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Dengue infects over 50 million people a year and puts at least another half a million in the hospital and

is on the rise all over the world. 2.5 per cent die from complications of classic dengue or dengue hemorrhagic fever. Cases are being reported in areas where dengue fever has never been seen before. Two fifths of the world's population, are at risk from dengue. (Interesting note: the latest world population statistics according to GeoHive for July 2008: 6,680,320,383)

There have been cases in the US of dengue and because the health care givers were not familiar with the disease, they misdiagnosed it and patients have died. Doctors are only human and are not able to know everything about every disease. Most doctors today are specialists and know even less about many things and more about just one speciality. So You should be armed with information about symptoms and possible alternative treatments since you may not be able to count on your health care professional to be up to date on this disease, and that's especially important for those not living in areas where dengue is epidemic.

There Is No Medical Treatment for Dengue... or So They Say!

Here's the World Health Organization's statement on dengue and its treatment (or lack of treatment): Q: What is dengue and how is it treated? A: Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with any one of the four dengue viruses. Symptoms appear in 314 days (average 47 days) after the infective bite. Dengue fever is a severe, flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. It's important to note that if you do suspect that you or someone you love has dengue, you should seek conventional medical help as blood tests are necessary. But you also need to know the alternative natural dengue treatments that can be added to blood testing, bed rest, and rehydration that conventional doctors can offer.

Homeopathy Offers a Natural Dengue Treatment as Well as Prevention!

Dengue Fever: Natural Treatment with Proven Homeopathic Formula Dengue fever can be prevented and treated with this simple, inexpensive homeopathic remedy. You won't want to miss reading this important information. Natural Treatment for Dengue - Interview with Dr. Ana T. Dreux Dr. Ana Teresa Doria Dreux explains about the natural homeopathic treatment for dengue, including how to use the homeopathic remedies for the prevention of dengue. Natural Treatment for Dengue - With Proven Homeopathic Remedies! Natural treatment for dengue can be yours today! Read how homeopathic medicine treats and prevents dengue!

Natural Treatment of Dengue Tried and Proven! The natural treatment of dengue with homeopathy helps to relieve symptoms! Homeopathy Medicine Shines in Light of Two New Studies Two new studies show that Lancet review of homeopathy medicine was enormously flawed and downright inaccurate. All high quality trials of homeopathy show positive outcomes. And remember, prayer and faith work wonders. Never leave God's miraculous power to heal and protect out of the picture!

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Read What Others Have to Say about Dengue

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page... Mehar Anees Nowadays dengue fever has become a nightmare for the people of Lahore City of Pakistan. Almost 60,000 patients are reported to be infected and almost 45 ... Sats Dengue is treatable. You can try this remedy made with papaya leaves: Take 2 leaves and grind them and then with the help of filter cloth squeeze the juice.... Homeopathic Dengue Treatment Used Successfully in Philippines I do have a solution to the Dengue Hemorrhagic fever in my locality - Cebu City, Philippines. I've used this Homeopathic medication since 1998 with great ... A cure for dengue Dengue Case Study (J.N., Philippines) Name: J.N., 67-year-old male, was admitted to Dr. Pabloo Torre Memorial Hospital on 17.04.09 with a platelet count ... Dengue hemorrhagic fever treatment using alternative medicine Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is a viral infection that medical doctors knew as a self limiting disease. Meaning, the virus has its own lifespan and dies off.... Ayurvedic medicine for the disease of dengue Geloy plant is ayurvedic disease . This is found easily in any nursery. Its green stem boil in one bowl with water when water is half in bowl . After boiling ... Dengue Fever The tested Medicine on Dengue is PAPAYA LEAF JUICES 2 TEASPOON TWICE A DAY with gloyey medicine auryavadic. Its makes nice very speedly blood counts.... Another effective way to treat dengue (naturopathic treatment) The treatment modality being used is the SBVC (spices, beans, cereals and vitamins) formulated by Prof. Dr. Ananthan Krishnan(2007) of AK Pharmacy and ... Dengue - A Case report A middle aged gentleman presented with complaints of pyrexia and severe body ache since about 4 days. He also noticed popular rash over both lower limbs ... Preparations and Prevention are Important On Saturday my sister experienced strong fever during my mum's birthday dinner(22/05/10). Left dinner, went to Clinic. Sunday: Went to hospital, sent back ... Click here to write your own.

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