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Winterizing your body continued

Something to ZINC About

ZINC is classi ed as a trace mineral. In a sense, it resembles vitamin C by the wide range of involvement it has with many di erent metabolic and enzymatic processes throughout the body. Zinc helps with insulin sensitivity, is essential for collagen formation and wound healing, promotes a healthy and vigorous immune system, supports the body in detoxi cation, and helps ght o free radicals. It is so essential that it's required by every cell in our bodies for everything from cell growth to immunity. Knock a Cold out Cold Zinc can help relieve symptoms and reduce the duration of the common cold, especially if used within the rst 24 hours of onset of symptoms. In a study involving 146 cold su erers, those taking zinc recovered completely after an average of 4 days, while those taking a placebo took an average of 11 days. Zinc lozenges, candy-like tablets which are sucked on or dissolve under the tongue, are known to be most e ective for colds. Too short for the ride?? Zinc is a necessary component in the growing process. Su cient zinc intake is especially crucial for children so that they can reach their full growing potential. Additionally, zinc may help growing kids eat well by increasing their sense of smell and taste, assuring a healthy appetite. Embrace your Face

the natural choice

Shmiel Weiss

Acne is a part of life for so many young people everywhere. It does not have to be this way, or at least not as severe in some cases. Zinc is a very important nutrient for acne-free skin and is e ectively used by many people to cure acne. It is involved in the production and release of various hormones. It promotes the production of good prostaglandins, thereby reducing in ammation and controlling the production of oil and sebum by the oil glands. Furthermore, it helps heal the skin and prevent scarring. Zinc is especially important for the eyes, liver, bones, prostate, and hair, and is highly concentrated in those areas. Antagonism Zinc competes with calcium and iron, but mostly with copper, for absorption. When supplementing zinc in higher doses, it may be necessary to raise copper intake as well, to prevent copper depletion. Experts recommend 1mg copper per 10mg zinc. However, many men, especially with low testosterone, are su ering from a high copper to zinc imbalance and might therefore bene t more from zinc alone without copper. High dose zinc supplementation (exceeding 100mg per day) should only be done temporarily, as needed. David Nissen Nutritional Consultant

David Nissen is a Nutritional Consultant specializing in natural healing and weight loss. For private consultation please call 646 262 1857 or email

Coming up: One more word about Winter...

3G Design Studio

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