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The Archologisches Korrespondenzblatt is a topical scientific periodical, publishing contributions on prehistory, early history, provincial Roman archaeology in Europe, and related sciences. Papers may include, for instance, reports on newly discovered finds, short analyses of supraregional interest, along with discussions of current research themes. Papers of up to 20 pages in length will be accepted. Contributions submitted in German should use the New German Orthography. Papers in English and French will also be accepted. Please use Archologisches Korrespondenzblatt 1/2006 as a model. Articles will be submitted to independent referees (peer review). The content and form of the article should be of a standard high enough to ensure that later alterations are not necessary or kept to a minimum. Please refer to the following instructions in order to ensure an optimal processing of your paper. Text Articles should be preferably submitted in Word. Save the text in RTF-format if another programme is used. Always place tables and captions to figures at the end of the text, or save them in a separate file. Remember to hand in the most up to date version of your paper. Symbols (e.g. Greek letters) can become lost during transfer of data. Therefore a hardcopy of the paper should also be submitted which allows to check the content of the article. Do not emphasise words in the text, except the following: italics for Latin terms, taxonomic names etc., bold face for references to figures and tables. Switch off the automatic syllabication of your programme and do not insert hyphens to divide syllables at the end of the line. The enter button should only be used at the end of a paragraph. Do not insert a blank line between paragraphs. Every figure (including tables) should have a caption. Figures and tables should be referred to in the text at the relevant place. The number of the figure or table should also appear in the caption. Please submit about five keywords as well as an abstract of up to 10 lines. The keywords and the abstract should be filed in German, English and French if possible. Remember some abstracts will have to be translated, so keep the style simple and avoid using long, complicated sentences. Special technical terms, in particular, should be given in all three languages. The abstracts will be published on the website of the RGZM. The name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) should be inserted at the end of the paper and include all contact details (E-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers). Referencing Only quote those references which appear in the text, and every reference in the text should be quoted in the bibliography. Articles in German have to use the abbreviations of the Rmisch-Germanische Kommission (published in: Berichte RGK 71, 1990; 73, 1992). Papers written in English or French should dispense with abbreviations for periodicals.

Notes for contributors

References in the text as follows: single reference: (Mellaart 1965) several references: (Taute 1965; Davis 1975; Schulte-Dornberg 2002; 2003) references with co-authors: (David / dErrico / Thvenin 1998; dErrico / Ucelli Gnesutta 1999; Mller et al. 2006) references with page(s)/illustration(s)/table(s): Mollisons (1928, 157) or (Rozoy 1990, 271ff.) or (Rozoy / Rozoy 2003, 76 fig. 10) or (Becker 1973, 11-13. 16. 19) or (Gro 1999b, fig. 1,5; 3,6; tab. 12) References in the bibliography (please note that the reference in the text is quoted in front of the full reference): Articles in journals: Leonardi 1988: P. Leonardi, Art palolithique mobilier et parital en Italie. Anthropologie (Paris) 92, 1988, 139-202. Rozoy / Rozoy 2003: C. Rozoy / J.-G. Rozoy, Roc-La-Tour 1, le site des esprits. Lart du Magdalnien VI Montherm (Ardennes). Anthropologie (Paris) 107, 2003, 501-531. Articles in edited volumes (e.g. conference proceedings): Rozoy / Rozoy 2003: C. Rozoy / J.-G. Rozoy, Les plaquettes graves magdalniennes de Roc-la-Tour 1. In: J. Clottes (ed.), LArt des Objets au Palolithique 1. LArt Mobilier et son Contexte. Colloque International, Foix-Le Mas-dAzil, Novembre 1987 (Clamecy 1990) 261-277. Schoop 2002: U.-D. Schoop, Frhneolithikum im sdwestanatolischen Seengebiet? Eine kritische Betrachtung. In: R. Aslan / S. Blum / G. Kastl / F. Schweizer / D. Thumm (eds), Mauerschau. Festschrift fr Manfred Korfmann 1 (Remshalden-Grunbach 2002) 421-436. Monographs: Mellaart 1965: J. Mellaart, The Neolithic of the Near East (London, New York 1975). Monograph in a series: Baales 2002: M. Baales, Der sptpalolithische Fundplatz Kettig. Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsarchologie der Federmesser-Gruppen am Mittelrhein. Monographien RGZM 51 (Mainz 2002). Dissertations: Street 1993: M. Street, Analysis of Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Faunal Assemblages in the Northern Rhineland, Germany [unpubl. diss., University of Birmingham 1993]. Illustrations Illustrations in colour will only be published in exceptional cases. Authors wishing to use coloured illustrations should consult the editors prior to submission. Please follow the instructions for the submission of illustrations, since poor quality illustrations or files cannot be published. All graphics and photographs must be saved and handed in as separate files. Illustrations which are already inserted in the text (e.g. in a Word file) are not suitable. Files should be clearly labelled as follows: authors name_fig_01.tif. Photographs and other halftones should be 17 cm wide, supplied as tif-files and must be saved at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi. Please note that the quality of pictures can be affected


when these are saved as a jpg-file. The highest resolution should be used when taking photographs with a digital camera. Graphics and line drawings should be scanned as 1800-dpi-bitmap. Line drawings and plans stored in tif-, eps-, ai- or pdf-files should be of the usual standard. If the illustrations are not stored as computer files, please submit them for scanning with the authors name and the number of the figure clearly written on the back. Indicate which way up the illustration should be inserted by writing TOP on the back at the upper edge of the picture. The originals should be of publication quality, sharply-defined and rich in contrast. Letters in labels on figures should be at least 1.5 mm after reproduction. Please submit the numbers of figures in the type-face Arial. When using illustrations which have already been published, remember to quote the exact place of the publication in the caption. Obtaining permission to present illustrations published by other authors is the responsibility of the author(s). Aerial photographs and sections of topographical maps require separate permission. Electronic submission and hard copies

Discs and CDs should be clearly marked with the name of the author(s) and the title of the paper. In addition to your discs or CDs, we also require a hardcopy of the text including all parts of the manuscript (formulas, illustrations, graphics and tables). This is the only hardcopy which will be taken into account during publication. Other remarks Only original illustrations (photographs, slides, line drawings) will be returned to the author(s) along with the offprints. Offprints will be sent out a few weeks after the publication of the periodical. Single authors will receive 50 offprints. 100 offprints will be sent to one of the addresses when several co-authors are involved. Pdf-files of the article can be produced if desired. Authors are entitled to a reduction of 25% on direct orders for copies of publications of the RGZM.

If you have any further questions to technical details, please contact the editor via e-mail ( or phone (++49 (0) 6131-9124-0).

Notes for contributors

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