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PROPOSAL FOR INITIAL FUNDED FLOODS EMERGENCY RESPONSE IN Santana do Munda, Alagoas State and Agua Preta, Pernambuco


Submitted on July 1, 2010

By Heron Santana ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Tel.: + 00 55 81 2121-2446 Mobile: + 00 55 81 9615-8127 Fax : + 00 55 81 3462-2417


Pernambuco is one of 27 units of Brazil. It is located in east-central region Northeast. It occupies an area of 98,311 km . Also part of its territory the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha. Its capital is the city of Recife.

The population of Pernambuco is 8,810,256 inhabitants, according to IBGE, the official statistics in Brazil. The population density is 80.65 inhabitants per km . The state of Pernambuco has 185 municipalities.

The state is inserted in the intertropical zone, just shows predominantly high temperatures, but the climate is quite diverse due to the interference of relief and air masses.

In the Zona da Mata (middle region of Pernambuco), the weather is predominantly pseudotropicalis, with heavy rain in autumn and winter. Already in the arid zone climatic conditions are diverse because of the region of ecotone, with wetter areas and more droughts, dominated the semi-arid climate. In the backwoods, the climate is semi-arid and hot, due to the retention of rainfall on the plateau Borborema and dry air currents from southern Africa, among other factors less important.

Under the influence of moist air masses to share in the winter, the meso Zona da Mata and the Wild have concentrated rainfall during the colder season.

On June 18, the rains that fell on the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco and Alagoas broke dams in rivers. In Pernambuco, 59 cities were destroyed. In Alagoas, 28 cities were devastated by floods.
ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau 2

That Friday, one of two dams in the Sierra Grande accumulated water for hours. Until it broke down and gave way. The river came down with force, carrying huge trees, sticks, foliage. All this was under a bridge a few yards away. That is, the water was dammed again and returned to homes that had already been reached. Hours later, the bridge also broke down and gave way, releasing even more the river waters.

After Sao Jose da Laje, the waters of Lefty joined the river Munda, who razed cities and Unio dos Palmares, 77 miles of Miami, and Branquinha to 67 km away from the capital.

With water from other rivers as well as trees and other objects, the river Munda followed his path of destruction. The last stop was the city of Rio Largo, glued to the capital Macei, just 29 km. There, the waters destroyed the side of a dam, displacing entire train line and knocking down a bridge. "The water came too hard and ripped the side wall. We never had anything like this," said retired Claudionor Gomes.

In both states, killed 57 people - 37 in Alagoas and 20 in Pernambuco.

According to the National Civil Defense, there Alagoans 26.618

homeless and 47. 897

displaced, while there are 26,966 homeless and 55.643 million homeless in Pernambuco. Already exist in all 58 municipalities in the state of public calamity or emergency in the region.


28 cities hit 37 deaths 26 618 homeless 47 897 homeless 19 164 houses affected

ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau


67 cities hit 20 deaths 26 966 homeless 55 643 homeless 14 136 houses affected

People are sleeping on the street for not more than their homes. As a result, many are being infected by such diseases as lepstopirose. There is also the tragedy of not having to cook the food they receive as donations. Lack mineral water, mattresses, food, medicine and personal hygiene products.

Objectives ADRA Northeast proposes to intervene with the distribution of NFI (noon food items) such as a stove, cooking material kits and mattresses to 100 families which have lost everything in the city of Santana do Munda, State of Alagoas.

The project will benefit 80 families of Santana do Munda, Alagoas State and other 80 families in Agua Preta, Pernambuco State totaling 160 families or 960 people (taking into consideration that families in this region of the country have an average of 6 people/family). The beneficiary will be selected without regard to political or religious association, age, gender, or ethnicity. ADRA staff will be directly involved in the selection and in coordination with the local civil defense and government. Following the Sphere project the numbers of the project are as follows:
# mattresses distributed per family 3

ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau

5 - Localization and Limits

Alagoas State

Santana do Munda

ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau


Line Item Description Stove Cooking utensils Mattress Transport Overhead (0%) TOTAL BUDGET Exchange Rate: US$ 1.00 = R$ 1.80 Date: July 1, 2010 PROPOSED FUNDING ADRA Northeast ADRA Division / Regional Office ADRA International TOTAL Unit un Kits un un Qty 160 160 160 1 Unit Value Total Amt. R$ Total Amt.USD 205,00 32.800,00 20,800.00 29,00 4.640,00 28,00 11.520,00 6,400.00 2.400,00 2.400,00 1,333.00 1,467.00 30,000.00

(25%) US$ 5,000.00 (23%) US$ 5,000.00 (50%) US$ 20,000.00 US$ 30,000.00

ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau

Bank Information for Wire Transfer of Emergency Response Funds *Recipients Name/Title of Account
IANDBEAS Instituio Adventista do Nordeste Brasileiro de Educao e Assistncia Social. Rua Jos Bezerra de Albuquerque, 210 ZIP 53.315-580

Address in Destination Country

City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country Telephone Number *Recipient's Account Number *Branch Number *Recipient's Bank Routing Code (ABA#, Swift, Sort, BLZ, etc.) *Recipient's Bank Name Bank Address

Jaboato dos Guararapes Pernambuco State Brazil ZIP 53.315-580 +00 55 (81) 2121-2400 78412-5 0291-7 BBDEBRSPRCE

BRADESCO Av. Conselheiro Aguiar, 3236 Boa Viagem

*City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank Routing Code
Recipient's Bank Should:(Please select one)

Recife, Pernanbuco State Brazil ZIP 51.020-021

*Type of Currency to Send *Contact Name & Email for Accounting/Finances

U$ Dollars Euzbio Gomes da Silva Neto

* Mandatory Information. Delays and additional charges may result if correct banking details are not provided with proposal.

A final report will be due 90 days of the notification of funds from ADRA International, or 30 days after the completion of the project, whichever comes first.

ADRA Northeast Brazil Union Water for Live - Drought Response in Piau

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