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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: www.eservicespakistan.

com PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 2) ============================================================ Read Instructions before study: Bullet means you have to write the answer in paragraph shape and you could not change the sequence. Bullets are used only for your ease. i) Roman numbered, question may be written as it is. However sequence can be changed. *** This item should not be written in answer. It is just a hint for you. Pay more attention on the bold text in answers. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=

Question: Define Base and derived quantities? i) Length, Mass, Time, Temperature, Electric Current and Intensity of Light are those quantities, which play important role in our daily life. These are called base quantities. ii) All other quantities which are derived from base quantities are called derived quantities. Question: Define Base and derived units? i) The units of base quantities are called base units. ii) The units of derived quantities are called derived units. Question: Define the following terms? Meter: * One meter is the distance traveled by light in vacuum during a time of 1/299792458 second. * Standard meter is the bar of an alloy of platinum and iridium kept under controlled conditions at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris. Kilogram:The standard kilogram is the mass of platinum and iridium alloy cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures near Paris. Second: * The 1/86400 part of the solar day is called a standard second. * A second is a duration in which Cesium -133 atom completes 9192631770 vibrations. Prefixes: The main advantage of the system international is that its manipulation is quite easy. The multiples and sub-multiples of different units are obtained simply by multiplying or dividing with ten or powers of ten. The term used internationally for the multiples and sub-multiples are called prefixes.
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 2) ============================================================

Scientific Notation: It is an international accepted way of writing numbers in which numbers are recorded using the power of ten or prefixes. There is only one non-zero digit before the decimal. Significant figures: The accurately known digits and first doubtful digit in any measurement are called significant figures. Proportionality constant: A number which is used to described the relationship between two quantities in the form of an equation. Define Least Count? The minimum accurate measurement that an instrument can make is known as its least count. Question: Write a detailed note on vernier calipers? Vernier calipers is an instrument which is used to measure the length correctly upto 1/10th of a millimeter. So the least count of vernier calipers is 0.1mm. Structure: It consists of two parts: One part is called main scale. Longer lines represent centimeter and small lines represents millimeters. On its left there is a jaw A. Second part consists of a vernier scale, which contain a jaw B. This jaw is moveable on main scale. The length of vernier scale is 9mm which is divided into 10 equal parts. (*** Draw figure from book) Function: Note the least count of vernier. Close the jaws A and B. the zeros of main scale and vernier scale should be exactly in front of each other. Fix the sphere between two jaws and note the main scale reading. (The point where the 0 of vernier scale coinciding with main scale division.) Now note the division of vernier scale, which exactly in front of the any main scale division. Let the division is 8. Now multiply 8 with least count 0.01cm and add it to main scale reading. Add or subtract the zero error which was faced. This is the diameter of sphere. Question: What is the pitch of vernier calipers? The separation between the two smaller lines of the main scale is called pitch of the vernier scale.
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 2) ============================================================

What is Zero Error? It the zeroes of the main scale and the vernier scale are not exactly in front of each other, then there is an error in the instrument called zero error. Question: Write a detailed note on screw gauge? It is an instrument which is used measure the length or diameter correctly upto 1/100th part of millimeter. Structure: It consists of a U shaped metal frame fitted with the stud A at one end and an empty cylinder B at the other end. A scale in millimeter is engraved over it parallel to its axis along a straight line. The cylinder has threads inside and act as a nut. There is bolt C inside this nut which moves forward or backward on rotating cylinder B. (*** Draw figure from book) Function: Note the pitch and least count of the screw gauge. Zero of circular scale should be in front of horizontal line. Place the sphere between stud A and bolt C. Note main scale reading. Now find the circular scale division which in exactly in front of horizontal line. Let it is 25. Now multiply 25 by least count and add the product in main scale reading. Add or subtract the zero error. This is the diameter of sphere. Question: Write a note on stop watch? It is an instrument which measure the duration of time. Structure: It has two needles. One represents seconds and other represent minutes. Dial is divided between 30 big circular divisions. Each part represents 1 second. One big part is also divided into 10 equal small parts. Each small part represents 1/10th of second. There is button B on the top. Function: When duration is to be measured button B is pushed. The needles start to move. When it is required to stop again button B is pushed. The needles stop. The duration elapsed can be noted from dial. Pressing button B third time brings the needles on zero position. What is Physical Balance? An instrument which is used to measure the mass of body is called physical balance.
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 2) ============================================================

Question: What is measuring cylinder? It is a cylinder, which is used to measure the volume of liquid. Question: Write the names of instruments used for measuring length, mass and time? i) Meter rod is used to measure length ii) Physical balance is used to measure mass. iii) Stop watch is used to measure time. Question: How many types of errors. Describe them? Personal Errors: These errors arises due to wrong way of taking reading e.g. eye is not in front to the scale. These errors can be reduced by experience. Random Errors: If different measurements are obtained. Then on repeating the observation readings can differ from the first one. This type of errors is called random errors. These errors can be reduced by taking the mean of all the measurement. Systematic Errors: These errors are caused due to zero error or wrongly used instruments. To reduce these errors measuring instruments should be compared with standard instrument. Question: What are the reasons of errors in measurements? i) The fault in the measuring instrument. ii) In-appropriate method of measurement. Question: What are different ways to represent the relation shiop between two physical quantities? The relationship between two physical quantities can be represented by two different ways: i) By mathematical equation. ii) By the help of graph. Question: What is light year? A light year is unit of length, which is equal to the distance covered by light in one year. It is equal to 9.46x1015 meters. =*=*=*=*= More works/Tasks: Do Exercise from your Book. Do Objectives from book & from any other objective book. Do Numerical with the help of your teacher. Do Interesting Information from book. Do Scientific Reasons with the help of teacher.
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