel No: Website: About: Information Technology Association of the Philippines (ITAP) PO Box 3240, Makati Central Post Office 1272 Makati City, Philippines +63 917- 8967557 www.itaphil.org The Information Technology Association of the Philippines (ITAP) is a private, independent and non-profit association formed in 1984 primarily to promote the interest of its members, who are leading product and service providers of Information and Communication Technology. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Success in business has to do with knowledge, in getting ahead of your competitors by capitalizing on newfound information. ITAP offers immediate notification of IT project bids as well as information bulletins on international trade opportunities. EXECUTIVE NETWORKING: It's all about having the right connections and knowing the right people. ITAP offers CEO interfacing through regular networked discussions on the most current topics and issues affecting the IT industry. It strives to create an atmosphere for member firms to seek advantageous partnerships, opportunities to develop joint technology, and marketing arrangements. PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCACY: The recognition of ITAP by the government and the Law has made us the "voice" of the technology industry for over 16 years. We have participated in major decisionmaking on issues that affect your bottom line: tariff reduction on IT products, export control, legal reform, workforce skill standards, trade, technology development, and government procurement. ITAP keeps a watchful eye on issues that affect the technological industry worldwide. INDUSTRY RESEARCH SURVEYS: ITAP surveys the compensation packages and and employee benefits practices of IT companies, providing data that will help member companies structure competitive packages to attract and retain exceptional employees. ITAP provides its members with the latest IT-related data and information. Armed with this powerful knowledge, you will be able to explain the economic importance of the technology industry to policy and press officials, as well as other key players in the global market. When you're in the group, you're in the know. PROFESSIONAL: ITAP has established guidelines for the standardization of the accreditation of IT professionals. We help provide the best job opportunities available to IT practitioners by participating in job fairs. Our skills training helps to upgrade and make the Filipino IT professional more competitive globally. INDUSTRY EDUCATION LINKAGE: ITAP provides assistance and support to the countries' educational infrastructure to produce a capable, competent and competitive IT workforce. Along this line, we help

Programs & Projects:

provide educational institutions with qualified faculty members for its IT-related academic programs. We continuously strive to encourage enrolment in IT collegiate courses and vocational programs by participating in institutional career-orientation programs. ITAP supports outstanding faculty members via professorial chairs and outstanding students via the sponsorship of skills contests and scholarship programs. FELLOWSHIP: ITAP has a year-round schedule for sports and social events for member companies and their employees, building camaraderie and healthy competition among peers. Vision: Mission: Objectives: ITAP envisions itself as a prime mover in the development and evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Philippines. Its mission is to promote ICT development and usage as it contributes to Philippine economic growth and enhances global competitiveness. ICT Integrator To Serve as the leading institutional representative of the ICT industry bringing together all ICT organizations towards common national collaborative programs. T - Trusted Advisor To serve as a trusted advisor for the government and the business sector on industry developments and related matters. A - Advocate To serve as an advocate for business ethics and good corporate governance in the implementation of ICT programs and projects. P - Partner To become a partner to the government and the business sector to promote Philippine global competitiveness and to the ICT industry to propel business growth.

List of Officers
RONNIE LATINAZO, Vice President EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS (632) 859-4635, 859-4600 ronnie.latinazo@itaphil.org PETER TAN, President FUJITSU PHILS., INC. (632) 812-4001 (632) 817-7576 MARILYN SIY, Secretary ACCENTURE INC. (632) 841-0111 (632) 849-5005 CARLO SUBIDO, Director INTEL TECHNOLOGY PHILS., INC. (632) 849-2170 (632) 849-2170

CHESTNUT ANDAYA, Director IBM PHILIPPINES, INC. IBM Country Manager for Cross Industry Sector (632) 995-2426 HERMAN GAMBOA, Director DATA CENTER DESIGN CORP. (632) 894-4011, 812-4885 KATHLEEN KHO, Treasurer METASYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, INC. (632) 534-2136 (632) 534-6038

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