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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: www.eservicespakistan.

com PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================ Read Instructions before study: Bullet means you have to write the answer in paragraph shape and you could not change the sequence. Bullets are used only for your ease. i) Roman numbered, question may be written as it is. However sequence can be changed. *** This item should not be written in answer. It is just a hint for you. Pay more attention on the bold text in answers. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=

>> Question: Define Mechanics and its types? The branch of physics, which deals with the study of motion of bodies is called Mechanics. It has two types: Kinematics: It is study of motion of bodies without reference of force and mass. Dynamics: It is study of motion of bodies with reference of force and mass. >> Question: Define Rest and Motion? Rest: If a body does not change its position with respect to some observers then it is said to be in the state of rest. Motion: If a body is changing its position with respect of some observers then it is said to be in the state of motion. >> Question: Describe the different types of motion in detail? Motion of bodies are of three types: Translatory Motion: A motion in which each particle of a body has exactly same motion is called translatory motion. It may be of many kinds: i) If a body moves in straight line its motion is called linear motion. e.g. motion of free falling bodies. ii) If a body moves in a circle its motion is called circular motion. e.g. motion of stone attached to thread and whirled. iii) If a body moves in irregular manner its motion is called random motion. e.g. motion of butterfly. Rotatory Motion: When each point of a body moves around a fixed point or axis then its motion is called rotatory motion e.g. motion of ceiling fan. Vibratory Motion: When a body moves to and fro about a point and repeats its motion then its motion is called vibratory motion. e.g. Motion of simple Pendulum. >> Question: What is the motion executed by butterfly? Flight of butterfly is irregular motion. Therefore its motion is called random motion. >> Question: What is type of motion of free falling bodies? Freely falling bodies move downward in straight direction under the force of gravity. Therefore their motion is called linear motion. >> Question: What is the type of motion of a man moving in circular track? His motion is circulatory motion.
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================

>> Question: Define distance and displacement with example? Distance: The path between two points is called distance. It is scalar quantity. Displacement: The shortest distance between two points is called displacement. It is a vector quantity. >> Question: What are Scalar and Vector Quantities? Scalar are those quantities which are describe by a number with suitable unit without mentioning direction. Vector are those quantities which can be described by a number with suitable unit and with the mention of direction. >> Question: Define Speed and Velocity? Speed: The distance covered in unit time is called speed. Speed Or v = = Distance ---------Time

S t The unit of speed is meter per second (ms-1) or m/s Velocity: The rate of displacement of a body with respect to time is called velocity. It is denoted by v. It is a vector quantity. >> Question: Define Uniform Speed? If a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, however small the intervals may be, the speed of the body is said to be uniform. >> Question: Define the following types of velocities? Uniform Velocity: If the speed and direction of moving body do not change with time, then its velocity is said to be uniform. Variable Velocity If the speed and direction of moving body both changes with time, then its velocity is said to be variable. Relative Velocity When two bodies are in motion then the velocity of one body relative to other is called relative velocity. Instantaneous Velocity The velocity of a body at any instance of time is called instantaneous velocity. Average Velocity Average velocity of a body can be obtained by dividing the total displacement with total time taken. Displacement d Average Velocity = --------------OR Vav = --Time t
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================

>> Question: Can a body moving with certain velocity in the direction of east can have acceleration in the direction of west? Yes, if the velocity of the body decreases, then it will have acceleration in the opposite direction, that is, in the direction of west. >> Question: Does speedometer of a car measures its velocity? It measures only speed but not velocity. >> Question: Define Acceleration and its types? Acceleration The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. It is denoted by a. It is vector quantity. Uniform Acceleration If velocity of a body is changing equally in equal intervals of times then its acceleration will be uniform. Variable Acceleration If velocity of a body is not changing equally in equal intervals of times then its acceleration will be variable. Average Acceleration The average acceleration can be obtained by dividing total change in velocity with total time taken. Change in velocity Average Acceleration = -------------------Total Time OR Vf - Vi aav = ------t Gravitational Acceleration The acceleration of freely falling bodies is called gravitational acceleration. It is denoted by g. Its value is 10 meter per second per second (10 ms2) >> Question: A body is thrown vertically upward. What is gravitational acceleration. It is 10 meter per second per second (10 ms2) >> Question: Define Positive and Negative Acceleration? When velocity of a body increases its acceleration will be positive. When velocity of a body decreases its acceleration will be negative. >> Question: What is acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity? The acceleration will be 0. >> Question: Derive the First Equation of Motion? Let a car is moving with initial velocity (vi). After time (t) its velocity becomes (vf). As the car is moving with uniform acceleration therefore its acceleration (a) will be equal to the average acceleration (aav): Change in Velocity a = -------------------Total Time
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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================

a at at + Vi OR Vf

= = =

Vf V i ------t Vf V i Vf

Vi + at

>> Question: Derive the Second Equation of Motion? A body is moving with initial Velocity (Vi) and after time (t) its velocity becomes (Vf). Then to calculate the total distance (S) covered in time (t): Distance = Average Velocity x Time S = Vav x t --------------------------------------- (i) We know that Vi + V f Vav = -------2 So, Putting this value in equation (i) Vi + Vf -------- x t 2 And we know that Vf = Vi + at So, Vi + Vi + at S = ------------2 S = S = 2Vi + at ------------2 2Vit + at2 ----------2 2Vit ---2 + at2 ---2


= =

1 Vit + --- at2 2

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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================

>> Question: Derive the Third Equation of Motion? A body is moving with initial velocity (vi) and after time (t) its velocity becomes (vf) then distance covered by it is given by: (Vi + Vf) S = ---------- x t -------------------------------- (i) 2 We know that Vf = Vi + at OR Vf V i t = ------a Putting the value of t in equation (i) (Vi + Vf) (Vf - Vi) S = --------x --------2 a 2aS = (Vi + Vf) x (Vf - Vi) 2as = Vf2 Vi2 >> Question: What consideration should be kept in mind while using equation of motion for free falling bodies i) Initial velocity should be taken as zero. ii) Acceleration will be taken as (g) instead of (a) >> Question: Derive the value of g by free fall method? *** See figure from book i) Connect a piece of thread with the hook H and pass it over two pulleys. ii) Attach a metallic bob on other end of thread. iii) Note initial position A on scale. iv) Blacken the bob by candle. v) Now burn the thread between two pulleys. vi) Thread will cut off and bob will fall freely. vii) Note the position B where bob touched. viii) Note difference between position A and B. ix) This is the distance covered by bob and denoted by h Now according to 2nd equation of motion: 1 S = Vit + -- gt2 2 Here S = h, so h h = = 0xt + gt2 1 -- gt2 2

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Written by: - SHAHZAD IFTIKHAR Contact # 0313-7891989, 0333-5319544 e-mail: website: PHYSICS FOR 9TH CLASS (UNIT # 3) ============================================================

2h --t2 g

g 2h --t2

Question: Can a body moving at a constant speed have acceleration? Yes, if it is moving in circular path, it can have acceleration. Question: A body is moving with uniform velocity, what will be its acceleration? Its acceleration will be zero. Question: A body is moving with a uniform speed. Will its velocity be uniform? Yes, if it moves in straight line and does not change its direction. Question: Can a body moving with a certain velocity in the direction of East, have Acceleration in the direction of West? Yes, if its velocity will decrease, it has acceleration in the direction of west. Question: Does speedometer of a car measure its velocity? No, it only measures the speed. Question: The value of gravitational acceleration on a hill station or mountains will be less than that on planes. Gravitational acceleration depends upon the distance between object and center of earth. On hill station the distance from the center of earth increased due to which gravitational acceleration decreased. Question: A stone and piece of paper when dropped from the same height, reach the ground at the same time. Because both have same gravitational acceleration. Question: What type of change will occur in three equations of motion under the action of gravity? Acceleration (a) will be replaced with gravitational acceleration (g) in all equations. =*=*=*=*= More works/Tasks: Do Exercise from your Book. Do Objectives from book & from any other objective book. Do Numerical with the help of your teacher. Do Interesting Information from book. Do Scientific Reasons with the help of teacher.

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