Braingarbage by Prada

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braingarbage by prada

spoke to Prada security about getting Julian Assange of Wikileaks some Prada Swag.

i was walking back to occupy from the coulour shop near the embassies where i scanned the #occupylondon finance leak zine

having taken over the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Tent vacated by the legendary Beatrice who has taken her divine comedy to Italy born 25 july like me, i would like to point out a few things. had a brief fake neo-con moment of patriotism for the Hugeness of the American Embassy. and Wikileaks. I'm patriotic about Wikileaks. it's more American than the Americans. like my mom: more Catholic than the pope! PETA cheat sheet: 1. PETA had antisemitic PR with their Holocaust Metaphor for animal slaughter. 2. PETA uses american Misogynist Advertising strategies to sell Veganism to the Blue-Collar Porn-Demographic. in fact they now sell vegan porn. 3. PETA abuses its fundraisers via the same American Subcontractor Telefund Inc i have ruthlessly exposed on "labor law for non lawyers" which is also used by Amnesty International and American Civil Liberties Union. 4. PETA supports Occupy 5. braingarbage hasn't eaten meat since 1993. my friend still wants to start British American International Lawyers Guild. as City of London cop-dude took a mild-mannered cat swat at my camera last night as i filmed him arresting an emaciated 17 year old we need lawyers guild methods of surveillance, law student volunteers, and a citizens law project. we need law books donated to #OccupyLSX. if the memo i found is correctly ascribed to her (which i DO NOT KNOW)---she has verified my problem with Occupy London SEXISM. the memo reads: "why is it that the men always lead the conversations?" she explained her father was falsely accused in british family law courts, and thusly nearly destroyed. when i spoke her name near leister square, one occupator got so teary eyed---he said--beatrice---do not speak her name--as she is that which cannot be spoken. YAHWEH. the most angelic creature of occupy, i who i gander is an occupy london refugee---put off by the drinking and the cursing and sexism and bully tempers. on the upside---with all the injustice of the police informant bullies stealing the finance from the people of occupy london, on the upside it shows a few things. occupy can make money. occupy survives on very little. we need more resources. cell phones. Ipads. blackberries. solar panels.

tea kettles. clean bathrooms a woman could use. toothbrushes. eco development. hanging at Padington Station waiting for Arran Edmonstone who everybody thinks works for the Mossad or the CIA. especially this awesome conspiracy blog: planning an expose film of the Zeitgeist Tent Cartel of the clothing donations at #OccupyTranquility who verbally abuse me and refuse to give me clothes even if my satanic american 666 student loan dollars are dwindling. that's why i might just have to go with the prada swag promo marketing option. had a vision of wearing all white to the Supreme Court for Wikileaks Innocence. also a vision of a film i'd love to make of a woman in statue of liberty robes holding a macbook air tuned into some wikileaks. with wind blowing her robes . . . wikileaks, i'm loving it. now last year this time, i was crunching cablegate day after day. so much wisdom. the roberta--aka richard bentley---who is a british veteran and cross dresses, came up to my tent and exposed herself to me. i had no desire to see her/his genitals. nathan cravens of the p2p foundation bothered me by saying "are you b*tching" the night before last, which i consider extremely sexist and stupid. but he warned me about roberta-richard bentley being a predator. i took it for more paranoia, homophobia, or transhate. i wanted to start a trangendered empowerment of anti-discrimination league to protect the oppressed men and androgyns right to wear "women's" clothes but the problem is this: roberta had a very bad brain injury falling 20 feet and then in a coma while serving the british empire. brain damage. yet genius IQ. and exposing herself to me unsolicited as i sat in the PETA tent writing ideas for the wikileaks defense network, the GLBT equality commission, the antisexist occupy london task force, etc. i tried to fortify the tent with gathered cardboard, but was so frozen by 4 am, i took the night bus to blackheath to get computer and ipod charger. listening to thom yorke harrowdown hill remixes. eraser remixes. very keen for vogel black swan and bug. very nice feeling having no social interaction all day outside thom yorke's lovely voice. i hope he appreciates the expose of occupy. the dominant groupthink doxa wants to suppress everything---like say the window crasher of NYE at bankofideas who is a high ranking VIP occupier despite being sexist rude and violent--as with all the people i ever sued, i did it out of love. to bring us all closer to transcendence of the third eye. if anyone wants to sue anybody---i want to sue them all.

who will sue occup for sexual harassment on the job---as we all work there. keith used to write me back---until i pushed too many wikileaks buttons---as with my good old conservative porsche driving california labor law lawyer--but keith fink had asked me to speak at UCLA on free speech on the blogosphere---regarding my blogging about the sexual harassment in the anthropology department of los angeles city college and the department's attempt to censor my blog. it was funny. i was so honored. he was like: you are like james joyce. really rich people get upset at how smart i am, and yet how poor. here is one of the defamation blogs put out when he was suing American Apparel for their Sexual Harassment at first i was worried he might feel bad after being abused by AmAP for being such a hero for women's safety from sexual aggression at the workplace. plus i get why its important to breach FISA, all the time, as satygraha. on many levels. wow--sigh--keith fink! an hour with keith was life changing--braingarbage's lawsuit killing: LPQ 13k teuscher beverly hills 3700 riverstone residentials 6000 david n. schwartz re: hollywood apartment tenement 5000 LAPD via national lawyers guild 15, 000 this is nothing compared to my awesome friend from LACC in the paralegal department filing consumer fraud and landlord cases pro se, whilst being attacked by all the racists at LACC who can't understand powerful women from India, kick it! mother of braingarbage: sued the united states of america for 27 k for killing my sister with an outdated immunization father of braingarbage: sued johnny cash's screenwriter for plagiarism for around 22k can you believe i was about 11 checking out this "copyright law" problem? and then dad had me editing and checking for typos all his many manuscripts. his parents were supposedly upset he wasn't a lawyer---but he was better than a lawyer in some ways---too smart to be in a wall street dungeon---or doing dead-end law for the american supremacy project. braingarbage refuses to breed merely to have my dream ENG editor. re the roberta--aka richard bentley---who is a british veteran--and the sexual genital exposer of #occupylondon--the braindamaging accident prevented her from going to afganistan to be slaughtered in the Bloody British Wars of aggression. but nevertheless---this kind of sexual predatory activity is unsafe for kids---as is the excessive chain smoking outside occupy london tent city university and the sexist cursing. can any one help?

veterans of london need social care. we actually need rehab for occupylondon and just the british isles which seem to be universally drunk. the amount of beer and wine bottle waste alone is a huge ecological nightmare of the Bankster class. when i was watering the garden--it occurred to me the LSX is a very drunk stock exchange. it also occurred to me that it is on drugs. if merely five shots of espresso or what?? rehab--amy winehouse #occupylondon passing clouds sound system---nonstop music musik nonstop!!!!! gallons of alcohol fuel the british supremacy project. we should not forget. we should #occupylondon we should be careful not to be oppressed by the opium of the people. and why the british empire wants to use imported american social workers for free and not pay us---there we have it---the money riddle---exploitation---forevr. i hope to get to sweden soon---purely for the air---i need clean air!!!!! london smog is disgusting. but then my coolest new friend told me about the neo-nazis who beat him which means its time to listen to some sappy SWEDISH EMO and forget about the inbred neonazis beating up my turkish and croatian friends. jens lekman. heard at H&M where i was shopping for some sweatshop blood and tears drenched scarf for my hijab. then when ankanX said : most rapes are fabricated by women---it was at the heights of the human rights watch scandal about swedish rape low prosecution rate in 2008-i think he needs a new web handle. we are all evolving as humans though---if we aren't devolving. . . . i really like onion bhajis

endnote: arran edmonstone of the occupy media coalition was detained at heathrow to lecture the travel agents who must have found him as interesting as i do. they biometriced him and he explained he was coming to meet legal supporters of wikileaks. he even explained that my dad and grandfather worked for the CIA and showed my dad's poetry book to the travel investigators---which is so awesome!!!! arran edmonstone told me of a stolen camera in oregon, a beheading of a homosexual hate crime/murder, and meeting the peak oil guy in california who did x and x on CSPAN. completely awesomely fun talking on a bus with arran edmonstone---because we can act like loud obnoxious political americans and strategically guerilla marketing op the entire bus or train. as with my dearest friend vikram singh who flew to europe to make interviews on the IRAN 1954

coup, the fear of airport harassment is great. me: i explain--i am a legal assistant---no return ticket due to the uncertain outcomes and dates. remember the right to remain silent wikileaks supporters. but it's nice to share what you would like to change about the world---like an end to civilian massacrs and racist bloodshed. arran said the heathrow travel inspectors spent 3 hours with him, fed him lunch, and warned him about his star of david tattoo. arran explained england turned away two of his aunts refugees from holocaust and they were never heard from again. took arran immediately to check out the zetgeist clothing cartel run by the police informant who was wearing camouflage today and shouted at me and denied me access to the clothing donations. British American International Lawyers guild wants a Wikileaks Tent at Occupy London. as per finance leak then a budget for the occupy wikileaks working group they screened collateral murder already somewhere .....

much love to prada for lovely design but i do not support the skinning of killed animals for leather eng, mary braingarbage 16-january-2011 london

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