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Contemporary Issues in Health and Exercise

HPP301 Week One

Jamie Sims Tanya Goosen

Why you first chose to take this course How you perceptions have changed over two years Two stars and a wish

Module Rationale
Key sociological and psychological issues associated with health and exercise Extend knowledge of contemporary issues Provide a theoretical framework that is practically relevant to health and exercise Allow you to critically evaluate a range of strategies that are currently being used to promote health and exercise

Module Learning Outcomes

Critically examine a variety of contemporary issues in health and exercise Evaluate strategies and initiatives to promote change in health and exercise

Learning and Teaching Strategy

Lectures Independent Study Group Sessions Seminar Discussions Presentations Case Studies

Module Assessment
Presentation 40% of module grade 15 minutes A strategy or initiative to promote change in a selected contemporary target group Monday 19th March Essay 60% of module grade 2,000 words A critical analysis of a selected contemporary issue

Tuesday 8th May

Note: A different contemporary issue must be selected for each assignment

Presentation Assignment
The presentation should:
Describe a new intervention programme for a specific issue and population Be grounded in appropriate theory

Assessment criteria:
Evaluate and propose strategies and interventions to promote change in exercise and health Clearly communicate presentation aims and objectives Clearly communicate key points, arguments and conclusions Effectively use PowerPoint or appropriate alternative presentation formats

Essay Assignment
The essay should:
Describe and critically evaluate a selected issue

Assessment criteria
The ability to:
Critically analyse selected contemporary issues Summarise and evaluate research findings Synthesize arguments and formulate logical conclusions Write using appropriate academic style and grammar Reference using correct academic styles and formats

Module Content
Week 1 Introduction to Module Explanations of assessment Week 2 Introduction to Self-Determination Meta-Theory Cognitive Evaluation Theory Week 3 Further SDT Meta-Theory Basic Psychological Needs Theory Organismic Integration Theory Week 4 Facilitating Motivation and Behaviour Change Amotivation Week 5 Student Directed Week Week 6 Facilitating Motivation and Behavioural Change External Regulation Addressing your presentation assignments Week 7 Facilitating Motivation and Behavioural Change Introjected Regulation Week 8 Facilitating Motivation and Behaviour Change Identified and Internalised Regulation Week 9 Facilitating Motivation and Behaviour Change Intrinsic Motivation Week 10 Presentation Assignment Week 11 Self-Determination Theory in Contemporary Issues Obesity Week 12 Self-Determination Theory in Contemporary Issues Chronic Disease Week 13 Self-Determination Theory in Contemporary Issues Mental Health and Wellbeing Week 14 Student Directed Study Week 15 Essay Submission

Module Resources
Lecture Slides Media Clips Journal Articles

Biddle & Mutrie Biddle, Fox & Boutcher

Now We Are (Level) Six

What is expected?

You have probably worked out that a piece of work that achieved top marks in the first year achieved less in the second year?
Unfortunately, in year three is will achieve less again

The Simple Rule Is:

Year One

Year Two
Describe and discuss

Year Three
Describe, discuss and evaluate

The only problem is that you must do all of these within the same word count

Academic Terms
You will have heard the following terms associated with marking criteria:
Critically analyse Evaluate Synthesize Formulate

But what do they mean and how do you do them?

Critically analyse
The ability to think rationally Presenting sound judgements rather than simply giving opinions Logical progression in forming an argument Questions to ask:
Is your/their conclusion valid and reasonable? Does your/their argument agree with itself (internal validity)? Does it agree with other arguments that make sense? If not, does it justify why it disagrees? Does it make sense given what we know about the world (ecological validity)?

An objective appraisal of the subject matter A consideration of the merits and demerits of the subject matter A weighing up of the evidence for or against a claim or a theory

Questions to ask:
Is there evidence for this theory? Is there evidence against this theory? Is the good evidence? Is the claim logical given the evidence? Is there an equally valid alternative explanation?

Synthesize and Formulate

Combine elements into a more complex whole Pull parts together into a cohesive single Form a single argument from the available evidence

To present an argument in a systematic manner To state a case without ambiguity

Fuller explanations are provided in Critical Thinking for Sports Students by Emily Ryall

There is a requirement to back up academic with adequate referencing Most students drop marks in every piece of assessed work by incorrect or inadequate referencing The departmental referencing conventions are provided Further guides are available online from many sources

More Referencing
Adequate referencing consists of backing up any statements in your work by citing research The fundamental question to ask is Have I just
Described some that happened
E.g. I used an opportunity sample for this study

Made a statement
E.g. opportunity sampling is a useful method in specific situations

The first sentence is a description and therefore does not require a reference The second sentence is an opinion/claim and therefore requires referencing You must also always provide a source reference when citing a theory

Read the Psychology Debate paper on Moodle Form a reasoned argument in favour of Biddle or Dovey
Joe, Sam, Perry

Eloise, Stefan

Come to next weeks lecture prepared to defend your case

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