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GNANASUNDARAM DHANDAPANI PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: >Senior IT Professional with more than 20 years of experience in the Information Technology industry.

>Areas of specialization include Data Modeling, SOA Modeling, and ORACLE PL/SQL. >Possesses 14+ years of strong Oracle back-end experience using SQL and PL/SQL techniques from version 8.0 to 10g. During the PL/SQL coding in different projects, used different features available in 9i/10g like object oriented techniques and also dynamic SQLs to facilitate the latest features. While writing the SQL inside the PL/SQL blocks, also used latest analytical query techniques. I have considerable knowledge in Oracle stream to sync old & new Data. >Possesses 6+ years of experience in Crystal Reports development. Have done approximately 400+ different types of reports under an Oracle environment. Have created various types viz. Standard Reports, Label Reports, Sub Reports, and Cross Tab Reports which uses a temporary table data populated from the stored procedures during execution. >Application tuning: Tuned both front-end and back-end which involves SQL and PL/SQL using the Oracle tuning methodology like Partition, Index, clustering and Parallel query techniques for CPUs; have also used SQL tuning tools like stat pack, auto trace and explain table. >Database administration: Experience with data modeling, PL/SQL and SQL tuning, tuning the SGA and ETL type of works except the backup and restore techniques of RMAN. Have also done Unix automation process Scripts using KSH scripting and als o Windows scripting. >Data modeling: Have done schema re-engineering as well as new schema modeling using Erwin. Possesses strong data modeling knowledge in star and snow-flex sche ma. Have also re-engineered existing schema and plugged in many new process model using Erwin tool and also have strong normalization techniques which can be used for old or new process models. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Client:Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), VA Period:December 2008-April 15th 2011 Project:Cru-Support Application Role:Sr.Programmer Cru-Support Application is the FAA Employees Personnel, Time Card and Duty Management System for each facility in and around USA. Responsibilities involved: >Analysis and design of VB6.0 application enhancement for Crux application >Enhancement or existing application using VB6.0 code and Oracle PL/SQL. >Performance tuning of existing SQL and PL/SQL modules. Tools: Oracle (9.X/10G) PL/SQL, SQL, TOAD, Crystal Reports, VB6.0.

Client:Sirius-XM Satellite Inc, VA/USA Period:July 2007-October 2008 Role:On-site Coordinator Project:Sirius-XM Satellite Radio Inc, an emerging force in broadcasting, was incorporated in 1992 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. The Project PSS is the in-house Partner's Settlement System, which involves monthly payments process for the Radio sold activity and AP process. My role as an Onsite Support for Ad Hoc queries, reports, and other Level-1 Operational Tasks. Responsibilities involved: >Supported and monitored payment processing system using ad hoc PL/SQL and SQL q ueries. >Designed User Manual Documentation for the Apps. >Modified existing Crystal Reports and Oracle procedures for Bug Fixing and adde d new functionalities. >Performance tuned existing SQL and PL/SQL modules. >Automation Tools for Unix and Oracle processes using Ksh script and Windows scr ipting. Tools: Oracle PL/SQL, SQL, Erwin, UNIX, KSH scripting, Crystal Reports, TOAD, Visio, VBA/WSC script. Client:Arbinet Inc, VA/USA Period:November 2006-May 2007 Project: Online Telecom Trading Role:Sr. Developer Arbinet is the world's largest Electronic Marketplace for Telecommunications Tra ding. Arbinet provides different type of Fixed and mobile services using IP transit an d peering products. The Sellers and Buyers Trade in their products through the Arb inet web service. The Arbinet web based application helps in Selling or buying their products respectively. Its Multi platform product developed in ASP, ASP.NET, COM+ and ORA CLE. Responsibilities involved: >Maintenance, development, and bug fixing of Arbinet Web based Application using ASP, ASP.NET,C# Oracle (PL/SQL) >Modified existing Oracle procedures for Bug Fixing and added new functionalitie s. Tools: Windows XP, Oracle PL/SQL and ASP.NET, C#, COM+, ASP, IIS, TOAD. Erwin Client:FannieMae, VA/USA Period:March 2006-November 2006 Project:RE-Statement Role:Oracle/Access/AB Initio Developer

FannieMae is a Private, Shareholder owned Company that works with the Private Le nders to make sure they Provide Mortgage funds to the Homebuyers in and around America . The purpose of the Project is to accomplish the Single Family Non Accrual inform ation that must be produced for each Type 1 EUC (Ender user Computing) application tha t will be executed for the RESTATEMENT. For the purpose of Restatement the Access appli cation was considered for the EUC Type 1 computing and Its a Complete SQL based Computi ng system using Oracle, AccessDB and Abinitio as an ETL tool. This EUC application is the base for the ORACLE 7 Balance sheet computing. Responsibilities involved: >Set up and designed EUC Access database for the different Loan Categories viz. TDR, REO, Securities and other. >Designed and developed Ab Initio graphs using ORACLE and Unix >Extracted and Transformed Oracle Legacy systems Data Into Oracle server using PL/SQL and Ab Initio. >Analyzed and wrote SQL queries based on the Requirement EUC computing. >Created and generated the ADHOC queries using ORACLE and Access databases. >Scheduled Jobs in Unix using JIL Scripts Tools: Windows 2000, Unix, Oracle PL/SQL, Access 2000, SQL*Loader, VBS Scripts, Abinitio Graphs (ETL tool 2.x)), Unix Shell scripts, Access Reports, Erwin, Scheduler Autosys. Client:Cogent Communications Inc, VA/USA Period:October 2004-March 2006 Project:Cogent Communications Intranet applications Role:Sr. Developer Cogent Communications is the Internet service providers having application runni ng on Oracle/SQL Server 2000 on Windows/Unix Platform. Cogent processes the Custome rs Data in different process levels with the help of intranet application. Responsibilities involved: >Maintenance, development and Bug Fixing of (BOB) Building and tenant Applicatio n using ASP2.0/SQL Server 2000/T-SQL. >Developed dynamic and static Web Reports using ASP2.0/T-SQL. >Maintained and developed Billing System using ASP.NET (C#)/SQL Server 2000. >Developed new ASP.NET C# front-ends. >Maintained VB.NET application for Monthly usage billing data (Meter maid). >Extracted and transformed Oracle Legacy systems data into SQL Server using PL/SQL/T-SQL. >Created and modified web based Crystal Report application using IIS and Crystal Report 8.5 and 10.0. >Created Advanced Procedures and Functions using SQL Server T-SQL for ASP, ASP.NET & Crystal Reports. >Troubleshot SQL Server procedures, Functions for the above Applications using T -SQL.

>Performance and Optimization Techniques in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000. >Database Re-Engineering for the existing modules using Erwin. >Wrote WSC scripts for Extracting Legacy and External Data for Reporting. >SOX compliance - CMR procedures. Tools: Windows 2000, T-SQL, Unix, Oracle PL/SQL, Erwin SQL Server, ASP.NET, ASP 2.0, IIS and Crystal Reports 8.5/10 in WEB.WSC scripts, VB scripts, Java Scr ipts, JAVA & Apache Tomcat server. Client:PRA International, VA/USA Period:August 2004-October 2004 Project:PMW Consolidated Reporting Role:Data Analyst (Clinical Project Management Dataware Housing Reporting Module) PMW Consolidated Reporting module is a Clinical Data Conversion Project, which gets the Data from the Project Management Worksheet from a different area and populates it to the Access 2002 Database and in-turn transfers it to the Oracle Database for the Consolidated Reporting module generated with the help of Crystal Report Enterprises. The objective of the task is to set up a staging Tab le in the Access Database and extract the spreadsheet data from Excel spreadsheets using VBA macros and populate the Access Database for further Data Analysis, Error detection and Validation of Data and push the final data into the Oracle9i Enterprise Edition. Responsibilities involved: >Downloading of PMW data spreadsheet from Common Folder using using Documentum script from Access database. >Extracting the Data from the downloaded worksheet to staging Table. >Testing the existing module for the correctness of the system Data. >Preparation of GUI using VB6.x for a Macros in Excel and Access/2002 for an additional functionality to the system. >Testing and Remediation of the existing application >Troubleshooting Database and Application. Tools: Windows/2000Professional, VisualBasic 6.x, Excel Macros, Erwin, Access/20 02, Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release, Documentum. Client:NIS Solutions, VA/USA Period:October 2003-February 2004 Project:CBRD (Chemical-Biological-Radiological Defense) is a Fund Tracking Syste m Role:Analyst This system provides the facilities to the End-user to Track and Operate on funds allocated to the specific Protective Equipment (IPE) purchased and delivered by various departments. Responsibilities involved: >Analysis and Design: Preparation of detailed design to explain the Functional, structural and GUI Requirement for each transaction in the original Excel file and how this is to be handled in the current system.

>ETL: Migrate Excel spreadsheet data into the Access Database staging Table. >Development: Preparation of GUI using VB6.0 based on the requirement. >Testing: Creating a test plan and data for the unit and integration Testing for the Back-end and GUI modules. >Troubleshooting Database and Applications. Tools: Windows NT, Visual Basic 6.0 (MSDAC 2.x ADO, ActiveX Control, Dll's etc.) , Erwin, Access, Crystal Reports 9.0. Client:Destiny Management Services MD/USA(Part-Time) Period:November 2003-March 2004 Project:PIPS Reporting Application (Parking Information Payment System) Role: Analyst This System provides the facilities to the End-user Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to View the Cost of an employee parking at a U.S. airport. This Reporting module is running on Oracle based Web service developed in ASP.NE T. Responsibilities involved: >Design: Preparation of .NET Crystal Reports based on the user requirement. >Development: Writing Web-Form to Generate the Reports. Writing Oracle Stored Procedures and SQL query for the Crystal Reports. Tools: Windows XP, Microsoft Visual studio .NET 2003 (.NET Technology C#, VB, ADO.NET, Crystal Report), IIS Version: 5.1, Oracle PL/SQL (Stored Procedures & Dynamic), Erwin. Client:Megasoft Limited - Chennai, India/USA Period:May 2003-June 2003 Project:Megallan is an intranet application Role:Data Modeler Role is to Re-Engineer the existing system and integrate the tools into a single megallan product. >Analysis and Design: Preparation of Data Model based on the User Requirement using ER/Studio >Preparation of high Level and Low Level Document using Rational Tool. >Preparation of Database Scripts using TOAD. Tools: Rational, ER/Studio, Oracle 9i and Toad. Client:Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA)-PA, USA Period:March 2000-March 2003 Project:PCA Reporting Application Role: Analyst The P.A.S.S (Oracle system) consists of over 20 modules and PCA Reporting is the pivot to the entire application module. The reporting module consists of over 35

0 Reports running on Oracle Client/Server Environment. Responsibilities involved: >Design: Analysis of Existing system, Preparation of Design specification for the Reports Based on the user requirements and Translation of Design Specificati on to the Oracle Reports Data Model with the help of Erwin. >Writing a Requirement Document for the New Reports Modules based on the user specifications. >Creation of ASP Pages (PROVIDER INVOICE) using MS.ADO v.25 control and oracle8. 0 as a backend. My role is to Design and develop an ASP/Oracle back-end package. >Preparation of Oracle Stored procedures, Functions in PL/SQL based on the Repor ts Requirement. >Development: The Performance tuning of all the Queries used in the Crystal Repo rts and Stored Procedures using proper Oracle Indexing and Performance Tuning techni ques. >Preparation of VB 6.0 forms, Segate Crystal Reports, Dll's etc. Creation of Complex Crystal Reports using Segate Crystal Reports 7.0 of various types viz. Standard Reports, Label Reports, SubReports, CrossTab Reports which u ses a temporary table data populated from the stored procedures during execution. >Integration of Report into the main module. >Testing: Creating a test plan and data for the unit and integration Testing of Reports and stored procedures. >Troubleshooting Database and Applications using iTAR and Metalink. >Troubleshooting of Crystal report using Crystaldecision support link. Tools: Windows NT, Oracle 8.x, PL/SQL 8.0.5 (Stored Procedures & Dynamic), Visual Basic 6.0, and Segate Crystal Report Professional Edition 7.0.Erwin3.5 and Active Server page (Classic ASP2.0), Erwin. Client:People Mover Inc, LA-USA Period:January 2000-February 2000 Project:People Mover HR Application Role:Analyst People Mover Application is a customized application for the Human Resource Management Responsibilities involved: >ETL: Setting up Staging Tables for data conversion Process system. >Converting the Customer Data into Excel CSV File >Analyzing the User Specification and Creating Control file for the data Upload through SQL*Loader. >Preparation of Stored procedures in PL/SQL based on the People mover Applicatio n to upload data from a staging Table. >Development: Writing PL/SQL Stored procedures in Oracle 7.3.x for the PowerBuil der Reports. >Creating a Power builder GUI for the Reports using Data window and writing scri pts. >Testing of converted data in People Mover Application. Tools: Windows NT, Power builder, Oracle 7.3.x, PL/SQL (Stored Procedures & Dyna

mic), Erwin. Client:PSINet Inc, VA-USA Period:April 1999-December 1999 Project:Enterprise Y2K Compliance Analysis Role:Analyst Internet Business Application system is a customer management and billing system designed specifically for Internet business. The task is to insure the Y2K compliance of the entire Customer handling part. Responsibilities involved: >Analysis and Testing: Analysis of Front-end (Forms 4.5/Reports 2.5) & Back-end Code (PL/SQL) for impact assessment. >Preparation of code change based on the module >Testing of remedied code by changing the Clock to critical Y2K dates. Tools: Sun Solaris, Oracle/Developer 2000 (Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5), PL/SQL (Stored Procedures & Dynamic), Pro*C, Windows-NT/95, Business Object, Erwin. Client:Bell Atlantic, NY-USA Period:February 1998-March 1999 Project:CAFE -Telecommunication Application (CABS automated Front End) Role:Assistant Systems Analyst Bell Atlantic is one of the Regional Bell Telecom Companies in USA. CAFE (CABS Automated Front End), a client server system is a re-engineered applicatio n of the existing SAFE (SOP Automated Front End) system. SAFE is the mainframe ord er entry system by the NICS organization (user organizations) to process Access Service Request (ASRs) which are received from the access customer (AT & T, MCI, Sprint). Responsibilities involved: >Role: 1 Team Leader for the Release ASR-19 with a team size of six. Responsibil ity includes Creation of Forms & Reports and Testing of the Module created by the Team members. >Role 2: Analysis and Design: Analyst for a high priority area like translation, a process that Involves translating ASR (Access Service Request) into service orde r to CABS (Carrier Access Billing System). ASR would mean an order to install a telep hone line (In BAN terminology it is circuit id) between two Points. Converting user definition to appropriate Oracle environment Design and coding to provide a specific order entry. The Coding Involves PL/SQL stored procedures, Dynamic PL/SQL in a remote Database schema. Tools: RS6000 on AIX, Oracle/Developer 2000 (Forms 4.5 & Reports 2.5), PL/SQL, Pro*C, Windows-95. Client:Kewalram Philippines, India Period:September 1997-February 1998 Project:Kalpatharu Professional ERP Application

Role:Sr. Software Engineer Kalpro (Kalpatharu Professional) is a client server ERP (Entrepreneur Resource Planning) package. Responsibilities involved: As a Team Leader and member of QA/Developer responsible for the following functions >Analysis and Design: Low level design and design review. >Development: Individual contribution towards this ERP module includes creation of Design specification, coding using (Forms 4.5 & Reports 2.5, PL/SQL), Unit and system testing for PAYROLL and Automated ATTENDANCE System and INVENTORY control. >The Coding involves PL/SQL stored procedures, Dynamic PL/SQL, Forms 4.5 & Reports 2.5 in a Windows NT Platform. >Test: preparation, unit and system testing. Tools: Novel NetWare, Windows NT, Oracle7.3 with Developer 2000 (Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5), PL/SQL, PRO*C. Client:Software Technology Group Intl. Ltd. India Period:June 1996-September 1997 Project:In-House Development Role:Executive Technical The General Accounting and Library Management application deals with the on-going daily transaction of the Company. Responsibilities involved: >Design: Preparation of requirement specification based on the manual system >Development: of interface model >Design and development of the system using PowerBuilder4.0 Tools: Novel NetWare, Windows95, and PowerBuilder4.0 with ISQL and PFC's Client:Megasoft Computer Services, India Period:September 1994-May 1996 Project:Accounting Custom Packages Role:System Analyst The custom packages like Accounting & Inventory System for M/s. Multisteels company, FlourMill System for M/s. Apex roller flourmills and Foundry Management system for M/s. Lamina Foundry Ltd. Responsibilities involved: >Design: Analysis of Manual system, Preparation of requirement based on the module and Design and development. >Development: Conversion of FoxPro or Clipper Application into Oracle 6.0 with Forms 3.0, PRO*C Application. >Maintenance and Troubleshooting of the on going Production Application. Tools: Oracle 6.0, Forms 3.0, PRO*C, Novell NetWare (3.01), FoxPro, Clipper5.0. Client:Asia Tobacco Co. Ltd. India Period:May 1992-August 1994 Project:In-House Development for all the Departments

Role: Programmer Asia Tobacco Co. Ltd. is a manufacturing unit involved in production of high quality cigarettes.Analysis, Design and Development: Role in this project was Analysis of Manual system, Preparation of requirement based on the module and Design and development of the system for the following departments viz., Product ion planning and control, Quality Control, Payroll, Excise Department details, Inven tory control and Purchase order details, Other related MIS Information viz. Machine wise waste analysis, Machine wise Variance, etc. Tool: Novell NetWare (3.01) XBASE clipper, Oracle5.0, Forms, Pro*C. EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS: Madras University, India Bachelor of Science Degree Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Intermediate NIIT, India Post Graduate Diploma in Systems Management

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