Lead Programmer Analyst

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Michael W.* *Reed Town Harbour Blvd* ** Apt* *2413* ** Boca Raton,* *FL* *33433* ** (331*)*-425-0 439* ** michaelreed9684*@*sbcglobal.

net Extensive experience using Information Technology to solve business problems thr ough strong analysis,* *excellent design skills,* *very strong coding,* *and a d edication to success.* *Background includes assignments in a variety of industr ies including*; *Insurance,* *Medical Claims,* *Telephony and Retail Pharmaceuti cals.* *Primary technical skills are* *16* *years of MicroFocus COBOL in both W indows and UNIX environments,* *mainframe COBOL,* *CSP and Visual Studio develop ment. SKILLS: MicroFocus COBOL* *Microfocus NetExpress* *Visual Studio* *2008* *Visual C#* * 2008 Visual Basic* *2008* *Crystal Reports* *2008* *HTML* */* *XHTML* *XML ADO.Net* *ASP.Net* *SQL* *Javascript Sun COBOL* *BAL* */* *Assembler* *CQCS* *C CSP* *DB2* *QIC Basic* *TSO/ISPF INFOS/INFOS II* *Access* *Excel* *CICS UNIX* *VMS* *OS/MVS* *VB.NET ASP* *Visual Web Developer* *SQL Server* *IMS VI Editor* *MMIS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: HP Enterprise Services-* *Delaware Healthcare Services,* *Newark,* *DE* */10* *- Present Services Information Developer Acquiring EDS advances HP's stated objective of strengthening its services busin ess.* *The combination will provide extensive experience in offering solutions t o customers in the areas of government,* *healthcare,* *manufacturing,* *financi al services,* *energy,* *transportation,* *communications,* *and consumer indust ries and retail. Manage development projects using MicroFocus COBOL,* *C,* *DB2,* *SQL Server,* *UNIX,* *Shell Scripting,* *and the VI Editor. Creating Business Design and Technical Design documentation detailing specifica tions for creating,* *enhancing,* *maintaining,* *and testing of Medicare and Me dicaid application software. Development of projects using full software development life cycle methodology. Promise Healthcare,* *Boca Raton,* *FL* */09* *- 01/10 Lead Programmer Promise Healthcareis one of the largest long-term acute care hospital organizati ons in the country with over* *2,000* *staff members and* *15* *hospitals nation wide. Managed multiple development projects using MicroFocus COBOL in MicroFocus Net Express* *5,* *and the VI Editor. Used Visual Studio* *2008,* *Visual Basic* *2008,* *XML,* *ADO.Net,* *and Cryst al Reports* *2008* *to design,* *code,* *test,* *implement,* *and support hospit al admission and maintenance applications Used ASP.Net,* *Visual C#* *2008,* *SQL,* *SQL Server,* *HTML,* *XHTML,* *class ic ASP,* *and* *Java Script to maintain,* *and enhance hospital administration p rojects Sun Capital Healthcare,* *Boca Raton,* *FL* */08* *- 10/09 Programmer Analyst Sun Capital HealthCare,* *Inc.* *is a leading nationwide financial services comp any providing customized Medical Accounts Receivable funding programs exclusivel y for the healthcare industry. Managed multiple development projects using MicroFocus COBOL in MicroFocus Net

Express* *4.0* *and* *5.1,* *VI Editor,* *FileMaker,* *SQL,* *SQL Server,* *and Factor SQL Observed full life cycle development including the design,* *coding,* *testing, * *implementation,* *and support* *for all claims processing applications Redesigned the printing function for all report application formats using COBOL Sp2,* *and object oriented Windows style printing Additional IT projects required use of Visual Studio* *2008,* *Visual Basic* *2 008,* *XML,* *ADO.Net,* *and Crystal Reports* *2008 Eliassen Group Inc.,* *Houston,* *TX* */07* *- 04/08 Contract Systems Consultant assigned to Personix Personix* (*now part of FISERV*) *provides a correspondence production service t o client companies needing letter and invoice processing. Managed multiple development projects using mainframe MicroFocus COBOL in Micro Focus Net Express* *4.0,* *and* *the VI Editor Created and maintained highly customized software for the processing of all pri nted forms of invoices,* *notices,* *and other miscellaneous types of printed co rrespondence Due to the high degree of customization for clients,* *particular detailed atte ntion was given to various forms of mailings,* *and shipping procedures that nee ded to be addressed due to how the client was handling the distribution of their documentation Home Depot,* *Geneva,* *IL* */07* *- 12/07 Tool Rental Associate Performed the additional duties of a Level One Technician in Training,* *and a C ertified Cashier. PolySystems,* *Chicago,* *IL* */99* *- 03/06 Actuarial Programmer Analyst PolySystems has nearly* *800* *separate systems in over* *120* *companies worldw ide that perform valuations,* *projections,* *asset* & *liability management,* * source of earnings analysis,* *and experience studies for all lines of business. Managed multiple development projects using MicroFocus COBOL in MicroFocus Net Express* *3.1,VI Editor,* *VB.NET,* *ESQL,* *MS-DOS,* *ACCESS* *97,* *ACCESS* *2 000,* *EXCEL,* *UNIX,* *Parameter Sorting Software,* *and SHELL scripting Designed,* *developed,* *and maintained financial customized client specific so ftware in a PC/LAN environment Application software is designed to create FoxPro database files,* *that create s a PMF* (*Projection Master File*)*,* *and/or a VMF* (*Valuation Master File*) *that assists the actuaries in evaluating all aspects of UL,* *annuities and ter m life insurance policies.* UQ Solutions,* *Buffalo Grove,* *IL* */96* *-* *03/99 Contract Technical Analyst* */* *Programmer assigned to Allstate Insurance* Allstate is the nation*'*s* *2nd largest insurance company that helps protect th e home,* *property,* *auto and life categories. Technical Analyst:* (*1/98* *-* *3/99*) Investigation and correction of all transaction errors from Allstate agent syst ems that create or modify auto and property policies Monitor and report transaction errors on a maximum of ten regional central site processors that cover approximately eighty five percent of the US* Created and executed SQL queries against the customer database* (*CDB*) *to ide ntify data and policy corruption* Constructed correctional procedures by working with agents and upper management to go against the CDB corruption to restore data and policy integrity Programmer:* (*10/96* *-* *12/97*) Development,* *modification,* *and testing COBOL and CSP based automobile insur ance applications Assigned to modify the applications process using classification codes* *to com

bine operator and auto relationships American Drug Stores* (*Osco/Savon*)*,* *Oakbrook,* *IL* */95* *-* *10/96 Senior Programmer Analyst Pharmaceutical processing service to the general public nationwide through retai l outlets Osco* */* *Savon stores.* Applications were developed using MicroFocus COBOL,* *UNIX,* *VI Editor,* *and SHELL scripting* (*Interactive,* *batch,* *and report*) *with the VI Editor Designed,* *developed and maintained all pharmaceutical and billing processing related applications used in all Osco/Savon Pharmacies nationwide SME resource in several application areas Hallmark Services Corporation,* *Aurora,* *IL* */92* *-* *03/95 Programmer Analyst A division of the Hallmark Greeting Card Company that provides medical claims pr ocessing to insurance providers including Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois. Applications were developed using COBOL and CQCS on a mainframe Data General MV 35000* *using AOS/VS,* *AOS/VS II,* *VI Editor,* *INFOS and INFOS II environment Designed,* *developed,* *and maintained healthcare insurance,* *claims,* *and b illing related application processing software Thomas E.* *McNulty* & *Associates,* *Berkeley,* *IL* */91* *-* *04/92 Systems Consultant Medical claims processing service for union and trust oriented companies.* Designed,* *developed and maintained healthcare insurance,* *claims,* *and bill ing processing related application programs using OS COBOL on OS/3* *operating s ystem Ported,* *converted and updated all programs and data files from mainframe to m inicomputer environment that included SUN COBOL,* *UNIX,* *VI Editor,* *shell sc ripting,* *Data General,* *Sun Microsystems and Sperry Univac Sys* *80 Resource Information Management Systems,* *Naperville,* *IL* */88* *-* *05/91 Senior Programmer Provider of standard and customized products for sale to third party administrat ors for medical claims processing. RIMS founders developed a claims processing system named* "*QicClaim*" *on a Qua ntel computer,* *BEST operating system environment.* *RIMS developers were assi gned a system wide rewrite of the claims processing system newly named* *:QicCla im* *2*" *on UNIX based computer systems or PC/LAN Windows environments. Applications were developed using MicroFocus COBOL,* *VI Editor,* *and shell sc ripts on a UNIX platform Applications were converted from QIC Basic on a BEST platform Designed,* *developed,* *and maintained healthcare insurance,* *claims and bill ing related processing application software AT&T Bell Laboratories,* *Naperville,* *IL* */85* *-* *11/88 Technical Associate Organization is devoted to selling customized,* *state of the art,* *electronic telephony switching systems software to international clientele. System software was developed using* "*C*" *and ASSEMBLER programming languages on UNIX operating system using VI Editor,* *EMACS Editor,* *C-Shell,* *and K-Sh ell scripts Designed,* *developed,* *and maintained state of the art electronic telephone s witching systems software SME for Traffic Measurements Subsystem area Application Correction Representative for several of the systems major subsyste ms Experienced in software documentation for all phases of the software life cycle methodology Environment consisted of IBM* *3084,* *Amdahl* *5890,* *DEC/VAX,* *OS/MVS,* *TS

O/ISPF,* *and OS/JCL MILITARY EXPERIENCE: United States Air Force* *-* *Jet Engine Mechanic EDUCATION: Waubonsee Community College* */* *Associates in Applied Science* *-* *Major* ** *Data Processing

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