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Sin ttulo function C = normxcorr2(varargin) %NORMXCORR2 Normalized two-dimensional cross-correlation.

% C = NORMXCORR2(TEMPLATE,A) computes the normalized cross-correlation of % matrices TEMPLATE and A. The matrix A must be larger than the matrix % TEMPLATE for the normalization to be meaningful. The values of TEMPLATE % cannot all be the same. The resulting matrix C contains correlation % coefficients and its values may range from -1.0 to 1.0. % % Class Support % ------------% The input matrices can be numeric. The output matrix C is double. % % Example % ------% template = .2*ones(11); % make light gray plus on dark gray background % template(6,3:9) = .6; % template(3:9,6) = .6; % BW = template > 0.5; % make white plus on black background % figure, imshow(BW), figure, imshow(template) % % make new image that offsets the template % offsetTemplate = .2*ones(21); % offset = [3 5]; % shift by 3 rows, 5 columns % offsetTemplate( (1:size(template,1))+offset(1),... % (1:size(template,2))+offset(2) ) = template; % figure, imshow(offsetTemplate) % % % cross-correlate BW and offsetTemplate to recover offset % cc = normxcorr2(BW,offsetTemplate); % [max_cc, imax] = max(abs(cc(:))); % [ypeak, xpeak] = ind2sub(size(cc),imax(1)); % corr_offset = [ (ypeak-size(template,1)) (xpeak-size(template,2)) ]; % isequal(corr_offset,offset) % 1 means offset was recovered % % See also CORRCOEF. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Copyright 1993-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/12/10 20:03:20 $ Input-output specs -----------------T: 2-D, real, full matrix logical, uint8, uint16, or double no NaNs, no Infs prod(size(T)) >= 2 std(T(:))~=0 A: 2-D, real, full matrix logical, uint8, uint16, or double no NaNs, no Infs size(A,1) >= size(T,1) size(A,2) >= size(T,2) double


[T, A] = ParseInputs(varargin{:}); % % % % % % % % % % % % We normalize the cross correlation to get correlation coefficients using the definition of Haralick and Shapiro, Volume II (p. 317), generalized to two-dimensions. Lewis explicitly defines the normalized cross-correlation in two-dimensions in this paper (equation 2): "Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation", by J. P. Lewis, Industrial Light & Magic. Our technical reference document on NORMXCORR2 shows how to get from equation 2 of the Lewis paper to the code below.

xcorr_TA = xcorr2_fast(T,A); [m n] = size(T); mn = m*n; local_sum_A = local_sum(A,m,n); local_sum_A2 = local_sum(A.*A,m,n); % Note: diff_local_sums should be nonnegative, but may have negative % values due to round off errors. Below, we use max to ensure the % radicand is nonnegative. diff_local_sums = ( local_sum_A2 - (local_sum_A.^2)/mn ); denom_A = sqrt( max(diff_local_sums,0) ); denom_T = sqrt(mn-1)*std(T(:)); denom = denom_T*denom_A; numerator = (xcorr_TA - local_sum_A*sum(T(:))/mn ); % We know denom_T~=0 from input parsing; % so denom is only zero where denom_A is zero, and in % these locations, C is also zero. C = zeros(size(numerator)); tol = 1000*eps( max(abs(denom(:))) ); i_nonzero = find(denom > tol); C(i_nonzero) = numerator(i_nonzero) ./ denom(i_nonzero); %------------------------------% Function local_sum % function local_sum_A = local_sum(A,m,n) % We thank Eli Horn for providing this code, used with his permission, % to speed up the calculation of local sums. The algorithm depends on % precomputing running sums as described in "Fast Normalized Pgina 1

Sin ttulo % Cross-Correlation", by J. P. Lewis, Industrial Light & Magic. % B = padarray(A,[m n]); s = cumsum(B,1); c = s(1+m:end-1,:)-s(1:end-m-1,:); s = cumsum(c,2); local_sum_A = s(:,1+n:end-1)-s(:,1:end-n-1); %------------------------------% Function xcorr2_fast % function cross_corr = xcorr2_fast(T,A) T_size = size(T); A_size = size(A); outsize = A_size + T_size - 1; % figure out when to use spatial domain vs. freq domain conv_time = time_conv2(T_size,A_size); % 1 conv2 fft_time = 3*time_fft2(outsize); % 2 fft2 + 1 ifft2 if (conv_time < fft_time) cross_corr = conv2(rot90(T,2),A); else cross_corr = freqxcorr(T,A,outsize); end %------------------------------% Function freqxcorr % function xcorr_ab = freqxcorr(a,b,outsize) % calculate correlation in frequency domain Fa = fft2(rot90(a,2),outsize(1),outsize(2)); Fb = fft2(b,outsize(1),outsize(2)); xcorr_ab = real(ifft2(Fa .* Fb)); %------------------------------% Function time_conv2 % function time = time_conv2(obssize,refsize) % time a spatial domain convolution for 10-by-10 x 20-by-20 matrices % a = ones(10); % b = ones(20); % mintime = 0.1; % % % % % % % % % t1 = cputime; t2 = t1; k = 0; while (t2-t1)<mintime c = conv2(a,b); k = k + 1; t2 = cputime; end t_total = (t2-t1)/k;

% % convolution time = K*prod(size(a))*prod(size(b)) % % t_total = K*10*10*20*20 = 40000*K % K = t_total/40000; % K was empirically calculated by the commented-out code above. K = 2.7e-8; % convolution time = K*prod(obssize)*prod(refsize) time = K*prod(obssize)*prod(refsize); %------------------------------% Function time_fft2 % function time = time_fft2(outsize) % time a frequency domain convolution by timing two one-dimensional ffts R = outsize(1); S = outsize(2); % Tr = time_fft(R); % K_fft = Tr/(R*log(R)); % K_fft was empirically calculated by the 2 commented-out lines above. K_fft = 3.3e-7; Tr = K_fft*R*log(R); if S==R Ts = Tr; else % Ts = time_fft(S); % uncomment to estimate explicitly Ts = K_fft*S*log(S); end time = S*Tr + R*Ts; % % % % %------------------------------% Function time_fft % function T = time_fft(M) Pgina 2

Sin ttulo % % time a complex fft that is M elements long % vec = complex(ones(M,1),ones(M,1)); % mintime = 0.1; % % % % % % % % % t1 = cputime; t2 = t1; k = 0; while (t2-t1) < mintime dummy = fft(vec); k = k + 1; t2 = cputime; end T = (t2-t1)/k;

%----------------------------------------------------------------------------function [T, A] = ParseInputs(varargin) iptchecknargin(2,2,nargin,mfilename) T = varargin{1}; A = varargin{2}; iptcheckinput(T,{'logical','numeric'},{'real','nonsparse','2d','finite'},mfilename,'T',1) iptcheckinput(A,{'logical','numeric'},{'real','nonsparse','2d','finite'},mfilename,'A',2) checkSizesTandA(T,A) % % % A T See geck 342320. If either A or T has a minimum value which is negative, we need to shift the array so all values are positive to ensure numerically robust results for the normalized cross-correlation. = shiftData(A); = shiftData(T);

checkIfFlat(T); %----------------------------------------------------------------------------function B = shiftData(A) B = double(A); is_unsigned = isa(A,'uint8') || isa(A,'uint16') || isa(A,'uint32'); if ~is_unsigned min_B = min(B(:)); if min_B < 0 B = B - min_B; end end %----------------------------------------------------------------------------function checkSizesTandA(T,A) if numel(T) < 2 eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidTemplate',mfilename); msg = 'TEMPLATE must contain at least 2 elements.'; error(eid,'%s',msg); end if size(A,1)<size(T,1) || size(A,2)<size(T,2) eid = sprintf('Images:%s:invalidSizeForA',mfilename); msg = 'A must be the same size or larger than TEMPLATE.'; error(eid,'%s',msg); end %----------------------------------------------------------------------------function checkIfFlat(T) if std(T(:)) == 0 eid = sprintf('Images:%s:sameElementsInTemplate',mfilename); msg = 'The values of TEMPLATE cannot all be the same.'; error(eid,'%s',msg); end

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