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1/3/12 AP European Histor - Unit III

Diecion: dentify and gie the significance of each of the folloing key terms or people in a-, sentences in
your notebook. Anser each of the folloing questions in r-, complete sentences ith proper nouns on a
separate sheet of paper, unless otherise noted.
Chapter r6: 1oard a !e Heaen and Earth: 1he Scientific Reolution and the Emergence of Modern State,
Spielogel, ,8-6a
=a, Background to the Scientific Reolution, ,,-r
r. Vrite a si sentence paragraph that summari-es the section. 1he si sentences should include a topic
sentence deried from the introduction and fie detail sentences deried from the fie body paragraphs. (6
a. Lsing the Life of Jeome Cadan as your eample, demonstrate the close relationship, as late as the siteenth
century, beteen science and hat scientists today call superstition.
=a6 1oard a !e Heaen: A Reolution in Astronomy, r-,
D: 1ycho Brahe, ]ohannes Kepler, Kepler's three las of planetary motion
Pretend you are Martin Luther. Vrite three -6 sentence paragraphs condemning the scientists you hae read
about in this section. Vrite one paragraph each about Copernicus, Calileo, and !eton.
=ay Science and Medicine, Vomen, and Rationalism, ,-,6
D: Paracelsus, Andreas \esalius, Villiam Harey, Margaret Caendish, Maria Sibylla Merian, Maria
r. n hat ays as medicine unscientific prior to the siteenth century?
a. Vhat as the only substantial educational opportunity for omen in the Middle Ages?
,. Ho did scientists attempt to proe the inferiority of omen?
. Lse the document to speculate on hy-amid the scientific progress of his century and despite eidence to
the contrary-Spino-a as so unprepared to accept omen as equals.
,. Vhat happened to the status of midies?
6. n hat ay as Cartesian Dualism a reolutionary concept?
y. Ho did Bacon's system of reasoning differ from Decartes'?
=a8 Science, Religion, and the Spread of Knoledge, ,6-6o
D: Blaise Pascal
Anser the multiple choice questions.
Chapter \: 1he Scientific \ie of 1he Vorld, Palmer, a86-,r, (read in class)
Complete the "Vho's Vho in the Scientific Reolution."
Chapter \: 1he Age of Enlightenment, Palmer, ,r-,,r (read in class)
1/3/12 AP European Histor - Unit III
Complete the "Vho's Vho in the Enlightenment."
"1he Mind of an Age: Science and Religion Confront Eighteenth-Century !atural Disaster," Viesner, ya-,a
(read in class)
r. Anser the "Questions 1o Consider" on pages ,r-,a in groups.
a. First set of questions - documents r and a
b. Second set - document ,
c. 1hird set - document
d. Fourth set - documents r, a, , and 6
e. Fifth set - documents ,, y
f. Sith set - documents , y, 8
g. Seenth set - documents , and ro
a. After discussing the ork you hae done, anser the eighth set of questions.
Chapter ry: 1he Eighteenth Century: An Age of Enlightenment, Spielogel, 6,-88
=a, 1he Enlightenment (Part r), 6-68
D: Bernard de Fontenelle, Pierre Bayle, ]ames Cook
r. dentify four "paths" to the Enlightenment. (4 points)
a. Ho and hy did philosophes publish the ay they did?
,. Vhat roots of the Lnited States Constitution can be found in the ork of Montesquieu?
=,o 1he Enlightenment (Part a), 68-y6
D: Daid Hume, Paul d'Holbach, Marie-]ean de Condorcet, mile, Mary Astell
r. Vhat institution as \oltaire best knon for critici-ing?
a. Vhat is deism?
,. Vhat did the Encyclopedia attack? Vhat did it adocate?
. Vho er the physiocrats? Vhat as their laisse--faire ideology?
,. According to Adam Smith, hat are the three functions to hich goernment should be limited?
6. Vith hom ould Smith most likely agree, Hobbes or Locke? Vhy?
y. Ho ere indiidual liberty and Rousseau's "general ill" linked?
8. Ho did Mary Vollstonecraft differ from Rousseau?
,. Vhat role did omen play in salons?
ro. Vhat ere some other places Enlightenment ideas ere discussed?
The following questions are worth two points each:
rr. Eplain ho and hy \oltaire's attack on Christian intolerance proed so effectie. Ho might an
orthodo Christian hae defended his faith against such attacks?
ra. Demonstrate ith Diderot's Voyage the ay the philosophes considered their thinking both highly
sophisticated and "naturally" simple.
r,. Compare the Montesquieu document (p. 68) ith the Rosseau document (p. y,). Vhich one seems the
most liberal? Cie eidence to support your conclusion.
r. Sho ho Mary Vollstonecraft appealed both to men and to omen in her call for the rights of omen.
Vhat kinds of people (men and omen) ould hae responded faorably, and hat kinds ould hae
responded unfaorably, to her arguments?
1/3/12 AP European Histor - Unit III
=,r Culture and Society in the Enlightenment, y6-8
D: Rococo, ]ohann Sebastian Bach, Ceorge Frederick Handel, Fran- ]oseph Haydn, Volfgang Amadeus
Mo-art, the noel
r. Vhat is meant by the phrase "Keeping up ith the Bourbons"? (Etra credit if you kno hy this is a itty
a. Vhat ere the four genres of classical music?
,. According to the selection from Decline and Fall of he Roman Empie, hat reasons ere there for
optimism about the future of the human race? Vhat eidence do you find in Cibbon's ritings that he
considered Europe the center of ciili-ation? (2 poin)
. Vhat ere three important forms of print media?
,. Vho ent to secondary school? Vhat as studied?
6. Ho did courts obtain confessions? Vhat as the difference beteen capital punishment of nobles and
capital punishment of loer class people?
y. Vhat ere the functions of barber-surgeons?
8. Defend, as an eighteenth-century judge might hae done, the punishment inflicted on criminals, as recorded
by Restif de la Bertonne. !et, critique it. (2 poin)
,. Vhat ere some hat ere some ays people had fun at Carnial? Hae fie eamples.
ro. Ho did drinking habits or rich and poor differ?
rr. Vhat ere the subjects of chapbooks?
ra. Vhat happened to male, female literacy rates in France. Lse numbers in your anser.
=,a Religion and the Churches, 8-88
r. Vrite a -6 sentence paragraph that ealuates the impact the Enlightenment had on institutional churches and
popular religion. Lse eamples from the reading. (5 poin)
a. Lse the document to describe the church serices conducted by ]ohn Vesley and his Methodists. Eplain
hy the Church of England did not elcome this moement. (2 poin)
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