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Thromboembolism: Formation in a blood vessel of a clot (thrombus) that breaks loose and is carried by the blood stream to plug

another vessel. The clot may plug a vessel in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), brain (stroke), gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or leg. Thromboembolism is an important cause of morbidity (disease) and mortality (death), especially in adults. Treatment may involve anticoagulants (bloodthinners), aspirin, or vasodilators (drugs that relax and widen vessels). Symptoms of peripheral embolism:
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Paresthesias Tingling Numbness Pain Weakness Weak pulse

Symptoms of brain embolism:



Symptoms of kidney embolism:

y y

Kidney failure High blood pressure

Symptoms of gastrointestinal embolism:

y y y y

Severe abdominal pain Nausea Vomiting Shock

Complications for Thromboembolism:

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Embolism Pulmonary embolism Brain embolism (type of Embolism) Leg embolism Kidney embolism Gastrointestinal embolism Death

Treatment for Thromboembolism

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Emergency hospitalization Surgery Bypass surgery Anticoagulants Aspirin Vasodilators

A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in one of the arteries of the lungs. It is caused when a piece of a blood clot located elsewhere in the body breaks off and travels through the bloodstream and lodges in one of the arteries that supply the lungs. A pulmonary embolism may be serious and life threatening. Each year, more than 100,000 cases of pulmonary embolism occur in the United States (Source: NHLBI).
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Pulmonary Embolism? Join the Discussion

Deep vein thrombosis is the primary cause of pulmonary embolism. In deep vein thrombosis, blood clots form in the large veins of the legs. A blood clot may break free in a leg vein and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, where it can cause symptoms by blocking an artery. Symptoms of pulmonary embolism vary greatly, depending on the severity of the embolism. Some individuals with pulmonary embolism have no symptoms, or they experience only symptoms associated with deep vein thrombosis in the legs. Treatment of pulmonary embolism aims to dissolve, remove or limit the growth of the blood clot. This may be achieved through medication, minimally invasive procedures, or, rarely, surgery. In some cases, a pulmonary embolism may be life threatening. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms, such as chest pain, sweating, or severe difficulty breathing, which may be combined with leg pain or swelling and sharp pain in the lungs.

What are the symptoms of pulmonary embolism?

Many of the symptoms of pulmonary embolism are the result of difficulty breathing or deep vein thrombosis. At times, any of these pulmonary embolism symptoms can be severe. It is possible to have a pulmonary embolism without any symptoms....


What causes pulmonary embolism?

A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in one of the arteries of the lungs. The blockage is usually caused by a blood clot, but other, less common causes exist. Blockage of an artery in the lung restricts blood flow to a portion of the lung TREATMENTS

How is pulmonary embolism treated?

Treatment of pulmonary embolism varies greatly depending on the severity of the embolism. Medications are used to control the formation and growth of blood clots and restore blood flow to the lungs. Oxygen may be administered through a face mask, prongs (tiny plastic tubes) in the nostrils, or a breathing tube. More invasive procedures may be required in severe or lifethreatening cases of pulmonary embolism, or if the blood clot is very lar Stroke (brain embolism) Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted. A blood clot can block one of the vital blood vessels in the brain or a blood vessel in the brain can burst, spilling blood into surrounding tissues.

Thrombosis and embolism can be partially prevented with anticoagulants in those deemed at risk. One of the most common types of venous thrombosis is deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a blood clot in one of the deep veins of the body. Arterial thrombosis often occurs in arteries that supply the heart, resulting in a heart attack. It can also occur in the arteries of the brain, causing a stroke. Sometimes, part, or all, of a blood clot can come away from its original site and travel through the bloodstream. If this occurs, the clot can become lodged in another part of the body. This is known as an embolism. A blood clot that lodges in one of the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism. Generally, a risk-benefit analysis is required, as all anticoagulants lead to a small increase in the risk of major bleeding. In atrial fibrillation, for instance, the risk of stroke (calculated on the basis of additional risk factors, such as advanced age and high blood pressure) needs to outweigh the small but known risk of major bleeding associated with the use of warfarin.[10]

In people admitted to hospital, thrombosis is a major cause for complications and occasionally death. In the UK, for instance, the Parliamentary Health Select Committee heard in 2005 that the annual rate of death due to hospital-acquired thrombosis was 25,000.

Hence thromboprophylaxis (prevention of

thrombosis) is increasingly emphasized. In patients admitted for surgery, graded compression stockings are widely used, and in severe illness, prolonged immobility and in all orthopedic surgery, professional guidelines recommendlow molecular weight heparin (LMWH) administration, mechanical calf compression or (if all else is contraindicated and the patient has recently suffered deep vein thrombosis) the insertion of a vena cava filter.
[12][13] [13][14]

In patients with medical rather than surgical and in the United Kingdom the Chief Medical

illness, LMWH too is known to prevent thrombosis,


Officer has issued guidance to the effect that preventative measures should be used in medical patients, in anticipation of formal guidelines.

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