Vilo Shield Sheet

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Real Name Player CHARACTERISTICS Val 10 18 10 10/33 23 25(43) 20 2 8 4 5 4 (19) 44 (94) 20/76 Characteristic Strength Dexterity Constitution Body

Intelligence Ego Presence Comliness Physical Defence (PD) Energy Defence (ED) Speed Recovery Endurance Stun Base 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

AGENT _____________________
COST Cost 0 SKILL/TALENT/PERK/POWER S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Package KS: SHIELD (Int) 24 KS: Superhuman World (Int) KS: Law Enforcement World (Int) KS: Criminal Law and Procedures (Int) 15 5 5 PS: SHIELD Agent (Int) Criminology (Int) Streetwise (Pre) WF: Small Arms and Knives Perk: International Police Powers 6 30 3 12 Perk: Weapon Permit SHIELD Combat Training Rank 6 Special Leader, Red guard Leader Security Clearance 5 17171717171712ROLL

BASE COMBAT VALUES OCV (Dex / 3) ECV (Ego / 3) 6+2 8/14 COMBAT MANEUVERS Maneuver Block Brace Disarm SHIELD Dodge Grab Haymaker Move By Move Through Set Strike SHIELD Escape SHIELD Kick P h 1 OCV -+2 -2 --1 0 -2 -v/5 +1 0 0 -2 +2 +1 DCV 0 0 +5 -2 -5 -2 -3 0 0 0 +1 0 0 Effect Stops Attacks, Abort +2 Vs Range Penalties Strength __ Disarm Vs All Attacks, Abort Grab, Damage (Str * 1.5) Before Pushing Dam + v/5 Damage Dam+ v/3 Damage -Damage or By Weapon Str +15 vs Grabs Damage (+4d) Damage (+2d) Dam +v/5, Target Falls DCV (Dex / 3) 6

Con/5 Dex/10 +1 Str/5 + Con/5 Con x2 Bod + Str/2 + Con/2

Acting (Fam) 6 2 2 Running Swimming Leaping Characteristics Total 6 2 Str/5 3 105 3 3 Ak Home Region Analyze (magic) (int) Climbing(Fam) Computer Programming (Int) Concealment (Int) Conversation (Fam) CHAR. ROLLS Strength Dexterity Intelligence Ego Perception BASE 11 13 14 14 14 9+ (Stat/5) 3 3 CHARACTER DISADVANTAGES (5) (10) (15) (20) 5 20 15, 20 15 DF: SHIELD Uniform (ECON) Hunted: SHIELD, Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) Hunted: Enemies of SHIELD, Mo Pow, NCI Kill Social: Subject To Orders, VF, Major DF: Tatto on cheek, Econ,N&R Hunted by DEMON, As pow,NCi,11Psych,Overconfident,Common,strong Psych, Devoted To Talion, Common, Strong Rep: Member of Demon, Extreme, Ltd, 146 0 CSL Pistols +3 OCV only 5 Point Contact 15 9 5 1 Calculating: +3 with all int based skills Riding (Dex) +3 L Demonic (5) Literacy Demonic (1) 3 3 LVLS

88178 171781726/39 174 178111717 138-


RANGE MODIFIERS Rang e Mod 04 0 58 -2 9 16 -4 COMBAT STATISTICS Dex Phases PD End rPD Stun ED Body rED 18 Speed 5 17 32 -6 33 64 -8 65 128 -10

3 19 3

Deduction (int) Demonology (Int) (+9) (+13) Gambling (Int) L English Paramedics (int) Persuasion (Fam) PS Researcher Security systems (int) Tactics (int) Teamwork (Dex) Tf: small motorized ground vehicals

HIT LOCATIONS 3d6 35 6 Location Head Hands Arms Shoulder s Chest Stomach Vitals Thighs Legs Feet Stun X x5 x1 x2 x3 x3 x4 x4 x2 x2 x1 NStu n x2 x x x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x x Body X x2 x x x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x x CV -8 -6 -5 -5 -3 -7 -8 -4 -6 -8 DEF


78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

CHARACTER POINTS AND EXPERIENCE Base Points: Disadvantages: Experience Points: Characteristics Cost: Powers/Skills/Talents/Perks: Total: Difference 75 75 --


15 left

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Equipment Item Game Stats Uniform 7/7 Armour; OIF, IND, Real Armour, Mass, Mass, Locations 6 to 18 (-) EC: Helmet Systems (4) All OIF, IND Protection 8/8 Armour; Real Armour, Mass, Mass, Locations 4&5 (-1) Optional Helmet Visor (Nightvision) +4 PER; (Only to counteract Darkness Penalties) Visor (Polarising) 8pts Visual Flare Compensation Time: Absolute Time Sense, OIF Compass: Bump Of Direction, OIF Temperature Gauge: Absolute Temperature Sense, OIF Chronometer Calculator: Lightning Calculator OIF Rad Detector: Sense Radiation, Discriminatory, OIF 20 Garotte: +2d6HA, NND, Continuous, IIF, Str Min (5), Real Weapon, 2H, Must be Aimed at Head High Range Radio Perception : Detect Broadcast Spectrum Transmissions, Increased Arc Of Perception [360 Degrees], Transmit; Passive, 6 Hour Fuel Pocket Radio Charge (Battery), OIF Variable Power Pool (8), Control Cost (2) Only for Intelligence or Knowledge-Based Skills -2 Pocket Computer (Takes 1 Phase to change Skills (Download from internet) 0 (No Skill Roll Required to change Skills) +1 Internet-Equivalent (or Wi-Fi) Access Required to Change Skills (-1) Colt M1911sv 2d6-1 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 Stun Multiplier .45ACP Automatic OAF, Real Weapon, Str Min (9), 2 Clips of (8) Charges 2d6-1 RKA, +1 OCV, Armour Piercing Plasma Projector OAF, Real Weapon, Str Min (9), 2 Clips of (8) Charges Bootknife Multipower (7 pts) Bootknife - 1d6 HKA, Endurance, OAF, Str Min (6), Real Weapon (7) - 1d6 HKA, Ranged, Range Based on Strength, OAF, Real Weapon, Str Min (6), Lockout, 1 Recoverable Charge (5) Flexible Saw (Belt) 1d6 RKA, Continuous, No Range, Real Weapon, 2H, IIF, Utility Belt (Pouches) - Bomb Disposal Kit - Bug Detector - Climb Grips - Code Book - Crime Scene Kit - Disguise Kit Multipower (30 Pt) OIF:Webbing +4 to Demolitions, OAF Detect Bug, 360 Degrees, Ranged, Limited Range (4), 1 Hour Fuel Charge, OAF +4 to Climbing, OAF +4 to Cryptography OAF +4 to Criminology, OAF

Pts Cost 5 4 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 7 11 8


15 15 7 1u 1u 12 20 1u (4) 1u (6) 1u (4) 1u (4) 1u (4) 1u (4) 1u (7) 1u (9) 1u (7) 1u (11) 1u (10) 1u (4) 1u (4) 1u (3) 1u (2) 1u (2) 1u (3) 1u (4) 1u (5) 1u (14) 1u (10)

+4 to Disguise, OAF Mind Link, specific group of up to any 8 minds, No LOS Needed; IIF, IND, Affected As Radio And Hearing Groups, Not Mental Group, Does Not Provide - Earwig Communicator Mental Awareness, Only Can Be Maintained With Others Who Have Mind Link, 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (6 Hour Battery). 4d6 Flash Sight Group; Range Based on Strength, OAF, Real Weapon, 1 Charge, Does Not Work Underwater or In Vacuum, Linked to: 4 Images to Sight - Flare Group, +3 Sight Group PER; Only to Create Light, Range Based on Strength, OAF, Real Weapon, Not Underwater or In Vacuum, 1 Turn Cont Charge - Flashlight Images to Sight, 1, +4 PER Rolls, 22 Only To Create Light, Limited Range (10), 1 Hour Fuel Charge, OAF - Frag Grenade - Handcuffs - Lockpick Set - Med Kit - Mini Binoculars - Mini Camera - Mini Recorder - Oxygen Rebreather - Security Analyser - Smoke Bomb - Tear Gas Grenade - Thermite Pellet
Demonic coat

2d6 RKA Explosive; OAF, Range Based on Strength, Real Weapon, 2 Charges Entangle 3 Body, 6 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks, OAF , Cannot Form Barriers, Set Effect (hands or feet only), Does Not Prevent Use Of Foci, No Range, Must Follow Grab Or Target Must Be Willing, 2 Recoverable Charges, Can Be Escaped With Modified Lockpicking Or Contortionist Roll. +4 to Lockpicking, OAF +4 to Paramedics, OAF +12 vs Range Penalties for Normal Sight, OAF Eidetic Memory, Visual Images Only, OAF Eidetic Memory, Audio Only, OAF LS: Breathe Underwater, 1 Hour Fuel Charge, OAF +4 to Security Systems, OAF Change Environment (4R), -3 Sight Group PER Rolls; Range Based on Strength, OAF, Real Weapon, Does Not Work Underwater or In Vacuum, 1 Turn Cont Charge 6d6 EB, Explosive, NND; OAF, Real Weapon, Range Based on Strength, Does Not Work Underwater or In Vacuum, 1 Turn Cont Charge 1d6 RKA, Penetrating, Continuous; OAF, 1 Min Cont Charge, Real Weapon, Range Based on Strength, No KB
22/PD/ED, 22 body, 33 Stun, Gliding 12 Hex, OIF, IND

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