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Generic AmI Techno line

Timeline 1. Embedded intelligence & services 2. Dynamically and massively distributed device networks 3. Communications 4. Trust and confidence enabling tools Encryption/ IPR/ Dependability 5. Cross Media Content Heavy content/Tagged / mark-up 6. Multi-modal and adaptive interfaces 7. Dialogue goal-oriented negotiation (agents) Open standards (ontologies) versus de facto/ proprietary pacts 3.5th Generation + (ADSL, Bluetooth) Optical routing Anonymous systems Concurrent programming Biometrics for identification Compilers (C++) Self repairing and self-organising software Dynamically distributed content (tagging and non-tagging issues) Break point 1: emergence of standardised interfaces around 2003/4 4th Generation Mobile 2000 2001 2002 Anticipated period of FP6 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Beyond

Fuzzy matching

Break point 2: the steady growth of fuzzy matching techniques spurs a massive growth of new Artificial Intelligence applications

8. Electronics (Micro/nano): scaling down

System on a chip package Chip co-design (reduced ns of components) Analog/digital closure/optimisation

100nm CMOS 4GB memory (non-volatile transponding) chip Hybrid Micro/nano transition Rollable, foldable displays Polymer/organic electronics

"Red Wall" @ 25nm Self assembly nano

9. Displays 10. Power source Power consumption

Break point 3: the transition to the nanoscale - a key issue will be interconection between the micro and nano scales

Position of Europe Very Strong Strong Weak Very Weak

AmI common techno line after Dec WS-kd.xls - 21/05/01 - 19:07

Scalability a key point will be the way that all of these systems interoperate to create reliable and effective AmI systems

Techno Line: Maria, Road warrior in 2010

Timeline 2000 Key enabling technologies for AmI 1. Embedded intelligence 2. Middleware and distributed systems



Anticipated period of FP6 2003 2004 2005 2006








2014 Beyond

Super SIM Distributed Databases

Augmented objects = f(replacement rates) Bi-directional biometrics Self-organising software systems able to handle complexity and self-repair

3. IP Mobile and wireless 4. Multidomain network management 5. Converging core and access networks 7. Trust and confidence enabling tools 8. Cross Media Content 9. Multimodal and adaptive interfaces 10. Multi-lingual dialogue mode WG 6 CATEGORIES WHICH ARE NOT TAKEN IN ACCOUNT Micro and Opto electronics 11. Power sources

20Mbps software radio Ad-hoc network reconfigurability

E-payment systems Electronic ID Dynamic encryption Real-time monitoring and up-dating of traffic flows Ubiquitous display technologies ATML Network based speech recognition Mobile-device speech instruction

Position of Europe Self-generating energy Very Strong Weak Strong Very Weak

Techno Line: Carmen, AmI to reduce traffic in 2010

Timeline Key enabling technologies for AmI 1. Embedded low-level software and hardware 2. Microelcronics 3. Mobile and wireless 4. Network management (security billing, self-routing) 5. Transnetwork communications and mangement 6. Trust and confidence enabling tools 7. Content analysis and situation awareness (after 2010)




Anticipated period of FP6 2003 2004 2005 2006 Embedded agents








2014 Beyond

Embedded software

Microelectronics Car-to-car communications Post bluetooth wire PAN


Interoperability wireless networking Data security Multisensors Biometrics Real-time high-speed simulation Biochemical sensors

8. Multimodal and natural adaptivehuman-system interfaces 9. Multi-lingual dialogue mode 10. Distributed intelligence databases 11. Energy Batteries improvement 12. Bandwidth management 13. Displays New power sources Energy management Dynamic parallel processing Data compression techniques Spontaneous multilingual interaction Optical and molecular memory

High-efficiency polymer power cells

Position of Europe Very Strong Weak

Techno line:Digital Me in 2010 (in italic are the elements derived from the December WS)
Timeline Key Enabling technologies for AmI 1. Intelligent devices 2. Middleware and distributed systems 2000 2001 2002 Anticipated period of FP6 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Beyond

Integrated devices: A personal mobile gateway to the networks Tagged communicating objects/spaces in everyday's environement Reusable software components and libraries Self-organising software systems able to handle complexity and self-repair Software for network management Self-repairing, self configurable, low powered, reliable applications Dynamic distributed database software management (centralisation, updating, back-up, security, etc.) Formal software modelling is still an open issue today IP domination by 2003 without R&D Wireless add-up multiplexers Wireless routers technologies Interoperability is a must "Databases" networks Drive towards transactional communications First link paradigm to be generalised Optical rings connected to fiber giant backbones Seamless interconnectivity

3. IP mobile and wireless

4. Multidomain network management 5. Complementary core and access networks 6. Micro and Opto electronics 7. Trust and confidence enabling tools 8. Cross Media Content

Ad-hoc network reconfigurability

Assumption on sufficient increase of memory storage + alternative solutions Assumption on sufficient increase of power storage + alternative solutions Secure storage of individual data Secure Electronic ID Sensors and microsensors for voice, posture, biological state, etc. Global distributed databases with personal ID Datafusion (integrating a wide range of types of data) is a challenge Self-organising and learning databases Security systems based on individual ID

9. Multi-modal and adaptive interfaces 10. Multi-X (MM, Multi-sensorial, multilingual, multiuser, multienvironment, etc.) dialogue mode 11. Interactive Design

Agents to manage permanent choices on protocols, networks, costs Collaborative (agent to agent) and informative (agent to database) agents technologies High-end decision making agents (beyond case-based decision-making)

Expert systems suprpass human logic and learning

Elucidation of brain mechanisms for logical reasoning 2024: dev of an intelligent chip capable of understanding emotions Context sensitive pattern recognition Position of Europe Very Strong Strong Weak Very Weak

Full voice machine interaction Multi-X voice/speech recognition is NOT believed to be available by 2010; do NOT downplay role of speech synthesis; incremental path towards multi-X speech recognition is expected Speech recognition Mobile-device speech instruction


Miniaturization / Nano technologies From bits to atoms New development paradigms A major need for a new open architecture at various levels: communication (modem), control (OS), identification (SIM) and application level Payment systems lag behind because of banking sector resistance

D-Me techno line after Dec WS version.xls - 21/05/01 - 19:09

Techno Line: Ambient for Social Learning

Anticipated period of FP6 2003 2004 2005 2006

Timeline Key enabling technologies for AmI 1. Embedded intelligence








2011 2012 2013 2014 Beyond

2. Middleware and distributed systems

3. IP Mobile and wireless 4. Multidomain network management 5. Converging core and access networks 7. Trust and confidence enabling tools 8. Cross Media Content 9. Multimodal and adaptive interfaces

10. Multimodal dialogue modelling

interactive tracking/tracing tags smart materials/smart objects controlling light and sound (individual sub-spaces) psychoaccoustics interactive videowall/magic wall/holographic projection wearable experience recording devices tangible user interfaces Group authoring and content design Simulation systems Experience recording/review/evaluation Presence control/technology proxemics high capacity wireless local network Ad-hoc network reconfigurability for upscaling Selforganising selfrepairing software fixed/mobile integration Complex multi-recognition systems Multimedia database/retrieval Community memory Pattern recognition in multimedia data Agents for scheduling/planning Network based speech/language systems direct brain interfaces sensorial/perceptual interfacing goal synchronisation/netgotiation natural language awareness and understanding
Position of Europe

Very strong



Very weak

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