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CH K CA 2 GIM KHO (180 pht khng k thi gian giao ) (Lu : Th sinh lm bi ngay trn thi ny.) IM THI S PHCH


LISTENING (3.0 points)

Part 1. George and Martha Spendthrift have a joint checking account; that is , they share one checking account and both of them can write checks from it. Here is one page from their checkbook record. Listen as they try to balance their checkbook. Fill in the missing information. CHECKBOOK RECORD NAME: George and Martha Spendthrift ACCOUNT: 132-98804 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION PAYMENT DEPOSIT BALANCE 200 10/25 (1) 30.21 490.31 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 10/27 10/27 10/30 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/4 11/8 11/10 Electric Company Time magazine (4) Compu - Tech Dr Painless Deposit (6) Visa Payment (8) Traffic ticket 57.82 70.00 125.00 40.00 1234.69 (7) 155.00 305.00 (9) (5) 985.18 830.18 525.18 (10) (2) (3) 327.49 202.49 162.49

Part 2. Listen as David describes the positive and negative qualities of Katherine and Jean and decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE or NO INFORMATION (NI) . STATEMENTS TRUE FALSE NI 11. Katherine is Davids classmate at high school. 12. Davids parents felt uncomfortable to meet Katherine. 13. David and Katherine spent hours practising martial arts. 14. Katherine is more sociable than Jean. 15. David found it difficult to talk to Jean. 16. David is extremely interested in sports. 17. Jean made David laugh a lot with her funny jokes. 18. Katherine has saved a lot of money 19. Jean doesnt like playing with children. 20. David has no idea about whom is serious about himself

Part 3. Listen to the following conversation and fill in the missing information in the numbered space. Manager: Im (21) you some questions, OK? What (22)..... have you had? Applicant: Mostly factory jobs. The last five years I worked in (23) Manager: (24)do there? Applicant: I (25) ......... sheets of plastic. Manager: (26) here? Applicant: I (27) . Ill do anything. Im good with (28) and Im a hard worker. Manager: Why (29) an application in the office. It looks like were (30).. an opening next week. Ill call you. Applicant: Thanks.


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answer. 31. It seems to be the big tour operators that take the _____ share of the profits. A. lions B. snakes C. tigers D. dogs 32. My fear of wasps _____ from the fact that I was severely stung as a child. A. begets B. stems C. generates D. commences 33. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly _____ for their suitability. A. searched B. vetted C. investigated D. scrutinized 34. Ozone _____ has been the most severe at the poles, especially over Antarctica, where a seasonal ozone layer hole appears. A. deterioration B. depletion C. exhaustion D. decomposition 35. He earns a lot of money, but hes such a reckless _____ that over the last three years hes got into serious debt. A. financier B. idler C. waster D. spendthrift 36. I think you _____ a nerve when you mentioned Peters forthcoming retirement. A. touched B. had C. drilled D. hit 37. The new soap opera on Channel 3 _____ new depths in terms of tastelessness. A. fills B. plumbs C. reaches D. achieves 38. The room was so _____ with furniture that it was impossible to move. A. assembled B. cluttered C. burdened D. overrun 39. Why did you _____ and mention the party to George? It was supposed to be a surprise. A. let the cat out of the bag B. put the cat among the pigeons C. have kittens D. kill two birds with one stone 40. He was arrested for trying to pass _____ notes at the bank. A. camouflaged B. fake C. counterfeit D. fraudulent 41. Its good I got interested in that bottle. Granny _____ the poison taking it for her asthma medicine because the bottle was unmarked. A. might have swallowed B. had swallowed C. could swallow D. was able to swallow 42. Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunications, and _____. A. to diagnose medically B. medical diagnosing C. diagnosed medically D. medical diagnosis 43. Traditionally Indian agriculture was mainly for subsistence, but from the 19 th century _____, there has been a great increase _____ commercial farming. A.down - from B. since - with C. beyond - for D. onwards in

44. If you want to find good information about graduate programs in the United States, look in _____ of the College Blue Books. A. volume two B. the volume two C. volume second D. second volume 45. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have _____. A. not definite shape B. none definite shape C. nothing definite shape D. no definite shape 46. When Brian _____ all the time he had spent playing computer games over the summer, he realized he should have been working and saving money. A. fooled around with B. thought back on C. ran out of D. kept up with 47. I locked myself out of my apartment. I didnt know what to do. You _____ your roommate. A. could have called B. may have called C. would have called D. A and B are correct 48. You are being thoroughly _____ in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place. A. unrequited B. unrepresentative C. unreliable D. unreasonable 49. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but _____ that, margarine will do. A. except B. failing C. for all of D. given 50. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _____ any solution. A. thought over B. got round to C. looked into D. come up with Part 2. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. Although noise, (0) _____ (COMMON) defined as unwanted sound, is widely recognized form of pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the (51) _____ (COMFORTABLE) experienced by different individuals is highly subjective and, therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be slightly (52) _____ (IRRITATE) whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause hearing loss. Particularly in (53) _____ (CONGESTION) urban areas, the noise produced as a by-product of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are (54) _____ (EXPOSURE) to it. Unlike the eyes, which can be covered by the eyelids against strong light, the ear has no lid, and is, therefore, always open and (55) _____ (VULNERABILITY); noise penetrates without protection. Noise causes (56) _____ (AFFECT) that the hearer cannot control and to which the body never becomes accustomed. Loud noises (57) _____ (INSTINCT) signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response, heartbeat and (58) _____ (RESPIRE) accelerate, blood vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general increase in (59) _____ (FUNCTION) brought about by the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of these responses (60) _____ (PERSISTENT) even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased. 1. commonl y 51. . 52. . 53. . 54. . 55. . 56. . 57. . 58. . 59. . 60. .

Part 3. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Underline the mistakes and correct them in the space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. MISTAKES CORRECTION

The relative of economics to history is rather 0. relative different from that of the other social sciences. Curiosity as it may sound, this relationship in many 61. respect comes close to that between history and .. literature. Economics, after all, are the science (in the 62. meaning of the term) of anything which men actually .. do. Even if the science did not exist, men would still 63. do economic decisions, economic predictions, and .. participate in the various forms of economic 64. organism which, in part, it is the economists .. functioning to describe. Similarly, the disciplined study of literature is concerned with something which 65. men would also do anyway even if the disciplined .. study did not exist: Compose poems, act in dramas, write novels, and read them. Political science, or the 66. discipline of politics, have, it is true, many .. similarities to economics, particularly where it is 67. concerned with general about political structures. .. 68. .. 69. .. 70. ..

relationship .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Part 4. Supply the correct form of the VERB in brackets to complete the passage. Write your answer in the numbered box. Millions of years ago, trees from now (71) _____ (vanish) forests produced a sticky substance that slowly (72) _____ (harden) into sparkling rocks. Often, the (73) _____ (harden) sap would drip onto an unlucky grasshopper or beetle, (74) _____ (encase) it in a premature tomb. Today, a piece of amber with such content is worth thousands of dollars. However, not long ago, miners tossed out these pieces, believing them (75) _____ (flaw) and worthless. The preservation of creatures in amber is (76) _____ (amaze). Scientists are able to cut the amber and expose the actual structures of a prehistoric creatures muscles, eyes, jaws and nervous systems. Although amber supplies (77) _____ (decline) in some areas of the world, it is doubtful that the supplies (78) _____ (deplete) any time soon. New deposits always (79) _____ (discover), (80) _____ (guarantee) a rich link to the past. Your answers: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

Part 5. Complete the following sentences with a phrasal verb in the box. Use each phrasal verb ONCE and please note that the given phrasal verbs outnumbered the gaps. Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided at the end of this part. gone down with ease off bowled over crack down whisked away clued up brought down soldier on cooling off phased out warm up picked up 81. Janes _____ flu and wont be able to attend the meeting. 82. If you are thinking of going jogging, its always essential to do some _____ exercises first. 83. Despite having had two heart attacks, Peter decided to _____ at work until he reached retirement age. 84. When Ronan Keating, the pop star, arrived at London Airport, he gave a press conference and was then _____ to a secret destination in the capital. 85. Its pouring. Lets wait for the rain to _____ before we go shopping. 86. The regimes economic problems caused it to be _____. 87. Out-of-date computers will be ____ in schools to allow updated models to be introduced. 88. The police decided to _____ on drug offenders, and staged a number of early morning raids. 89. The sight of his bride in her wedding dress just _____ Tim _____. 90. Brian _____ a virus on a trip to Europe and is now gravely ill. Your answers: 81. .. 82 . 86. .. 87 . .. .. 83 . 88 . .. .. 84 . 89 . .. .. 85 . 90 . .. ..


Part 1. Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answer. The quality of the air we (91) _____ is important because it affects our health and the length of our lives. Air pollution is a big (92) _____ in many of our cities and a (93) _____ of this is caused by motor vehicles. There are six main pollutants in the (94) _____ and four of these are (95) _____ in large quantities by motor engines. The gases that are (96) _____ into the air are affected by sunlight and turned into ozone at ground level. Unlike the ozone that is high in the atmosphere and protects us from radiation, the ozone on the ground is a health (97) _____. Many countries have (98) _____ the level of lead pollution by banning the use of the metal in (99) _____. In other countries, its (100) _____ is very strictly controlled. We have to (101) _____ or get rid of the three other harmful gases produced by the 630 million vehicles worldwide a(n) (102) _____ that is likely to double in the next twenty to thirty years. Concern about the environment has led to the invention of a (n) (103) _____ known as the three way catalytic converter, so-called because of the three poisonous gases it (104) _____ to reduce. More efficient engines reduce the formation of these gases and the converter reduces them still further. Harmful gases in engine exhausts are burned up by passing them over a metal

91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105.

catalyst which (105) _____ up the reaction. The catalyst is rather expensive, but what price do we put on good health? A. inhale B. breathe C. breath D. respire A. problem B. trouble C. difficulty D. crisis A. much B. many C. lot D. bunch A. environment B. surroundings C. mood D. atmosphere A. shaped B. fashioned C. produced D. made A. unconfined B. delivered C. liberated D. released A. peril B. risk C. exposure D. danger A. hacked B. chopped C. cut D. sliced A. petrol B. coal C. grease D. energy A. exploit B. employ C. apply D. use A. reduce B. shrink C. condense D. ease A. form B. shape C. figure D. amount A. appliance B. device C. tool D. apparatus A. assists B. facilitates C. aids D. helps A. speeds B. rates C. paces D. accelerates Part 2. Fill each blank of the following paragraph with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the numbered blanks provided below the passage. The body of the average adult has in storage enough (106) _____ to last for several weeks. It has enough water to last for several days. At any one time, however, the body has only enough oxygen stored in the (107) _____ to last for three or four minutes! Fortunately, it is not difficult for us to (108) _____ the oxygen we need. As a rule, we need only to breathe in the (109) _____ around us for an adequate supply. The amount of oxygen needed by a person at any one time (110) _____ upon his activities. As the activities of the body increase, the use of oxygen also increases. He begins to breathe deeper and faster to bring (111) _____ oxygen into the lungs. More red cells are thrown into the bloodstream to aid in carrying the added supply of oxygen. Blood from the stomach and the intestines is transferred (112) _____ the blood vessels of the muscles which are at work. This blood helps to transfer the added oxygen to the (113) _____ of the body that need it. If blood is taken from the stomach right after a (114) _____, digestion of food will be hampered. It is best, therefore, (115) _____ to exercise strenuously right after eating. Your answers: 106 . 111 . .. 107 . .. 112 . .. .. 108 . 113 . .. .. 109 . 114 . .. .. 110 . 115 . .. ..

Part 3: Read the passage carefully. Then choose the item that best answers each of the questions below. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your choice. Memory is a vital characteristic of the human species. Organisms evolve to adapt to their environment in many different ways. There are, however, two broad classes of adaptation. The first of these involves preprogramming the organism to cope with its environment so that it is born with all the necessary instincts and equipment to operate efficiently and effectively with virtually no learning. This is clearly a very successful means of adaptation and has enabled an enormous range of organisms, from plants, bacteria, and insects to simple vertebrates, to continue to flourish for millions of years. Such organisms have their mode of adaptation wired in and, as such, have minimal need for learning or memory. The second involves the production of an organism which is adaptable. Here, there is much less preprogramming, and the organism is left to modify its behavior in response to its

environment. This allows for considerably greater complexity and variability of behavior. It also demands a larger brain and is heavily dependent on the capacity to learn and remember. The human race is the obvious example of this form of evolution our ability to learn and remember has allowed us to develop tools and language, technologies which in turn vastly increased our ability to store and communicate yet more information through writing, and subsequently films, videos, and computers, all of which can be regarded as an extension of the memory. However, without the individuals memory, the vast storage of information in the libraries all over the world would be incomprehensible. Accordingly, the ability to learn and remember, allowing as it does for the development of language, is perhaps our most crucial characteristic. 116. The author mentions all of the following in connection with the first class of adaptation EXCEPT: A. ability to deal with the environment. B. state of being programmed in advance. C. process of being wired into equipment. D. possession of the requisite instincts. 117. According to the passage, many organisms have existed for millions of years because they: A. have inbuilt resources. B. continually adapt to the environment. C. have no memory. D. are unable to learn. 118. According to the passage, the organism of the second class: A. changes the behavior constantly. B. relies upon its memory. C. modifies the environment. D. learns very quickly. 119. The author suggests that a human beings memory is: A. partly responsible for the growth of the language. B. a tool used for understanding. C. supported by technological advances. D. dependent upon the storage of writing. 120. It can be referred from the passage that mans most important characteristic is: A. the ability to speak. B. the capacity to remember. C. the skill of storing information. D. an aptitude for writing. Part 4. The following people are choosing books to read. Look at the information about new books. Decide which book each person should get. Mark the correct letter A to H in the space provided for each number. Example: I 6 _____ 121. Joanna Brown does not like novels. She prefers reading about peoples real-life experiences. She is interested in reading about far away places and animals. _____ 122. Eric Macadam likes adventure stories, but he does not like stories about the past. He read one of E. L. Thornaways books last year, but though it was rather boring. He hates love stories. _____ 123. Caroline Martin likes stories about women, although she does not care for love stories. She prefers to read about strong successful women, whose lives are rather like her own. She is a businesswoman who lives in London. _____ 124. Jonathan Cuthbert is nineteen. He is interested in transport, and though he likes excitement, he does not like war stories. In fact, he prefers non-fiction to fiction. _____ 125. Gerald Donald is a politician, but he wants to relax on his holiday by reading something completely different from his own life. He thinks he would like to try a love story. A novel set in the world of entertainment would be ideal. A. The Wild Wood By Rex Dobson

A band of robbers break into a house and kidnap a rich girl. Fortunately, there is one man who can find their secret hiding place and rescue her. The cruel leader of the band wants to murder the girl. There is a screamthen B. Behind the Wheel By Bert Dixon Bert Dixon started to keep a diary as soon as he got his driving license. Now a well-known professional racing driver, he tells a story full of race tracks, sharp bends, cars on fire, burst tyres and more than a few crashes. C. Vote for Hannah Harvey By E. L. Thornaway Hannah Harvey, a close relation of the Prime Minister, wins an election. Hannah is hard-working and plans to become a great woman politician. Then she agrees to help a friend who is in trouble and suddenly things start to go wrong D. A Man at War By Henry Martin The true story of a soldier who joined the army at nineteen. Henry Martin tells of battles, of helicopters exploding, of bombs dropping, of bullets flying. Taken prisoner by the enemy, he manages to escape from prison by night and get away over the mountains. E. Singing on the Shore By Margery Pleasant Another romantic novel from Margery Pleasant. The heroine, Maria, is a poor girl who goes to the seaside to work as a waitress. She falls in love with a famous singer, but he is engaged to a beautiful blonde dancer. Maria is desperately unhappy. F. Elephant Morning By Esther Motsumi The author was the first woman from her village to qualify as a doctor. This is the true story of her life running a clinic in southern Africa. She writes beautifully about the people she met and their relationship with the animals in Africa. G. Steam and Smoke By Mark OBrien This novel is set in the 19th century, in the early days of railway transport. It tells of the battle between two men: a young engineer, Joshua Dobson and his enemy, the rich landowner, Jasper March. H. Home Decoration By Alice and Peter Saunders This book gives step-by-step instructions for painting and decorating all kinds of houses. It is full of usual ideas, with lots of pictures in color.

V. WRITING (6.0 points)

Part 1. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given in block letters. This word must not be altered in any way. 126. My little cottage looked very small against the mountain. (dwarfed) ...........................................................................................................................................................

127. She began to suffer from irrational fears. (prey) ........................................................................................................................................................... 128. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (monopoly) ........................................................................................................................................................... 129. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft. (resemblance) ........................................................................................................................................................... 130. Dont tell your colleagues anything about this. (breathe) ........................................................................................................................................................... Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Using the word given in block letters. This word MUST NOT be altered in any way. 131. When should we collect the books we ordered last week? (supposed) When ........................................................................................up the books we ordered last week? 132. He seemed to be worried about something. (impression) I ...........................................................................................................................was worrying him. 133. I learn quite a lot of the language simply by listening to other people. (fair) I picked ...the language simply by listening to other people. 134. The thief confessed to everything he had done. (full) The thief . confession. 135. All the witnesses said the accident was my fault. (blame) All the witnesses said that the accident. 136. The police think that he was one of the robbers. (taking) The police suspect .the robbery. 137. It seems that there is a gradual fall in the number of complaints. (falling) The number of complaints seems. 138. He seems not to care about anything. (matters) He acts .. to him. 139. Whenever Barbara saw Mick, she crossed the street to avoid having to speak to him. (every) Barbara crossed the street . to avoid having to speak to him. 140. Have you made any arrangements for this weekend? (anything) Are ..this weekend? Part 2. Write a description of the graph below (160 180 words).

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Part 3. Some students like classes where their teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (200 250 words).

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

---- THE END ----

I. P N I. LISTENING (3.0 points)

Part 1. 10 x 1 = 10 CHECKBOOK RECORD NAME: George and Martha Spendthrift ACCOUNT: 132-98804 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION PAYMENT 200 10/25 (1) ABC Market 30.21 201 10/27 Electric Company 57.82 202 10/27 Time magazine 35.00 203 10/30 (4) Georges sisters 70.00 204 205 206 207 208 209 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/4 11/8 11/10 birthday present Compu - Tech Dr Painless Deposit (6) House Payment Visa Payment (8) Car Insurance Bill Traffic ticket 125.00 40.00 1234.69 (7) 412.00 155.00 305.00 (9) 68.00


BALANCE 490.31 (2) 432.49 (3) 397.49 327.49 202.49 162.49 (5) 1397.18 985.18 830.18 525.18 (10) 457.18

Part 2. 10 x 1 = 10 k. l. m. n. NI T F T o. p. q. r. T T F F s. NI t. T

Part 3. 10 x 1 = 10 21. going to ask 22. kind of jobs 23. a plastic factory 24. what did you

25. used to cut 26. what do you want to 27. dont know

28. my hands 29. dont you fill out 30. going to have



55. 59.

81. 82. 83.

106. 107.

Part 1. 25 x 1 = 25 31. A 35. D 39. A 43. A 47. A 32. B 36. A 40. C 44. A 48. D 33. C 37. B 41. A 45. D 49. B 34. B 38. B 42. D 46. B 50. D Part 2. 10 x 1 = 10 51. discomfort 52. irritating 53. congested 54. exposed vulnerable 56. effects 57. instinctively 58. respiration functioning 60. persist Part 3. 10 x 2 = 20 61. Curious 62. respects 63. is 64. something 65. make 66. organization 67. function 68. out 69. has 70. generalization Part 4. 10 x 0.5 = 5 71. vanished 76. amazing 72. hardened 77. are declining 73. hardening 78. will be depleted 74. encasing 79. are always being discovered 75. to be flawed 80. guaranteeing Part 5. 10 x 1 = 10 gone down with 84. whisked away 87. phased out warm up 85. ease off 88. crack down soldier on 86. brought down 89. bowled Tim over 90. picked up III. READING COMPREHENSION (4.0 points) Part 1. 15 x 0.8 = 12 91. B 96. D 101. A 92. A 97. B 102. C 93. C 98. C 103. B 94. D 99. A 104. D 95. C 100. D 105. A Part 2. 10 x 0.8 = 8 food 108. acquire 110. depends lungs 109. air 111. more

112. 113. 114. 115.

into parts meal not


Part 3. 05 x 2 = 10 C 117. A Part 4. 05 x 2 = 10 121. F 122. A

118. B 123. C

119. A 124. B

120. B 125. E

IV. WRITING (6.0 points)

Part 1. 05 x 2 = 10 126. My little cottage was dwarfed by the mountain. 127. She fell prey to irrational fears. 128. Our company has/holds the/a monopoly of/on/over the import/importing/importation of these chemicals. 129. The final version of the plan bore/had no/little/not much resemblance to the initial draft. There was no/little/not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft. 130. Dont breathe a word of this to your colleagues. Dont breathe a word to your colleagues about this. Part 2. 10 x 1 = 10 131. When are we supposed to pick up the books we ordered last week? 132. I got/had the impression that something was worrying him. 133. I picked up a fair amount/knowledge/bit of the language simply by listening to other people. 134. The thief made a full confession. 135. All the witnesses said that I was to blame for the accident. 136. The police suspect him of taking part in the robbery. 137. The number of complaints is gradually falling as it seems. 138. He acts as if/though nothing matters to him. 139. Barbara crossed the street every time she saw Mick to avoid having to speak to him. 140. Are you doing anything for this weekend? Part 3. 20 - The general description of the results of students achieve in exams. (5) - The subjects the students do best. (2) - The subjects the students do worst. (2) - The comparison of the pass rates between the Series 1 and Series 2 in different subjects: The similarities (3) The differences (3) - The conclusion of the ability of two series in different subjects. (5) Mi u phi c dn chng bng s liu c th. Part 4. 20 Suggested ideas: - when students have a chance to talk and discuss, they can think many new ideas. - Students who can talk in their class can learn more than others who cannot talk. - Talking in class improves the conception of the students about the topics and the course. - Without discussion, a student just observes knowledge in the passive way; -. 18-20: C m, kt hp l. Nu c t nht 3 (Suggested ideas) vi cch vii sc tch, r rng. Khng c li ng php, ng ngha. 16-18: C m, kt kh hp l. Nu c t nht 3 vi cch vit tng i r rng. Khng c li ng php, ng ngha. 12-16: C m, kt. Nu c t nht 2 vi cch vit tng i r rng, i ch cn di dng, trng lp. C vi li ng php, ng ngha.

10-12: Ch c m hoc kt. Nu c t nht 2 i ch cn di dng, trng lp. C nhiu hn 5 li ng php, ng ngha. Di 10: Bi vit thiu . tng khng r rng, di dng, trng lp. C nhiu li ng php, ng ngha, chnh t

- Ti mt s cu hi, th sinh chn p n khc nhng hp l th vn c th cho tng ng hoc trn s im cu . - Sau khi chm xong, cng tng im ri chia cho 10 quy ra im 20/20. - Xp gii theo quy ch./. ----------------------------------------------------------

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