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Deluxe AutoCAD in 22 days!


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Award Winning Training!

For Designers and Project Managers
Copyright 2009 Elton Keith Hammond P.Eng. August 18, 2009


EKHO Courses and Products

Deluxe AutoCAD in 22 Days!

This package of courses is suited to passionate Designers who need to quickly acquire the very best AutoCAD skills to find or maintain a design job. EKHO's Deluxe 3D AutoCAD program consists of several popular EKHO courses Plus valuable lab Practise time, Quizzes, Practise Exams and a formal Certification Exam. Private Tutoring is offered when required. AutoCAD is the world's leading Computer Aided Design package and The EKHO Institute is a North American leader at helping our students become certified and Productive with AutoCAD in only 22 days! This course will make you production ready and highly confident with a full suite of highly productive tricks up your sleeve! This course has resulted in about 93% of our most recent students passing the AutoCAD Certification exams vs. 20% and 33% for past students sent to EKHO by two competitive AutoCAD trainers for formal testing. Deluxe 3D AutoCAD Courses

Windows Tips for AutoCAD Users 2 Days AutoCAD Level 1 2D Course 5 Days AutoCAD Layouts, Plotting and Sheet Sets 1 Day Lab Practise Time (2D & 3D Bonus Drawings) 9 Days AutoCAD Certification Exam* 1 Day AutoCAD 3D Modeling 3 Days AutoCAD 3D Rendering 1 Day Optional Level 2 Courses 5 Days Optional CNC Project* to show to employers. 3 Days Level 2 AutoCAD project book* for interviews. Incl. Bonus Exercises marked and reviewed. Automatically scored with feedback and tips! Formal check list of tasks to complete for a Certificate. * Major takeaways to impress employers at interviews. Legend:
Basic Introductory Courses. Level 2 Topics. AutoCAD 3D Topics.


80% 65% 60%

% of Students Passing Certification Exam

AutoCAD Certification Exam Results

33% 20%


Optional Level 2 Courses


EKHO Students

Competitor A

Competitor B Experienced Users


EKHO Students always excel over competitors' results due to our many years of continuous course refinements, built in tips, automated quizzes, refined exercises and professional videos!


EKHO Courses and Products

Quality vs Quantity!
EKHO'S QUALITY AUTOCAD TRAINING = SUCCESS!! Increase your odds by 2 to 3 times!!
6302 Emerald Links Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K4P 1M4 (613) 822-6935

The following chart and graph compares EKHO's beginner Deluxe AutoCAD course's students to 2 of our competitors' beginner classes that took very similar training and then wrote the AutoCAD Level 1 Certification Exam here at EKHO. This clearly shows the excellent results achieved in EKHO's training program. We also show experienced users with about 5 years experience. Please note the much higher number of training hours provided by other trainers compared to EKHO's 40 hours of Level 1 Instruction plus 40 hours of Level 1 lab time. Quantity can not replace quality!! One other way to view these results is that students have a 2 to 3 times greater chance of success in succeeding with training at The EKHO Institute!

Later years saw EKHO's experience improve the number of EKHO students passing, rising from 69% to 93% and higher! To Summarize what this has taught us and our students: 1. EKHO course offered QUALITY with a short training time and SUCCESS! 2. Competitor's offered QUANTITY with a long training time and FAILURE! 3. You can NOT replace quality with quantity when it comes to successful training results!
EKHO QUALITY PAYS! Hours of Training Average Mark % Passing EKHO Level 1 EKHO Students 40 (class) + 40 (lab) 86% 93%* Competitor's Level 1 Competitor A 176 Class 39% 33% Competitor B 320 Class 28% 20% North American Users Experienced Users 5 Years? 75% 65%



80% 65% 60%

33% 20%



EKHO Students

Competitor A

Competitor B Experienced Users


% of Students Passing Certification Exam

AutoCAD Certification Exam Results

* This graph was originally created in EKHO's early years of providing AutoCAD Certification exam classes. Later years have seen EKHO's experience and refinements improve the number of successful EKHO students passing, increase from 69% to 93% and beyond. 1-11 EKHO Courses and Products

Optional Portable Work Bench Project: Example of past students' optional CNC project to provide invaluable hands on experience with a real production job. Will become a take home item along with the project book and exam certificate.

EKHO Students Excel

Great Takeaways for Job Interviews!
EKHO's Deluxe AutoCAD course now provides our highly successful students with these very coveted items to boost their credibility substantially in today's competitive job market: A Certificate of Completion and/or formal Exam Certificate. An optional polished AutoCAD project book to show off at job interviews for those that sign up for the optional Level 2 classes. An optional student selected CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled Router) design of a take home project they will prepare for automated manufacturing. Training videos on DVD to take away and refresh valuable skills and tips at any time.

Back to Work Quickly with Confidence!

EKHO's short course provides a huge advantage to mature students over much longer courses offered by Community colleges because of: Our 23+ years experience in delivering exact needs to mature students to get them back to work VERY quickly with modern CAD skills. Course materials developed, refined and taught by an experienced professional Engineer with a strong track record in delivering successful results for mature adults. EKHO's proven 4 part curriculum: PDF Books, Videos, Exercises, automated quizzes. Hundreds of satisfied customer testimonials. Long courses at Community colleges are geared to high school students with no industry experience, NOT experienced working adults. Prepares unemployed candidates requiring CAD skills for work in a short, efficient 5 weeks versus 1 to 2 years at community colleges. EKHO's highly refined AutoCAD course provides a lot more than just basics, also teaching advanced concepts based on our 30+ years of business, engineering, publishing, manufacturing and training experience. Award winning training that has won 14 awards over the years for excellence in curriculum, facilities and instruction. Start a new job with confidence and enthusiasm after this effective, well managed AutoCAD training course!!

Ergonomic CAD 6302 Emerald Links Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada K4P 1M4 (613) 822-6935 1-12


Optional Portable Work Bench Project: Past students' optional CNC project provides invaluable hands on experience with a real job. Becomes a take home item along with the project book and certificate.

EKHO Courses and Products

EKHO Student Testimonials

"The EKHO Institute came highly recommended and the course outline of going from 0 to Certified in 22 days made it the only logical choice out there. The combination of the video courses, PDF books and EKHO's seemingly endless knowledge of AutoCAD made the transition to being certified almost too easy. Anyone looking to learn AutoCAD or even update their existing skills to give their productivity a huge boost would be well rewarded with EKHO's quality training and best learning materials available ." Robert Jones - Technologist

Rob Jones

"It was a real life saver to get me up to speed in an extremely short time frame!. " Bob Williams - CEO - Hovey Industries

"I really enjoyed the AutoCAD 3D class. This class was a good opportunity to finally take the time to get familiar with AutoCAD 3D modeling. This course was given in a pleasant relaxing environment. Thanks to The EKHO Institute which has taught us the possibilities of 3D modeling with AutoCAD, we shall be able to present our products in another dimension! " Yvon Laferriere - Mechanical Designer - Alstom Power

Bob Williams

"It quickly became apparent that you are an expert in the subject and have many Y. Laferriere years of training experience. You relate to your students well and welcome their feedback so that you can teach the "modern way" of doing things so that students can grasp the many concepts, tips and tricks. Your videos with the linked PDF books are the modern way. In addition the automated quizzes greatly enhanced the learning experience. Thank you for training me on Deluxe AutoCAD " Rodney Ling P.Eng. "I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for delivering such a powerful Rodney Ling training program. Your unique presentation, tremendous knowledge and experience has been discussed by all the participants. For many of us this was our first opportunity to experience training in such a unique manner. You have grown an organization that is a joy to do business with and one that is most certainly one to be recommended to anyone! " Raika Rasevic - Architect "As the CAD Manager for our busy group I proposed the purchase of a site licence for EKHO's AutoCAD Videos. This is a cost efficient and convenient way for our designers and project officers to upgrade their AutoCAD skills to match the latest version of AutoCAD. Our staff have achieved an average of 82.5% for all quizzes. I have found the support and knowledge provided after the sale of this training material to be above and beyond the call of duty. I do recommend this method of training to anyone." Michel Asboth - CAD Manager - Social Dev. Canada 2-16 Why Train With EKHO
R. Rasevic

M. Asboth

EKHO Students Find Jobs!

"I want to say thank you for the AutoCAD course; because of that I found a job the same week that we finished the course. I am working right now as an Architect doing designs and drawings in ...... Jaime Betancur - Architect

J. Betancur

"I am writing to tell you that I have found a new job recently. It is the job that you recommended to me at Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates. It is a full time job as an electric designer. I would like to thank you VERY much." JIan Guan - Engineer

Jian Guan

"The EKHO Institute provided me with exceptional AutoCAD training PLUS a direct connection to great choices between two full time, permanent jobs with civil engineering firms in Ottawa!" Jiawu Xu - Civil Engineer

Jiawu Xu

"The updated skills I acquired in AutoCAD after attending the Deluxe AutoCAD class enabled me to obtain employment one month later. In fact the employer found me through a referral from The EKHO Institute." Ana Voroney - Graduate Architect

Ana Voroney

"Thank you so very much Elton. You went beyond the call of duty. It's greatly appreciated. I'm very certain this job would not have happened if it wasn't for you." Soo Jean Mongeon - Designer / CADD Operator
Soo Mongeon

"Just a quick e-mail to let you know that I have "Successful Employment" at ....! Your Deluxe AutoCAD course played a key role in being accepted for their AutoCAD Technician position. The intense level of training received from The EKHO Institute has made me both more marketable and given me confidence. I will not hesitate to recommend or return to EKHO Institute in the future. I would also like to note that at completion of my training in 2001, I had started work at Stantec Consulting Ltd. Ottawa as a direct result of EKHO's matching client's requirements to student qualifications. " Valerie Brohart - CADD Operator P-6 Preamble

Val. Brohart

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