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Lesson No.

6 Chinese Wisdom
Answer these questions in about 30 to 40 words each with reference to the lesson Chinese Wisdom. Q.1. Why and where did the king send his son? Ans. The Chinese king sent his son Prince Tai to a temple. As the prince was to succeed his father as a king so he was sent to learn the qualities of a good ruler from the great master Pan Ku. Q. 2. Where did the master send the prince? Ans. The great master Pan Ku sent Prince Tai to the Ming Li Forest. He was ordered to stay there for one whole year and discover the various sounds in the forest. Q. 3. After how long was the prince to return to the temple and what was he to describe? Ans. The prince was asked to return to the temple after one year. His duty was to describe all that he had seen or had heard during his stay in the forest. Q. 4. What did the prince describe to the master when he returned from the forest after a year? OR What did the prince describe to Pan Ku when he returned from his first one years visit to the Ming Li forest? Ans. When the prince returned from the forest after one year, he told the master that he had heard the cuckoos song, the leaves rustle, the humming birds hum, the crickets chirp, the grass blow, the bees buzz, and the winds whisper. Q. 5. What did the great master order the prince to do after he had finished? Ans. When the prince had told all that he had heard, the great master ordered him to go back to the forest again for another year and hear what more he could hear. Q. 6. Had the prince already discerned every sound? Ans. No. the prince Tai had already not discerned every sound. That is why after his second visit to the forest, he had told the great master about some other sounds.

Q. 7. What happened when the prince went back to the forest? Ans. At first, the prince could not hear any sound other than those he had already heard. Then, one morning when he was sitting silently under the trees, he started to discern some faint sounds unlike those he had ever heard before. Q. 8. What were the remarks of the master when the prince had explained him all about his new experience in the forest? Ans. When the prince had explained him all about his new experience in the forest, the great master nodded approvingly and remarked that to hear the unheard is a necessary discipline to be a good ruler. Q.9. What are the characteristics of a good ruler? Ans. A good ruler always listens closely to his peoples heart. He hears their unspoken feelings, hidden pains and silent complaints. He inspires confidence in his people. He meets the true needs of his citizens. Q. 10. Why did the prince not think the masters advice strange and meaningless? Ans. The prince did not think the masters advice strange and meaningless because he had a great regard and respect for his master. Q.11. What were the sounds the prince was eventually able to discern according to the wishes of his master? Ans. Eventually the prince was able to hear the unheard sound of flowers opening, the sound of the sun warming the earth and the sound of the grass with the morning dew.

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