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Labor Fertigungsmesstechnik



Coordinate Measuring

alle Bilder Quelle: Metris/Nokon Metrology

Qua 10/2011

Coordinate Measuring

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Labor Fertigungsmesstechnik


1 Introduction
Compared to conventional workpiece measuring, computer-aided coordinate measuring machines (CMM) help to save much time and provide more details regarding a workpiece's dimensional, shape and position error. In the laboratory, CMM model MicroVal 343 will be presented and used to explore the efficiency, specifics and limits of coordinate measuring.

2 Basics
2.1 Coordinate measuring, principle of measurement
Conventional workpiece tests use special test equipment or gauges to possibly directly measure dimensional, shape and position errors or to verify tolerance compliance. Physical samples of different geometry therefore require different special test instruments and frequently ancillary equipment plus a lot of time for preparing the test array. The term coordinate measuring machine (CMM) covers every type of instrument that uses optical or tactile means to scan points on a workpiece surface, references them to a technically determined coordinate axis system, and feeds the data to a computer for further processing. More often than not, CMMs are of the Cartesian rectangular type (Figure 1).

Fig. 1: Schematic design of a conventional Cartesian CMM

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Labor Fertigungsmesstechnik


Computer-aided coordinate measuring starts with mechanically contacting or optically focussing on the parts of the contour relevant to the measuring task (geometrical elements such as points, lines or circles) to measure critical points within the machine's coordinate axis system. Analytical geometry or regression analysis are then applied to these points to compute the parameters of every geometrical element required to represent the complete shape of the sample. Depending on the feature under inspection, the parameters characterising a geometrical element (e.g. the centre point coordinates and the diameter of a circle) are taken to determine the geometric variables and compare them to the setpoints and tolerances.

2.2 CMM designs

Many different types of CMMs are available today. They include machines attached to robotic arms, laser-based systems and other CMM combinations. Operators often benefit from their higher speed of measuring and from the fact that they are able to measure components partially or totally out of reach of Cartesian CMM designs. This script and later laboratory work will entirely focus on "conventional" CMMs, i.e. those of the Cartesian and contacting type. CMMs help to inspect workpieces of a complicated shape. They are made up of the actual measuring machine, a computer and some software. CMM models differ in the arrangement and design of the sub-assemblies that move along the various axes. There are three basic designs, i.e. cantilever, gantry and bridge-type CMMs (Figure 2):

Fig. 2: Conventional CMM designs The moving parts are held by bearings which guide them along axes of the machine. Ideally, the guides are orthogonally arranged because they establish the directions of the machine's coordinate system.

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Where guides are not perfectly perpendicular, orthogonality will not be perfect either. Guides not being accurately orthogonal, linear and level will substantially affect CMM precision.

2.3 Guides and bearings

Air bearings are used in conjunction with guiding tracks of hard stone. They are easy to make, accurate and almost entirely free from friction and wear. Minor and brief non-planarity of the guiding tracks is levelled out. The low need for maintenance and their self-cleaning properties have made air bearings the most frequently used type of CMM bearing today. Roller bearings are prevalent where guides and sub-assemblies are made of steel. They are very accurate even under substantial loads. Their benefits are low friction and wear, their disadvantage is their susceptibility to dirt and corrosion. Friction bearings sometimes occur in particularly accurate CMMs with fairly narrow measuring ranges. They soil easily, demand continuous lubrication, and are marked by increased servicing needs due to potential wear.

2.4 Linear measuring systems

Linear or distance measuring systems are allocated to the three perpendicular measuring axes. Incremental standards are used because the origin of the reference system of coordinates can be re-defined for every workpiece and need not be set for the CMM as such. Linear measuring systems are crucial to the accuracy of a CMM. Since they are major factors of the CMM's total measuring error, their accuracy must be considerably higher than the linear measuring error of the CMM. CMMs are equipped with the following types of linear measuring systems as shown in Figure 3: rack and pinion threaded spindle with angle measurement Induktosyn transducers optical linear measuring systems with a graduated scale laser interferometers

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Fig. 3: Measuring systems

2.5 Contact probes

Contacting interlinks the point of contact on the measured object and the CMM's coordinate system. A contact pin with a contact element connects to a moving subassembly (generally a spindle sleeve or support along the z-axis) either rigidly or through a probe system. Recording measuring points involves (i) making the contact element contact the workpiece and (ii) taking the readings of the CMM's linear measuring system at this point. Probing systems can be optical or mechanical (Figure 4).

Fig. 4: Classification of CMM contact probes Qua 10/2011 Coordinate Measuring Page 5

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Most contact probes are mechanical and fall into the two categories of measuring and switching contact probes (Figure 5). Points on the object are measured by making the probe which may be spherical, discoidal, cylindrical etc. contact the object. When a switching contact probe attains a defined contact state or a defined probe deflection, it will generate a switch signal (e.g. by interrupting an electric circuit) such that the position readings provided by the linear measuring systems on the measuring axes can be taken. Manually operated CMMs normally feature a simple and sturdy switching contact probe. Measuring contact probes pick up the deflection of the contact pin spring-mounted inside the probe head, using small distance measuring systems in the three directions of CMM axes. There are two alternative methods of taking the readings: First, the drives in the coordinate axes are actuated until the contact pin has zero deflection, then the position readings of the distance signalling systems in the measuring axes are taken. The amount of contact pin deflection is added to the current values of the linear measuring systems in the CMM axes, the result being the coordinate values of the measured contact element position.

Fig. 5: Mechanical contact probes

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2.6 Contact pins

Varying measuring tasks and constraints on workpiece accessibility demand contact pins for different directions and carrying different contact elements. Depending on the actual measuring task, different sets of contact pins can be attached to the probe system. Due to the geometry of the body under test and the deformation occurring in said body and the contact pin, the points read on the CMM's coordinate system are no "true" image of the part. To accurately compute a point on the test surface, the centre of the contact stylus needs to be equidistantly shifted into the workpiece surface and the deformation (surface flattening and bending of the contact pin) needs to be taken into account. Calibration (probe calibration) using a standard body (ball, cube) allows us to find both the probe centre (e.g. in probes with a stylus) with reference to the position of the probe system within the CMM's coordinate system and the diameter of the stylus. After contacting the workpiece surface, the centre of the stylus is available as the measured value. However, the real point of interest is the point of contact as this is a point on the real-life workpiece geometry. Taking the centre of the stylus to compute the point of contact is referred to as stylus tip radius correction. In most cases, the computed point of contact is not equivalent to the actual point of contact. The resulting outline is thus an approximation defining a point of its metrological image. Figure 6 illustrates the terminology of point measuring.

Fig. 6: Terminology of point measuring

2.7 Coordinate systems

The three measuring axes of a CMM are its original coordinate system (CMM's coordinate system). However, measuring tasks relate to the set workpiece coordinate system as specified on the drawing. Qua 10/2011 Coordinate Measuring Page 7

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Nobody will expect the workpiece to be aligned with the CMM's axes since this would take much too much effort. A more feasible approach is to perform a coordinate transformation to adapt the workpiece's to the CMM's coordinate system and vice versa. Thus, elements determining the workpiece's coordinate system (workpiece position) are contacted prior to starting the measurement. A 3D coordinate transformation will later convert the points measured in the CMM's coordinate system into points of the workpiece's coordinate system. Care should be taken to make the workpiece's coordinate system match that of the drawing as best as possible. Normally, specific alignment programs will determine the position and rotation of the workpiece's coordinate system in relation to the CMM's coordinate system. The resulting angles and shifts along the X-, Y- and Z-axes are taken to convert the CMM's axes into real-life workpiece coordinates. In the easiest case, after probing a workpiece, the transformation angles of 6 points as well as the relative positions of the CMM's and the workpiece's coordinate systems can be computed. Other geometrical elements such as cylinders, cones, centres of circles, intersections or points of symmetry can be used to determine a workpiece's coordinate system.

Fig. 7: Coordinate systems of CMMs and workpieces

2.8 Measuring process

Basic procedure: Analyse the measuring task and prepare and measuring plan Determine the number of contact points Select a probe (see section 2.6) Chuck the workpiece Calibrate the probe Coordinate Measuring Page 8

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Determine the workpiece position (establish the workpiece's coordinate system) Perform the measurements

Take the design drawing and the measuring task as reference for analysing the elements under test. The feature to be tested may be derived from one or several geometrical elements. Thus, the diameter of a hole is determined by a surface element, for example. It is equivalent to the diameter of the probed cylinder surface. Once measured, elements can be repeatedly used for other analyses.

3 References
Dutschke, W.: Pfeifer, T.: Weckmann, A.: Fertigungsmetechnik. Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner 1990 Fertigungsmetechnik R. Oldenbourg Verlag 1998 Koordinatenmetechnik Carl Hanser Verlag 1999

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