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Bai xong Malaysia is fully known by the Constitution are: Federation of Malaysia Nationality: Malaysian 1.

Geographical location Malaysia is located in the heart of Southeast Asia, consisting Malay Peninsula and 1 / 3 area north of Borneo island. Surrounded by Indonesia, South China Sea and South Vietnam. The border length is 2669 km (bordering with countries: Brunei 381 km, Indonesia 1,782 km, Thailand 506 km). Coastline stretch 4.675 km. Exact coordinates are: 2 30 'North, 112 30' East. The territory of Malaysia is divided into two region which are separated 650 km by South China Sea : + West Malaysia region: Malay peninsula which belows Thailand has 11 states. Area: 131,598 km2, length 730 km, with about 1,930 km of the coastline. The north border Thailand, the East border South China Sea, south border Singapore, western and southwestern border Melaka Strait. + East Malaysia Region: The northern part of Borneo island comprises two states. Sabah state: 73,711 km2 and Sarawak: 124,449 km2. + the eastern Malaysia borders with brunei, indonesia. 2. Climate: Malaysia under the tropical climate, sunny and rainy all year round. Average temperatures range from 24 0C to 34 0C. Malaysia has the humidity from 79 to 90%. Annually average rainfall from 2.000 mm to 4000 mm. The climate is affected by two monsoons: the northeast monsoon and southwest monsoon. Malaysia has two major seasons: rainy season and dry season. Dry season lasts from May 6-7 Rainy season lasts from May 10 to 12 3. Population: 23,522,482 people (estimated July 2004) Age structure: estimates in 2004 + From 0 to 14 years old accounted for 33.3% (male accounts for 4,033,037; female 3,806,451) + From 15 to 64 years old accounted for 62.1% (male accounts for 7,326,068; female 7,289,783) + From 65 and older accounted for 4.5% (male accounts for 469,499; female 597,644) 4. Languages

Bahasa Melayu is the official language in Malaysia. In addition, there are English, Chinese, and dialects (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai) - Thereto , in East Malaysia, there are several local languages which accounts for the largest number are Iban and Kadazan language. 5. Ethnicity: Malay peoples and indigenous peoples account for 58%, 24% Chinese, 8% India, and other ethnic groups account for 10% (2000). The thing to mention here is that Malaysia is a multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society. The following is basic information about the tribe of Malaysia: + The Malays: The Malays account for almost 63% of Malaysia's population, living mainly in rural areas. All Malays are Muslims, they are believeing Islamism. They write, read by Roman characters and Arabic. + The Chinese: 26% of Malaysia's population, living mainly in cities. The main religions are Buddhism and Taoism, a few are Catholic. Not rarely the Chinese in Malaysia speak Malay, English and one or two Chinese dialects. +Indians and Punjabis:The Indians account for about 10% of the population of Malaysia. The Punjabis, South Indian origin, form a different culture in this country. Punjabis men are recognizable by the team turban on their head. + Indigenous Peoples: The largest indigenous group in Malaysia is formed by Iban and Sarawak ethenic groups, with a population of about 395000. They are mainly indigenous people who settle down here in a long-term. They live along the Rajang and Baram rivers. 6. Religion: - Islam: Understanding and respecting Islam cultural is very important when living in Malaysia. Islamites believe in the existence of a only Supremacist, that is Allah. For Muslims, Islam is a way of life that includes praying five times a day, abstaining from alcohol, gambling and sexual promiscuously. In addition to, a Muslim eat pork and drink alcohol is a extreme taboo. Muslims dont eat at the pork serving restaurants. Food which suited for them is called "halal", but food or activities which are inconsistent with their beliefs is called "haram". Muslims dress simply. Muslim women cover their head with a scarf called a "tudung". - Buddhism:

The Buddhists obey the teachings of the Buddha, whom they believe is the founder. In the sacred days, Buddhist pray at the pagodas and burn the incense. Buddhists believe in a simple life and many of them dont eat meat, drink alcohol. Buddhists also believe that they would reincarnate rebirth in the other lifetime. - Hinduism: Most people in Indian community are Hindus. We see the Hindu temple around Malaysia. Hinduism is an ancient religion. The Bible of Hinduism have had more than 3000 years ago. Hinduism devotees believe in manydeities and saints: Krishma, Rama, Vishnu, Shiva and other the Buddhists, Hindus believe in reincarnation. Together with the holy days, Muslims have the holy month and its called "Ramadan". This month, they dont eat, drink and smoke throughout the day, and eating in front of Hindus colleagues or friends is a taboo. The date place Ramadan change every year. - Catholicism: The Catholics believe in God and also have faiths as Muslims. The difference here is that the Christians follow the creed of Jesus, while the Muslims follow the traditional beliefs of Mohamed prophet. For the Catholic, sacred day is Sunday and they ussually attend church this morning. They can also stay home and pray with the family. While drinking and gambling isnt prohibited to the Catholic, many of them never to drink or gamble - Sikhism: Sikhism has been more than 500 years ago. Today, there are over 20 million sikhs on the worldwide range. The devotees of Sikhism praise the worship and remembrance of their Supremacist, they preach about honesty and the equality of human being. - Taoism: A number of Malay and Chinese are the Taoists.The standpoint of Taoism in life is reconcilement and compromise, happy and carefree, this is the characteristic of Chinese characters. Taoism also represents optimistic attitude 7. History of Malaysia - From the sixteenth century and earlier, emirates in Malay peninsula were colonized by the kingodms in southern thailands and indonesia. Later, Western countries such as Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Britain also arived in this area to occupied Malacca, Sabah ... In 1896, britain founded the National Federation of Malaysia which consists of the states: Perak, Selagor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang. Others (Johor, Keda, Perlis, Kelantan) were also received the protection of British, despite not having joined the union.

- In 1941, Japan occupied the Malay Peninsula. In 1946, after Japan have capitulated, britain intended to restore colonialism butcountered strong opposition of the Malaysia people. In 1948, Britain was enforced to sign with the emirates the treaty to established the Federation of Malaysia, recognizing the sovereignty of the emirates, except Penang and Malacca (British territory previously) still have governor. London Conference in 1956 decided to return the independence for Malaysia. On August 31st, 1957, the Federal Malaysia became an independent nation under a constitutional monarchy. On september 16th, 1963, the Autonomous state of Singapore joined Federation of Malaysia. By 1965, the relationship between the federal goverment and the Autobonous state of singapore became tense. On august 9th, 1965, the autonomous state of Singapore separated from federation of Malaysia, became the Republic of Singapore. 8. Culture: - Malaysia is a multicultural country by the harmony of the Malay, China, India cutures and the indigenous culture Orang Asli (Aborigines) ... ... ... - In Malaysia,Although there are modern roads and skyscrapers and they apply most modern informational communication technologies, its people still preserve the traditions, ancient customs and the traditional values. The Malaysians highlight is the warm and friendly way, which is a feature representing a country rich in its traditional - Visitors to Malaysia are advised to dress neatly and behave politely. Most families in Malaysia want their guests to leave shoes outside before entering. Guests will be invited to cakes and if refusing, they will be considered impolite. - The Malays is the majority of Malaysian population. The Malays are orthodox Muslims, they dont drink alcohol and eat pork because it is taboo in Islamic religion. Malays only eat the food which is cooked on the principles of Islam and the dish is called as halal. Many Malays and Indians eat with their hands. - In addition to, Malaysian also participate in the festivals such as Ramadan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri - Independence Day: malaysian National Day is August 31. National Day was celebrated by the ceremonies as parades, exhibitions, performances and free movies for children. Those less fortunate (the poor) are given the gifts of money and food 9. Tourist sites such as: Kuala Lumpur, the lake garden, Petronas TwinTower, Malacca city, East Batu, visit Putrajaya new city, Sunway Lagoon Park

10. Food in Malaysia: - A tropical paradise in the heart of Southeast Asia, Malaysia, with the harmonious combination of many peoples, cultures and beliefs, is really charming and attractive. Malaysian cuisine, which is favored by the unforgettable condiment and spices from many different communities in Malaysia. Malaysia is the wonderful blend of flavors from the Malays, Chinese, Indian, Nyonya and indigenous people living in Malaysia. Malaysia really known as a "paradise of Asian cuisine." - Features in Malaysia cuisine culture is using the natural multicolor materials which are made from natural fruits.The traditional cuisine of Malaysia is often quite spicy, fatty and slightly sweet. During the meal, all dishes are displayed in full color and passionate flavor. - The popular dishes such as Tea Teh Tarik, pork Bah Kut Teh, Satay with sauce, Nasi Goreng spicy Rice ...

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