Cylindrical Coplanar Waveguide

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A practical wide-angle BPM is shown in this article. The method is effective, and can be used to calculate the propagation of the beam on a personal computer. It takes the same memory space and about the same calculation time as BPM, but the results are more accurate, especially in nonparaxial or wide angle-beam calculation. This method can be used to calculate beam propagation in nonweakly guiding integrated optical devices.
REFERENCES 1. M. D. Feit and J. A. Fleck, Light Propagation in Graded-Index Optical Fibers, Appl. Opt., Vol. 17, 1978, pp. 3990 3998. 2. H. J. W. Hoekstra, G. J. M. Krijinen, and P. V. Lambeck, On the Accuracy of the Finite Difference Method for Application Beam Propagation Technique, Opt. Commun., Vol. 94, 1992, pp. 506 508. 3. D. Yevick and M. Glasner, Analysis of Forward Wide-Angle Light Propagation in Semiconductor Rib Waveguides and Integrated-Optic Structures, Electron. Lett., Vol. 25, No. 23, 1989, pp. 611 612. 4. G. Ronald Hadley, Wide-Angle Beam Propagation Using Pade Approximant Operators, Opt. Lett., Vol. 17, No. 20, 1992, pp. 1426 1428. 5. G. Ronald Hadley, Transparent Boundary Condition for Beam Propagation Method, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Vol. QE-28, No. 1, 1992, pp. 363 370. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0895-2477r97

Figure 4

The structure of the Y junction

the fundamental mode for the slab of width d1, that is, zeroth-order mode. The longitudinal dimensions are h1 s 1 m, h 2 s 8 m, and h 3 s 1 m. The core refractive index of the slab is n1 s 5.0; the subtract refractive index is n 3 s 1.5. We choose reference n 0 s 4.325091. Figure 3 is the eld modulus of the wave envelope calculated by BPM and wide-angle BPM. In a uniform slab the results are similar with the two approaches, whereas in a tapered slab there are some differences. Here, the input beam is represented by the circles; the solid line represents the results calculated by wide-angle BPM, and the dashed line those of BPM. The solid line is lower than the dashed one because it represents the results of wide-angle BPM. Finally, a Y junction is analyzed with BPM and wide-angle BPM. The Y junction is depicted in Figure 4, where d1 s 0.2 m and d 2 s 0.1 m. The longitudinal dimensions are h1 s 1 m and h 2 s 20 m, and the angle is s 3 . The other parameters are the same as in Figure 2. Figure 5 is the output beam modulus of the Y junction and input beam modulus. The input beam is represented by the circles. The solid line is calculated by wide-angle BPM, and the dashed line is the result of BPM. The larger the angle , the larger the difference.


Hsin-Cheng Su1 and Kin-Lu Wong1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering National Sun Yat-Sen University Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804, Republic of China Recei ed 13 No ember 1996 ABSTRACT: Characteristics of cylindrical coplanar wa eguides (CPWs) are analyzed with the use of a conformal mapping technique, in which quasistatic solutions of the effecti e relati e permitti ity and characteristic impedance of the cylindrical CPW are deri ed and calculated. Inside and outside cylindrical CPWs are studied, and cur ature effects on the characteristics of CPWs are discussed. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 14: 347 350, 1997. Key words: cylindrical coplanar wa eguide; conformal mapping technique 1. INTRODUCTION

Figure 5 Input beam at z s 0 circles. at z s h s 21 dashed line. and wide-angle BPM solid line.

m for BPM

Coplanar waveguides CPWs. printed on the outside w1x or inside w2x surfaces of a cylindrical substrate have been recently studied. In these studies the dispersion characteristics of cylindrical CPWs are analyzed with the use of a full-wave approach incorporating a moment-method calculation. In this article we present the analysis of cylindrical CPWs with the use of a different theoretical approach, the conformal mapping technique w3x. Compared with the full-wave approach, this theoretical technique is much simpler, and the numerical computation is also much more efcient. Although the obtained results are theoretically valid only for quasistatic TEM



approximation, the conformal-mapping technique can give reasonably accurate results in a frequency range of about several gigahertz or even in a much higher frequency range, when the characteristics of some particular CPW structures are not frequency sensitive w3x. In this study the sequence of conformal mapping to transform the cylindrical CPW structure into a plane-parallel capacitor is rst described, and the analytical expressions of the effective relative permittivity and characteristic impedance of the cylindrical CPW are derived. Numerical results obtained from the quasistatic expressions are calculated, and the curvature effects on both outside and inside CPWs are discussed.

Figure 1 shows the structures of outside and inside cylindrical CPWs; a and b are, respectively, the inner and outer radii of the cylindrical substrate. The outside cylindrical CPW case is considered rst. Figure 2 shows the sequence of conformal mapping to transform the structure of Figure 1a. into a plane-parallel capacitor. At rst, we transform the outside cylindrical CPW into a planar CPW with a nite ground plane w z plane, shown by Figure 2b.x through the mapping z s yj ln brr . q . Then, following the formulation given in w3x, the overall capacitance per unit length of the structure is approximated by summing the free-space capacitance and the capacitance of the conductor strip with a substrate of relative permittivity set to r y 1, where r is the relative permittivity of the cylindrical substrate in the original structure. To calculate the free-space capacitance, we transform the rst quadrant of Figure 2b. into the upper t half-plane of Figure 2c. through the mapping t s z 2 and then into a free-space rectangular region shown by Figure 2e. through the mapping: ws

1 2

Ht 't t y t . t y t

. t y t 3 .


In this case the free-space capacitance per unit length of the structure, considering all four quadrants of the free-space region in Figure 2b., is determined by w3x Ca s 4 K k1 .

'1 y k /
2 1


Figure 1

a. Outside and b. inside cylindrical coplanar waveguides

with S S q 2W


k1 s

1 y S q 2W . r4b 2 1 y S r4 b
2 2 2




1 2

Hx ' x y 1. x y x . x y x

. x y x 3 .


where K is the complete elliptic integral of the rst kind, and S and W are, respectively, the signal-line width and the slot-line width of the CPW. As for the determination of the second capacitance contribution, the dielectric-air interfaces are replaced by magnetic walls w3x. Then, through the mapping, with the use of x s cosh

the right half of the dotted region in Figure 2b. is rst transformed into the upper x half-plane wFigure 2d.x and, nally, into the rectangular region of relative permittivity . r y 1 shown by Figure 2 e . Thus, the capacitance for the total dotted region in Figure 2b. can be calculated to be K k2 . K

z 2 ln bra.


Cs s 2

y 1.

'1 y k /
2 2




Figure 2 Conformal mapping for an outside cylindrical coplanar CPW: a. Original structure, b. intermediate transformed plane into the planar structure, c. intermediate transformed plane for the dashed region, d. intermediate transformed plane for the dotted region with Re z . ) 0, e. nal mapping into a plane-parallel capacitor for both the dashed region and the dotted region with Re z . ) 0

with sinh AS . sinh A S q 2W .. = As

The characteristic impedance can be calculated from w4x Zc s


eff 0

k2 s

s K

120 Ca

0 eff 2 1


1 y sinh 2 A S q 2W .. rsinh 2 2 Ab . 1 y sinh 2 AS . rsinh 2 2 Ab . .



'1 y k / ,
K k1 .



4 b ln bra.


From 2. and 6., we can obtain the overall capacitance of the original structure wFigure 2a.x to be expressed as C s C a q C s . Thus, the effective relative permittivity is determined from C Ca Cs Ca

where 0 is the velocity of light in air. Following the above-described mapping procedure, we can also derive the quasistatic parameters of an inside cylindrical CPW. The obtained effective relative permittivity and characteristic impedance are of the same form as expressed in 8. and 9., with the interchange of a and b in the expressions.




y1 K 2

'1 y k /
2 1

K k2 . K

K k1 .

'1 y k /
2 2


Figure 3 shows the calculated effective relative permittivity and characteristic impedance, as a function of Srd, of an outside cylindrical CPW. Two different CPW sizes of d s h and d s 4 h are shown. The corresponding results for an inside cylindrical CPW are presented in Figure 4. The curvilinear coefcient R shown in the gures is dened as arb, the ratio of the inner radius to the outer radius of the cylindrical substrate. For both cases the results for the planar



Figure 3 a. Effective relative permittivity and b. characteristic impedance of an outside cylindrical CPW. The planar CPW results are calculated with the use of the analytical formulas in w3x

Figure 4 a. Effective relative permittivity and b. characteristic impedance of an inside cylindrical CPW. The planar CPW results are calculated with the use of the analytical formulas in w3x

CPW are calculated, with the use of the analytical formulas derived in w3x, and shown for comparison. For the effective relative permittivity, signicant curvature effects are observed, especially for larger CPW size d s 4 h.. It is also seen that, with increasing curvatures R decreases., the effective relative permittivity increases for the outside cylindrical CPW case and decreases for the inside cylindrical CPW case. This phenomenon is the same as observed in w1, 2x. Also, for both cases, the results for larger values of R i.e., smaller curvature. can be seen to approach that of the planar CPW. As for the characteristic impedance, however, very small curvature effects are observed, especially for smaller CPW size d s h..

In summary, quasistatic expressions of the effective relative permittivity and characteristic impedance for both outside and inside cylindrical CPWs have been derived. Numerical results are also calculated and analyzed. It is seen that the characteristic impedance of the CPW is insensitive to the curvature variation and, on the other hand, the effective relative permittivity is greatly dependent on the curvature of the cylindrical CPW.
REFERENCES 1. H. C. Su and K. L. Wong, Dispersion Characteristics of Cylindrical Coplanar Waveguide, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., to be published.



2. H. C. Su and K. L. Wong, Full-Wave Analysis of the Effective Relative Permittivity of a Coplanar Waveguide Printed Inside a Cylindrical Substrate, Microwa e Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 12, June 5 1996, pp. 94 97. 3. G. Ghione and C. U. Naldi, Coplanar Waveguides for MMIC Applications: Effect of Upper Shielding, Conductor Backing, Finite-Extent Ground Planes, and Line-to-Line Coupling, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. 35, March 1987, pp. 260 267. 4. C. Veyres and V. F. Hanna, Extension of the Application of Conformal Mapping Techniques to Coplanar Lines with Finite Dimensions, Int. J. Electron., Vol. 48, 1980, pp. 47 56. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0895-2477r97


The Kerr-type nonlinear material with uniaxial chirality studied here is characterized by the constitutive relations. In what follows, harmonic exp i t . time dependence is assumed and suppressed.. D s E y i B s H q i . 1r2 I t H, .

0 0

1a . 1b .

I t E.


Dajun Cheng1 1 Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing Center Department of Electronic Engineering Fudan University Shanghai 200433, Peoples Republic of China Recei ed 18 No ember 1996 ABSTRACT: Soliton-type solutions for the nonlinear wa e equation in Kerr-type nonlinear material with uniaxial chirality are presented. Bisoliton and quadrisoliton states of bright and dark soliton-type solutions are re ealed, respecti ely. The bright and dark solitons may propagate slower and r or faster than the speed of light tra eling in the corresponding linear isotropic material, depending on the degree of chirality. 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 14: 351 354, 1997. Key words: solitons; nonlinear materials; chirality INTRODUCTION

Soliton-type solutions of the nonlinear wave equation have attracted considerable attention in contemporary science and engineering w1, 2x. Because of the recent experimental observation revealing the Kerr-type nonlinearity of helices w3x, it becomes imperative to study the solitons in nonlinear composite materials that are composed of the helix elements. On the other hand, with advances in polymer synthesis techniques, it has become possible to fabricate new types of composite materials with helix elements. These new composite materials consisting of helix elements include chiral w4x and uniaxial chiral materials w5x. Most recently, Hayata and Koshiba w6x presented a theoretical work on soliton phenomena in nonlinear chiral material, and predicted the possibility of superluminous phase propagation. Nevertheless, much effort is still required to achieve a thorough understanding of soliton phenomena in nonlinear composite materials consisting of helix elements. In this Letter, soliton-type solutions for the nonlinear wave equation in Kerr-type nonlinear material with uniaxial chirality are presented. Bisoliton and quadrisoliton states of the bright and dark soliton-type solutions are revealed, respectively. It is found that the bright and dark solitons may propagate slower andror faster than the speed of light traveling in the corresponding linear isotropic material, depending on the degree of chirality.

where I t s e x e x q e y e y , s L q N <E < 2 is intensity dependent and represents the Kerr-type nonlinearity of this material, and stands for the degree of chirality. To have an idea of the microstructure of the composite material, we consider two sets of helix elements, 5N righthanded left-handed. and N left-handed right-handed., randomly distributed in a host medium. Let 2 N of the righthanded left-handed. helices have their axes parallel to the x axis, 2 N of the right-handed left-handed. parallel to the y axis, and the remaining 2 N helices N right-handed and N left-handed. parallel to the z axis. Then, the permittivity and permeability of the composite material are isotropic, the chirality must have no z component, and the constitutive relations possess the forms of Eq. 1.. For the sake of simplicity, we consider the canonical 1 q 1.-dimensional solitons, where the eld quantities depend only on one lateral coordinate. In this case, r y s 0 and F x, y, z . s F x . expyi z . for F s E, H, D, B. Here the propagation phase factor must be real, and for simplicity, only positive is concerned. Positive corresponds to a wave propagating in the qz direction, and negative stands for that traveling in the yz direction.. If we substitute the constitutive relations 1a. and 1b. into the source-free Maxwell equations and take a reasonable assumption that N is much smaller than L such that the terms containing the derivatives of N with respect to x are negligible, we can obtain a set of coupled differential equations of E x and H x . Let H x s yi E x decouple the differential equations; we have d 2 Ex dx 2

y k0 q


2 k0 q k0


E x s 0,

2a .

y k0 . q

d Ex dx 2
2 q k0 2


k0 y


E x s 0,

2b .

where is a constant to be determined later, and k 0 s 0 0 .1r2 . We compare 2a. with 2b.; it is easily found that s " "






Substituting 3. into 2b. leads to a differential equation of Ex : d 2 Ex dx 2

2 f "q k 0

g "y g "


E x s 0,




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