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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction to Immunology Innate Immunity Overview of the Adaptive Immune System T Cells functions and roles B Cells and Immunoglobulins Immune Response to Infection Influenza A Virus Infection Hypersensitivity Immune Tolerance and Autoimmune Disease Acquired or Induced Immunodeficiency Vaccines and Immunisation Transplantation Immunology

1. Introduction to Immunology List the major cellular components of the immune system and their functions List the major organs of the immune system and their functions

In white blood cells Granulocytes Neutrophils Majority of white blood cells Important for defending against extracellular bacteria and fungi First leukocytes to arrive at site of infection Phagocytose microbes, discharge granules containing microbicidal substances Eosinophils Killing of antibody-coated helminthes Defends against worms, parasites Lessens severity of allergy reactions by phagocytosing immune complexes Basophils Major role in hypersensitivity reactions Granules contain histamines and heparin which increases extent of inflammation and attracts other leukocytes Phagocytes (recognizes, engulfs and eliminates) Mast cells Activated in allergic responses and in defence against helminthes Releases histamine Defends against worms Dendritic Cells Immature DC: phagocytose material in tissue Mature DC: Capture material in tissues to process, migrate to lymph nodes and present to T cells for activation Neutrophils Agranulocytes Monocytes / Macrophages Monocytes develop into macrophages when they migrate out of blood into tissues Phagocytic cells important for defending against bacteria and fungi Secretes chemicals to draw fibroblasts to region, walling off infected area Lymphocytes B cells Adaptive immunity cells Express B cell receptors that may secrete as antibodies Antibody binds to antigens, combats extracellular infections T cells Adaptive immunity cells expressing T cell receptors + CD4 T cells help or suppress other cells by secreting cytokines + CD8 T cells kill virus-infected cells and other intracellular pathogens NK (natural killer) cells Early protection against viruses May recognize and kill tumour cells

Lymphoid Organs Primary Lymphoid Organs Foetal Liver Bone Marrow Haematopoeisis: process by which blood cells are formed in the bone marrow Haematopoeitic stem cells Self-renewing Pluripotent (give rise to all blood cell types) Useful in organ transplants Progenitor cells Less primitive cells, more committed to specific lineages Mature cells Blood and tissues Thymus Crucial site of T cell development Precursor cells from bone marrow migrate to the thymus Undergo a selection process before emerging as mature T cells Secondary Lymphoid Organs Lymph Plasma-like liquid formed when blood components move out of capillaries into extracellular spaces Transports immune cells, chylomicrons, cellular debris & infectious agents from tissues Lymph Nodes Encapsulated organized collections of immune cells Stationed along lymphatic vessels throughout the body, concentrated at portals of entry for pathogens Enlarges due to proliferation of immune cells and tumour cells Spleen (major filter of blood) Dead red blood cells broken up by macrophages Immune complexes Bacteria (especially those with capsules) Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissues (MALT)

Pathogens Minority of microbes Have acquired ways to invade and damage tissues Can cause disease in anybody

Commensals Derive food or other benefits from human body without causing harm under normal circumstances Not disease causing normally

Opportunistic pathogens Include commensals and environmental microbes Do not cause disease in immunocompetent individuals Take advantage of incomplete body defences (immunocompromised) to cause disease

2. Innate Immunity Soluble factors: cytokines & complement Cellular mechanisms: macrophages, getting cells to site of infection, neutrophils

Innate immunity Important for defence against invading microbes (first line of defence) Soluble and cellular components Rapid response Characteristics o Fully active without history of previous encounter with pathogen o Always prepared to combat microbial infection o Recognizes broad classes of microbes (less specific) o No memory Activated by conserved foreign molecules in microbes (trigger factor) Activation important for productive priming of adaptive immune responses Relies on recognition of Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs)

Type I Interferons (IFN) Antiviral proteins interfering with viral replication in neighbouring cells Attaches to membranes of surrounding cells and inhibits spread of infection Cytokine that can be produced by almost all nucleated cells in response to viral infections IFN, IFN Paracrine effect: neighbouring cells become more resistant to viruses


Important for defending against extracellular bacteria and fungi Compromises series of proenzymes in serum that can be triggered by o Antibody (classical pathway) o Particular sugars found on bacterial surfaces (mannan binding lectin pathway) o Spontaneously on some microbial surfaces (alternative pathway) Catalytic cascade amplifies the initial signal Distinguish differences between bacteria & normal human cells to mediate useful protection Complement activation: downstream complement proteins acquire proteolytic activity after being cleaved by an upstream complement protein

Major functions of Complement Recruitment (by anaphylatoxins) and activation of immune cells o Anaphylatoxin has high concentration at site of infection o Initiates and amplifies inflammation via degranulation of mast cells Chemotaxis o Allow migration of phagocytosis o Directed movement of cell along increasing concentration of chemoattractants (eg. C5a, IL-8) Opsonisation o Enhances phagocytosis o Complement fragments coat bacterium surface, binds to complement recdeptors on phagocytes o Coated bacterium is more readily taken up by phagocytosis o Further enhanced by macrophage activation by C5a Clearance of immune complexes o Kills some microbes o Covalent binding of C3b to antibody inhibits lattice formation, maintains solubility o Complexes attach to receptors on red blood cells, and removed from circulation via liver and spleen Complement-mediated cytotoxicity o Directly kills the bacteria by self

Medical Importance of Complement Helps kill extracellular bacteria & fungi Recruits immune cells to site of infection Immune complex disease o Excessive amounts of circulating Ag-Ab complexes not cleared and deposited in tissues o Complement activated by Ag-Ab complexes promotes tissue damage (type III HS reaction) o Complement consumption: measures levels of intact C3 C4 to monitor disease activity

Monocytes / Macrophages Monocytes in the blood are immature cells that migrate into tissues and mature into macrophages Triggers of activation o Endogenous signals (from human body) Complement (eg. C5a) Cytokines (soluble signals to activate macrophages) o Exogenous signals (from bacteria/foreign body) Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) PAMPs: conserved molecular patterns shared by broad classes of pathogens (usually absent in sterile environment) Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) eg. TLRs to correspond to PAMPs

Cytokines / Chemokines Can diffuse in intrafluid space Cannot control movements Released by macrophages triggered by bacteria Cytokines: polypeptide chemical messengers to change function of cells Therapeutic agents and targets of therapeutic agents (due to blockage of cytokine receptors)

Chemokines: attract cells along a gradient from low to high concentration Activated tissue macrophages also release arachidonic acid metabolites

Neutrophils Found in blood, absent in normal tissue Upon activation, migrate rapidly into tissue sites of infection to kill pathogens Crucial part of early defence against bacteria and fungi When activated during inflammation, releases soluble factors to combat infection o Bacterial components (eg. fMLP) o Complement components (eg. C5a) o Cytokines andf chemokines (eg. IL-8) o Arachidonic acid metabolites Mechanisms of microbial killing o Oxygen independent (eg. lysozyme) o Oxygen dependent: Respiratory burst forms oxygen free radicals (nitrous oxide) Myeloperoxidase forms chlorine When neutrophils fail o Primary causes: very rare quantitative, qualitative defects o Secondary neutropaenia Absolute neutrophil count <1000 / l


Patients are very vulnerable to infection Bacteria from gut, environment Fungi from inhaled air Febrile neutropaenia can progress rapidly, potentially fatal
Macrophages Slight increase during inflammation Found in healthy tissues Variety of mature forms Slowly form granuloma with T cell help Long lived survive after phagocytosis

Rapid increase in production during acute inflammation Only found in inflamed tissues Single mature form Rapidly form pus Short lived die after phagocytosis

Medical Significance Blood vessel changes o Triggers complements, cytokines and chemokines o Blood vessels dilate, become leaky fluid and cells cross from blood into tissues o Soluble factors in tissue fluid attack microbes to prevent spread of infection o Blood vessels become sticky, endothelial cells activate adhesion molecules Acute pyogenic inflammation o Response to extracellular bacterial infections o Pus formation: dead and dying neutrophils, microbes, debris and fluid Chronic inflammation with granuloma formation o Response to mycobacterial infections (intracellular bacteria eg. TB, leprosy) o Primarily involves macrophages with T cell help o Initial response fails to clear infection completely o Containment: wall around the focus of infection is formed with help of T cells

3. Overview of the Adaptive Immune System Adaptive versus innate immune system Primary/secondary immune response Where do immune cells come from Cells of the immune system Clinico-Pathological states in immunity

Immune system collection of cells and molecules protect body against pathogens (virus, parasites, fungi and bacteria) eliminate damaged or malignant cells

Adaptive versus innate immune system Innate Immediate Low First exposure Conserved Invariant (no memory) Fully mature at birth Adaptive nd Later (protects from 2 attack) High Lasting protection Diverse Modulated (memory) Immature at birth

Protection Specificity Importance Receptors/Ligands Grade of response Age

Components of adaptive immune system Molecules o Antibody specialize molecules that recognize and bind to antigens (foreign body, all proteins can act as antigens eg. insulin) o Complement o Cytokines proteins secreted by cells Cells o Lymphocytes (B & T cells) B cells Make immunoglobulin Makes antibody of only one specificity Cells that make antibody are plasma cells T cells Do not make antibodies Carry receptor that recognizes antigen (TcR) All T cells express CD3 and either CD4 or CD8 on surface CD4+T are helper cells, CD8+T are cytoxic/killer cells o NK cells Large granular lymphocytes that can kill tumours and virally infected target cells by secretion of perforin Express a killer inhibitory receptor (KIR) that prevents killing self tissue Some NK cells recognize antigen through antibody bound to CD16 (IgG receptor)

o Organs o Primary Bone marrow Thymus o Secondary Lymph nodes Adenoids, cervical, tonsils, parathymic, inguinal, mesenteric, axillary Spleen

Monocytes/Macrophages Non-specific lectin-like pattern receptors Can see antigen through antibody bound to CD16 (IgG receptor) or CD23 (IgE receptor) Phagocytic able to engulf and digest Release of free radicals: O2 , H2O2, OH Dendritic cells Found in lymph nodes, in lining of lung, gut, eye, skin (Langerhans cells) Primary antigen presenting cell Can bind antigen through pattern receptors, antibody bound to CD16 (IgG receptor) or CD23 (IgE receptor) Neutrophils Multilobed nucleus Extremely phagocytic Pattern receptors for bacteria sugars Bind to opsonised (antibody targeted) microorganisms Release of free radicals: O2 , H2O2, OH Attracted by bacterial products Eosinophils Bilobed nucleus Granules contain major basic protein (MBP) Receptors for IgG and IgE Protective in nematode infections (parasite & allergy), pathological in asthma Basophils/Mast cells

Clinico-Pathological states in immunity Helpful o o Harmful o o o

Fighting infection Immunisation Allergy Autoimmunity Transplant rejection

4. T Cells Functions and Roles How T cells are activated What T cells do when activated

Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) Professional APC expresses MHC II o Macrophage: secondary immune response o Dendritic cell: essential for primary CD4 or CD8 T cell response o B cell: secondary immune response Non professional APC o All cells except red blood cells express MHC I

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Also called human lymphocyte antigens Highly variable (polymorphic), i.e. MHC molecules differ between individuals except for identical twins Essential for T cell recognition of antigen MHC I: Pathogen lives inside cells o Transmembrane polypeptide (heavy chain) o Antigenic peptide o -2 microglobulin MHC II: Pathogen lives outside cells o Transmembrane & polypeptide o Antigenic peptide

MHC I pathway Viral proteins degraded by proteasomes into peptides via multicatalytic proteinase Peptides bind to Transporters associated with Antigen Processing (TAP) and transported into ER ER assembles with MHC I Move through Golgi apparatus to plasma membrane

MHC II pathway (no TAP) All three components present in ER but no exogenous antigen Invariant chain (li) temporarily occupies the peptide binding groove Two chains of MHC class II molecule are synthesized in ER They bind one molecule of invariant chain This trimolecular complex is transported through the Golgi apparatus and into vesicles called lysosomes Invariant chain degraded and replaced by peptide

T cell development in the thymus Progenitor T cells migrate from bone marrow to thymus where they differentiate Interact with self MHC class I and II Positive selection of T cells whose TcR recognizes MHC Negative selection of T cells whose TcR bind MHC too strongly Unselected cells die within the thymus

MHC T cell interaction

T cell receptor recognizes MHC & peptides MHC class I has smaller peptide chain (7-8 amino acids) and binds to CD8 cells MHC class II has longer peptide chain (>11 amino acids) and binds to CD4 cells

T cell activation signals required TcR (Tcr, CD3, CD4/8) MHC peptide Constimulation (if absent, anergy occurs)

Th1 and Th2 cells Th1 (high IL-4, low IFN- ) Th2 (high IL-4, high IFN- )

T cell effector functions CD8 (cytotoxic) T cells induced by infected dendritic cell MHC I Targeted killing by cytotoxic T cell (perforin/granzyme containing granules) CD4 T cell activates macrophage to kill intracellular microbes

5. B Cells and Immunoglobulins Structure and function of an antibody molecule List the dfferent antibody isotypes and effector functions

Types of Adaptive immunity

Humorial immunity o Mediated by antibodies important for host defence against extra-cellular microbes (eg. bacteria and fungi) o Does not require cell-cell contact Cell mediated immunity o Against intra-cellular microbes (eg. viruses) o Requires cell-cell contact

Immunoglobulin has 2 forms Cell-bound B cell receptor Antibody (secreted by plasma cell after B cell activation) o Has 4 protein chains 2 identical heavy chain, 2 identical light chains, each with variable and constant region o Variable differs from antibody to antibody and binds to specific target (Fab fragmentantigen binding) o Constant (effector) region binds to other components of the immune system so that they can carry out immune response (Fc fragment crystallisable)

Constant at stem, variable at tip of antibody structure


Specificity and diversity Epitope: specific portion of an antigen that is recognized by the immunoglobulin (where antibody binds) Each B cell expresses a single type of immunoglobulin with a unique specificity (small differences in structure of epitopes can be recognized) o Epitope complements with shape of variable region of antibody chemically and topologically 8 Diversity: 10 B cells of different individual specificities are present in each person to recognize wide variety of antigens Cross-reactivity: immunoglobulin binds to more than one antigen (nicely fitted) Somatic combination: combinational use of relatively limited set of inherited DNA helps to encode no. of different immunoglobulin variable region specificities (Variable Diversity Joint VDJ recombination)

Medical significance Adverse immunologic reactions to drugs o Cross reacting antibodies will develop allergic reactions to other compounds in the same class (eg. penicillin and other -lactam antibiotics) Severe combined immunodeficiency o Defective adaptive immunity (both B and T cells) o RAG (recombination activating gene) mutations in some unable to reposition VDJ recombination and requires B & T cells diversity

Immunoglobulin Isotypes Same antigen specificity (same variable region) but different constant regions 5 classes of antibodies IgG, IgA (dimeric), IgM (pentameric), IgD, IgE Effector functions of antibody arise from ability of Fc region to interact with other components of immune system (different constant regions have different effector functions when binding with other cells)

Isotype switching Nave B cell produces IgM initially after activation, but subsequently switches constant region to produce other isotypes (eg. IgG) Antibodies retain same antigen specificity, but have different effector functions Dependent on T cell help

Effector functions of humoral immunity Neutralisation of microbes and toxins o Toxins bind to receptor o Antibody to neutralize and combat toxins Triggering of Fc receptors on effector cells (proteins on surface of cells bind to Fc portion of antibody) o Antibody-dependent opsonisation by phagocytes o Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by NK cells (NK cells kill target cells) o IgE-dependent degranulation of mass cells Activation of complement system o Classical pathway triggered by IgM, IgG1 and IgG3


Functional activity of isotopes IgM neutralizes toxin and activates complement system IgG neutralizes toxin and sensitizes mast cells for killing of antigens by NK cells IgE sensitizes mass cells

Distribution of isotypes IgG is the most common isotype in serum, and easily diffuses into extravascular space IgG is transported across the placenta into foetal circulation o Foetus gets same IgG specificity with mother for protection while immune system is maturing (passive immunity) o Transient low IgG levels in infants aged 6 to 9 months (B cell deficient) IgA can be transported across epithelium to luminal surface o Binding of IgA to receptor on basolateral face of epithelial tissue o Endocytosis o Transport to spical face of epithelial cell o Release of IgA dimer at apical face of epithelial cell o IgG rich in tissue fluid but poor in laminal fluid as it is unable to move freely through the epithelial barrier

Mucosal immunity mediated by IgA IgA produced by B cells in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) Found in mucosal secretions, saliva, tears, breast milk and bile Important for defence against microbes entering our bodies via mucosal surfaces

Location of B cells Produced and matures in bone marrows Cells undergo clonal deletion of cells bearing antigen receptors for self-proteins, allowing self tolerance Mature B cells travel to secondary lymphoid organs (spleen, lymph nodes and MALT)


Clonal selection Only the few cells with receptor that recognizes antigen expressed by pathogen will be activated Division of antigen-specific B cells Cloning of daughter cells expressing same antigen receptor Produces antibodies of single specificity Polyclonal antibody response multiple cloned cells overlap attacks on epitopes

Phases of humoral immune response

B cell activation Requires CD4 T cell help B cells initially secrete only IgM CD4 T cell trigger cell-bound / soluble signals to activate B cells T cell helps B cell to recognize epitope Triggers isotype switching and broadens functional capabilities of humoral response

Immune response becomes faster, stronger and better (Th cells convert IgM to IgG) Plateau phase period increases in secondary response Amount of antibody is greater Shorter lag phase (lag phase time required for B cell to recognize antigen to make antibodies) IgM > IgG in primary response, IgG dominates in secondary response, with increase in IgA and IgE Residual IgG may persist long after antigen is cleared as long-lived plasma cells may continue to produce IgG Higher average affinity (affinity maturation) in secondary response Clinical application: HBV shots given in boosters to ensure individuals are adequately protected against Hepatitis B


B cells and antibody in disease states If cellular proliferation is not regulated, leukemia and lymphoma result due to excess B cells Proteins surfaced on cells to determine development and origin of tumour cells for treatment Pathogenic antibodies o Autoantibodies Antibodies directed against self antigens Leads to autoimmune diseases eg. SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) and rheumatoid arthritis o IgE and allergies resulting in hypersensitivity reactions

Chromosomal translocations DNA breaks occur during VDJ recombination Myc fails to regulate cell division, fuses with elements that drive Ig synthesis Incorrectly repaired breaks result in chromosomal translocation Results in o Chimaeric protein with novel properties o Dysregulated protein expression if gene is removed from normal control elements o Uncontrolled B cell proliferation resulting in B cell lymphoma

Monoclonal Antibodies Antibodies secreted by B cells derived from single clone Exquisite specificity Easy to reproduce and purify in large quantities Potent effector function Neutralize ligand-receptor interactions (blocks binding to prevent inflammation, eg. treatment in RA) Deplete unwanted cells (treats cancer and acute renal transplant rejection)

Problems with use of antibodies in immunotherapy First dose infusion reactions o Adverse reactions associated with first few IV infusions Antigenicity of non-human antibodies o Immune reaction against non-human part of monoclonal antibody o Newer monoclonals: chimaerised or humanized Non-specific depletion o Antibodies specific for target antigen cannot distinguish between cells bearing these antigens that mediate useful versus unwanted responses o Immunosuppression results in opportunistic infections

TNF Useful against viruses and bacteria Host defence against TB Results in RA, immunosuppression More susceptible to infection Lowers amount of B cells for defence


6. Immune Response to Infection Influenza A Virus Infection Background information of influenza Respiratory Infection Transmission: contact with respiratory secretions from infected person who is coughing and sneezing Incubation period: 1 to 5 days from exposure to onset of symptoms Communicability: maximum 1 to 2 days before and 4 to 5 days after onset of symptoms Season: Peaks in December through March in Northern hemisphere

Immune response to influenza infection Innate immune cells such as macrophages, neutrophils and NK cells alert body to infection Viral antigen carried to lymph nodes CD8 T cells activated kills virus infected cells CD4 T cells activated, help B cells make antibodies Anti-viral antibody neutralizes virus Virus eliminated

Influenza strains 16 Haemagglutinin (HA) subtypes 9 Neuraminidase (NA) subtypes Antigenic shift new combinations of H and N leading to pandemics Antigenic drift small changes in H and N proteins leading to seasonal variation


7. Hypersensitivity Type I hypersensitivity mechanism, triggers, disorders, diagnosis and treatment Type II, III, IV hypersensitivity

Four types I. II. III. IV. Immediate type Antibody-dependent tissue hypersensitivity Immune complex Cell-mediated Type I Immune reactant Antigen IgE Soluble antigen Mast cell activation IgG Cell surface or matrix antigen Complement, FcR+ phagocytes, NK cells HDN, myasthenia gravis, goodpastures syndrome Type II Type III IgG Soluble antigen Complement, phagocytes Th1 Soluble antigen Macrophage activation Type IV Th2 Soluble antigen IgE, eosinophil, mast cells Chronic asthma, rhinitis CTL (CD8) Cell associated Cytotoxicity

Effector Mechanism


Asthma, rhinitis, anaphylaxis

Serum sickness, arthus reaction

Contact dermatitis, tuberculin reaction

Contact dermatitis

Type I Hypersensitivity Mechanism o Only caused by IgE o Crosslinking two adjacent IgE molecules triggers the cell o Mass cell activation and degranulation occurs in gastrointestinal tract, airways, blood vessels Triggers: o Inhaled material (eg. dust), food (eg. egg), chemicals (eg. nickel), venoms and drugs Disorders o Asthma Inflammatory cell infiltrate and cytokine secretion Thickened airway smooth muscle and basement membrane Mucus hypersecretion, mucus plugs Airway inflamed and narrowed Bronchial hyperresponsiveness occurs, shortness of breath and wheezing

Dual response to inhalation of allergen


Anaphylaxis Generalized itching Swelling away from sting, incontinence Breathing difficulty Fall in blood pressure, loss of consciousness Pseudo allergic reaction (not due to IgE but similar to Type I HS) eg. cold, pressure

Diagnosis Symptoms: rapid onset, mostly local Skin test Laboratory test (IgE level >100 IU/ml) Oral anti-histamines Corticosteroids (inhaled or oral) Adrenaline Beta agonists


Type II hypersensitivity Mechanism o Antibody mediated reactions to tissue antigens o IgG or IgM antibodies to cell surface and extracellular matrix o Antibody dependent cytotoxicity (ADCC) o Complement activation with release of anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a o Effector cells: macrophages, eosinophils, neutrophils, NK cells Disorders o Rhesus system (haemolytic disease of the newborn) o Diabetes (antibody to islet cell antigens) o Pemphigus (antibody to cell junctions) o Goodpastures syndrome (Antibodies to kidney basement membrane)

Type III hypersensitivity Mechanism o Antigen-antibody complex Disorders o Rheumatoid arthritis o Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) o Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) Immune complex deposition causing vascular inflammation

Type IV hypersensitivity (CD4 T cells activate macrophages) Contact sensitivity (eczema) Test for immunity (Mantoux test)


8. Immune Tolerance and Autoimmune Disease Central tolerance positive & negative selection Peripheral tolerance Downregulation of an immune response after one has been initiated Autoimmunity: causes and mechanisms

Immune Tolerance Mechanisms that prevent adaptive immune responses to self antigens Clinical importance o Autoimmune disease o Transplant rejection, GvHD o Cancer vaccines Central tolerance: immature lymphocytes undergo selection process in primary lymphoid organs o TCR generation by random somatic recombination o Selection process in thymus Useless receptor (unable to recognize self MHC) lost (not enough signals) If not removed, limited pool of T cells populated by T cells that cannot recognize antigen presented by APCs Dangerous receptor (strongly self-reactive) eliminated via apoptosis If not removed, react against and damage self tissue Useful receptor preserved and leave thymus to populate periphery Peripheral tolerance: mechanisms operating on mature lymphocytes in the periphery o Mature DCs effectively prime nave T cells PRRs detect presence of PAMPs and trigger DC maturation Present antigen, express costimulatory molecules and secrete cytokines o Signals required for activation of nave T cells TcR + co-receptor Co-stimulation Interactions between membrane-bound molecules on T cells and APCs Cytokines Regulate differention of CD4 T cells into o Th1: protects against intercellular bacteria infection (eg. TB) o Th2: mediating protection against parasites o Mechanisms Ignorance: no signal 1 Interaction between TCR and self peptide self MHC is too weak o Limited expression of MHC class II molecules on non-APCs o Sequestration of self antigen Anergy (shuts off): signal 1 delivered, but no signal 2 Immature DCs (PRR not triggered) o Process and present self antigen at low level o Express low levels of constimulatory molecules T cells recognize self antigens presented by immature DCs shut off Regulation (suppress system controlling extent of inflammation) CD4, CD25 T cells expressing Foxp3 Recognise self-antigens Suppress other lymphocytes Mutations in Foxp3 cause autoimmune disease (defect in T cell regulation)


Downregulation of immune response after one has been initiated (CTLA-4) o Cross linking of CD28 delivers the co-stimulatory signal during activation of nave T cells and induces expression of CTLA-4 o CTLA-4 binds B7 more avidly than CD28 and delivers inhibitory signals to activated T cells when immune system is no longer required o CTLA-4 vs CD28 Similarities

Expressed by T cells Binds to B7 on APCs Differences CTLA-4 CD28 Expressed later than CD28 Expressed earlier than CTLA-4 Higher avidity for B7 to outcompete CD28 for Lower avidity for B7 binding to decrease IL-2 (T cell growth factor) production Negative signaling to T cells (shuts down signals) Positive signaling to T cells

Autoimmunity Adaptive immune responses with specificity for self antigens Not uncommon in healthy individuals, but usually low level and low affinity Autoreactive cells recognizes autoantigens (self antigens) and produces autoantibodies to combat

Autoimmune Disease Widespread loss of immune tolerance to self antigens Leads to chronic activation of adaptive immune system Results in tissue destruction Factors o Genes Single gene defects (eg. Foxy3 mutation/deficiency) Polygenic susceptibility o Female sex Oestrogen production Ovarian hormonogenesis declines during menopause Pregnancy triggers autoimmune diseases o Environmental triggers (eg. infection) Individuals with pre-existing autoimmune disease can trigger relapse of symptoms Relationship of MHC alleles to pathogenesis of autoimmune disease o Related to T cell function MHC inefficient at presenting particular self antigens Self antigens reactive retained due to defective negative selection resulting in damage to tissues (eg. RA) o Linkage of bona fide susceptibility gene to co-inheritance of particular MHC allele (eg. DR1/DR4) Speculative theories o Bystander effect: activation in response to viral infection Danger signals trigger costim o Molecular mimicry Resemblance to antigen causing recognition to occur


Immune mechanisms of tissue damage in autoimmune disease o Antibodies Multiple arms of the immune system are probably dysregulated Auto-antibodies can interfere with physiological functions Bind to functional sites of receptors Mimic or block the action of natural ligand for these receptors Autonomous secretion of T3 and T4 (uncontrolled) hyperthyroidism

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Type III hypsersensitivity) Autoimmune disease mediated by immune complexes Antibodies directed against nuclear material (eg. DNA) Increase formation, decreased clearance of immune complexes causing deposition in tissue sites Multi-organ involvement skin, kidney, joints Complement consumption: levels of intact C3, C4 reflect disease activity Factors o Genes HLA DR2 Genes for debris-clearing proteins o Environmental triggers Infections UV light Oestrogen


9. Acquired or Induced Immunodeficiency Primary and secondary immunodeficiency Steroids Immunosuppressive chemicals Anti-immune antibodies AIDS

Types of immunodeficiency Primary: defects are genetically determined (inborn) Secondary: defects caused by extrinsic factors o Cytotoxic drug induced lymphopaenia (low no. of lymphocytes) o Protein malnutrition T cell deficiency susceptibility to opportunistic infection o Immunoglobulin loss in severe burns and inflammatory bowel disease o Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Induced immune deficiency: treatment with immunosuppressive drugs (eg. corticosteroids, chemotherapy)

Steroids Prevent rejection of transplanted organs and tissues For treatment of autoimmune diseases eg. RA For treatment of other inflammatory diseases (eg. asthma) Corticosteroids derived from cholesterol and are a family of catabolic steroid hormones Gulcocorticoids are anti-inflammatory

Immunosuppressive chemicals Cyclosporine A (found in soil) o Inhibits T cell proliferation o Used to treat transplant rejections, SLE, RA etc. o Side effects Fungal infections Viral infections Interferons: suppress T cells to slow down progression of multiple sclerosis Mycophenolate: inhibits B and T cells

Anti-immune antibodies Polyclonal antibodies o From animals o Highly immunogenic induces acute reaction to treatment (eg. fever and anaphylaxis) Monoclonal antibodies o Very specific o Can be humanized or fully human to prevent host response to the antibody


AIDS Caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Infects CD4 T cells and monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells using CD4 and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) as receptors Transmitted by sexual contact, from mother to child and blood-blood contact Virus particle binds to CD4 and co-receptor on T cell Viral envelope fuses with cell membrane allowing viral genome to enter the cell Reverse transcriptase copies viral RNA genome into double stranded cDNA Viral cDNA enters nucleus and is integrated into host DNA


10. Vaccines and Immunisation Requirement of vaccine Types of vaccine Problems with vaccine

Requirement of vaccine Promote effective resistance to disease but not necessary to infection o Activation of both T and B cells, memory cells o Th and Tc to several epitopes to overcome variations in immune responses due to MHC polymorphisms Resistance to be long lasting o Memory T and B cells o Persistence of antigens on dendritic cells in lymph nodes Vaccine stable with minimal and acceptable side effects (eg. fever) Be reasonably cheap for mass vaccination

Reasons for vaccination Prevent diseases with high morbidity and mortality and with no effective therapy (eg. Hepatitis B) Cost effective to be assessed with each vaccine Factors: o Incidence (how common) o Severity (how sick, hospitalization, deaths) o Frequency of complications o Any effective treatment o Duration of protection o Safe (long and short-term) o Cost (affordability) Differences in policy between vaccination at an individual level and mass (universal) vaccination

Types of vaccination Mass vaccination (universal) o Childhood immunization program o Control of community outbreaks Individual level vaccination o Travel vaccination o Protection against diseases covered by licensed vaccines

Role of T and B cell responses to vaccination B cells (antibodies) o To prevent infection o Neutralizes viruses and toxins o Antibodies react to only a few epitopes and host vulnerable to antigenic drifts and shifts o Lyse infected cells through complement and NK cells (ADCC) o Facilitate debris (dead microbes and cells) clearance by macrophages o Reaction is narrow and specific


T cells (Th and Tc) o To clear an infection o Secretes cytokines to recruit and activate macrophages, NK and Tc cells o Respond to many peptides o Reaction is broad with wide coverage of epitopes o In chronic persistent infections, the microbes have escaped T cell response

Passive immunity Natural (transplacental, mother to child) eg. IgG Acquired injection of preformed antibodies Advantage: immediate protection, can be used in immunosuppressed Disadvantage short period of protection, potential allergic response if foreign antibodies given Eg. anti-toxins, anti-Rh

Active immunity Natural following clinical or subclinical infections Acquired following vaccination Dead vaccines (eg. Hepatitis B) o Need multiple injections in primary course (primary, secondary and tertiary immune response) o Usually need boosters (can be natural) o May be toxic (endotoxins from killed bacteria) Live vaccines (eg. MMR) o Usually single dose, long lasting immunity o Correct epitope presented (similar to wild type activates like a natural virus) o Revertants with virulence, shedding to environment o Cannot be used in immunosuppressed 1 10 days Slow Short Short IgM IgB No 2 1-2 days Fast Tall Long IgG IgG or IgA Yes

Latent period (lag phase) Rate of production Height of response Period of detection Class of antibody Specificity Memory


Live vaccines Advantages o Mimic natural infection o Produce large antigenic stimulus o Induce T & B lymphocyte responses o Provide long lasting protection o Facilitates oral vaccination (must be live to colonise) Disadvantages o May retain some pathogenicity o May revert to virulence o Not safe enough to vaccinate immunocomprised subjects o Require good cold chain to maintain as live vaccines Attenuation of viruses o Passage of virulent human viruses in non human host (influenza virus in embryonic eggs) o Cross species barrier but retain antigenicity (eg. cowpox vaccine for smallpox) o Temperature sensitive mutants select those that grows poorly at 37C o Natural attenuation (reduction) isolate virus from patients during outbreak

Active immunity vaccination Pre-infection o Vaccinated before meeting microbe o Provides good protection (eg. Hepatitis B vaccine) Post-infection o Vaccinated after meeting microbe o Protection varies depending on the incubation period of the microbe the longer the more effective o Usually need passive as well as active immunity (eg. preformed antibody and vaccines for HBeAg positive mothers) Complications o Toxicity (mainly for dead vaccines) fever, pain, redness o Infection Live vaccines not properly attenuated Revertants, back to wild type Contaminations during processing o Allergy Type I hypersensitivity IgE, microbes, support media o No live vaccines to immunocompromised

Recombinant DNA subunit vaccine Identify the right gene responsible for peptide antigen that induces protective antibodies and T cells Isolate pathogenic virus and virulence gene Mutate or delete virulence gene Resulting virus is viable, immunogenic and avirulent Can be used as a vaccine


National childhood immunization programme (NCIP) in Singapore Disease Tuberculosis Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus (DPT) Poliomyelitis Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Vaccine Type Live vaccine Dead vaccine Live vaccine Live vaccine Dead vaccine Dosage Once (at birth) 3 boosters 3 boosters Once 3 boosters

Conjugated vaccines Certain materials (CHO) are not very immunogenic Require to be conjugated to be a good vaccine Eg. Pneupoly stimulated low levels of IgM with no memory, when conjugated to tetanus toxiod, results in high levels of IgG, protein molecule recruits Th cells

When vaccine fails to work Non responders including carriers Immunodeficiency in older males (females have better immune responses) Waning of immunity Antigenic drifts and shifts of pathogens


11. Transplantation Immunology Rejection of solid grafts Alloantigenic targets of rejection Complications of HSCT Major medical complications

Transplantation terminology Solid organ transplant: To replace irreversibly damaged organs that can no longer sustain physiological function Autologous transplant: tissue derived from self Syngeneic transplant: transplanted tissue from identical twin Allogeneic transplant: transplanted tissue between genetically non-identical individuals Alloreactivity: immune reactions against antigens (alloantigens) expressed by allogeneic tissues (same species but genetically different proteins) Rejection: damage to transplanted tissue caused by recipients immune system Graft vs host disease (GvHD): damage to recipients tissues caused by transplanted immune cells

Risk of transplant rejection Autologous and syngeneic transplants: low Allogeneic: high

Immunological rejection Hyperacute reaction o Occurs within minutes or hours of transplantation (short duration, rapid) o Caused by pre-formed anti-donor antibodies (anti-ABO blood group, anti-donor HLA class I) o May have formed during pregnancy, blood transfusions, or previous transplant o Anti-donor antibodies trigger type II hypersensitivity reaction o Rare nowadays due to routine ABO and HLA (donor lymphocyte) cross-matching to minimize hyperacute rejection o Mechanism Antibody-dependent opsonisation by phagocytes Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by NK cells Complement dependent cytotoxicity Endothelial damage, inflammation and thrombosis result Acute rejection o Occurs days or weeks after transplantation (less rapid) o Caused by recipients T cells reacting against foreign (donors) HLA-peptide complexes o Differences in major histocompatibility antigens (HLA) or minor histocompatibility antigens between donor and recipient triggers type IV hypersensitivity reaction (T cell mediated) o Can be minimized by HLA typing between donor and recipient o Mechanism Alloreactive CD8 T cells kill cells in transplant Alloreactive CD4 T cells mediate type IV hypersensitivity reaction (binds to macrophages and present alloantigens, secretes cytokines)


Chronic rejection o Occurs months to years after transplantation (much slower) o Tissue fibrosis (hardening of organs) and narrowing of graft blood vessels gradually contribute to graft failure

Tissue typing techniques HLA typing o Minimize acute and probably chronic rejction o Donors and potential recipients are HLA-typed to decrease T cell alloreactivity o Organ is given to the recipient with the best HLA match o Graft survival is related to degree of HLA mismatch o Allorecognition: no opportunity for negative selection remove T cells in the recipient with TcRs that have high affinity for donor MHC-peptide o Alloantigens that are the main targets of rejection are MHC molecultes o HLA is highly polymorphic (lots of closely related variants) o Each human has co-dominant (no suppression of each other) of 3x2 HLA class I loci 3x2 HLA class II loci o Every individual is likely to express HLA molecules appearing foreign to another individuals immune system as HLA alleles can be inherited in different combinations Donor lymphocyte cross-matching o Minimize hyperacute reaction by detecting preformed antibodies o Mixed with serum from potential recipients o Presence of preformed anti-donor antibodies in the recipients serum rules out the possibility of transplanting into this recipient Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) o Utilize haematopoietic stem cells to restore bone marrow and blood cells o Replace dysfunctional lineages in haematological conditions (eg. anaemia, primary immunodeficiencies) o Malignancy: blast (eradicate residual tumour cells) and replace o Sources of HSCs Donors: autologous (self) or allogeneic (others) Sources: bone marrow, peripheral blood, cord blood o Complications Infection Neutropaenic phase bacteria & fungi Defect in cytotoxicity cytomegalovirus B cell function last to recover (requires antibodies) encapsulated bacteria Graft rejection GvHD Occurs when transplanting HSCT into recipient with some functional immunity (eg. leukaemia in remission) Recipients adaptive immune cells alloreactive against graft Can lead to rejection of transplanted haematopoietic stem cells Occurs under the following conditions o Administration of immunocompetent cells o Histo-incompatibility between donor and recipient o Inability of recipient to destroy or inactivate transfused cells due to contamination of T cells from recipient


Graft versus leukaemia effect -

Acute GvHD (first 100 days of transplant) o Recognition of unprocessed allogeneic MHC-peptide on host APCs by donor T cells o Alloreactive T cell activates cytokines and kills tissues Chronic GvHD (after 100 days of transplant)

Leukaemia cells express recipients MHC Graft versus host alloresponse of donor T cells can have benefit of killing tumour cells of recipient T cell content can be manipulated to combat leukaemia cells

Complex effects on HSCT Donor T cell present o Increased risk for graft versus host disease Donor T cells depleted o Increased risk for graft rejection Lowered T cell content of recipient however, will lower risk of GvHD and GvLE if leukaemia is well treated o Increased risk for leukaemia relapse

Immunosuppressive drugs Shortage of donor tissue means that partially HLA-mismatched transplants are performed Graft survival would not be possible without potent immunosuppressive drugs Problems o Life long medications (cost, compliance) o Side effects Non-antigen specific nature of immune suppression (dysfunction) Nephrotoxicity


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