Cat 2012

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SECTION 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 3+3/2+3/4+3/8+.....+n terms = 3069/512. find n a=x*y*z/[(x+y+z)(xy+yz+xz)] where xyz are + integers.

Find range of a a*b*c=1, find the value of [b/(ac+a+1)]+[]+[] u have a square, join mid points of sides and make another sq and so on. Ratio of area of nth and n+1th square 5) using a wire, a sq is made. area of sq=121. using that wire, a 60 degree arc of a circle is made. Find area of that sector 6) 3x+7y+z=120, 4x+10y+z=160. find x+y+z 7) x^3- 3x^2 + x + 1=0 has roots a, a-b and a+b. find a and b 8) f(x+y)=f(x) * f(y). find f(100x) 9) a man has 2 sons and 2 daughters among whom he distributes his property (gold, silver coins and fixed deposits). Son1 got 20% of property in gold, son2 got 20% property in silver and 60000FD. Daughters together got 40% of remaining property in metal coins and an additional 180000FD. Daughters shared equally. Find total property. 10) No of coins daughter 1 and 2 got if they took gold and silver respectively 11) Wealth = (coin value/property)*100 = ? 12) How many 5 digit numbers can u make using only 1 and 2 which is divisible by 3? 13) Min value of 44x+12y if 44x+12y>0 14) Physics=53% chem.= 61% math=60%. P and C = 35%, P and M=24% and C and M = 27%. 5% dont do any of the 3 subjects. Find some thing 15) A sq on the hypotenuse of a rt angled triangle has 4 times the area of the triangle. What is the angle in the triangle. 16) To number a book, digits 1, 2, n are used. Total digits = 3689. how many pages? 17) U have 1L m:w=1:1 soln. replace 10% with milk and 20% with water. Do it once again. Final milk=? 18) Avg mks of classes A, B, C are 85, 83 and 78 resp. avg of clases A and B = 84, and that of B and C = 86. find avg of A and C 19) A=3B=2C in terms of efficiency. A takes 10 days for work1 and 16 days for work2 alone. So, A,B,C together will take how long for W1+W2 ? 20) Remainder: (11111+ 5^111)/4 21) Data suffiency: Shoppers: 45% use credit card and 55% use voucher. What % use both? A)15% use none. B) 25% use only voucher. 22) F1=f2=1. f(n)= f(n-1) + f(n-2). Find remainder if f20 is divided by 5 23) A curve 2x^3 - 3x is intersected by x-2. cuts at 2 points. These points with (-2, 14) form what type of triangle? : equilateral, rt angled, obtuse, acute? [find length of sides] 24) DI .. simple bar graph, simple data, numbers very small percentage change and average: 2 questions 25) DI .. simple bar graph, simple data, numbers very small percentage change and average: 2 questions

26) A set with marks of 5 boys in 5 subjects out of 100 given. Constraints mentioned for getting awards: award1: certain average in some subjects, similarly for award 2 and award 3. 3 simple questions on that. 27) A set with marks of 5 boys in 5 subjects out of 100 given. Constraints mentioned for getting awards: award1: certain average in some subjects, similarly for award 2 and award 3. 3 simple questions on that. 28) A set with marks of 5 boys in 5 subjects out of 100 given. Constraints mentioned for getting awards: award1: certain average in some subjects, similarly for award 2 and award 3. 3 simple questions on that. 29) DNR: do not remember 30) DNR Same slot but some different questions: 1) 3 sides of a rt angled triangle are x, x+1 and y. what could be area? 30/40/50/60 2) a= 102^4 100^4, b= 103^4 101^4, c= 101^4 99^4. find largest 3) 4 married couples sit in a circle so that men and women alternate but women dont sit beside their husbands 4) 2 trains approaching and a bird flies from one train to another .. total distance bird travels till trains collide 5) 7 men and 5 women sit so that no 2 women are together 6) operator base question: a b= b a; [a (a+b)]/[a b] = (a+b)/b and one more line.. find 8 5 SECTION 2 English: RC=> 3 passages (9 questions). Questions on type of passage, tone of passage, what question should we ask the author, what the author would agree with. There were no direct questions. VA=> complete passage(2), fill in blanks(1), word usage(1), grammatical mistakes in sentences, choose those without any mistake(3), arrange to make a paragraph (3), 4 sentences given related to some topic, choose one statement not related(1). LR: 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Fill the table with letters a,b,c,d,e so that each row and column has each letter at least once. The 2nd row and atleast one column has a,b,c,d,e in this order (left to right and top to bottom). In all rows except the last row, c is just above b or d. a,b,c are in consecutive boxes in exactly 3 rows. Which letter is in 1st row and 4th column? 2) Which letter comes in box 13? 3) Which letter comes in box 9?

4) There are 5 subjects (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5) studied in 3 slots A,B,C in 5 days: monday to friday. Each subject studied in 2 slots. The 2 slots are in different days. No subject studied in consecutive days. The table given was somewhat as shown below: A B C Mon s1 Tue s2 s3 Wed s1 Thu s2 s3 Fri s4 If s4 and s5 are on same day atleast once, how many timetables can u make? 5) If s4 and s5 are on same day exactly once, how many timetables can u make? 6) If s4 and s5 are on same day exactly once, and s5 is before s4, how many timetables can u make? 7) There are 9 men: x,y,z,u,v,w,r,s,t. There are 3 teams: A,B,C. x,y,z dont go to A, u,v,w dont go to B and r,s,t dont go to C. Number of men in A is 1 more than in B. If only r is there in B, then who are there in A? 8) DNR 9) DNR 10) DNR


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