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1.1 Ba ackground to the st d tudy
Internsh is a very important and as wel as a vital academic re hip y t ll equirement to get a gli impse to the e practica world an to comp al nd plete BS(BA), Bachel of Scie lor ence in Bus siness Adm ministration, respecti ively. Stude ents, after b being quite at home w the kno with owledge of organization and basic c process of the th ses heory of bu usiness in c classes, are scheduled to undertak internshi of six to ke ip o eight w weeks in different orga anizations a according t the their capabilitie and choi through to r es ice h differen departmen i.e. Mar nt nts rketing, HRM Finance etc. M, e The inte ernship is to serve the purpose of acquainting the studen with the practice of knowledge o g nts f e of the d discipline of Advertisin agency. A f ng Advertising is one of t most im g the mportant and somewhat d t indepen ndent busine esses due to its business to busine nature o operation and very low risk is o ess of ns, y s involve in it. Ana ed alyzing the b business en nvironment and industr evolutio of Pakista there are rial on an e a very f player i the indus of adver few in stry rtising beca ause the oth organiza her ation do not either have e capabili ities to esta ablished their marketing departmen in such a way that i totally eli g nt it iminates the e need of outside coo f ordination o do not ha the adve or ave ertising spec cialty at all. Apart fr from basic k knowledge o the worki of Clien Services D of ing nt Department Adgroup provides an t, n opportu unity to lear a unique and well a rn administrate plan of a ed action which enables th internees h he s to enric their theo ch oretical as w as pract well tical knowle edge. In the c course of in nternship of eight week Mr. Kara f ks amat Chugh the Man htai naging Dire ector led the e internee to freely interact wi the work es ith king employ yees in all d departments specifical creative, s, lly studio and media d a department t encourag and motiv for thei future car and inte to ge vate ir reer erests.
1 1


1.2 An over view of Adgroup Adv n vertising

Adgrou advertisin agency w up ng which is wo orking as on ne-stop full service age encies, prov vides a wide e range of services to its esteemed clien at one end it deal in all ad o nts, ls dvertising media-print, m electron direct m while o the other end offers caliber prof nic, mail on fessional pu ublic relatio services, ons speciali izing in arr ranging press conferen nces, seminars and sym mposia, est tablishing a direct link k between clients and the target market. n d Custom loyalty a satisfac mer and ction are cr rucial. But agency feel pride on giving eac corporate ls ch e account a dedicat t ted accoun team; including an Account Manager, Service Manager and nt n d Busines Solutions Manager to ensure tha all your n ss s at needs are m met. With a h history dati back to over 39 yea renowne scholar a journali the late I.H.Burney, ing ars, ed and ist, I laid our foundation With ye r ns. ears of exp perience beh hind it, enjo the statu of being one of the oy us g e most dy ynamic orga anizations in the field. n

1.3 Ob bjectives o Study of

The obj jectives of t study are as follow, the e , To study h how the company em mploys its wide varie of clie services for client ety ent s t satisfaction n. To understa busines operation at Adgro Advertising, and to assemble as much as and ss ns oup o s possible inf formation a about the company. To summar all the a rize activities in shape of co omprehensiv report. ve

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1.4 Sig gnificance of the Study es S

The significances o the study are three folded. of y fo This study is significa from the point of view that it i a chance of making best use of ant e is f w, kills and ab bilities by working with highly w y opportunities to grow and to develop sk d nal ning practic glimpse of the busin cal ness in as sh time as hort s experienced profession and gain six to eight weeks. t This study would be b beneficent to the client of advertis t sing agencie as it would provide es, e valuable information to them. ood tion those f forth comin students of business ng s This study would a go source of informat nt ill dertake their internships in advertising and media related r s d managemen which wi also und agencies.

1.5 Re esearch M Methodolo ogy

The rep port is bas on my eight wee internsh program at Adgr sed eks hip m roup Adver rtising. The e method dology utiliz for col zed llection of data is prim mary as we as secon ell ndary data. The major r source of informa ation is m personal examinati my ion and ob bservation. Formal an informal nd l ews cussions als helped m in this reg so me gards. intervie and disc I. Prim mary data: Primary d data includes, Persona Observat al tion and In nterviews o the Staff of f Membe ers II. Seco ondary dat Seconda data co ta: ary onsist of ma anuals, jour rnals, maga azines, Annu Reports ual s and Inte ernet Direct tories.

1.6 Lim mitations of the St s tudy

The pre esent study h followin major lim has ng mitations:

3 3


Time const traint: The p problem of short time p period mad the analysis restricte to a fixed de ed d short time f frame, as I couldnt fully cover al the operat ll tions of an A Advertising Agency in g n a very shor time of eig weeks. rt ght

Companys Secrecy: a s another lim was put o the stud by the co mit on dy ompanys secrecy, as I was not off ficially entit to acces many of the confiden tled ss ntial compa anys record ds.

1.7 De elimitation of the S n Study

This stu has defi udy ined itself o the follow on wing bases, Time constraint: the ti limitati in such a short peri of time it is not po ime ion iod ossible to do o is the analysi of whole industry. Companys Secrecy: another lim was put on the stud by the co mit dy ompanys secrecy; as I fficially enti itled to acce many of the confide ess f ential compa ds. was not off anys record

4 4



2.1 Ad dvertising Agency g
An adv vertising ag gency or ad agency is a service business d d s devoted to c creating, pl lanning and d handlin advertisin and som ng ng metimes oth forms of promotion for its cli her f n ients. An ad agency is d s autonom mous and in ndependent from the cl lient and provides an o outside poin of view to the efforts nt o s and atte empts of sel lling the cli ient's products or servic An age ces. ency can als handle on the whole so n e marketi and bran ing nding strate egies and sal promotions for its c les clients. Typical ad agency clients co l y omprise bus sinesses and corporatio d ons, non-pr rofit organizations and d governm agenci Agencie may be h ment ies. es hired to prod duce an adv vertising cam mpaign.

2.2 Hi istory
George Reynell, a officer at the Lon an ndon Gazett set up what is be te, elieved to be the first b t advertis sing agency in London United K y n, Kingdom, in 1812. This remained a family bu s usiness until l 1993, as Reynell & Son, and is now p of the TMP Worl a part ldwide agency (UK a Ireland) and ) trading under the b brand TMP Reynell. e rican advert tising agenc in Phila cy, adelphia in 1850. This s Volney B. Palmer opened the first Amer ds d clients in v various new wspapers p produce "ph hotographs, agency placed ad produced by its c ypes and da aguerreotyp His ads were the first whose typeface a fonts were distinct pes. s e and w t ambroty from th text of the publicatio and from that of other advertise he e on m ements. At t time all newspaper that l r ads wer set in aga and only agate. His use of larg distinctive fonts cau re ate y s ger used a sensation. Later r that sam year Rob Bonner ran the firs full-page ad in a new me bert r st wspaper.

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In 1864 William J 4, James Carl lton began s selling adve ertising spa in religi ace ious magaz zines. James s Walter Thompson joined thi firm in 1868. Thom n is mpson rapi idly became their best salesman, e purchas sing the com mpany in 18 and ren 877 naming it th James W he Walter Thom mpson Comp pany, which h today is the oldest American advertising agency. R s t g Realizing tha he could sell more space if the at e compan provided the service of develop ny d e ping content for adverti t isers, Thom mpson hired writers and d artists t form the first known Creative Department in an advertising age to n t ency. He is credited as s the "fath of mode magazin advertisin in the U her ern ne ng" US.

2.3 Mi ission Sta atement

To bec come our clients com mpetitive adv vantage and help main d ntain their e edge so that they never t r look els sewhere for any adverti r ising solutio on.

2.4 Vision
To constantly striv for a deeper unders ve standing of human beh f havior and adding val at every lue y stage of our clients communication need efficiently creatively a uniquel f s d and ly

2.5 Ad dgroup Se ervices

List of services Ad s dgroup prov vides to its c clients are as follows Communication arts re esearch developmen nt Campaign d Business Th heatre/ Event Mngt. Public Rela ation Campa aigns Film produ uction Animation Media pla anning and b buying Out-door advertising Print adve ertising Point of sa ales Packaging design g Publicatio design on

6 6


Graphic design In shop disp plays Behavior C Change Com mmunication n

Relationsh Marketi hip ing ces Web Desi & Servic ign

2.6 Ke Service Areas ey e

Custom Commu mer unications Back to B Back Custo omer Service Support Image and B Brand Corporate I Strategy ations Media Rela Gover rnment Rel lations Lobbying Alliances Perception Marketing n g

rate Relatio ons Corpor Mergers an Alliances nd s Calendar M Management t Media Rela ation

Media Briefings a Developm ment of P Press Relea ases, Essays, Ph hoto Stories & Articles s, Coordinat tion with ne agencie ews es Placement in newspa t aper and oth her

7 7


Crisis M Manageme ent Identifying & Tracking Issues g Damage C Control (M Micro, Macr ro)

Media Monitorin a ng Daily New Clipping Service ws gs Media Reports and Summaries

Produc ctions Television and Radio production p Documenta aries 3D Animat tions (Anim mated Videos) Edutainmen nt Talk Shows s Quiz Program ws Road Show

Adver rtising Newslette (Internal & External ers l l) Brochures s Leaflets a Mail sho and ots Conferenc and Train ce ning Materi ial Annual Re eports Advertisem ments Outdoor P Publicity

Resear & Deve rch elopment Formative R Research Message Pr re-testing Impact Eva aluation

2.7 Ad dgroup-A Perfect F of Tale & Tec A Fit ent chnology

In del livering su uperior co ommunicatio & ma on arketing s solutions, The Adgr roup gives s commu unication too that are attractive, accurate, cu ols ustomer friendly and s structured to maximize o e
8 8


sales. T There is a rig combina ght ation of tale and technologies a ents assembled to improve your bottom o y m line. To transform concepts into powerful offline and onlin commun o m e ne nications, th Adgroup he p utilizes a strategic marketing approach, employing a unique ble of resou e end urces. Prese ented below w is the de etail of Adg groups in-h house audio/ /video prod duction facil lities.

2.7.1 In House Au n udio/Video Studio Edi iting Facilit ties Equipm ment: Two uncom mpressed NL Matrox SD & HD S LE Suits All Matrox NLE Solut x tion One Beta C Record (180P) Cam der DV Cam V VTR (DSR 4 45P) DV Cam V VTR (1500 A AP) Sony Profe essional Cam mcorder 250 P 0 Sony DV C Camera (400 PL w Wide a Cam a with angle lense) VCRs of di ifferent mak kes. Peavey Sou Mixer. A und Audio recor rding facilit for radi spots and commentar ties io d ries. Multimedia projector f presenta a for ations. A complete chroma sh e hoot capable studio for indoor shoo and prod shots. e ots duct Complete ENG shift which includes a D t DVCam Ca amera (250 400PL) 6 lights, 0P, ), n rs. cameraman and helper Digital Still (Sony Cyb bershot H11 Nikon D4 photography indoor and outdo 1, 40) r oor.

9 9


Software Operat ting System m MS M window 2000 prof ws fessional. MS M window XP pro ws Editing g Anima ation Adobe Prem A miere pro. 3D 3 Studio M Max Autodesk Maya 8.5 A M Elastic Real E lity. 3rd party Renderer, Men Ray & V Ray nta Compo ositing Adobe Aftereffects 7.0 A DiscreetLog Combus D gic stion 2.0 Design ning Adobe Phot A toshop 7.0 Corel Draw 11.0 C Audio Adobe Audi A ition 2 Cakewalk C

10 0


2.7.2 Designing St tudio ware Hardw Two Apple Macintosh Systems e h Ten P-IV P PCs, Twelve P-III PCs e Two Laptop P-III (De Compaq ps ell, q) Multi Medi Projector ia r 2 Scanners 1 Laser Prin Phase 7300 Tek nter er ktronix by X Xerox. 2 HP Laser DeskJet 11 r 180C Color Printers an 2 Color P nd Printers (Eps son) 3 HP Laser B/W Printe r ers

Software Operat ting System m: MS wi indows 200 professio 00 onal. MS wi indows XP. . Microsoft Window 7. ws Design ning: e p Adobe Photoshop CS Corel Draw 11.0

11 1


2.7.3 Pr & Elec rint ctronic Pro oduction Fa acilities INP Indepen ndent News Pakistan (INP) is a sister conc s cern of Ad dgroup and is trend-se etting news s produci organiza ing ation. It is a multi-dim mensional es stablishmen which pro nt ovides new service in ws n English Urdu, and Sindhi lan h, d nguages and is aspiring to add Ara d g abic to its p platform to enhance the e e cachet o readershi INP is a providing quality n of ip. also news pictur and vide clips to hundreds of res eo h f subscrib bers in Pak kistan and abroad thr rough its b bureaus in all the pr rovincial ca apitals, and d Muzaff farabad and hundreds o correspon of ndents spread across th length an breadth of Pakistan he nd n and abr road. For fur rther details visit www s . Zodiac Commerci (Pvt.) lt ial td Adgrou has Inup -house Pro oduction House, unde a separ er rate registe ered name, ZODIAC , C COMM MERCIAL (Pvt) Ltd. M Modern me ethods and m materials fo an unbe orm eatable com mbination in n our aud dio-visual department. Fully comp puterized st tudio benefi from a w its wide range of software e designe to keep u with late trends. T ed up est They ensure maximum visual imp e m pact and ef fficacy with h their No on-Linear e editing suite VTRs an digital ca es, nd ameras. The are in a p ey position to provide best p t possible services t their clien This is made poss e to nts. sible not on by imply nly ying latest t technology, but also by employ o ying the be available workforce transform est e e, ming that wo orkforce int one unit, to one team and induc m cing a one for all-all f one mec for chanism.

2.8 Ad dgroup Te eam

Adgrou team is a diverse group of seasoned marketin commun up s o d ng nication pr rofessionals s represen nting discip plines that r range from advertising and mark m g keting to be ehavior cha ange, public c
12 2


relation packagin and web design. A ns, ng b After determ mining clien needs, A nts Adgroup as ssembles its s right cr reative peop for spec ple cific project It always leads with experience team me t. h ed embers who o understand how to deliver hig gh-quality w work.

In addit tion Adgrou coordina all aspe of your project, en up ates ects r nsuring that creative an technical t nd l resources intersect at establis t shed critical milestones so that yo project is on time and within l our n budget. The Adgro has asse oup embled the p perfect com mbination of talents, ski and tech f ills hnologies to o meet yo needs ex our xactly:

Marketing Strategists and e Translators a Editors and Technical a Creative Writers, T Researcher rs BCC Speci ialist Graphic/Web Designers ammers Web Progra Custom Technology D Developers Multimedia Specialists a s Photograph and Vid hers deographers s

Presented below is the detail of the Adg s groups tech hnical, adm ministrative and financial capacity y for man nagement of public hea sector d f alth development programs. t

Syed As Salahud sif ddin - Chief Executive f Adgrou is headed by the C up d Chief Execu utive of the company. Holding a Bachelor degree in e rs n Econom mics, he ha extensive experience of over a decade in multi-med advertis as e n dia sing, which h
13 3


includes CNN In nternational the Inte l, ernational Herald Tri ibune, New wsweek In nternational, , ngton Post, a The Far Eastern Ec and r conomic Re eview. Washin He has vast exper rience in marketing, 6 years experience wit the airlin industry and public m th ne c relation with Row ns wland PLC, the largest p public relati ions agency in the wor y rld. He has participat s ted in vari ious seminars and sy ymposia alo ong with t the VIPs in London, i Washin ngton, Zuric and Sing ch gapore. Mr Salahuddin is widel recognize and resp r. ly ed pected as a thoroug professio gh onal, serving renowned organizatio in the ad g ons dvisory capacity. a. Tech hnical Capa acity DEPAR RTMENT O CLIEN SERVIC OF NT CES Name Mr.Kar ramat Ali Chu ughtai Designation D n G.M G Client Services Qualifica ation Bachelor degree rs in Journa alism Experien nce - 16 ye ears exper rience in Advertisin ng experienc in: ce - BCC & Social Marketing M Projects of Malaria & T.B a y nd funded by Global fun -Experien nce of social sector campaign for Population and ns Health s sector espe ecially of EPI/Polio o, Nationa al AIDS including

Control P Program. Mr.Tari iq Sattar Account Ma A anager MBA, M MCS Rich exp perience of dealing with pro ojects of of of Election Pakistan, Population P
14 4

Commissi ion Ministry


Welfare, DFID

Huawei, British

OGRA, High

ion, UNDP Commissi Mr.Usm man Ashraf Account Ma A anager MBA Rich exp perience of working f with proj jects of Ministry of M Health, D DOMC BC CC, NTP BCC, NL LC,SHRDC,PIMS Mr.Kas shif Rehman n Account Ma A anager Graduate e, Diploma in CS Experienc of work ce king with CBR, M MoIB, IESC CO, SME Bank, AJK Govt K Mr.Mas soodur-Rehm man Account Ma A anager MBA Experienc of deal ce ling with PBC, Re Crescent Society, ed t Comsats I ISP, SST, Cosmetica, C PASDEC Mr.Tau uqeer Ahmed Account Ex A xecutive MBA Experienc of work ce king with National T Control Program T.B l

CREAT TIVE & ST TRATEGY DEVELO Y OPMENT Mr. Eh htasham Abbas Director C D Creative & Strategy S MBA Valuable experie ence of

variety of campaign writing v strategies for PTC CL, MoH, MoPW, Plan Pakistan,

Tourism, Centaurus, DV Com, AIMAN, FB NEF, BR, KSM, PA NHA, OM OGDC PTV, MV, CL, Traffic Po olice, V Wir reless Mr.Fara az Alam Director C D Creative & Communica C ation BFA 19 year rs experi ience of

building brands in various n Advertisin agencies ng s

15 5


Experienc of work ce king with ptcl, uf fone, peps si, Bank

Alfalah, h habib Bank, Siemens, , Centaurus gtz, FBR Paiman, s, R, tv1, Dupo ont Mr.Rah hat Majeed d Creative Ma C anager Masters i English in Language e Literature e & Experienc of work ce king with Ministry of Health, Ministry , ation Welfa fare, FBR, of Popula PTCL, P PTDC, Mi inistry of Commerc ce, Livestock k Ministry & of Dairy

Developm ment, ANF, OGDCL, Star Mar arketing (R Real state Marketing USF, ICT R&D g), I Fund, C CDNS, Ministry of Informatio NHA, NEPRA, on, Ministry of Env vironment,

ENERCO AEDB. ON, Mr.Rafi fique Ahmed Creative Ma C anager Masters i English in Language e Literature e & Experienc of creat ce tive work with Ministry of of f Health,


Population P

Welfare, FBR, PTCL, PTDC, Ministry of Commerce, C

of k Ministry o Livestock & Dairy Developm ment, ANF, OGDCL, USF, ICT R&D Fun CDNS, T nd, Ministry of Inf formation,

NEPRA, Ministry of NHA, N Environm ment, EN NERCON,


16 6


Pakistan Mr. Tai imoor Creative Ex C xecutive Graduate e Experienc of work ce king with IESCO, Shifa Intl. Hospital, PASDEC, USAID BEHAV VIOR CHA ANGE COM MMUNICA ATION Aishah Nisar Project Man P nager M. Sc Ps sychology Expertise in Re eport &

Proposal Writing, Behavior Change Research DEPAR RTMENT O ART & DESIGN OF Mr. Khushn nood ur Rehman n Sr. S Art DIre ector B. Cs, D Diploma in Graphics (UAE) s More than 10 years experience n e in Art t, Design ning & s, Analysis and

Communi ication with national h & intern national advertising a

agencies Mr. Qamar Shahbaz S Art A Director r B. Cs Expertise of wor rking in

Photoshop Freehan Quark p, nd, Express w renown media with ned agencies

Mr. Server


Associate A Director/ D Manager M

Art Studio

Graduate e

Experienc of wo ce orking in Corel D Draw, Ma acromedia

Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, , I Photoshop InPage p,


Khurram K

Associate A


Graduate e

Expertise in 3D Stu udio Max, aw, hop Corel Dra Photosh

Shahbaz Mr. Hamayun Saeed

Director/ Visualizer D Graphic G Visualizer V Designer/ Intermed diate



Photoshop, P

Freehand, Corel Draw InPage , w,

17 7


Mr. Ahmed Mr. Khaliq Mr.


Graphic Designer G

Intermed diate

Experienc ce


Photoshop, P

Freehand, Corel Draw InPage , w, Imran Graphic Designer G Intermed diate Expertise Photoshop p Sheikh Composer C Intermed diate Experienc in Eng ce glish and Urdu Com mposing, In nPage, MS Office Paster P Matric Experienc in Pasting Making ce g, Presentati ions in Core el Draw,

Nizamu uddin Siddiqu ui Mr. mmad Muham Naseem m Mr. Bhatti PRODU UCTION H HOUSE - Z ZODIAC COMMERC CIAL Mr. Zaf Fani far Production Manager P Sarwar Calligraphe C er Matric

Skills in C Calligraphy


year rs


pr rofessional

experienc in TV Pro ce oductions, concept writing an Event nd Managem ment Mr.Asa Ullah ad In I charge e Audio/ Valuable g producing Documen ntaries Mr. Nis Ali sar 3D 3 Animato or Bachelor r Commun nication Design of Expertise in Alias Maya 4-7, M 3D udio Stu Max, , Deep p Adobe Paints, experie ence TVCs in and

Visual Depa V artment

cts, Aftereffec

Quark Ex xpress, Core Painter, el Macromedia Freehan nd Mr.Sajjad Haider Non-Linear Editor N r Graduate e Expertise in Adobe premier, e o age, 3D Studio Max, Inpa Flash,

18 8


Freehand Mr.Arsh had Javaid A Abbassi Cameraman C n Graduate e Experienc of work ce king with Orient, K Khyber TV Sound V, View, Ad dgroup DEPAR RTMENT O MEDIA OF A Mr.Saji id Hussain n Manager M M Media B.Com(H Hons.), LLB, MB BA Diverse ex xperience o working of with se everal multimedia m

agencies Mr.Qaz zi Shahzad Idris d Media M Manager(Co M ommercial & Strategy) ) MBA Experienc of work ce king with Pepsi Adcom, Adgroup C Cola Intl, Telenor, M),

Maxus(Gr roup

Mr.Jam mshaid Mirza

Media Exec M cutive

Graduate e

Experienc of work ce king with ARY Dig gital, Adgrou up

Mr.Um mer Farooq

Media Exec M cutive

Graduate e

Experienc of work ce king with Khabrain Group, Adg group

b. Fina ancial Mana agement Capacity Mr.Am min-urRasheed d Head of Ac ccounts ACMA Rich R experi ience of wor rking with financial m f management of public health h programs p Mr.Fais sal Sheikh Accounts Executive MBA Experience E Financial F of Executive of se ector dev velopment

Managem ment

Health relat projects H ted

19 9


ministrative Capacity c. Adm Mr.Muh hamad Zubair Sr. Finance/ F MBA Diverse exp D perience of working f with w admini istrative ma anagement of o public he ealth sector projects Mr.Ade eel Ramzan n Accounts Executive M.A Econo omics Experience E admhealth a of dealing with sector

Admin Exe ecutive

projectinistr p rative conce of erns

2.9 Ma ajor Clien of Adg nts group

Loyalty to our cli y ients mean more to us than me custom satisfa ns ere mer action. In a bigger is s always better mar rketplace, w recognize that the boldest or m compre we most ehensive app proach does s ent f o c e not usually represe the best interests of our clients. We listen with care to what our clients have d ly tions behind the advert d tising needs they expre and co s ess ommunicate e in mind especiall the intent actively throughou the creati process to fit adve y ut ive ertising solu utions to the desired results, and eir d never v vice versa. Its due to this appro o oach to adv vertising that a broad range of clients have c e enjoyed long term success (M d Mr.Karamat A Chughta Ali ai)

. Below is a representative sam of orga w mple anizations t choose Adgroup. that

f Ministry of Health Pakistan In nternational Airline (PIA A) Ministry o Informat of tion (Khush hal



ment Developm

on Corporatio (PTDC) Export Pro omotion Bu ureau

20 0


Pakistan Pr rogramme) Ministry of Law, Just f tice & Hum man Rights nvestment Board of In National In nstitute of H Health Karachi Port Trust Ministry of Population Welfare f n Central Boa of Reve ard enue Heavy Mec chanical Complex Zarai Taraq qiyati Bank Islamabad. Commissio on on Science &

Nortel Ne etworks WAPDA n Population Punjab Welfare e Departm ment

hildren Edu ucation Punj jab Special Ch AJK Coun ncil Federal G Govt. Employees Hou using Foundatio (FGEHF) on )

Inter Ser rvices Pub blic Relat tions (ISPR)

H uthority (PH HA) Pakistan Housing Au Internation nal (IIU) Islam mic Univer rsity

Technology Islamabad y, d Saudi P Pak Indu ustrial and a

Agricultura Investmen Company al nt y British Cou uncil COMSATS Institute of Informati S o ion Technology y Pakistan So oftware Exp Board port State Life I Insurance C Corporation Pakistan Br roadcasting Corporatio on Shifa Limited In nternational l Hospit tals

an ust Sargodhia Spirit Tru University of Wah y Oil & Gas ment Developm

Corporatio Limited (OGDCL) on Oil & G Regula Gas atory Autho ority (OGRA) han gs Bobby Kh Holding Save the C Children UK K KHL Ko onnect Hold den

21 1


Shifa Colle of Medicine ege UNAIDS IESCO

Nera Netw works Pakistan T Telecommu unication Authority

UNICEF British Ai irways SME Ban nk

2.10 Profile of m P major com mpetitors to the co s ompany

Interfl Advert low tising The Inte erflow Grou is one of the pioneers in the fie of marke up f eld eting comm munication se ervices in Pakistan Establish 25 years ago, the In n. hed s nterflow Gro stands t oup today as the driving for in the e rce field of media, com f mmunication and adver n rtising. With 14 compa h anies and a w workforce o over of mployees in 30 differen offices ac n nt cross the cou untry, the In nterflow Gr roup brings solutions 1600 em to all cr reative need from adv ds; vertising to media buying, from ac ctivation to e event mana agement, from ou ut-of-home to specializ marketin solutions from telev zed ng s, vision to rad and prod dio duction facilitie The peop are one o its strong assets o it and tak pride in h es. ple of gest of ke having a great team. The Inte erflow Grou has brou up ught some of the world''s best comp panies in the field of m e marketing commu unication to Pakistan through strate partner egic rships and jo venture that provi oint es ide innovat tion, boldne and exce ess ellence for a stakehold all ders. Interflow is proud to be affili d iated with and to s serve many of the coun ntry's most p prominent c corporate, in nstitutional and governm ment clients. Its undying passion fo integrity a best pra g or and actices has k us ahea of the competition, kept ad and it b brings innov vation to the market pla So whil others ma be repeat e ace. le ay ting history, Interflow is busy making it!
22 2


Orient Advertisin ng With th past expe he erience of 55 years Ori ient Adverti ising has be the mark leader and they are een ket a e largest advertising agency of Pakistan, t they also ha won the highest num as mber of AP PNS awards s ellence in a advertising. It has the l largest adve ertising net twork with a total billi of Rs. 2 ing for exce billion. advertising has been s synonymous with grow confide s wth, ence skills and passion making it n t Orient a the nati ional image and instit e tute in adve ertising indu ustry. With a will to serve and ambition to h a o succeed Orient com d mbine work kforce, con nstantly bear ring fruits o continue commitm of ed ment. Orient t advertis sing continu to branc out to a wider vision of life as it grows, sh ues ch w n heltering id dentities and d nurturin brands fo its valued clients wit complete confidenc ng or d th er ce.

23 3



3.1 Or rganizatio onal Struc cture

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3.2 SW WOT Ana alysis

SWOT analysis dr T raws the crit tical strengt weakne ths; esses, oppor rtunities and threats d (SWOT from the strategic au T) udit. The audit contains a wealth o data of differing importance and s of d reliabili SWOT analysis d ity. distils these data to sh how the crit tical items from the internal and i d external audit. The number of items is sm for for e f mall rceful comm munications, and they s show where e a busine should f ess focus its atte ention.

ht analysis Figure 8: Deep insigh of SWOT a

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3.1.1 St trengths an Weakne nd esses The stre engths and weaknesses in the SW WOT analys do not list all featu sis ures of a co ompany, but t only tho relating to critical success fact ose g s tors. A list t is too lo betrays a lack of focus and an that ong s fo n inability to discriminate wh is impo y hat ortant. The strengths or weakne esses are re elative, not t absolute It is nice to be goo at some e. e od ething, but it can be a weakness if die com s mpetition is s stronger A failur to under r. re rstand true strengths can be da angerous. A well-known aircraft ft manufa acturer for years prom moted the quality of its after-sa ales service Only af e. fter another r compan acquired it did it find out that it reputation was the w ny d ts n worst in the i industry. Strengths Adgrou Advertisi has the f up ing following st trengths: First One o the oldest and larg of gest advertis sing agency in Pakista from ex y an xistence and d market shar (goodwil and repute perspecti re ll e) ive. The Or rganizations chief stren s ngth is that they have reputation to its cu t e n ustomers. It a totally ts y custome focused o er organization it is alrea serving the top pla n; ady g ayers from t main go the overnmental l bodies l like o Min nistry of Health o Pak kistan Intern national Airl (PIA) line o WA APDA o Zara Taraqiyati Bank Isla ai amabad. The quality of service is improving day by d It has a well-traine Workforc y e day. ed ce. Adgroup ha a very q as qualified base of emplo oyees who are skilled in their are of work eas k and have pr roved their competence e.

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The emplo oyees are we equipped and are hi ell d ighly skilled in research and analy d ysis, besides s Adgroup h its own S has Studios and other resou d urces neede for shooti ed ing.

Due to its reputation experienc and mar s n, ce rket share Adgroup ha some di A as ifferentiated d personal r relations with press an other types of media which it w nd a, wisely utiliz to full fill ze l the deman of the clie at its ve customiz or in ot nd ent ery zed ther words v very desired manner at d t comparativ low cost. vely

It has an i house production ho in ouse named Zodiac co d ommercial ( (Pvt) Ltd. Which is its W s core competency and strongest st trength. Weaknesse es Deep-roote in adver ed rtising and technology competitor already e y rs exist and st entering till g the industr This ma ry. ainly include Interflow and Orien who are p es w nt performing very nicely y at all aspec but few extra, of ad cts, dverting and marketing d g. The curren Human capital of A nt c Adgroup is s short as per need of the hour, thoug it is very e gh y g properly fu ulfilling the job at hand but in long run it will lead to ser e d l rious proble ems. Like at t Islamabad Client Ser rvices Depa artment only there are 8 function employe who are y nal ees e all ant Capital and surroundin ngs. handling a the work in the vast and importa area of C Adgroup i not spen is nding too m much, until recently, o getting equipped w newest on with t technology and other assets tha can contr y r at ribute cons siderably, th hough they pretend to y o have it, for instance m r movies produ uction. Dealing in mostly pub sector w n blic which is not as much be t eneficial as the private sector is.

3.1.2 O Opportunities and Thr reats Manage need to identify th main threats and o ers o he opportunitie that their company faces. The es r e purpose of the ana e alysis is to m make the m manager anticipate impo ortant devel lopments th can have hat e
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an impa on the fi act firm. The m manager shou then foc on the m probab and harm threats uld cus most ble mful s and prepare plans i advance t meet them in to m. Opportu unities occu when an e ur environmen trend pl ntal lays to a com mpany's stre ength. The ma anager shou assess each oppor uld e rtunity acco ording to its potential attractivene and the s ess e compan probabi ny's ility of succ cess. Comp panies can r rarely find i ideal opport tunities that exactly fit t t their objectives a o and resources. The d developmen of oppo nt ortunities i involves ri isks. When n evaluati opportu ing unities, the manager m must decide whether t expected returns ju e the ustify these e risks. A trend orb developme can be a threat or an opport b ent r tunity depen nding on a company's s strength The dev hs. velopment of the stee el-braced ra adial tyre w an opp was portunity fo Miehchn, or which u used its tec chnological lead to ga market share. To t rest of the industr the new ain the ry, w technology was a threat bec cause the t tyre's longe life redu er uced total demand an the new nd w heir technology made th plant obsolete. Opportuni ities: Media Wa is a very fruitful an fertile op ar y nd pportunity for Adgroup Advertisin because f p ng, e this is wha known a Information age, th one who has strong media ch at as he o g hannels and d coverage w win for sure, or in other word the one w makes more noise gets more will r n d who e e attention. unity for A Adgroup Adv vertising is that it has the ability to expand its network k 2nd opportu at least thr roughout the country a step up to Media Partnersh and p a hips with th new and he d emerging c client servic And wh more, G ce. hat Globalizatio has crea on ated such situation for r Media that it wont be wrong if A e Adgroup is a above the m moon about it. It has rip existence pe e t epute). and market share (goodwill and re

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The resear departm rch ment is we equipped and has h ell d highly skill research led hers, beside e new and f fresh gradu uates should be hired because th are pr d hey roperly equ uipped with h complicated applicatio of IT an global tre d ons nd ends. Threats: ve , ned that due to the reason that Orient is serving g Competitiv activity, as motion above t only few in ndustries an only in v nd very traditi ional manne and com er, mpetitors lik Synergy, ke Interflow a Orient are devising strategies to get more and more diversified in the field and a g e d of advertisi and supp ing porting acti ivities and b bringing up to the mark their stand k dards so that t it might be very threatening for Orient in nea future. O ar ble conomic co onditions c create problems as w well as the companys s The unstab socioec investment decisions a affected. are . n condition m might as we damage t investme decision the most ell the ent ns, t The uneven political c recent and c commonly known is o The tension in the NWFP and Northe Frontiers e ern s, o Gov vernment po olicies o Poli itical crisis o Ene ergy crisis Another ve threatening eleme is misd ery ent directed rel ligious app proach of our society o y especially i NWFP, w in where peopl normally paint the fa le aces on billb board and banners with b h black paint or simply tore it into pieces if it bears a fem charact And arg that our t, male ter. gue r religion doe not allow such mean es w ningless and vulgar act d tivities in so ociety. And its not our r yet because the electr e ronic media is bearing the same label there This ma a g e e. akes a large e portion of p population t totally cut o from age off encys range e
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4.1 Gen neral Probl lems in Adg group With Respect t Industry & Propose Suggest h to y ed tions Adgrou advertisin is very w adminis up ng well strated and profit maki organiza ing ation. It can be viewed n d very easily from th that it is Recession i effect cur his in rrently all o over the wor and almo all types rld ost s nesses are s showing the sign of bei damage by recessio through firing their employees, e ing e on , of busin cutting down salar and go ries oing deep in to the dan n ngerous situ uation of li iabilities, bu Adgroup ut p advertis sing on the other hand is hiring ne employe in almos all depart ew ees st tments and moreover is m s increasi salary of the curr ing rent employ yees with a much healthy and handsome rate as 20 as 0 percent. But there are still gap which I f ps found during my intern g nships that if fulfilled can lead to a c uitful and he ealthy outpu ut. very fru The rec commendati ions are as f follow, 4.1.1 M Market Shar re According to the S SWOT anal lysis Adgroup Advertis sing is depe ending only on the pre y esent clients s arket share and competitions is in ntensifying day by day Deep roo y. oted in adve ertising and d and ma technology compe etitors alrea ady exist a and still en ntering the industry. This main includes nly s ow ent e g ely pects, but f few extra, of adverting o g Interflo and Orie who are performing very nice at all asp and mar rketing.

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IN NTERNSHIPREPORT Solution Current Adgroup is servin a few cl tly p ng lients thoug they are the leade of the market, but gh e ers m t Adgrou has the capability t do more in such a way that it can take out almos all of its up to e e st s competitors, especially indige enous, single handedly except a few because e excess of ev verything is s bad. It i a very inf is fluential for among t competitive forces the strategie pursued b one firm rce the es by m can be successful only to ext tent that the provide competitive advantage over the competitor. ey e es competitive strategies may be lowe m ering prices best quality services etc. s, These c 4.1.2 La of Hum Capita ack man al Though employees are doing very well, b the curr h s but rent Human capital of Adgroup is alarmingly n s y short, th hough it is very prope fulfillin the job a hand but in long run it will lead to serious erly ng at n d s problem Like at Islamabad Client Serv ms. vices Depar rtment only there are 8 functional employees l s who are handling a the work in the vast and import area of Capital and surroundin e all k tant d ngs. Solution Talking about HR needs, then Adgroup has most re g n ecently iden ntified that it will do considerably y better by hiring m b more employ yees. With the referen of the recommend nce dation abov business ve, s expansi it is a n ion, necessary to hire more. 4.1.3 La of Prof ack fessionalism m The Pri Media s int staff of the Adgroup M Media alarm mingly lack profession ks nalism and modernity, they are sticking to the manua ways and avoid and l e o al lack even th necessary use of mo he y odern media a and way of comm ys munications. Solution To solv this pro ve oblem Adgroup shoul associate itself wit quality business in ld e th nstitute and d universities and o offer interns ships to M Marketing stu udying stud dents to en nsure a hum capital man l
31 1


equippe with new ed wness of tim fashion and trends even when they pass out of thei academic me, s n s ir c boundar ries. 4.1.4 Le Motivate Environ ess nment Employ yees work p properly but motivation is very lo among them, they assigned th tasks and t ns ow he d amount of leisure t t time. There is also very faint trend of extrinsic and extrin rewards y d nsic s. Solution It can b very eas managed by formal allowing them som time for some recr be sy d lly g me r reations and d other ac ctivities cri icket and ot ther sports. Additional it will b very infl lly be fluential, if agency can n manage for transpo e ortation and the resourc for recre d ces eation are provided by the agency itself. p Delegation of Author n rity Employ yees of the a agency shou be given a task and authority a they sh uld n d and hould be ask for their ked r everyda jobs and given a re ay d elax end. It is needed e especially f the crea for ative departm ment where e there is a need of constant cr s reativity and innovation to make a d n appealing a attractiv ads. And and ve d this be supported b a certain amount of motivation and encour by ragement, a that is what exactly and w y delegati odd auth ion hority advo ocates.

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According to the p profile of 20 009, Adgroup Advertis sing has been the mark leader a they are ket and e largest advertising agency of Pakistan also has w many APNS awa g won ards for ex xcellence in n advertis sing. It has the 2nd l s largest adve ertising net twork with a total bil lling of Rs 2 billion. s. Adgrou advertisin has been synonymo with gro up ng n ous owth, confid dence skills and passio making it s on t the nati ional image and instit e tute in adve ertising indu ustry. With a will to serve and ambition to h a o succeed Adgroup c d combine wo orkforce, co onstantly bea aring fruits of continue commitm ed ment. Adgrou advertisin continue to branc out to a wider visio of life a it grows sheltering up ng es ch on as s, g identitie and nurtu es uring brand for its val ds lued clients with compl leter confid dence. Adgr roup created d history now its ju defining the future Taking a quick look at the ove ust g e. k erall world advertising g y mpact of gl lobalization Adgroup has a futur full of op n re pportunities within the s e industry and the im country and global as well. y lly The futu of Adgr ure roup Advert tising depen on: nds Competitio in the clients indus on stry and Ad dvertisemen and prom nt motional bu udget of the e client. Media war globalizat r, tion and mo odernity of i information sources. n Affiliation and partner rship with o other businesses in the field of M e Media and c coordination n and cooperation with o other social platforms a groups. and Besides the above point Adgro must fo s oup ocus Strateg developm gy ment, creativ developm ve ment, Executi and pro ion oduction in order to ac chieve its g goals sustai and incre in ease marke share and et d ultimate the prof generatio ely fit on.
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nclusion 5.1 Con During six weeks o my intern of nship I work with different instr ked ructors in d different dep partments to o nowledge as I could, a I visited different c s and d clients and arranged an event and n d absorb as much kn med asks at the o organization which are summarized below n d perform some ta Visited PHA (Pakistan Highway A n Authority) for submiss sion of Ads in hardcop regarding py g t 14th August Prepared co omplete Ele ectronic Det for DMO BCC pr tail OC roject. Calculated the second for vide advertise ds eo ement for four quarte of Mala ers aria control l campaign o No. of spots x s seconds (60 and 30 sec 0 conds ad) everal phon calls from different clients and took adver ne m d rtisements orders from o m Attended se them and r referred to s studio and creative dep partment fo ad genera or ation and d designing of f advertiseme ent. Helped out in preparin a Express ng sion of inter for Ema Pakistan rest aar n. TP l ol ssion of quo otations. Visited NT (National TB Contro Program) for submis Visit to Ut tility Store Corporatio Head O on Office in Bl Area Islamabad for Ramzan lue f n Package ca ampaign. Visit to PH for the s HA samples of s standees an backdrop used at th opening ceremony nd ps heir g y at I 16/3 sector Islamab bad. alth r.Javed Proj Directo about quo ject or otations. Visit to Hea Office and met Mr Visited Min nistry of He ealth for sub bmission of bill of adve f ertisement.
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Received a release ord from Mr der r.Asad of T control P TB Program at H view Hotel Jinnah Hill H h Super.

TP ction of tax challans an submissio of Ad co nd on opies. Visited NT for collec Calculated no. of spots of Allama Iqbal Open University Advertisem s a n y ments. Submitted A Advertisem related to obnoxiou calls to P ment us PTA. Attended a event of UNICEF i partnersh with ER an f in hip RRA (Earth hquake Rec construction n and Rehabilitation) on Water Environme and San ent nitation Re esponse in E Earthquake e

Areas organ A nized by Ad dgroup Adv vertising at S Serena Hote Islamabad. el

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Mr. Karam CHughta GM Clie Services Adgroup Advertisin Interview Aug mat ai. ent s, p ng, wed, 11, 2010. F From 02:00 PM to 02:3 30PM Mr. Usman Asharaf, Senior Clie Executiv Adgrou Advertisi Intervie n ent ve. up ing. ewed, Aug 01, 2010. F From 10:00AM to 11:0 00AM Companys profile and other relat informa s d ted ation http://w www. Adgr Visited k/ July 28, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Aug 2 2010 at 0 09PM. S 12, 2010. 29, 02: Sep, 10:57AM. O 03, 201 at 08:47A Oct 10 AM. George E. b belch & Michael A. Be elch, Advert tising and p promotion: a integrate an ed Marketing communica ation perspe ective, sixth edition, pag 69-70 ge dia y on petitive prof file Orient Med company informatio for comp http://www php/ Visited Sep, 10, 20 d 010. 09:29A AM Interflow advertising c company information f competit profile for tive w.interflow-g Visited: Sep 04, 20 ml/ 010. At 01:1 10PM http://www http://deep-swot-analy ysissoftware es/sshots/de eep_ swot_analy ysis_softwar Visited: A 04, 2010, at 03:35 if/ Aug 5PM

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