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1. The Body Mass Index is an indicator of : A. B. C. D. Body fat Body height Waist to hip ratio Waist circumference

2. Diabetes Mellitus is a major contributor to: A. B. C. D. Heart disease Stroke Renal Failure All of the above

3. 1 gram of Alcohol, 1 gram Carbohydrate and 1 gram fat provide the following calories respectively: A. B. C. D. 7,6,4 6,7,9 7,4,9 7,9,3

4. Starchy fruits, roots and tubers belong to the food group A. Carbohydrates B. Staples C. Starches D. None of the above 5. Corn and soybean oil are sources of A. Cholesterol B. Saturated fatty acids C. Polyunsaturated fatty acids D. All of the above

6. Fatty Acids and Glycerol are bi-products of digestion of: A. Fats B. Protein C. Carbohydrates D. Food 7. The body uses this nutrient for growth and repair of body tissue A. Carbohydrate B. Protein C. Fats D. Vitamins 8. Cholesterol A. B. C. D. Is not found in animal foods Is not essential to human diet Is thought to contribute to atherosclerosis May be describe as all of the above

9. Alcohol provides mainly A. B. C. D. Calories Calories and vitamins Nutrients None of the above

10. Good sources of niacin are A. Whole grain cereals B. Fruits C. Vegetables D. Fats

11. Excessive use of alcohol can cause A. Birth defects in pregnant women B. Has little or no effect on one s nutritional status C. Has no effect on one s appetite D. Can cause cirrhosis of the liver only in men 12. A woman s diet before pregnancy: A. Can affect the outcome of her pregnancy B. Has no effect on her pregnancy C. Can cause nausea and vomiting D. None of the above 13. Porridge may be introduced when the baby is about : A. Three months B. Two months C. Six months D. Four weeks 14. Which of the following is a good source of iron A. Black eye peas B. Spinach C. Ground beef D. Milk 15. Which vitamin helps with the absorption of iron: A. Iron B. Riboflavin C. Thiamine D. Ascorbic Acid 16. Which of the following statements is not true regarding Complementary foods a. Complementary foods introduced early reduces suckling at the breast b. Complementary foods are introduced after six months of age c. At 6-11 months complementary foods should be hard in texture

d. Complementary foods are used in addition to breast milk. 17. Which statement are common properties of Fats? a. Insoluble in water b. Soluble in organic solvents c. Utilized by living organisms d. All of the above 18. The recommended total weight gain for a healthy pregnant woman is a. 28- 40 pounds b. 15-18 pounds c. 35- 45 pounds d. 25-35 pounds 19. The people who are most likely to develop high blood pressure are a. Obese b. Caucasians c. Chinese d. Alcoholics 20. Medical Nutrition Therapy a. Is the role of nutrition care in the treatment of diseases b. Modification of the normal diet c. The dietary management of specific diseases d. The principal therapeutic agent in some metabolic diseases Monounsaturated fats are found mainly in: a. Canola oil B Corn oil C. Sunflower oil D. Soybean oil Increasing the amount of potassium in the diet may help to control a. Hypertension b. Diabetes c. Kidney disease d. HIV/AIDS




When a polyunsaturated vegetable oil is changed to a saturated fat the process is called: a. b. c. d. Hydrolysis Hydrogenation Hypercholesterolemia None of the above


Which of the following has no nutritive value? A. Water B. Grapefruit C. Sugar D. Lettuce


Green bananas are good sources of A. Iron b. Carbohydrates c. Proteins d. Calcium

Match the terms in Column A with the information in Column B by placing the letter of Column B in the space provided. Column A 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ Water Osteoporosis Protein National Nutrition Centre A. B. C. D. Column B A way to feed babies a healthy meal Hydrogenation Smoking and Drinking in pregnancy Agency Responsible for Nutrition in Barbados A Carbohydrate e.g. Glucose Vitamin C White waxy substance found only in animal sources Increase risk of Heart Disease Needs to be increased in pregnancy Deficiency of iodine For body building and repair of tissues Calcium No nutritive Value

5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____

Monosaccharide Transfats Folic Acid

E. F. G.

8. _____ 9. _____ 10. ____ 11. ____

Staples Rickets Low Birth Weight Babies Cholesterol

H. I. J. K.

12. ____ 13. ____

Multimix Principle Elevated LDL or Bad Cholesterol Increase Iron Absorption Goitre

L. M.

14. ____ 15. ____

N. O.

Needs to be increased in pregnancy Hydrogenation TOTAL 15 MARKS

Question 1 A. Define GERD. B. C. Who is at risk of developing GERD?


What kinds of foods when consumed by persons with GERD can result in heart burn? 5 MARKS Name 2 myths associated with GERD. 2 MARKS

D. E.

What dietary and lifestyle changes would you suggest to someone in order to reduce the discomfort they are presently experiencing as a result of being diagnosed with GERD? 8 MARKS TOTAL 20 MARKS

Question 2 A. List four nutritional risk factors associated with pregnancy. 4 MARKS How would you counsel a pregnant mother experiencing chronic constipation? 6 MARKS Define the term PICA. How could this condition be harmful to the pregnant mother? 4 MARKS Explain how breastfeeding benefits (i) the mother and (ii) the child? 6 MARKS TOTAL 20 MARKS




Question 3 Define the following terms A. B. C. D. E. A Balanced diet Malnutrition The Multimix Principle Carbohydrates Saturated Fat 4 MARKS 4 MARKS 4 MARKS 4 MARKS 4 MARKS TOTAL 20 MARKS Question 4 Mrs Hilton is a 50 year old nanny who came to the Polyclinic for her annual medical check-up. She weighs 75 Kilograms and is 1.55 m tall. Her waist circumference is 89cm. Mrs Hilton ate a meal of macaroni pie and baked chicken for dinner. A portion of the food has the following composition: Water 52 grams Protein 9 grams Carbohydrates 10 grams Fat 12 grams a. Using the anthropometric information given what is your assessment of Mrs Hilton? 4 MARKS b. Briefly mention four ways she can manage her condition? 4 MARKS

C. Calculate the number of Calories contained in the food. 2MARKS D. What percentage of the energy yielding nutrient are Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate? 6 MARKS E. What are the main causes of death associated with her condition? 4 MARKS

Question 5 Mr. Green is 48 years old weighs 95Kilograms and is 1.6m tall. He was diagnosed as having Hypertension two years ago. His father and grandfather both died after having strokes when he was young. He does not do any exercise. Mr. Green operates a family owned fish fry which is experiencing financial difficulty and a significant drop off in customers. This morning for breakfast he ate 2Fried eggs, 6 Salt-fish cakes and a large cup of Mauby. He then ate his favourite dinner of rice and salt-pork with crispy fried chicken, lots of gravy (no vegetables) and a glass of lemonade. He frequently forgets to take his medication for high blood pressure. At his check-up his blood pressure was 220/110 mmHg.

a. What is hypertension? b. c. d. e. 3MARKS List three (3) risk factors that predispose Mr Green to hypertension? 3 MARKS Identify two risk factors that can be modified? 2 MARKS What is Mr Greens BMI? 1 MARK How would you describe Mr. Greens Diet? Identify any nutritional problems you see and for each problem suggest a suitable alternative. 6MARKS Name two nutrients you would increase in his diet and give a good food source of each? 2 MARKS What lifestyle changes would you suggest to Mr Green considering his situation and his high blood pressure of 220/110 mm Hg 3 MARKS TOTAL 20 MARKS



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