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Mine Ventilation Performance Checklist

DIRECTIONS: This is a generalized performance checklist. All of the possible actions regarding the supervisors responsibilities associated with the companys mine ventilation system have not been identified. Those that have been identified may have to be adapted to your specific organization. Company trainers/signing authorities at specific workplaces may use the checklist to test for trainee competence in the application of the knowledge presented in this course in accordance with their site specific company standards, government legislation and manufacturer specifications. Course participants can also use the checklist as guide to the development of personal goals and objectives to expand and improve their performance.
YES Performance Items Page 1 of 3 1. Understands the companys mine ventilation system and the associated regulations, guidelines, standards, policies and procedures to enable the supervisor to contribute to the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment. NO


Applies ventilation principles according to government legislation, company standards and manufacturer specifications by:

Reading mine ventilation flow charts Ensuring required ventilation for operation of equipment and exposure of employees Identifying oxygen deficient areas Controlling noxious and combustible atmospheres Maintaining ventilation systems within work area Making recommendations for improvement to ventilation systems Correcting and/or reporting deficiencies


Ensures ventilation system is operating and maintained according to government legislation, company standards and manufacturer specifications by:

Checking main and auxiliary fans, vent doors and tubing in area of responsibility Correcting and/or reporting deficiencies


Controls and responds to dust exposure according to government legislation, company standards and manufacturer specifications by:

Following wetting down procedures Using dust collectors Ensuring required volumes of air Placing barricades or water curtains Using artificial suppressants Sealing off unventilated and/or abandoned work areas Providing appropriate personal protective equipment

Mine Ventilation Performance Checklist

Performance Items Page 2 of 3 5. Controls and responds to gases including, methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, aldehydes, ammonia and blasting gases according to government legislation, company standards and manufacturer specifications by: Diluting mine gases to acceptable levels Ensuring proper airflow Installing appropriate barricades/brattice Guarding/restricting areas Evacuating employees during emergency situations according to company emergency preparedness plan Maintaining ventilation equipment Controlling sources of mine gases Providing appropriate personal protective devices Communicates the principles, functions and applications of the companys mine ventilation system and associated standards, policies and procedures to each worker under his/her control by: Including topics such as sources and health effects of airborne contaminants, ventilation and air quality controls in crew safety meetings, scheduled general meetings, tailgate talks and one-onone coaching Stressing the importance of worker recognition, evaluation and control of health hazards associated with mine atmospheres at the worksite Reviewing current statistics, educational literature and other mine atmosphere related material with workers to keep workers current about health hazards associated with mine atmospheres in the workplace Providing frequent feedback on individual and group record of adherence to the safety measures put in place to control health hazards associated with mine atmospheres Encouraging workers to provide feedback and suggest ways of reducing exposure to mine atmosphere health hazards and ventilation problems they experience while doing their work Following up on recommendations made by the workers





Implements and reinforces the companys mine ventilation standards, policies and procedures: Ensuring that workers are trained and understand how to recognize and control the mine atmosphere hazards while they complete the work they are assigned Ensuring written procedures for ventilation systems and controls are available for workers under their supervision

Mine Ventilation Performance Checklist

Performance Items Page 3 of 3 7. (contd ) Implements and reinforces the companys mine ventilation standards, policies and procedures: Ensuring workers follow the written procedures for the occupational health and industrial hygiene program by: Recognizing and reinforcing workers when correct procedures are used Using coaching and constructive correction when incorrect procedures are used by workers Using progressive disciplinary procedures when a worker continues to use incorrect procedures Modeling the correct usage of procedures Reviewing the correct procedures with workers on a regular basis




Recommends improvements to senior management in order to ensure that controls and procedures for control of mine atmosphere health hazards are in place and effective in reducing worker exposure
Participant Date 1 Attempt 2 3 4 Trainers Signature Score

Trainers Comments:

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