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Technical Note

Width-to-Thickness Checks
This Technical Note describes how the program checks the AISC-ASD89 specification width-to-thickness requirements for compact and noncompact sections. The width-to-thickness requirements for compact and noncompact sections are spelled out in AISC-ASD89 Specification Chapter B, Table B5.1. This program checks the width-to-thickness ratios of the beam flanges and web, and, if it exists, the cover plate.

The program classifies beam sections as either compact, noncompact or slender on the basis of their width-to-thickness ratios. The program checks the compact and noncompact section requirements for each design load combination separately. A beam section may be classified differently for different design load combinations. For example, it may be classified as compact for design load combination A and as noncompact for design load combination B. One reason that a beam may be classified differently for different design load cases is that the compression flange may be different for different design load combinations. If the sizes of the top and bottom flanges are not the same, classification of the section as compact or noncompact may depend on which flange is determined to be the compression flange. For each design load combination, the program first checks a beam section for the compact section requirements for the compression flange, web and cover plate (if applicable). If the beam section meets all of those requirements, it is classified as compact for that design load combination. If the beam section does not meet all of the compact section requirements, it is then checked for the noncompact requirements for the flanges, web and cover plate (if applicable). If the beam section meets all of those requirements, it is classified as noncompact for that design load combination. If the beam section does not meet all of the noncompact section requirements, it is classified as slender for that design load combination, and the program does not consider it for composite beam design.


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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Width-to-Thickness Checks

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Flanges

This section describes the limiting width-to-thickness ratios considered by the program for beam compression flanges. The width-to-thickness ratio for flanges is denoted b/t, and is equal to bf/2tf for I-shaped sections and bf/tf for channel sections. The program does not check the flange width-to-thickness ratios for composite beams with positive bending. This is consistent with the last sentence of the first paragraph in AISC-ASD89 Specification Section I2.2.

Compact Section Limits for Flanges

For compact sections, the width-to-thickness ratio for the compression flange is limited to that indicated by Equation 1.

b 65 , for compact sections t Fy

Eqn. 1

where Fy is the specified yield stress of the beam. Equation 1 applies to both rolled sections selected from the program's database and to user-defined (welded) sections.

Noncompact Section Limits for Flanges

For noncompact sections, the width-to-thickness ratio for the compression flange is limited to that indicated by Equation 2.

b t

95 Fy k c

, for noncompact sections

Eqn. 2

where Fy is the specified yield stress of the beam and kc is as follows:


kc is equal to one (1.0) for rolled sections selected from the program database. kc is equal to one (1.0) for user-defined (welded) sections with h/tw less than or equal to 70. kc is given by Equation 3 for user-defined (welded) sections with h/tw greater than 70. For h/tw less than or equal to 70 kc = 1.

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Flanges

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Width-to-Thickness Checks

kc =

(h t w )0.46


, for h/tw > 70,

Eqn. 3

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Webs

This section describes the limiting width-to-thickness ratios considered by the program for beam webs.

Compact Section Limits for Webs

When checking a beam web for compact section requirements, the width-tothickness ratio used is d/tw as shown in Equation 4.

d 640 tw Fy

Eqn. 4

Noncompact Section Limits for Webs

When checking a beam web for noncompact section requirements, the widthto-thickness ratio used is h/tw. Note that this is different from the width-tothickness ratio used for the compact section requirement check. The equation used for checking the noncompact section limits in the web depends on the allowable bending stress, Fb, for the noncomposite steel beam plus cover plate, if it exists. Refer to the Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89 for a description of how the program calculates the allowable bending stress. Equation 5 defines the noncompact section limit for webs.

h 760 tw Fb

Eqn. 5

The program makes a slight simplifying assumption when using Equation 5 by assuming that Fb = 0.66Fy. In most cases in the Composite Beam Design postprocessor, this assumption is exactly correct. When the assumption is not exactly correct, it errs on the conservative side.

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Webs

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Width-to-Thickness Checks

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Cover Plates

Width-to-thickness checks are only performed for the cover plate when there is negative moment in the beam. In this case, the cover plate is in compression. The width-to-thickness checks made for the cover plate depend on the width of the cover plate compared to the width of the beam bottom flange. Figure 1 illustrates the conditions considered. In Case A of the figure, the width of the cover plate is less than or equal to the width of the beam bottom flange. In this case, the width-to-thickness ratio is taken as b1/tcp, and it is checked as a flange cover plate. In Case B of Figure 1, the width of the cover plate is greater than the width of the beam bottom flange. Two conditions are checked in this case. The first condition is the same as that shown in Case A, where the width-to-thickness ratio is taken as b1/tcp and is checked as a flange cover plate. The second condition checked in Case B takes b2/tcp as the width-to-thickness ratio and checks it as a plate projecting from a beam. This second condition is only checked for the noncompact requirements; it is not checked for compact requirements.


Beam Cover plate






Cover plate

Case A

Case B

Figure 1 Conditions Considered When Checking Width-To-Thickness Ratios of Cover Plates

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Cover Plates


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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Width-to-Thickness Checks

Compact Section Limits for Cover Plates

The checks made for compact section requirements depend on whether the width of the cover plate is less than or equal to that of the bottom flange of the beam (Case A in Figure 1), or greater than that of the bottom flange of the beam (Case B in Figure 1).

Cover Plate Width Less Than or Equal to Beam Bottom Flange Width
When the cover plate width is less than or equal to the width of the beam bottom flange, Equation 6 applies for the compact check for the cover plate.

b1 190 t cp Fycp
The term b1 in Equation 6 is defined in Figure 1.

Eqn. 6

Cover Plate Width Greater than Beam Bottom Flange Width

When the cover plate width exceeds the width of the beam bottom flange, the program checks both Equations 6 and 7 for the compact check for the cover plate.

b2 t cp

95 Fycp

Eqn. 7

The term b2 in Equation 7 is defined in Figure 1.

Noncompact Section Limits for Cover Plates

The checks made for noncompact section requirements depend on whether the width of the cover plate is less than or equal to that of the bottom flange of the beam (Case A in Figure 1), or greater than that of the bottom flange of the beam (Case B in Figure 1).

Cover Plate Width Less Than or Equal to Beam Bottom Flange Width
When the cover plate width is less than or equal to the width of the beam bottom flange, Equation 8 applies for the noncompact check for the cover plate.

b1 238 t cp Fycp

Eqn. 8

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Cover Plates

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Width-to-Thickness Checks

The term b1 in Equation 8 is defined in Figure 1.

Cover Plate Width Greater than Beam Bottom Flange Width

When the cover plate width exceeds the width of the beam bottom flange, both Equations 8 and 9 apply for the noncompact check for the cover plate.

b2 t cp

95 Fycp

Eqn. 9

The term b2 in Equation 9 is defined in Figure 1.

Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Cover Plates

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