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1) Explain the different between systematic and random errors. What are the typical sources of these two types of error? 2) Define the following terms i. ii. iii. Measurement Instrument Expected Value

3) A circuit measurement for resistance of 550 is satisfied by connecting together two resistors of nominal values 220 and 330 in series. If each resistor has a tolerance of 2%, calculate the error in the circuit in both absolute and percent error. 4) List and briefly explain the 4 types of standards governing instrumentation measurements. 5) Errors are generally categorized under three major types. i. ii. iii. iv. State three (3) types of error. Systematic error is divided into four categories. State four (4) categories of systematic error. Explain what you know about gross error and give 2 ways how to avoid it. When do you think that random error can be occured.

6) Measurement is a process of comparing an unknown quantity with an accepted standard quantity. Define the following terms: i. ii. iii. Accuracy Sensitivity Resolution

7) An experiment is conducted by student to measure voltage across variable resistor Rc in a circuit as shown in figure below. If the voltmeter reading is 1.65V i. ii. iii. Calculate the actual voltage across variable resistor Rc (without voltmeter) Calculate the percentage of error due Calculate the relative accuracy of the measurement


The same experiment is then conducted by other student and the meter reads 1.71V. Calculate the precision of the second measurement.

V = 10V 1. 65 V

Rc = 1k
V mA C

R = 4.7k
Ground reference


Six students using one oscilloscope with the following results measured the output voltage of an amplifier. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 20.20V 19.90V 20.05V 20.05V 19.85V 20.00V

Which of the above measurement is the most precise? Why? 8) A 0-150V voltmeter has guaranteed accuracy of 1% full scale reading. If the voltage measured by this instrument is 83V, calculate the limiting error.

9) A resistance in a circuit is 470 10%. When a meter with a full scale voltage of 25V and error of 3% is used to measure the voltage across the resistance, the voltage was read as 12V. Obtain the power across the resistance and determine its error. 11) An ammeter with 0 120 mA range has a 0.2% uncertainty at full scale deflection is used to measure the grid current, Ig, of the circuit in Figure 1(b). The meter reads 40mA. Given that R1 = 200 5%, R2 = 250 0.5% and R3 = 300 2%. Calculate; (i) The current through R2 and its percentage error.

(ii) The dissipated power by R3 and its percentage error.

12) For the circuit of Figure Q1d, calculate the following by expressing your answer in term of absolute and percent error (i) Total resistance in the circuit (ii) Current through 3 R Given VDC = 12V 1.2%, R1 = 300 1.5%, R2 = 250 2%, R3 = 470 1%, R4 = 500 0.5%

13) A voltmeter reading 70V on its 150V range and an ammeter reading 80mA on its 100mA range are used to determined the unknown Rx as in figure below. Both instruments are guaranteed to be accurate within 1.5% at full scale deflection. Determine: i. ii. The magnitude and the limiting error for the resistor Rx The maximum and minimum power dissipated in the resistor Rx

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