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90 Day Plan #1

Start / End : 1st January 2012 > 31st March 2012 Commercial Objective(s) Revenue = XX Units = YY Last Years Q1 Performance
KPI Site Visitors Leads Total Units Total ASP Total Revenue

10,000 1,000 100 10.00 1,000.00

10,000 1,000 100 10.00 1,000.00

10,000 1,000 100 10.00 1,000.00

Q1 Total 30,000 1,000 300 10.00 3,000.00

Key Performance Indicators (Targets)

KPI Site Visitors Leads Total Units Total ASP Total Revenue

20,000 2,000 200 10.00 2,000.00

20,000 2,000 200 10.00 2,000.00

20,000 2,000 200 10.00 2,000.00

Q1 Total 60,000 2,000 600 10.00 6,000.00

* These have to relate to hitting commercial objectives. KPIs are early warning indicators that you may not hit objectives and something needs to change. Add to / change such KPIs as your business requires...

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Copyright: First 10 Digital Limited -- -- 5th Floor, Calls Landing, 36-38 The Calls Leeds W.Yorkshire LS2 7EW

Goal 1 : Implement the new product range Deliverable All copy created & loaded in Product data loaded Launch email created Media Channels Live with new product Product Launched Status Red Amber Green Amber Amber Owner Joe B Joe B Joe B Joe B Joe B Deadline 28th Feb 7th March 28th Feb 28th Feb 7th March

Red = Deliverable not on track & unlikely to be done on time Amber = There are risks in play that could affect the deliverable been on schedule Green = The deliverable is on track and there is no current reason why it will not be delivered on time Goal 2 : ?? Deliverable Status Owner Deadline

Goal 3 : ??? Deliverable Status Owner Deadline


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Copyright: First 10 Digital Limited -- -- 5th Floor, Calls Landing, 36-38 The Calls Leeds W.Yorkshire LS2 7EW

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