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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 034307 2005

Generation of a supersinglet of three three-level atoms in cavity QED

Guang-Sheng Jin, Shu-Shen Li, Song-Lin Feng, and Hou-Zhi Zheng
State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 912, Beijing 100083, Peoples Republic of China Received 12 July 2004; published 21 March 2005 We propose a scheme to generate a supersinglet of three three-level atoms in microwave cavity quantum electrodynamics based on the resonant atom-cavity interaction. In the scheme, three three-level atoms in suitable initial states are sequentially sent through three cavities originally prepared in their vacuum states. After an appropriate atom-cavity interaction process, in the subsequent measurement on the third cavity eld the atoms are projected onto the desired supersinglet. The practical feasibility of this method is discussed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.034307 PACS number s : 03.67.Mn, 03.65. w, 42.50. p

Quantum entangled states are now recognized as a powerful tool. They can illustrate fundamental issues of quantum mechanics 1 and are basic resources of quantum information processing 2 . Recently, some attention has been paid to d so-called supersinglets, SN , the entangled states of total spin zero of N spin- d 1 / 2 particles 3,4 . These antisymmetric states are N-lateral rotationally invariant. It has been shown that some types of supersinglets are in connection with violations of Bells inequalities 5 , some are used in proofs of Bells theorem without inequalities 6 , and some can be used to construct decoherence-free subspaces which are robust to collective decoherence 4,7 . In particular, N N-particle N-level supersinglets, SN , are N-lateral unitary invariant and can be used to solve several problems, such as N strangers, secret sharing, and liar detection problems, which have no classical solutions 3,4 . These states have also been used in a scheme designed to probe a quantum gate that can realize an unknown unitary transformation 8. As Cabello remarked 3,4,9 , in spite of many potential N applications of the SN states, preparing these states for N 3 would be a formidable physical challenge. A method using photons for preparing S33 , S33 = 1 6 012 021 102 + 120 + 201 210 , 1 has been recently proposed by Gisin 10 . Meanwhile, entanglement of massive particles instead of fast-escaping photons is also very interesting and has been widely investigated. It has been shown that the Rydberg atoms that cross superconductive microwave cavities are an almost ideal system to study quantum entanglement. Based on this kind of system, many experiments have been performed and numerous proposals have been presented to generate various entangled qubits and to perform small-scale quantum information processing 1113 . Very recently, the generation of higher-dimensional entangled states has also been investigated in this system 14 . In this paper, we propose a microwave cavity QED experiment with Rydberg atoms in order to create the three three-level atomic supersinglet expressed in Eq. 1 . Initially,
1050-2947/2005/71 3 /034307 3 /$23.00

cavities are only prepared in vacuum states. Based on the proper resonant atom-cavity interaction and sequential measurement on the cavity eld, the atoms will be projected onto the S33 state with high probability. Considering the experimental imperfections, we also calculate the achievable delity of this state. The schematic setup of our proposal is shown in Fig. 1 a . Three identical -type three-level Rydberg atoms A1 , A2, and A3, relevant energy levels being shown in Fig. 1 b , are sequentially sent through three high-Q cavities denoted by C1 , C2, and C3. Cavity C1 sustains a single-mode eld exactly resonant with 1 Ai 2 Ai i = 1 , 2 , 3 transition of the atoms. When the atoms are in C1, only the levels 1 Ai and 2 Ai are appropriately affected and the state 0 Ai of the atoms will not be affected during the atom-cavity interaction. Similarly, cavity C2 C3 sustains a single-mode eld exactly resonant with 0 Ai 1 Ai 0 Ai 2 Ai transition of the atoms. In ideal cases the temporal evolution of each atom in the cavities is governed by the well-known JaynesCummings model interaction Hamiltonian. We assume that the initial state of the three atoms and cavity C1 is

FIG. 1. a Experimental apparatus. The atoms A1 , A2, and A3 are sequentially sent through three cavities C1 , C2, and C3 initially in their vacuum states. Detection atom A4 is used to project the atoms onto the desired supersinglet. b Energy levels of the threelevel Rydberg atom with the corresponding frequencies. 2005 The American Physical Society



PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 034307 2005





= 210 0

C1 ,

18 + 4 2 210 201 120 73 +


where 0 Ci denotes a vacuum state in Ci. First, we send atom A1 into cavity C1 and let the effective interaction time t1 = arccos( 36+ 8 2 / 73) / g1, where gi represents the coupling strength between the atoms and cavity Ci. When A1 ies out of C1, atom A2 is sent into it immediately and the effective interaction time t2 = / 2g1 is taken. After A2 ies out, A3 ies through C1. As A3 is in the state 0 A3, it does not interact with C1. The evolution of the atom+ C1 system can be written as

19 12 2 021 73 9+2 2 210 0 73



010 1 +


201 0


+ 001 1 +


2 120 0


19 12 2 021 0 73


9+2 2 210 0 73 1 001 1 2

C3 C3


010 1

201 0


210 0


36 + 8 2 210 0 73


37 8 2 110 1 73 37 8 2 120 73 0

1 021 0 2


120 0




36 + 8 2 210 73

+ 100 1
C1 .

19 12 2 021 0 146


001 1


3 So cavity C1 is decoupled from the atoms and is still in its initial vacuum state. Second, we send these atoms going through cavity C2 one after another. Similarly, the initial state of C2 is a vacuum state 0 C2. We let atoms A1 , A2, and A3 interact with the same single-mode eld in C2 with t1 = arccos( 10+ 4 2 / 17) / g2, t2 = / 4g2 and t3 = / 2g2 , respectively. This evolution can be described by 36 + 8 2 210 73 + + +
t3 t2 t1


9+2 2 210 012 201 + 021 73 120 + 102 0


19 12 2 001 1 73

C3 .

37 8 2 120 73


36 + 8 2 210 0 73

18 + 4 2 120 0 73


19 12 2 020 1 73 18 + 4 2 210 0 73


200 1


120 0


19 12 2 020 1 73


18 + 4 2 210 201 120 73 19 12 2 021 73 0

C2 .

Thus cavity C2 and the atoms are also decoupled. Third, these atoms are sequentially sent through cavity C3 which is also prepared in a vacuum state 0 C3. We let the three atoms interact with the single-mode eld in C3 with the effective interaction times t1 = / 4g3 , t2 = / 4g3 , and t3 = / 2g3 . This evolution can be expressed as

Then, if C3 is measured and found in the vacuum state 0 C3, the three atoms are projected onto the state S33 given in Eq. 1 except for an overall minus. Recently, some interesting properties of this supersinglet have been reported in Ref. 15 and it has been used in the solution of the so-called Byzantine agreement problem 3,4,16 . To detect the cavity state, we send into C3 a fourth atom A4, with two relevant levels 0 A4 and 2 A4. Atom A4, initially in state 0 A4, interacts with the resonant mode in C3 for a time / 2g3 . If A4 is detected and found still in state 0 A4, we can conclude that cavity C3 is in the vacuum state. We have optimized the atom-cavity interaction times to obtain a 97.22% success probability with a delity of 1 in ideal cases. We note that, even if C3 is not detected, we can also obtain S33 with a delity of more than 97%. Three single-mode cavities are necessary to generate this state in our experimental setup. Based mainly on Rydberg atom microwave cavity QED experiments performed at ENS 11 , we now discuss the practical feasibility of this proposal. Our scheme requires an experimental conguration with three cavities, which can be considered as a natural development of the present congurations where only one cavity is available. The circular Rydberg atoms lifetime 30 ms is much longer than the protocol duration and is not bound to be a limiting factor. The main cause of decoherence in the present setup is the cavity mode relaxation. To reduce the times for storing the quantum information in the cavities, we let each atom enter the cavity immediately after the preceding one has left it. The atomcavity coupling constant is position-dependent and is about 2 25 kHz at cavity center. Thus, the quantum information storage time in each cavity is of order 0.1 ms, which is smaller than the photon storage time of the microwave cavity 1 ms in recent experiments. Decoherence effects due to the



PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 034307 2005

FIG. 2. Dependence of delity on pulse imperfections and cavity relaxation time Tr.

loss of a photon should then be relatively small. The interaction time of the atoms with the cavities can be controlled by using a velocity selector and applying Stark eld adjustment in the cavities. The length LCi of the superconducting cavities is on the order of centimeters. Under the assumption of g1LC1 = g2LC2 = g3LC3 = 100 m / s, the velocity of the injection atoms should be several hundred meters per second, which is in the range of present experiments. In Fig. 2 are shown the results of a numerical simulation to estimate the achievable delity of the produced state. Considering the dissipation in the cavities, we describe the whole system by an appropriate master equation 17 . We also take into consideration the presence of uctuations in the atomcavity interaction times, which leads to the imperfections in

the quantum Rabi pulses 18 . The delity is plotted for various strengths of imperfections in the Rabi pulses. For a strength of 3%, i.e., for the achievable precision in the current setting, and for the cavity lifetime of 1 ms, the delity of the resulting state is only about 75%. However, we can see that a few improvements on the cavity lifetime as well as the precision of the pulses will result in a delity of more than 90%. Note that our scheme requires a perfect single atom gun, which is able to prepare the atoms via a deterministic but not a Poissonian process. Otherwise, a very long acquisition time may be needed. With the development of current experimental techniques in cavity QED, we expect that it could be accomplished in the near future. Achievable detection efciency of Rydberg atomic states is 70% 12 ; this only reduces the success probability of our scheme, however, it does not decrease the delity. In the above discussion we do not include imperfections, such as stray thermal and static electric elds, detection errors, etc., which could be strongly suppressed by a revised experimental setup now in construction. In summary, we have presented an effective method to generate the supersinglet of three three-level atoms with high probability. This state has potential applications in fullling those tasks which are impossible using methods in classic physics. The present scheme demonstrates the power of cavity QED to generate and manipulate complex entangled states for quantum information processing and could be realized in the near future based on fast developing techniques. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research, Project No. G2001CB309500, of China.

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