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Shonen Jump's Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits, Sprinting Wolf: FAQ/Walkthrough by ModKnight Version 1.

4, Last Updated 2005-04-16 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Shonen Jump's Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits, Sprinting Wolf (GBA) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users.

============================================================ Shaman King Legacy of Spirits: Sprinting Wolf Guide Created by: Travis West (zeldafreak63091) Email: ============================================================ Copyright Notice: This is Copyright (c)2005 by Travis West , and may only be used on ============================================================ 0. TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================ 0. Table of Contents I. Introduction and Version info II. Frequently Asked Questions III. Walkthrough IV. Side quests V. Codes and Cheats VI. Spirit List VII. Requests VIII. Thanks IX. Legal Stuff ============================================================ I. INTRODUCTION ============================================================ Okay, I have beaten the game and I was looking for guides to see if I missed anything and I couldn't find any! So, I decided that I might as well try to do one myself. I have never done a guide so bear with me when I mess up and e-mail me when you see wrong information. Thanks, and I hope it works for you. ======== E-MAIL ======== E-mail me whenever you want, but it has to be something about this Guide. Send me things such as questions, suggestions, and problem areas that aren't explained in the guide or that I left out. Here are some people that you may want to e-mail problems ~ Me ~ Kyle H. (look in "THANKS" section) ======================= Version 0.6 (March 6, 2005) ======================= Don't worry, I plan on finishing the guide soon. needed to put out what I already had and keep adding on have access to it as soon as possible. The guide if you are having

I just felt like I so that people can is up until you get to

Izumo and I plan on adding some other codes and things. ======================= Version 1.0 (March 18, 2005) ======================= The walkthrough is finally done and I will be adding some more sidequests that I have received in my e-mail. I will look for codes for Action Replay and I will add them when I find them. I plan on adding a spirit list as well. ======================= Version 1.2 (March 22, 2005) ======================= I went through the guide in Microsoft Word and fixed all of the mistakes and things. You shouldn't have any trouble reading it now... Happy Reading! ======================= Version 1.4 (March 23, 2005) ======================= I added the "Requests" section Fixed the spacing to the right of all the lines for your convenience. ============================================================ II. Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================ Q: How do you get the Spirit of Fire? A: Look in the Codes and Cheats Section of my FAQ Q: How do you get through ___________ area? A: The walkthrough is finished so look there. If you don't find it, e-mail me. Q: Why won't the Spirit of Fire Code Work? A: I think, but I'm not sure, that you have to beat the game. Q: Which spirit is better Amidamaru or the Spirit of Fire? A: Attack goes to the Spirit of Fire Health Points goes to the Spirit of Fire Defense goes to the Spirit of Fire Number of attacks goes to Amidamaru Coolness goes to Amidamaru I will add more Q and A's as they come to me in my E-mail ============================================================ III. Walkthrough ============================================================ Welcome to Shaman King Legacy of the Spirits: Sprinting Wolf Version ======= Spirits ======= Throughout the game you will encounter spirits and you will be able to capture these spirits using tablets that you can buy from Silva in Funbari Shopping Town. ============ Lowdown

============ You play as Yoh Asakura, an aspiring young shaman set out to win the Shaman Tournament and lead an easy life. ============ Game Guide ============ In the beginning.... You start out at Monument Hill gazing at the stars. After a little dialogue you will see Morty running up some stairs taking a shortcut to get home. Some more dialogue and Morty will approach Yoh. Continue on through the dialogue until "Wooden Sword" Ryu and his gang arrive. Read the dialogue until Amidamaru appears and Yoh says "Don't do it". After a little while Yoh will unite with Amidamaru and defeat Ryu. Ryu's gang will run away and more dialogue from Morty about having Amidamaru as you spirit ally. Yoh will ask Amidamaru to be his spirit ally, but Amidamaru refuses. Continue through the dialogue until you take control. Go to the spirit on the left side of the screen to acquire the Earthbound Spirit. Talk to the other spirits to get some information on Amidamaru. Continue right to the next screen where you will see a child, cat, and a samurai. Approach the child to acquire the Child spirit. Talk to the cat to obtain the Cat spirit. Talk to the samurai for more info on Amidamaru. Exit the screen to the south and head to the Flame Inn on the map. Head left and up once you reach the Flame Inn entrance. Once you enter the gateway Morty will be awed by the size of Yoh's house. A spirit maid will appear and freak-out Morty. Head into the house to begin the Saving Tutorial. Yoh will explain the saving altar. After the last dialogue use the altar to save your game. You can also use the altar to trade spirits with a friend who has the Soaring Hawk version of the game. Head back outside and then south and then east to reach the map. Click on the Town History Museum where Morty will ask why you are here. Continue through the dialogue until the weeping starts and you will have to fight theJapanese Clothes spirit who isn't able to please her lord. Just use the sword attack until you win. You will acquire the Japanese Clothes spirit. After some more dialogue Mosuke will appear, continue through the dialogue until a cut scene showing Mosuke and Amidamaru appears. Keep going through the dialogue until the mini movie continues. Mosuke will talk some more then the movie continues. You will return to the Museum and back to reality. Keep moving through the dialogue and Yoh and Mosuke will unite to repair the sword of light. Once this is over Mosuke will talk and then goon to the afterlife. Head out of the Museum back to Monument Hill where you will need to get back to Amidamaru. Once you reach Amidamaru Yoh will give Mosuke's message to Amidamaru. Yoh will give the Sword of Light to Amidamaru. After some dialogue you will be put back to the first setting of the Monument Hill area. Morty will scold you for not asking Amidamaru to be your spirit ally and Yoh, being carefree as always, says "Oh well". Ryu will appear and chase

you back to Amidamaru's grave. Ryu will attack, but Amidamaru appears and blocks the attack. Amidamaru will defeat Ryu and become your spirit. You should now have the following spirits: Earthbound Spirit Child Cat Japanese Clothes Amidamaru Change the spirit order using the A and Directional Pad UP and DOWN buttons to make Amidamaru your front spirit. Continue to the right to listen to the Samurai and Amidamaru talk. Morty will say that the Sword of Light needs to be returned to the Town History Museum. After the dialogue head south and exit the area. Head to the Museum. When you enter Yoh will put the sword back. Yoh will try to leave, but a spirit appears and talks about bullying the maids. The Japanese Clothes will come out and scold the Lord and then you will fight the Lord. Use Celestial Slash to end this battle. If you have battle before with Amidamaru he should level up and learn recover. After the battle you will acquire the Feudal Lord Spirit. After the dialogue it looks like you'll be heading back to Monument Hill. Once at Monument Hill you will see a shady figure standing on the shack complaining about the lack of stars in the city. Read through the dialogue until Tao Ren challenges you. He will say that the battle field is to small and that you should head to the cemetery. After the dialogue between Yoh, Morty, and Amidamaru head to the Flame Inn. Save your game at the altar and head back to the map. Head to Saionji Cemetery where there will be a cut scene with Ryu's gang. Tao will appear and threaten the gang. Tao will insult them and then destroy the motorcycle. The Dead Enders will surround Tao, but Tao will wipe the floor with all of them. Yoh will appear and tell Tao to stop. Dialogue will start and then Yoh will move over to the right and pick up the stick and the fight starts. Just use Celestial Slash the whole time to win. IF your health gets low use the Recover technique. After the battle Tao will say that playtime is over and he will Use100% Compliance with Bason. When he does this he will attack Yoh and whoop his butt. Tao will attack while Yoh is down and Ryu's gang will form a line in front of Tao. Tao will leave and you will be at the Flame Inn. After the dialogue you will see a cut scene involving Yoh and his grandpa. Once this is over you will read some more dialogue until you see Tao outside of the Flame Inn. Save at the altar after the dialogue and head out to Tao. Tao will trash talk you and tell you to head to the Saionji Cemetery. Go to Saionji Cemetery where Tao will once again threaten

Yoh. The two will fight and some words will be thrown. Tao and Yoh will continue to fight and Yoh will try to save Amidamaru from being captured. Some more dialogue will lead to another fight against Bason. Use the same strategy as earlier to win this fight. After the fight Tao will attack you with 100% Rapid Tempo Assault. Tao will be thrown across the screen and both Yoh and Tao will faint. After some dialogue Anna will appear and insult you and explain the Shaman Tournament. Anna will tell you to do training, but you don't want to right? Oh well you have to. Save your game and head to the door. Anna will stop you and tell you to head to the Museum to see an item of great power. Head to the museum to be introduce to the Spirit Combination Jar. I usually combine all my spirits with Amidamaru to make Amidamaru unstoppable but that is just me. Head to Funbari Shopping Town. Once inside you will see a dog, fight the dog to acquire the Kyuco the Faithful Spirit. Head north and talk to the spirit in pink/red to fight a pro bowler. When you win you obtain the ProBowler Spirit. Head east and approach the kid in the corner. Win the battle to obtain Hide-and-Seek 1. Head south and talk to the guy in red, if you say yes another salesperson will appear, keep saying yes and another will appear, and so on until there are about 6 salespersons you will have to fight. Win the long battle and you will obtain 6 Heiyu Salespeople. Head west and west again. Talk to the man in gray to commence fighting him. Congratulations, you acquired a Movie Critic! Continue west and Yoh, Morty, and Silva will talk. Afterwards talk to the girl that is walking around. Win and obtain the Smiles Sales Clerk. Head north and talk to the man in gray. Win and obtain an Enka Singer. Head back south and then East, East, and South. Head back to the Flame Inn and talk to Anna . Save, and head back to Funbari. *Remember, you can combine spirits at any time.* When you reach Funbari head north then east and read the dialogue. Defeat the Hide-and-Seek 2 to obtain it. Spirit Hunters will appear, defeat them and head back to the Flame Inn. Save your game and talk to Anna. You will see Yoh, Morty, and Amidamaru at Mudnolto's, head back to the Flame Inn by going east. Once you enter the next screen you will see Morty go crazy over a Lee-Pai-Long movie. Continue east and then South to the Inn. Once inside the inn Morty will convince Anna to go see the movie. Head to Funbari. Once at Funbari head west to watch the movie, well to watch Yoh, Morty, Amidamaru, and Anna watch the movie. Afterwards 6 spirit hunters will appear. Don't panic, because you only have to fight 3. Afterwards Tao Jun(Jun) will reveal herself. She will reveal that Lee-Pai-Long is her guardian ghost. Lee-Pai-Long will beat the living crap out of Yoh. Yoh will then wake-up use his awesome and great god given love powers to reawaken Lee-Pai-Long's feelings. Lee will attack more and after some talking Morty will leave. Jun will summon more spirit hunters, defeat them. Lee will attack you again and Amidamaru will talk about how much easier this fight would be with a sword. Morty comes back all beat up. Ryu will appear and give his sword to Yoh. Now you fight Lee again. Defeat Lee and Pai-Long will wake up and go berserk with rage on account of being murdered. Lee will attack Jun, but Yoh will step in. Anna will approach Jun and ask about defeating

Lee. Anna will summon Shaolin, Lee's old master. Yoh will then perform spirit unity. Defeat Lee again and after some dialogue Jun and Lee will leave. Ryu will claim he is going to become a shaman and he leaves. Head east and then south to get to the Flame Inn. If you haven't noticed you have Shaolin! Once inside the Inn, Ryu will come in and call you master, Anna will send him on busy work and make you do more training. You have to defeat 10 spirits. *Make sure you save.* Head to Funbari. Once you get to Funbari, you will see teardrop looking things floating around. These are the spirits you are to capture. To capture them approach them click "A" and defeat them in a battle. Scour Funbari until you can't find any more spirits. Head to the Museum to find another spirit and then to Amidamaru's grave for a couple more. Head back to Funbari. You should see Ryu walking around, if not you need to go and find the missing spirits you skipped over. Talk to Ryu. He will have you follow him to the old bowling alley where you will see the Dead Enders talking. A spirit will appear and possess B-Boy. Now you will fight the spirit inside B-Boy. After the battle Ryu will lecture Yoh about being to relaxed. After the talk, Spirit Hunters will arrive. Amidamaru will suggest that you head to another wide open area so that nobody is harmed during the battle. Once you are in the safe zone the fight will start. Once you defeat 3 spirit hunters Ryu will appear, then a mystery woman will appear and attack you. Defeat her and she will throw a smoke bomb and you will have to fight her again. Defeat her again and Amidamaru will finish off her spirit. The woman will leave and after some talk everyone will eventually leave. When you take control head to the Flame Inn. Once at the Flame Inn you will see a guy with blue hair on the ground. I recommend that you save first. Head over to the guy and talk to him. While talking to him you will learn about him and where he is from. Read thought the dialogue until you end up is Saionji cemetery when spirit hunters attack. Finish the hunters off and continue through the dialogue. When you take control save and talk to Anna. To find Ryu, head to Funbari and head north. You will see a scene with Ryu and the dead enders. Yoh will arrive. and Ryu will run away. Continue through the dialogue and watch Ryu be possessed by Tokagero. When you are back at the Flame Inn, Ryu will show up. When you take control save, and head outside. Talk to Ryu. Continue through the dialogue until you fight Tokagero. Defeat Tokagero to continue with the show. Enjoy the flashbacks and current times until the Dead Enders surround Ryu. After some more dialogue Yoh and Amidamaru will destroy the Sword of Light. After yet more dialogue Yoh will allow Tokagero to posess him. After more dialogue you will take control. Save. Talk to Anna and head outside and talk to Ryu. Enjoy the dialogue and watch Mosuke and Amidamaru pummel each other. Mosuke reforges the Sword of Light and after some more dialogue Shikigami will appear. Defeat the pair, read through the dialogue and watch as the Destiny Star flies overhead.

Once you take control head to the altar and save. Talk to Anna and head to Funbari. Once in Funbari head north and then east to begin the training. I am pretty sure the spirits will appear in this order, but they may not. Fight them in order from 1 to 5. (O1)= spirit that you fight first second, etc... (O2)= spirit that you fight

(O1).....................(O5)......(O).....................(O2) ............................(O).............................. .......(O3)..............................(O)................. ...............(O)........................................... ....(O)...............................................(O4)... (ROUGH) Read the dialogue and Silva will show up and tell you to go to Monument Hill. Finish the dialogue and head to monument hill by going west, and south. Once at Amidamaru's grave head west to trigger the fight sequence. There are 5 spirits that you will have to defeat in order to qualify. Once you win there will be a scene involving the time remaining and the fact that Yoh still has to make contact using his oversoul. Yoh will come through and you will receive an Oracle Bell. Read through the dialogu until you take control. Head to the Inn. Read the dialogue and head inside to save. Talk to Anna. Head to Funbari to battle the blue spirits in the same place you fought the red spirits. (O1)= spirit that you fight first second, etc... (O1).....................(O5)......(O).....................(O2) ............................(O).............................. .......(O3)..............................(O)................. ...............(O)........................................... ....(O)...............................................(O4)... (ROUGH) Now you are halfway done, now attack in this order: (O).....................(O)......(O2).....................(O) ............................(O5).............................. .......(O)..............................(O1)................. ...............(O3)........................................... ....(O4)...............................................(O)... (ROUGH) (O2)= spirit that you fight

After you beat them head back to the Inn. Read the dialogue and when you take control, save. Time to fight Trey for your first shaman tournament fight. Once you arrive at the building read the dialogue until the fight starts. Trey Shaman Level: Spirit: Corey Atk: 31 Def: 31 Spirit Level: 13 Location Of Fight: Sunshine Building You should win very easily. Part 2 Trey Shaman Level: Spirit: Corey Atk: 33 Def: 33 Spirit Level: 14 Location Of Fight: Sunshine Building Read through the dialogue and when you take control save. Talk to Anna an head to Sunshine building to spy on Trey. Cycle through the dialogue and head back to the Flame Inn. Continue through the dialogue when you reach the inn. Now you get to face Faust 8. Head inside and save before heading to Chokohoma graveyard. Once in chokohoma, read through the dialogue and Morty will be captured. Faust will operate on Morty and Yoh will destroy the bone wall. Faust will summon the skeletons a second time to surround Yoh. After you've beaten 3 skeletons read the dialogue until you get to fight Faust the 8th. Faust Spirit: Frankensteiny Spirit Level: 13 Atk: 15 Def: 26 Spirit: Eliza Spirit Level: 14 Atk: 37 Def: 44 After the battle, Faust and Yoh will talk. Faust will go berserk and attack Yoh like no tomorrow. Just when Yoh is about to die, Tao Len jumps in on his horse and saves the day. Read the dialogue when you are back at the Inn. Save your game and head to Izumo. Once inside Izumo Yoh will be confronted by 3 shikigami. Defeat the Shikigami and Yoh's grandpa arrives. Read through the dialogue until you take control. Enter the cave. Defeat the continuous string of spirits until you can leave the cave. Watch the scene

outside the cave until you have to fight a couple of cheaters. Defeat them and read through the dialogue. When you take control head to the Flame Inn. Read through the dialogue. Looks like it is time for more training. Head to Funbari and to the shrine. Attack in this order: (O2).....................(O)......(O3).....................(O) ............................(O).............................. .......(O)..............................(O1)................. ...............(O)........................................... ....(O)...............................................(O)... Then in this order: (O).....................(O)......(O).....................(O1) ............................(O).............................. .......(O3)..............................(O)................. ...............(O2)........................................... ....(O)...............................................(O)... And then: (O).....................(O4)......(O).....................(O) ............................(O3).............................. .......(O)..............................(O)................. ...............(O)........................................... ....(O1)...............................................(O2)... When you are done read the dialogue and head back to the Inn. Read through the dialogue and save. Head to Mata Cemetery. Read through the dialogue and fight Len. Tao Len Shaman Level: Spirit: Bason Atk: 56 Def: 43 Spirit Level: 15 Location Of Fight: Mata Cemetery Read through the dialogue a and continue the fight Tao Len Shaman Level: Spirit: Black Raven Atk: 43 Def: 31 Spirit Level: 15 Location Of Fight: Mata Cemetery Bason Level: 16 Atk: 56 Def: 45 Read through the dialogue and head back to the Inn. Read through the dialogue and save and head to Funbari. Head west, west, read the

dialogue and make a choice. Head back to the Inn by going south, east, east, south. Once at the Inn, save. Talk to Anna. Read through the dialogue and head to Saionji Cemetery. Read through the dialogue until you fight the Zen brothers. Watch the show. Head to Tao Castle. Read through the dialogue until you fight the Jotos. Defeat them. When you take control head up the stairs to the left. Defeat the 2 enemies and continue east. Read the dialogue until you fight a Pai-Long dragon. Defeat the dragon. Read the dialogue and head up the stairs. Read the dialogue and head west. Read the dialogue and you will fight Joto No. 1. Defeat it, watch the show and fight it again. When you take control head to the Flame Inn to save. Head back to the Tao castle and head up the stairs on the right. Save your friends and head west. Save your friends again and head east. Watch the show until you fight the Grand Tao King. Hp: 68 Lv: 15 Atk: 55 Def: 37 Defeat him and enjoy the show. When you take control head south. Head inside and save. Talk to Anna. Read through the dialogue and head outside and talk to Carmen. Defeat her. Cortez Lv: 16 Hp: 77 Def: 56 Atk: 64 Continue through the dialogue . Yoh will be in Funbari. Talk to all the guys to trigger the dialogue from Morty. Continue on until you take control. Head to the Flame Inn and save. Get back to the map and head to the Great Wall of Chori. Talk to the man in white. Defeat him and head north, east, read the dialogue and fight these 2 jokers. Defeat them and read the dialogue. Defeat them again and watch the show. Head east and talk to the guard. Defeat him, read the dialogue. When you take control head west, north, enter the cave, exit the cave head south, east, and talk to the guard at the door. Defeat him and head west, north, enter the cave, exit the cave, head south, east, and talk to yet another guard. Defeat him and enter the temple. Talk to the one in white. When you take control head south, west, south, west, south, south, and head to the Tao Castle. Head up the stairs to the right. Head west, and watch the show. Defeat Pai-Long and head west, east, and to the Flame Inn to save. Head to the Great Wall of Chori and head north, east, north, east, north and talk to the man in white. Defeat all 4 of the spirits to acquire the second token. Watch the show and head south, west, south, west, south, south and to the Inn to save. Head back to Chori and head

north, north and open the door. Head into the Calvary Labyrinth. Head to the upper right northern door. Watch the show and defeat the spirits that attack. Continue through the dialogue until you take control. Head north into Shikoutei's Tomb. Tak to Spy X and defeat him. Head inside and watch the show. Defeat the Cortez clone and head north after the dialogue. Read the dialogue and defeat your clone. Defeat your clone again and watch the show. Keep going one last time until you take control. Head east into the room. When you are in control approach the yellow thingies surrounding the tube. These two horned yellow things transport you to different levels of the tomb. To use these click "A". (*Note: you should probably save frequently) Once you find and rescue all of your friends, find your way back to the room where you fought your clone. Head north. You now will fight the last fight in Sprinting Wolf. If you rescued alot of people he should be pretty weak. If you didn't, good luck with that. After the battle and your victory the game will be OVER! Enjoy the credits and hope you found me helpful. ============================================================ IV. SIDEQUESTS ============================================================ As far as I know the only side quest is to bring cat food to the kid in Saionji Cemetery. To get the cat food, go to the Heiyu market in Funbari and talk to the guy in red and he will offer some to you. ================ Another side-quest is the couple from parents one. Sometime after the Tokagero mission, the two people near about wanting a kid. After hearing this, go to Funbari and there the entrance. Talk to him to hear his story, then return to the couple. The Submitted via e-mail by: ~Kyle H. ( Amidamaru's Grave/ Kid without Amidamaru's grave start bickering will be a kid standing there by three will pass on.

*more sidequests have come to me in my mail. I will add them shortly. ============================================================ V. CODES AND CHEATS ============================================================ To get the Spirit of Fire: At the title screen the one that says NEW GAME or CONTINUE press: Right, Right, L, [Left and R] (same time), Down, R, Right, B [ ]=same time

Make sure that you don't have more than 20 spirits in your party, and make sure that your sound is on. ============================================================ VI. SPIRIT LIST ============================================================ **Complete List Coming Soon** ============================================================ VII. REQUESTS ============================================================ I would like for more side quests, and also if anyone has any info on Pro Action Replay codes. I really wish that Codejunkies would hurry up and make some codes for Sprinting Wolf, but what can you do? As always if there are mistakes please feel free to e-mail me. I would also like it if someone would send me an ASCII drawing of the title For a better look at the beginning of the guide. ============================================================ VIII. THANKS ============================================================ ALL WHO SEND E-MAILS to me asking me questions or giving me info. GAMEFAQS.COM for allowing me to post such a guide. KONAMI for making such great games. NINTENDO for harboring these games. SHONEN JUMP for publishing such an awesome story

HIROYUKI TAKEI for thinking up such an amazing story and making it one of my favorite manga stories of all time. =============== CONTRIBUTERS =============== Kyle H. ( Thanks for the side quest Kyle! ~Zelda ============================================================ IX. LEGAL STUFF ============================================================ This document is protected by US Copyright Law. It is meant for private use only. This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself.

Copyright Notice: This is Copyright (c)2005 by Travis West , and may only be used on All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500.

Shonen Jump's Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits, Sprinting Wolf: FAQ/Walkthrough by ModKnight Version 1.4, Last Updated 2005-04-16 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Shonen Jump's Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits, Sprinting Wolf (GBA) FAQs & Guides

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