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child protection


Held hostage by hostile parents

Community Care and Reconstructs survey of social workers has revealed the full extent of the damage to morale caused by interaction with aggressive service users, writes Judy Cooper

t a childrens hearing the father shouted at me and tried to run across the room to put me through the window. He had to be physically restrained by another family member. The meeting was not suspended or any support offered to me by the hearing, the panel or by my line manager. I was expected to continue making lone visits to the family home during the evening as the childrens father worked full-time.

This is just one of the comments posted on Community Cares survey, carried out with childrens services consultancy Reconstruct of more than 600 frontline social workers about working with hostile and intimidating parents. Is is by no means the only one detailing just how alone and unsupported childrens workers are feeling when it comes to dealing with such parents, which, often, they are doing on a weekly basis. The survey seems to show that among

edited by Judy Cooper

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Safeguarding Vulnerable Adolescents, 1 December www.communitycare 17 November 2011

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Some social workers have reported being held hostage by hostile parents on occasion

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