07 - BEME (CE) Section-A&amp B

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(CIVIL) REGULAR EXAMINATION 2007 OF 07-BATCH. BASIC ELECTROMECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dated: 03-06-2007. Time Allowed: 03 Hours. Max.Marks-80. NOTE. ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS.SELECT AT LEAST TWO FROM EACH SECTION. ALL QUESTIONS CARRY EQUAL MARKS. Q.No. 1. (a) (b) SECTION-A What is Entropy? Drive an expression for change of entropy during the polytropic process. A perfect gas is compressed polytropically from initial pressure 1 bar and volume 0.9 m3 to final volume 0.6 m3. Determine the final pressure and change of entropy per kg of gas during the process. Assume =1.4, n = 1.5 and R = 287 J / kg k. Discuss briefly about any three of following: i. First Law of Thermodynamics ii. Specific Heats iii. Process of formation of steam vi. Centrifugal compressor v. Injector nozzle Explain how Otto cycle differs from Carnot Cycle with help of PV-diagram and TS diagram. Drive an expression for Air standard efficiency of Otto Cycle. An oil engine works on the Diesel Cycle the over all volume ratio of compression is 11:1 and constant pressure energy addition ceases at 10% of the stroke. The pressure and temperature at the commencement of compression are 96 KN/m2 and 18oC respectively. The engine uses 0.05 m3 of air/s. Determine thermal efficiency of the Cycle. Define I.C Engine? Describe the working of four stroke petrol engine. A petrol engine has a cylinder diameter of 60 mm and stroke 100 mm. If the weight of the charge admitted per cycle is 0.0002 kg. Find the volumetric efficiency of the engine. Assume gas constant for charge as 29.3 kg-m / kg k SECTION-B 5. (a) (b) Discuss in detail construction and working principle of transformer and define the following terms (a) turns ratio (b) voltage ratio and current ratio. A transformer with 1:6 turns ratio has 720 V across 7200 in the secondary. How much is Is and calculate value of Ip. Cont'd on P/-2.


3. (a)


4. (a) (b)

(-2-) 6. (a) (b) What is Capacitor & Capacitance? Describe different types of capacitor. A parallel plate paper capacitors as 11 plates having an effective area of 5 cm2 and each is separated by a paper sheet of 0.005 m thickness. Find the capacitance and take relative permittivity of paper is 4. What is e m f? How it is generated in rotating coil. Discuss in detail its working and construction. Discuss any three of the following: i. ii iii. iv. v. Secondary Battery Faradays laws Construction and working of Diode RMS Value of alternating current Kirchhoffs laws



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