Editing The Configuration Settings Document For Lotus Inotes

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Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes


IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Administrator Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes

Many of the features you enable using the Configuration Settings document can also be configured using policies. See the section of Help "Using policies with Lotus iNotes" for complete information on which policy settings are supported. 1. From the IBM Lotus Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Server or Messaging section. 2. Click Configurations. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select the Configuration Settings document for the Lotus iNotes mail server(s) and click "Edit Configuration." Select the iNotes tab. Change any of the configuration settings. Save the document and restart the Domino server. Save the document and restart the Domino server.
Setting Action

Home Page Setup

Default Home Page

Click View/Modify to set Home Page settings. Default Page - Lets users customize the Home Page. Selected Web Page - Forces users to use a specific Web page as the Home page. Enter the URL and title. Custom Layout - Choose from six custom layouts to specify new mail, calendar schedule, Web links, and other options to appear in a layout.

Allow user to edit the Home page

Enable (default) to allow users to create custom Home pages and override any settings on the server. Disable to prevent users from changing the administrator-prescribed Home page.



Enable (default) to allow users to set alarms for appointments, meetings, events, and task deadlines. Disable to prevent users from setting alarms that may slow server performance.

Minimum alarm polling time

Enter a number to specify how often, in minutes, the Lotus iNotes client checks the server for alarms. Default is 5 minutes. Increase this number to improve server performance.


Minimum mail polling time

Enter a number to specify how often, in minutes, the Lotus iNotes client checks the server for new mail. Default is 5 minutes. Increase this number to improve server performance.

When sending mail, set format to:

Choose whether to restrict outgoing mail. Plain text - restricts outgoing mail to plain text only. Plain text messages can be read by most legacy mail applications. Let user decide - allows the user to choose the format for every outgoing mail message.

Name resolution and validation

Enable to allow alternate name lookups, similar to "type-ahead" in IBM Lotus Notes . Lets user resolve ambiguous names and use alternate names by checking names against a contact list or Domino Directory. Note This must be enabled for the Lotus iNotes secure mail feature.

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Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes


Maximum attachment size (kb)

Set the maximum size in kilobytes for attachments. Default is 50,000K (50MB). Note Y must also set the value of these two Server document (or ou Web Site document) fields to a value higher than this setting. Otherwise, attachments larger than (10MB) will generate a server error. Internet Protocols > HTTP > Maximum Size of Request Internet Protocols > Domino Web Engine > Maximum Post data

Mail Threads

Enable (default) to allow users to set a Lotus iNotes user preference to view mail threads.

Mail Encryption

Encrypted mail support

Enable (default) to allow users to use a stored Notes ID to read encrypted mail. The user's ID must be stored in the mail database.

Allow user to delete their Notes ID from their mail database

Enable to allow users to delete their Notes ID from their mail database. Default is disabled.

Allow user to export their Notes ID

Enable to allow users to export and save their ID in a separate file. Default is disabled.

Require SSL when reading encrypted mail

Select one to set SSL requirement: No - To treat encrypted mail the same as unencrypted mail Client - (default) To require the browser client to use SSL, but not the server. Both - To require both the browser client and the server to use SSL.

Use JavaScript for SSL-redirection

Enable (default) to use JavaScript to redirect SSL. Note Some reverse-proxy servers do not properly fixup 302 redirects. If so, enabling this option may help. Do not enable this option unless necessary.

Allow untrusted Internet certificates to be used for S/MIME encryption

Enable to allow users to use an untrusted Internet certificate for S/MIME encryption. Default is disabled.

Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging features

Enable (default) to turn on instant messaging and live names (awareness) for users who have secrets and token or Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token, and an IBM Lotus Sametime server assigned.

Online awareness

Enable (default) to turn on live names for any user who has also enabled awareness via a user preference. Enable (default) -- to use and prefer secrets and tokens authentication if available. Disable -- if an LTPA token is present, disable this field to use the LTPA token instead. Type the name of the Sametime server to set an instant messaging hostname (messaging.ibm.com for example) for all Lotus iNotes users. Eliminates the need to populate the Sametime server field value within every user's Person document. Enable (default) -- to load \stlinks from the Domino application server. Disable -- to load the \stlinks directory from the Sametime server defined in the user's Person document. Useful if running different versions of Sametime servers within your organization and using a version of Domino prior to 6.5.2.

Allow secrets and tokens authentication

Set an IBM Lotus Sametime server hostname for all DWA users (useful for clustered configurations)

Loading \stlinks from Domino application server

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Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes


Prefer DWA 8 Contact List

Enable (default) -- to use the Lotus Domino Web Access Chat client. Disable -- to use the Sametime Connect for browsers Chat client. Supported only for backward compatibility with Domino Web Access 7 clients on a Domino 8x server. Note Lotus iNotes previously known as Lotus Domino Web Access for versions 8 and 7. Enable (default) -- to load the Sametime Connect for browsers (6.5.1 or later) as the Chat client. Disable -- to use the Lotus Domino Web Access Chat client. Note Lotus iNotes previously known as Lotus Domino Web Access for versions 8 and 7.

Prefer Sametime Connect for browsers (DWA 7 only)

Pass the Organization name (commonly used when Domino is configured for xSP)

For xSPs only. The default is disabled. Enable to include the user's Organization as part of the name format. For example: CN=John Doe/O=Acme Domino Directory (or leave blank) -- if the Sametime server and Lotus iNotes server both use the Domino Directory. Domino LDAP -- if the Sametime server uses the Domino LDAP directory and the Lotus iNotes server uses the Domino Directory. Domino LDAP for xSP -- (xSP servers only) If the Lotus iNotes xSP server uses the Domino Directory and the Sametime server uses the Domino LDAP server. Non-Domino LDAP-- if the Sametime server and the Lotus iNotes server both use an LDAP directory other than Domino LDAP. Note Y can further refine the way the name format is passed to the ou Sametime server for login and awareness using the NOTES.INI setting iNotes_WA_SametimeNameFormat, which will then override this configuration setting.

Directory type used by IBM Lotus Sametime server

Disclaimer Text

Add disclaimer notice to mail memo

Select one: Disabled - No disclaimer text will display At the top - To display disclaimer text at the top of Lotus iNotes mail messages At the bottom - (default) To display disclaimer text at the bottom of Lotus iNotes mail messages

Disclaimer text or HTML

Type the disclaimer text you want to display (in HTML format) on all Lotus iNotes mail messages.


Encrypt offline mail databases

Enable to allow users to encrypt their offline mail databases for security. If you enable encryption, complete the next two fields to set the encryption level. Default is disabled.

Offline database encryption level

Choose one: Simple - provides protection against casual snooping. Medium - provides the right balance among security, strength, and fast database access. Probably the right choice for most users. Strong - when security requirements are paramount, and the resulting database access performance is acceptable.

Allow user to choose an encryption level

This setting, when enabled, overrides the administrator-specified encryption level and allows users to choose their own encryption level.

Allow user to go offline

Enable (default) to turn on the "Work Offline" feature in the Lotus iNotes client. Disable this option to prevent users from using Lotus iNotes offline, disconnected from the network.

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Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes


Only sync documents modified in the last x days.

Enable and then enter a number to set how many days worth of documents to replicate (default is 90). Documents older than those specified are removed from the local replica. Users can reset this for each offline subscription file using the Domino Sync Manager. Default is disabled.

Limit document attachments during sync

Enable this setting to limit the size of attachments during sync. When set, attachments greater than 100 KB are truncated (stripped from the document) during replication. Default is disabled.

Security Settings

Enable this setting so that the user's offline Internet password remains synchronized with their online Internet password. This setting works only when the Offline Configuration document Security Settings field "Keep Internet Password Synchronized" is enabled.


Alternate name support

Enable (default) to allow Lotus iNotes users to display alternate names in a native language. Disable to prevent Lotus iNotes from displaying alternate user names in a native language. When disabled, users see alternate names in English only.

Preferred alternate name language

This setting overrides the preferred language for an alternate name in user preferences. Pick from a list to select the default alternate name language. Default is English.

Allow user to choose alternate name display

Enable to let users choose the preferred language for an alternate name. Disable (default) to prevent users from controlling alternate name support.

Start Up View

Allow user to select default active view

Enable (default) to allow users to select a default active view.

When opening Lotus Domino Web Access, open to

Select the view that displays when the user logs on to Lotus iNotes.

Browser Cache Management

Browser Cache Management

Enable (default) to install Browser Cache Management.

Automatically install Browser Cache Management

Enable to automatically install Browser Cache Management the first time a user accesses Lotus iNotes from a machine that does not have it installed. If not set, the user can install it on their own from user preferences, but is not required to install it. Default is disabled.

Note The Instant Messaging settings and the Local Archiving setting (under Other Settings) on this tab in the Configuration Settings Type a number from 1-5 where: document apply to users whose mail file is based on the MAIL (R8) mail template (MAIL8.NTF) or later. In a mixed environment, for users whose mail file is based on iNotes6, you must use the equivalent Deletes the caches including personal information related to the 0 - NOTES.INI settings.
mail database.

Default cache scrubbing level

Set the automatic cache clearing level for the Lotus iNotes server.

Related topics Adding a disclaimer to outgoing messages Configuring alternate name support in Lotus iNotes Configuring Lotus iNotes for users NOTES.INI Settings Reusing child windows Setting a maximum attachment size Using Browser Cache Management Using NOTES.INI settings in a mixed environment

1 - Deletes all URLs that begin with the mail file path. 2 - Deletes all URLs in the cache that originate from the server hostname, except for URLs that contain /iNotes/FORMS85.NSF, the current forms file (or /iNotes/FORMS8.NSF, /iNotes/Forms7.nsf, or iNotes/Forms6.nsf). 3 - Deletes all URLs in the cache that originate from the server hostname. 4 - Deletes all URL s in the cache except for URLs that contain /iNotes/FORMS85.NSF, the current forms file (/iNotes /FORMS8.NSF, /iNotes/Forms7.nsf, or iNotes/Forms6.nsf).

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5 - Deletes all URL s in the cache.

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Editing the Configuration Settings document for Lotus iNotes


Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009

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