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kotak bank

1. How you convience the customer? 2. What is your contribution of the Branch? 3. hai viewers! i am deepa,pursuing my MBA finance. I want to become a portfolio manager. what is the way in which i can achieve my dreams.My college is not so highfi,so big companies dont come to recruit us in such high positions.but i want to be there.How do i?can u plz suggest. 4. what are the advantages and diadvantages of active reports over crystal reports ? 5. what is call option 6. What is the meaning of Blue chip? 7. TDS calculation 8. why you want to change from software to finance? 9. what is BSE? tell me the details about that? 10. why people works on commission basis, where there is no fix income 11. what is tax? 12. define marketing in your words except book definition 13. Why did you choose HR? Why do want to make your career in HR? 14. Give two strong reasons why do u want to leave the company ? 15. What is Space Selling in B2B?

recent developments in banking sector, about opening up of banking sector to foriegn banks & also on basel II

Your background Tell me about yourself Tell me about yourself? Walk me through your resume. Why did you choose the college you attended? What other colleges did you consider? If you changed school, why did you transfer? Why did you choose the job you did after college? If you changed jobs, why? What did you like and dislike most about your last job? Why did you decide to come back to business school? Why did you choose Fuqua? What other B-schools did you consider and/or apply? Where else did you get in? How did you make your choice? If you knew you wanted to do finance, why did you come to Fuqua? What do you dislike about Fuqua? What would you change? Banking interest and knowledge How do you think the banking industry is structured? Why do you want to do investment banking? Why not sales and trading, PCS, or private equity? What concerns you about this job? What are some differences among banking firms that youve noticed? Which are important to you? What do you think investment bankers do? Specifically, what do you think investment banking associates do?

What three traits do you think make a good associate? How do you feel about New York/Charlotte/San Francisco/(wherever you are applying if location specific)? What group or product do you think you would be most interested in? Academic and school-related What is you GMAT? SATs? Undergraduate GPA? What is your GPA at Fuqua? What are your grades in Finance, Accounting, and Statistics? What has been your favorite or least favorite class at Fuqua? Why? What has been the toughest class at Fuqua? Why? How kind of quantitative skills do you have? Prove it? What would your teammates say about you? What would they say are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Technical/quantitative questions How do you value a company? Describe different valuation methodologies? Discounted cash flow models (WACC and APV). Lead me through a DCF valuation? What is Free Cash Flow and how is it calculated? How does it differ from Cash from Operations? What would you use for a discount rate for a company? (Answer: WACC (weighted equity rate plus weighted after-tax rate of debt), Risk adjusted rate (equity only for ventures)) How do you calculate WACC? (Answer: WACC = equity weight * re + debt weight * rd * (1- )) Comparables/Multiples. What is the average P/E ratio of the S&P 500? Is Microsoft s P/E higher or lower? What is it? Is Kellogg s P/E higher or lower? What is it? Why is that? Would the analysis be the same for Cisco? Ford? United Airlines? (Note: company names can be anything, you may bring up some of your own.) (Answers: For the S&P, about 27x, Microsoft, about 50x, Kellogg, about 16x, Internets, about infinity (no earnings), Note: check these they change all the time.) What kind of multiples would you use to value a company? What are some reasonable ranges? (Answer: Revenue/Total Market Cap ~1-3, EBIT or EBITDA/Total Market Cap ~6-20, Net income ~20, Price/Book Value ~1-2) Is EBITDA to total value a useful multiple? What about Net Income to total value? Why? (Answer: Enterprise value should be used for any financial results above the interest line, after that, equity value should be used.) Name a company that you know. What does the balance sheet look like? How is it different than a typical manufacturing company? Internet company? (Answer: Pick any company) How would you value a company without earnings, i.e., tech stocks? What are all the differences among the methods (advantages, disadvantages, when would you use cash)?

Discuss the inter-relationships between the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement. Where do I find Capital Expenditures on the Income Statement? If Accounts Receivable goes up during the period, how does that impact cash? (Hint: is this a source or use of cash?) Walk me through the major items on a Statement of Cash Flows. What are the first three items on a Statement of Cash Flows? (Answer: Net income, depreciation and amortization, add backs) Why doe cash flow matter? (Answer: Changes in accruals.) What is the difference between cash and accrual accounting? (Answer: Cash only includes cash that comes in or out, accrual includes payables and receivables (the matching principal).) What are the first three lines of an Income Statement? Is depreciation an expense? Is depreciation a source or use of cash? Why do you add back depreciation expense? What is book value? (Answer: Assets minus liabilities) What are the different profit margins? What is the difference between gross profit and gross profit margin? (Answer: Value versus percentage.) Would I offer to buy a company at its current stock price? (Answer: Usually not, because there is usually a control premium above and beyond the current value of the stock.) How would you value a stock you were about to buy? What sources of information would you use to analyze a company or comparable company? I am looking at two companies an oil/gas company and a consumer products company how do I look at them differently in terms of debt capacity? What is the difference between enterprise and equity value? (Answer: Enterprise value is the value available to both the equity and debt holders (equity value plus net debt) use with revenue, EBITDA, EBIT, Equity value is the value of the company available to the equity holders (equity market value) use with net income, book value (which is equity value on the books)) What is the current market risk premium? Risk free? (Answer: Risk free rate benchmark treasury @ 6%, Market risk premium - @ 7.5%) Who is Alan Greenspan? What does he do? (Answer: Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Sets monetary policy (ie: discount lending rate).) Where did the Dow or NASDAQ close recently? (Answer: Look this up before you interview.) What is a 10K? What is a 10Q? What is the formula for CAPM? (Answer: Re = risk free rate + beta * market risk premium) What is a Beta? How do you unlever it? (Answer: Beta is a measure of variability between a stock and the market actually the covariance of a security with the market divided by the variance of the market.) Assume a debt beta of zero, use the debt/equity relationship to derive the equity beta using the asset beta. If a company with a P/E of 20 acquires a company with a P/E of 15 with stock, is the transaction accretive or dilutive? Explain.

The transaction is accretive to the buyer because its cost of equity is lower. See attached spreadsheet. What are some characteristics of an LBO? What is the lifecycle of an IPO? What is EBITDA? Why is it important? What are some major differences between pooling and purchase accounting? What is the difference between a stock purchase and an asset purchase? What do you think of the economy and interest rates? How does the government raise interest rates? (You may get a macro question like this.) Lets say that I have a bond with a 5% coupon, what happens to the market price when the prevailing interest rates rise to 8%? How are the coupons affected? (Answer: Price in the market of the bonds will fall to make up for the lower coupon. The actual coupons do not change at all.) Which corporate bond would have a higher coupon, a AAA or a BBB? What are the annual payments received by the owner of a five year zero coupon bond? (Answers: BBB would have the higher coupon. There are no annual payments on a zero.) Would you rather have $____ today or $1 a day for the rest of your life? How would you go about valuing this amount. (Basically, a time value of money question.) Two companies: an oil/gas company and a consumer products company. How do I look at them differently in terms of debt capacity? What sources of information would you use to analyze a company or comparable company? How do you calculate the synergy? Consulting-like brain teasers, i.e.: How many ping pong balls can you fit in a 747? If it is 3:15, what is the angle measurement between the hour and minute hand? The painted cube. Holly s driving question. Interest and commitment What concerns you about this job? Do you like New York? Could you live there? Who have you talked to at the firm? What have you learned from him or her? What would they say about you? What other firms are you talking to? What are your impressions of other firms? Do you have an offer from any other firms? Why do you want to work at this firm? What group do you see yourself working in? (This question may be asked to see if you have done your homework since some firms hire into a generalist pool. Alternately, they may want to judge your interest in different areas.) What is our stock price? What is our ticker? What is our market cap? How do you think the banking industry is structured? Where do you think the banking industry is headed? What do you think of the recent mergers?

Who are our competitors? What are your impressions of other firms? What differentiates our firm from our competitors? What are some difference among different banks that you have noticed? Which differences are important to you? How will you make a choice among firms? Do you see yourself in banking over the long-term? If we gave you an offer right now, would you take it? If you had all the money in the world, what would you do besides banking? Can you name some of our recent marquee transactions? What will you do if you do not get an offer from us? What is stopping you from doing any other job or running off to a start-up? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? Why do you want this job? Team questions What would the members of your Fuqua teams say about you? What would they say is your biggest weakness? What are some examples of teams you have participated on? Tell me about an experience that you had working as part of a team. Do you prefer to work on a team or individually? Describe a difficult team situation and how it was resolved. Few people get along with everyone. How do you handle conflict? How do you handle working with someone you dislike? Give some examples. Skills oriented What skills do you bring to the job? I see many qualified candidates, why should I hire you? Why do you think that you would be successful at this job? Give me an example of your leadership abilities? What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? What qualities do you think are important to this job? What makes people successful in this area? Tell me about a time when you were creative. Explain a project where you did the analysis from beginning to end? Give me some example of doing more than is required in the course or job. How would you describe your leadership and/or management style? What stocks and/or industries do you follow and why? Did you buy any stocks lately? Why? (You will definitely get this in an S&T interview.) What business publications do you read? What do you think of ______ article in that days WSJ or NYT? What recent deals have you been following? If I gave you a million dollars, how would you invest your money? How would you manage an analyst who was underperforming? Would you fire him or her if there were no improvement? If you were a managing director and the client told you that he wanted to move his stock price up, what would you suggest as potential strategies? How will your background add to your ability to contribute at the firm?

How would you rank yourself from one to ten? Why? Do you work well under pressure? Your weaknesses and strengths What are some of your weaknesses? What are some of your strengths? What is your greatest accomplishment? From your resume, what are the two (three) biggest concerns we should have in hiring you? Discuss a recent or large failure, professional or personal. How did you react? Imagine we are reviewing your performance at our firm after working with us for six months or a year. What do you think our criticisms of you would be? Why would we not hire you? What risks do you incur for us? What is the biggest mistake you ever made and didn t get caught? What is the biggest mistake you ever made and did get caught? Personality What motivates you? What do you do in your spare time? What do you do for fun? What did you do this past weekend? What is the last book you read? Tell me about a time when you found it necessary to break the rules. What are you goals for the next five years; personal and professional? What would you change about your past? What was your worst decision, personal or professional, one you would take back. How would your friends and/or teammates describe you? If I were to call your last boss, what would he or she say about you? Can you tell me a joke? What makes you nervous? What was the best day of your life? What is your favorite book? What was the last book you read? Why did you like it? If you could have lunch with any three people who would they be and why? What don t you like about other people? What is important to you about the place that you work? If you could change anything in your life that you have ever done, what would it be and why? Venture Capital/Private Equity questions (Anything listed under Investment Banking is game.) What types of things do you look for when reviewing a business plan? What types of attributes do you think make a start-up poised for success? What is the typical structure of a term sheet? What aspects of a term sheet would you be most concerned about as an entrepreneur? As a venture capitalist? How is a venture capital firm/private equity concern structured? How do they make money?

What are the different types of private equity a company would access given different stages of their growth? Sales and Trading specific questions Why Sale and Trading versus Investment Banking? Are you interested in Sales or Trading? Why? What does a Trader do? What does a Salesperson do? Do you want to sell or trade equity or debt instruments? Why? What makes you think that you can sell? How do you measure success in your life? What about your personality will make you a good Trader or Salesperson? If interest rates rise, what will happen to bond prices? Why? Have you followed any stocks lately? Did you decide to buy it? Why? (You will definitely get this question in S&T interviews.) Be prepared to convince them that you have transferable skill sets which will enable you to succeed in this field for example, if you worked in a risky, high pressure environment with limited information, but had to make decisions (for trading). What do you know about the bond market? Is there any are in fixed income that you are particularly interested in (you don not have to have a preference). Firm s stock ticker, price, etc. What do you know about my firm? Equity Research specific questions Why are you interested in Equity Research as opposed to Sales and Trading or Investment Banking? Why sell-side as opposed to buy-side research? Tell me about your favorite stock? What are some of the most important skills sets for Equity Research? Provide an example of your entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.

1. Tell us about yourself? 2. Do you have some other specialization in M.B.A finance sector? Why do you want to work in this sector when this sector is full of pressures and stress? 3. What do you understand by term Finance? Tell us the importance of M.B.A finance over other finance branches in Finance sector? 4. Describe the job responsibilities of a M.B.A finance expert? Do you think you need training to start working with us? How many days of training is required? 5. Are you aware with M.B.A finance terminology?

6. Explain Maximum Likelihood Estimation? Why it is used in finance? 7. Discuss Black Scholes Model? Why robust is Black Scholes Model? What are the limitations of this model? 8. Distinguish the Finance account opening in bank and Finance account opening in accounts department? Also mention the documents required for both accounts? 9. What are you salary expectations? 10. Do you have any questions to ask?
Most Popular HR Interview Questions With Generic Answer Formats 1. How do you handle stress or pressure? You could answer this question by saying that stress is an important issue to you. While high levels of stress can be negative, I use stress in a productive way that can allow me to work harder. It is important for me to make sure I have the correct balance of positive stress and negative stress. You could also answer this question by saying you perform better when you are under reasonable levels of stress. 2. What do you find motivates you the most? This is a question that does not require an answer that is right or wrong. The employer is trying to see how you are motivated. It is also a method they will use to determine if you are compatible for the job. It doesn't make much sense to put you in a position where you will not be motivated by the work you do. The best way to answer this question is to be honest. Let the interviewer know what motivates you the most. Don't tell them what they want to hear because you are trying to get the job. While this may help you in the short term, it can hurt you in the long run. 3. Do you prefer to work alone, or do you work better in groups? This is a question that you will want to answer carefully. If the position you are applying for requires you to work alone, it doesn't make much sense to answer it by saying you enjoy working in groups. If the position requires you to work in groups, telling the interviewer you like working alone can keep you from being hired. However, the answer you give should be an honest one. 4. Give us an example of a challenging situation you've overcome. This is a request that will require you to know a lot about yourself. If you've prepared for the interview beforehand, you should be able to answer this question without any problems. You should reflect on your past work experience. You must quickly be able to think about any challenges you've overcome. It doesn't have to be something that is related to employment. If you were in the military, you could describe a challenge you overcame. If you are a college graduate, you can give an example of an academic challenge you successfully overcame. 5. What do you find interesting about this job? The answer that you give better be more than just the salary. You should be able to give detailed reasons for why you are interested in being hired for a certain position. Answering this question correctly may require you to do your research on the company. This is something that must be done before the interview starts. 6. Why should we hire you?

This is one of the most difficult questions in the interview process. However, it is a good question, especially if you are competing for a position against people who are equally qualified. To answer this question, describe how your skills can be valuable to the company. Not only will you want to direct the towards your accomplishments, but you will also want to demonstrate your personality and desire. Explain that you are impressed with the history of the company, and you want to play a role in the success of the organization. 7. In what ways can you contribute to our company? You will want to answer this question by selling yourself. Explain how your skills, personality, and experience can allow you to contribute to the company. This is a question that you may want to prepare for in advance. You will want to answer it with a powerful statement. You don't want to be uneasy of hesitant. If the employer suspects this, you may lose your chance to be employed with the company.

Company History - ING Vysya Bank

YEAR EVENTS 1930 - The Bank was Incorporated at Bangalore City. The Bank transacts general banking business of every description.

1958 - The Bank was granted a licence by the Reserve Bank of India to carry on banking business.

1972 - With effect from 1st January, the Bank was upgraded to `B' class.

1978 - 80,000 Right shares issued at par 1977 in prop. 2:1.

1985 - 6,00,000 Rights equity shares issued at par in prop. 1:2.

1987 - The Vysya Bank Leasing, Ltd. was incorporated on 4th January, as a subsidiary of the Company to take up equipment leasing and such other forms of business as are permissibile through the subsidiary. The Vysya Bank Housing Finance, Ltd., is also a subsidiary of the bank.

- 6,00,000 Rights equity shares issued at par in prop. 1:2.

1990 - The bank introduced the Investors' club activity to render buying and selling of capital market investments on behalf of its members apart from giving loans and providing security for the scrips deposited with the bank.

1993 - At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 27th September, a Special Resolution was passed for issue of Rights Shares to the

shareholder and Preferential Allotment of Shares to the Managment Group and Employees. The allotment of 24 lakh shares was made to Management Group on 10th December, which was kept in abeyance vide RBI directive dated 15th December.

1994 - The Bank launched new products like VYS STORE - credit facility for constructions of godowns, agri-vehicles for transportation of produce and inputs and cash credit for agricultural lendings.

- A new division was set up to strengthened merchant banking activities of the bank. The bank underwrote 118 capital issues aggregating Rs 34.47 crores.

- A separate cell managed by professionals specialised in investment management was formed to look after the equity investments of the bank.

- The Company's schemes such as vysprime and vysinvest exist exclusively for NRIs. Vysbuy for facilitating purchase of consumer articles, vysmobile for purchase of vehicles and vysequity facilitating purchase of shares.

- 2,43,600 shares were allotted at a premium of Rs 10 per share to the employees of the bank and subsidiary companies.

- The RBI has revoked its order letter dated 29th September, and permitted allotment as follows: (i) Issue of 2,66,500 shares of Rs 10 each in the ratio of 50 shares to each employee of its subsidiary companies at a premiuim of Rs 10 per shares, (ii) Issue of 6,00,000 shares of Rs 10 each to the Management Group at a premium of Rs 364.25 per shares, (iii) After Completion of the above issues, rights issues to the

shareholders including (i) and (ii) in the ratio of 5 shares for every share at a price in accordance with pricing guidelines of RBI.

- 6 lakhs shares were allotted to Management Group at a premium of Rs 364.25 as approved by RBI. Balance of 18 lakh shares awaited for the decisive of the Company.

- 1200 shares allotted.

1995 - The bank launched two new schemes, namely Vysdouble Scheme doubles money in less than 57 months & Vyswift Scheme A scheme for fast collection of out station cheques.

- The banks has signed a MOU with Bank Brussels Lambert for strategic alliance. It enable the bank to globalise its operations.

- The bank has appointed M/s. KPMC Peat Marwick to conduct a study of the bank for re-engineering the business processes of the bank and suggest an appropriate business strategy to remodel the bank as a World Class Bank.

- 131,32,830 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a prem. of Rs 25 per share allotted to the existing shareholders on rights basis in the ratio of 5:1.

1996 - A MOU was signed with MC Securities Ltd., London a group company of Bank Brussels Lambert for establishing a joint venture company for International Investment Banking.

- 834,800 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 316.07 per share allotted on preferential basis to BBL Mauritius Holidings, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Brussels

Lavibert, Belgium and 13,435 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 25 per share allotted out of abeyance cases of Rights issue.

1998 - Sri T. B. Dhananjaya Rao, Director, expired on 1st October.

- The Bank set-up V-SATs in 6 Metros using DAMA technology as an internal communication support system through which 200 of the Bank's Branches are proposed to be linked to the Bank's Corporate Office for data transmission and E-Mail Communication.

1999 -The Bank launched Insurance linked Premium Savings Bank Account for individuals.

- The Bank has signed an MOU with ING for distribution of Life Insurance products, as and when the insurance industry opens up in India.

2000 - Indus Software Private Limited a Pune-based software products company has signed an agreement with the Vysya Bank Ltd., a leading private sector bank in India for the implementation of its product, ISI (lending solutions from Indus).

- Vysya Bank Ltd. signed a MoU with Global TeleSystems Ltd. to utilise their e-commerce payments processing infrastructure.

- The Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with the ING group to pick up 26% stake in ING Asset Management Company for a nominal amount of Rs 10 crore.

- Vysya Bank has signed an MoU with Satyam Infoway for its foray into e-commerce.

- The Vysya Bank signed an MoU with Siri Technologies Pvt for a technical and marketing partnership to develop,

customise and implement remittance/payment processing, software solutions according to a press release issued by Vysya Bank.

- ING Insurance, a sub-holding company of Dutch financial major ING Group, has tied up with Bangalore-based Vysysa Bank to enter the Indian life insurance market.

- Vysya Bank is likely to review its joint venture agreement with Citibank for the credit card business.

- Bangalore-based private sector bank Vysya Bank is to launch a floating rate deposit.

- ING Insurance, Vysya Bank Ltd. and the Damani Group have signed an agreement to form a life insurance joint venture in India.

- The Bank announced launching of VysyAMulya project, envisaging an investment of

about Rs. 60 Crores spread over two financial years, which involves setting up of a Data Centre and networking of 125 branches for online real-time Centralised Processing through Sanchez's Core banking suite of products PROFILE/Anyware - IBS.

- The Bank has entered into an agreement with IBM India Ltd for the IT related hardware/software supply and system integration.

- The Bank has also entered into an agreement with M/s. Bangalore Labs for providing suitable and stable communications network design and layout, which will allow the bank to operate 24 hours, seven days a week.

- The Bank launched, during the year, two new technology aided products viz., Vys-Sambandh and Access Plus.

- Sri K R Ramamoorthy, has been re-appointed as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank for a period of three years.

2001 - Vysya Bank named a new Managing Director Mr. K Balasubramanian, sees this as the first step in its long-term succession plan for the Bank's top job.

- :Vysya Bank Ltd as part of its restructuring exercise, has merged six regional offices and will be opening 30 branches, including extension counters, in the next three years

2002-Vysya Bank announces Employees Voluntary Retirement scheme.

-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that the following changes have been approved consequent to increase in the stake of equity of BBL (ING Group) from 20% to 43.99%.

The following Directors resigned from the office of Director w.e.f September 09, 2002:a) Mr. M K Ramachandra,b) Mr. H N Tarachandani, c) Mr. Yadalam A Subramanyam, d) Mr. K V K Seshavataram e) Mr. G B S Raju. Mr. Peter Alexander Smyth, a nominee of ING Group has been appointed as Director in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. M K Ramachandra w.e.f. September 09,2002. Mr. Jacques P M Kemp, a nominee of ING Group has been appointed as Director in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. G R S Raju w.e.f. September 09, 2002.

-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that RBI has sanctioned the appointment of Mr Bart Hellemans as Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and Mr G Mallikarjuna Rao as part time Chairman of the Bank. Mr K Balasubramanian the outgoing Managing Director will continue as non-executive Director of the Bank.

-G Mallikarjuna Rao takes charge as part time Chairman of Vysya Bank.

-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed BSE that The Board of Directors through a Circular Resolution passed on November 9, 2002 has noted the resignation of Mr Leo Willy Janssen, nominee of ING from the Board of the Bank.


-Vysya Bank Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of Vysya Bank Ltd at their meeting held on January 30, 2003 took on record the following: 1. Appointment of Arun Thiagrajan as Additional Director 2. Appointment of K R Ramamorthy as Additional Director effective February 12, 2003 3. Resignation of A P Rao as Director effective Jan 30, 2003.

-Western Union, the top American money transfer firm has tied up with

ING Vysya Bank for inward money transfer.

-ING Group acquired 23.99% equity of Vysya Bank, and the name has been changed to ING Vysya Bank Ltd.

-Change in the Management Structure: Appointment of Mr.Arun Thiagrajan as Additional Director Appointment of K Ramamorthy as Additional Director and Resignation of A P Rao as the Director.

-Mr Robin Roy, the point man for retail banking of ING Vysya Bank Ltd has resigned.

-Mr Prakash G Apte has been appointed as Additional Director on the board of the bank.

-ING Vysya has launched 3 new endowment products: Powering Life - Limited payment endowment plan Creating Life - Child Protection plan Reassuring Life - Endowment plan with revisionary bonus.

-ING Vysya Bank Ltd has reported a 26% growth in its net profit for the year.

-ING Vysya Bank has entered into a subscription and shareholders agreement with Nationale Nederlanden Interfinance BV, Kirti Equities Pvt Ltd and ING Investment Management (India)Pvt Ltd.

-Crisil assigs AA+ rating for the 200cr bond programme of ING vysya bank.

-ING vysya bank has launched new Saving Bank Account called Orange, with facilities like personal accident cover, free annual accident cover.

-ING Vysya's new Registered office: at No 22, M G Road Bangalore 560001. Ph.Nos : 080-5005000 & 5559222 Fax No. 080-5005555.

-ING-Vysya has raised Rs.200cr through tier-II capital bonds at 6.25%. The bonds are rated AA plus by both Fitch and Crisil.

-Medvin Finance Private Ltd., shareholder of the Bank and a constituent of GMR Group of Companies, Indian Promoters, sells 452521 equity shares amounting to 2% of the paid up capital of the company

-Resignation of Mr. Ramsay Alexander Urquhart and Mr. Jacques P M Kemp from the Board of the Bank. Further, the Board of Directors appointed i) Mr. Lars Kramer; ii) Mr. Cees Ovelgonne and iii) Mr. Peter Staal as Directors of the Bank in the casual vacancies arising out of resignation of Mr. Jacques P M Kemp, Mr. Ramsay Alexander Urquhart and Mr. K

Balasubramanian respectively as Directors.

-ING Vysya Bank received Rs 4.35 crore to take back bad loans from its erstwhile housing finance arm that had been acquired by Dewan Housing Finance

-iGate Global Solutions signs outsourcing deal worth approx million with ING Vysya Bank

-Toyota signs agreement with ING Vysya for auto finance

-ING Vysya Life signed an agreement with public sector Madras Fertiliser Ltd (MFL) to sell its life insurance policies to farmers, using the fertiliser company's dealer network in rural sector


-Dolphin Milk forges alliance with ING Vysya Bank


-ING Vysya Bank names Mr Ned Swarup as CEO

-ING Vysya Bank launches an `Advantage Current Account' for mid-sized businesses


-ING Vysya Bank Ltd has informed that the Company has appointed Mr. Vaughn Richtor as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director for a three-year term, following approval from the Reserve Bank of India.

-ING Vysya Bank Ltd delists securities of the Bank from Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd.

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